Luis Alfonso Diaz MartinezIndustrial University of Santander | UIS · School of Medicine
Luis Alfonso Diaz Martinez
MD, Esp Pediatr, FETP, MSc Epidemiol and MEHP
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I am Pediatrician, MSc in Epidemiology and MSc in Medical Education. In this moment I work at Pediatrics and Gynecobsteric depatments at Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga - Colombia. My research interest are behevior around body modification (shaving, tatoos, piercings) among adolescents, to be a child from a preeclamtic pregnancy, and the long term effects being e in utero exposed to Zika virus.
Additional affiliations
March 2012 - present
March 2012 - present
June 1997 - November 2012
Publications (239)
In studies of migraine prevalence, it is important to be aware of the discriminative capacity of the test used. We set out to validate a Spanish translation of Michel's Standardized Migraine Diagnosis Questionnaire. The questionnaire was applied on all active students of the School of Psychology of the Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga, Colombia....
When comparing current smoking in schizophrenia patients versus the general population, the average odds ratio (OR) was 5.3 in a meta-analysis of 42 studies from 20 nations. Limited tobacco access can eliminate this strong association in some nations. Out of the 42 ORs, 37 were significantly higher than 1. Of the 5 non-significant ORs, three came f...
Nitric oxide (NO) synthesized by endothelial cells is known to be a potent vasodilator. It has been suggested that polymorphisms in endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) can affect the response of the vascular endothelium to increased oxidative stress. The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of G894T (rs1799983), intron-...
In 1995, the first Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) outbreak in Colombia in 22 years caused an estimated 75,000 human
cases, 3000 with neurologic complications and 300 fatal, in La Guajira State. Of the state's estimated 50,000 equines, 8%
may have died. An epizootic IC virus, probably introduced from Venezuela, was rapidly amplified among unva...
Polymorphisms in the endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) gene have been evaluated as risk factors for preeclampsia. However, data from small studies are conflicting. We assessed whether eNOS genotypes alter the risk of preeclampsia in a population in which the incidence of this disorder is high. A total of 844 young pregnant women (322 preeclamptic and...
Congenital heart defects have been associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes due to factors that result in a hypoxic-ischemic cerebral cumulative effect. We present a pair of fraternal twins: the first twin was healthy, and the second was born with a complex congenital heart defect (CCHD). They were followed for growth and neurodevelopmen...
Preterm birth (PTB) is a public health issue. Interventions to prolong the length of gestation have not achieved the expected results, as the selection of population at risk of PTB is still a challenge. Cervical length (CL) is the most accepted biomarker, however in the best scenario the CL identifies half of the patients. It is unlikely th...
An epidemic of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection began in Colombia in October 2015. Previous studies have identified a cause-effect relationship between fetal exposure to the ZIKV and the development of microcephaly and other central nervous system (CNS) anomalies with variable degrees of neurodevelopmental delay. Less is known about the neurodevelopment...
Transplacental transmission of Zika virus has been reported during all trimesters of pregnancy and might lead to central nervous system anomalies, including microcephaly. We report 3 cases of perinatal Zika infection identified during the epidemic in Colombia and provide detailed descriptions of clinical features, diagnosis, and neurodevelopmental...
In October 2015, an epidemic of Zika began in Colombia’s geographic areas with a high population of mosquitoes of the genus Aedes. We aimed to describe the fetal brain ultrasound findings in pregnant women with active symptoms or a history of symptoms suggestive of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection.
Material and methods
Eligible pregnant wo...
Background: INSURE (Intubation, Surfactant administration, and Extubation) therapy is controversial in managing respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in late preterm newborns. This study aims to determine whether the use of the INSURE in late preterm infants with RDS is associated with improved outcomes compared to similar infants managed with CPAP a...
Evaluar la utilidad de la ecografía de Doppler de las arterias uterinas practicada entre las semanas 18 a 23 en embarazadas hipertensas crónicas como predictora de preeclampsia con criterios de severidad o necesidad de atención en cuidados intensivos.
Estudio de cohorte, prospectivo, de evaluación de tecnología diag...
Introduction: Medical schools are responsible for breaking bad news training, which should be focused on the students; therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify undergraduate medical students’ perceptions regarding the best way to train them.
Methods: Cross-sectional anonymous survey applied between 438 >18-years-old Colombian medicine st...
To design and validate a scale to evaluate the quality of life in children and adolescents with epilepsy.
Scale validation, multicentered, three-phase study. We did a literature review for the construction of the instrument, and a validation of appearance, construct, criterion, and reproducibility. We evaluated the scale among th...
La remoción del vello genital es muy común, siendo cada vez más popular la remoción total en mujeres en edad fértil. Los principales motivos para eliminar el vello púbico son la higiene, el atractivo físico y la feminidad; sin embargo, no es una práctica exenta de complicaciones. Actualmente, existe poca información sobre esta conduct...
Las comunidades de práctica son modelos que enlazan la enseñanza clínica con el aprendizaje en el sitio de trabajo; esto facilita la construcción de la identidad profesional de los estudiantes, optimiza la atención al paciente y genera oportunidades de aprendizaje para los miembros de la comunidad hospitalaria; fomentan el cambio de modelos...
La formación médica en comunicación de malas noticias: Una revisión narrativa. Resumen: Una parte fundamental de la atención en salud es la comunicación con los pacientes y sus familias, proceso crítico a la hora de dar malas noticias. Desafortunadamente, muchos médicos no reciben entrenamiento específico durante su pregrado, desarrollando, muchas...
This commentary describes the creation of the Zika Virus Individual Participant Data Consortium, a global collaboration to address outstanding questions in Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemiology through conducting an individual participant data meta-analysis (IPD-MA). The aims of the IPD-MA are to (1) estimate the absolute and relative risks of miscarriage...
Multiple small studies have suggested that women with pre-eclampsia present elevated levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). However, little is known regarding the source of this CRP and IL-6 increase. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between CRP and IL-6 levels with pre-eclampsia considering di...
Pentraxin-3 has been reported as a promising biomarker of pre-eclampsia and its severity; however, available studies have small sample sizes, and analyses are not always adjusted for confounders. The aim of this study is to establish the strength of the association between maternal Pentraxin-3 level and pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome. It was a cas...
Background and objective: Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are considered a public health issue. The aim is to describe the clinical features, maternal - fetal outcomes of patients with this disease, who were admitted at the University Hospital of Santander (Bucaramanga, Colombia) during the first half of 2017. Method: Crosssectional
Genital hair is one of the secondary sexual traits that marks the beginning of puberty; its removal has been part of human culture since ancient times. This practice may lead to modifications in vaginal microbiome with potential repercussions on skin health and balance. We conducted a narrative review with the purpose of describing normal skin micr...
This study presents a correlation between prenatal ultrasonographic images and neuropathologic findings of postmortem tissue samples from five confirmed cases of perinatal Zika virus (ZIKV) infection belonging to the cohort of the ZEN Initiative in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Deaths occurred between June 2016 and March 2017. Mothers consulted with ZIKV...
El temblor esencial es el temblor más común. No se ha descrito la asociación entre diabetes y temblor esencial. El objetivo de este estudio de casos y controles es documentar la asociación entre diabetes mellitus y temblor esencial.
Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles en población clínica de pacientes incidentes con t...
Background: Conventional serum tumor markers (CSTM) are widely used for monitoring patients with cancer. However, their usefulness as a diagnostic tool is controversial in primary or metastatic liver cancer (PMLC). Aim: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of the most commonly requested CSTM in the diagnostic approach of PMLC. Material and Method...
Maternal serum concentrations of folate, homocysteine, and vitamin B12 have been associated with pre-eclampsia. Nevertheless, reported studies involve limited number of cases to reliably assess the nature of these associations. Our aim was to examine the relation of these three biomarkers with pre-eclampsia risk in a large Colombian popu...
Comparison between models for the association of maternal vitamin B12 with pre-eclampsia using imputed and not-imputed data.
Folic acid supplementation of participants from the GenPE study during pregnancy.
Analysis methodology of GenPE data.
Values outside the assay detection limit (DL) for homocysteine, folate and vitamin-B12 maternal levels.
Path diagram association (Directed acyclic graph—DAG) between folic acid supplementation and maternal folate levels with pre-eclampsia.
Objective: To determine the accuracy of 2D Doppler ultrasound for the diagnosis of placenta accreta in pregnant women with risk factors when compared to clinical diagnosis.
Materials and methods: Study of diagnostic accuracy assessment of placenta accreta in high-risk patients who ended their pregnancy between 2014 and 2016 at Hospital Universitari...
Introduction: In preterm newborn, problems with the interpretation of
17-OHP may occur. Objective: Evaluate 17-OHP values in healthy preterm newborns until they reach the corrected gestational age.
Methods: Longitudinal study of 36 preterm infants with 17-OHP
evaluation using ELISA from heel blood from 3 to 5 days and thereafter every 2 weeks until...
Trabajo ganador del Segundo Puesto del Premio “Trabajo de Investigación Clínica (Residentes)”, otorgado por el X Congreso SOLAMI – XXVI Congreso ACMI-ACP, Cartagena 17 – 20 de agosto de 2017 Introducción: Se ha propuesto la existencia de asociación entre queratosis seborreica eruptiva y algunas neoplasias malignas. Sin embargo, la evidencia acerca...
In preterm newborn, problems with the interpretation of 17-OHP may occur.
Evaluate 17-OHP values in healthy preterm newborns until they reach the corrected gestational age.
Longitudinal study of 36 preterm infants with 17-OHP evaluation using ELISA from heel blood from 3 to 5 days and thereafter every 2 weeks unt...
The diminish inflammatory response in patients with febrile neutropenia secondary to
chemotherapy makes it hard to discard a urinary tract infection based solely on the physical
evaluation of the patient and basic urine laboratory tests, this could lead to false negative
results with serious consequences to the patients. Objective: To define if the...
Introducción: se ha propuesto la existencia de asociación entre queratosis seborreica eruptiva y algunas neoplasias malignas. Sin embargo, la evidencia acerca de esto es pobre: tres estudios europeos de casos y controles cuyos resultados no la apoyan. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar en población colombiana la existencia o no de esta asociación....
Background and aim: Congenital adrenal hyperplasia is caused by enzymatic abnormalities in the synthesis of adrenal steroids. A pilot study was carried out to measure the values of 17- hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) in a sample of healthy full-term newborns; the present study aims to determine if birth weight or gender have differences on 17-OHP. Des...
Background: Avoiding primary C-section is the safest and most effective way of decreasing C-section rates. We analyzed circumstances and decisions made among pregnant women without history of C-section and cephalic single fetus (group B), who ended up having a Cesarean birth, to identify opportunities that may optimize the decisions about delivery....
Background: Avoiding primary C-section is the safest and most effective way of decreasing C-section rates. We analyzed circumstances and decisions made among pregnant women without history of C-section and cephalic single fetus (group B), who ended up having a Cesarean birth, to identify opportunities that may optimize the decisions about delivery....
OBJETIVO: describir las variables sociodemográficas y clínicas
relacionadas con los casos de enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica de
pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Universitario de Santander, Bucaramanga,
Colombia, y explorar su relación con la necesidad de cirugía.
MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: estudio retrospectivo y análisis de los
expedientes de pacient...
Objetivo: Se realizó el tamizaje de niños y adolescentes estudiantes de Bucaramanga y Medellín con el fin de identificar manifestaciones del Síndrome de Asperger (SA). Método: Luego de la firma del consentimiento informado por parte de los padres, se escogió en forma aleatoria 1.600 padres de niños y adolescentes de instituciones educativas de Buca...
Worldwide, burns are responsible for more than 300,000 deaths annually; infection is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in these patients. Early identification and treatment of infection improves outcome. Toward this end it's necessary to identify the institutions flora and organisms that most frequently produces infection.
Resumen Introducción y Objetivo. En el mundo, las quemaduras son causa importante de morbilidad y responsables del fallecimiento de más de 300.000 personas al año. Más del 90% de estas muertes ocurren en países con ingresos bajos o medios. El objetivo de este estudio es caracterizar los pacientes quemados hospi-talizados en el centro de referencia...
Objectives: We pretend to establish the utility of the ankle-ankle systolic pressure index (AAI) in patients with trauma in the inferior limbs and soft signs of vascular injury describing its sensitivity, specificity and predictive values according to the best cut-off point. Material and method: The cohort included 120 patients with trauma in the i...
Documento que sirve para evaluar de manera estandarizada las ponencias orales que se hacen en cualquier tipo de nivel académico en Medicina (pregrado, potgrado)
Rúbrica para evaluar objetivamente el previo oral de los estudiantes de pregrado en medicina, curso de pediatría
Seventy percent of adolescent morbidity and mortality is related to six risky behaviors. The Rapid Assessment for Adolescent Preventive Services is a screening questionnaire consisting of 21 questions but there is not a validated Spanish-language version. The obj ective of this study was to validate the Spanish-language version of the Rapid Assessm...
Proyecto en el que se estima el tiempo libre de infección (general y específica) de los pacientes quemados atendidos en el HUS en 2014
Estudio en el que se establece el valor pronóstico del sedimentos de orina y el urocultivo en el tratamiento del pacientes con neutropenia febril severa
Estudio en el que se estima la incidencia de eventos respiratorios en menores de cinco años luego de la caracterización virológica de un evento de IRA previo
Estudio en el que se establece la incidencia de eventos adversos y complicaciones en niños y niñas con tratamiento antineoplásico en Bucaramanga, Colombia
Proyecto en el que se establece la validez de criterio de las pruebas de tamizaje ASSQ, CAST y Australiana para la de la detección de enfermedades del espectro autista.
Estudio en el que se diseña y valida desde la perspectiva de contenido una escala para valorar la calidad de vida en niños y adolescentes con epilepsia
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection was the second most common cause of death, after injuries of external causes, among young adults from Bucaramanga in 2013.
To establish the extent of knowledge on HIV mechanisms of transmission prevention strategies among schoolchildren in the age range of 13 to 20 years old fr...
regional market posters RM À 043 Eruptive seborrheic keratosis (ESK) and its association with gastrointestinal cancer (GIC): a case-control study and meta-analysis Introduction: The sign of Leser-Trélat (SLT) includes the existence of ESK and cancer simultaneously. However, there is little evidence to support this association. Our objective was to...
Introduction and Objectives: genital hair shaving is a common practice in western countries for hygienic, aesthetic or erotic reasons. The aim was to establish the prevalence of genital hair removal and to see if there are differences in the practice by sex, age, body mass index or manner of violent death. Methodology: cross sectional study of 1964...
Se analizaron las circunstancias y decisiones tomadas entre gestantes sin historia de cesárea y feto único
cefálico (grupo B) que finalizaron en cesárea para identificar oportunidades que podrían optimizar las
decisiones sobre la vía del parto.!
Presentación en la que se muestra en detalle pero de forma sencilla la manera como se entiende la incidencia de los fenómenos en salud
Presentación en la que se muestra la metodología propuesta para una sesión de club de revistas en el ámbito clínico médico
Presentación en la que se explcia en detalle peor de forma sencilla el concepto de validez de criterio dentro de los elementos que conforman en concepto del diagnóstico
Setting: Three pediatric pneumatologist offices in Bucaramanga, Colombia. Objective: To establish the concordance between medical criteria and the Childhood-Asthma Control Test (cACT). Design: Study of the assessment of diagnostic technology using transverse sampling. 127 asthma patients aged between 4 and 11 years and their parents filled before c...
Introduction and Objectives: genital hair shaving is a common practice in western countries for hygienic, aesthetic or erotic reasons. The aim was to establish the prevalence of genital hair removal and to see if there are differences in the practice by sex, age, body mass index or manner of violent death. Methodology: cross sectional study of 1964...
INTRODUCCIÓN: La remoción del vello genital es cada vez más común entre hombres y mujeres por razones higiénicas, estéticas o eróticas. Sin embargo no se cuenta con información suficiente sobre la frecuencia de las complicaciones clínicas que implica hacerlo.
OBJETIVO: Establecer la prevalencia de las condiciones clínicas secundarias a la remoción...
RESUMEN Objetivo: los embarazos gemelares implican mayor riesgo de complicaciones materno-fetales que los embarazos únicos, particularmente en los mo-nocoriales. El objetivo del trabajo fue describir las características clínicas y los desenlaces materno-fetales, por tipo de placenta (monocorial o bicorial), de los embarazos gemelares atendidos en e...
strong>Objetivo: los embarazos gemelares implican mayor riesgo de complicaciones materno-fetales que los embarazos únicos, particularmente en los monocoriales. El objetivo del trabajo fue describir las características clínicas y los desenlaces materno-fetales, por tipo de placenta (monocorial o bicorial), de los embarazos gemelares atendidos en el...
INTRODUCCIÓN Y OBJETIVOLa prueba de control de asma infantil (Childhood- Asthma Control Test, C-ACT) fue diseñada para evaluar, desde la perspectiva de los pacientes y sus cuidadores, el control que se logra. Incluye dos subescalas, una para los padres y otra para los hijos. El objetivo del estudio fue establecer la concordancia entre el criterio m...
Introduction: This study describes the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and the cardiac geometry and heart function assessed by transthoracic echocardiography.
Materials and methods: We analyzed 5,898 echocardiographic studies in an age range between 18.0 and 98.6 years.
Results: The BMI ranged from 15.23 to 49.61 kg/m2. The increased BM...
Introduction: Twin pregnancies, especially monochorionic placentations, are associated with a higher rate of maternal and foetal complications when compared to singleton pregnancies. The objective of this work was to describe the clinical characteristics and the maternal and foetal outcomes according to the type of placentation (monochorial or dich...
JPER is a multi-disciplinary journal that promotes the health of the preterm infant.
Introducción. La presión positiva continua en la vía aérea (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, CPAP) es útil en prematuros de 28 a 32 semanas de gestación con síndrome de dificultad respiratoria, pero no se ha precisado si es mejor que la respiración mecánica asistida después de la administración precoz de surfactante pulmonar.
Objetivo. Comparar...
Introducción: El trastorno por déficit de atención e
hiperactividad es una condición mental que afecta a niños y
adolescentes con prevalencia estimada de 5.3% en la
población mundial y en Colombia es de 19-24% en hombres
y 10-12% en mujeres. Su etiología es multifactorial, entre
ellos se encuentra la hipoxia como factor del medio
ambiente uterino;...
Propósito: el signo de Leser-Trélat conjuga la presencia simultánea de queratosis seborreica eruptiva con una neoplasia maligna, pero existen publicaciones de pacientes con queratosis con o sin la neoplasia. Se buscó establecer si hay evidencia sobre esta asociación para considerar la potencialidad de la aparición de tales lesiones dermatológicas c...
Resumen Introducción: Las lesiones de causa externa son frecuentes razones de mortalidad en<18 años. Desde 2009 se registra en línea y tiempo reallas muertes que ocurren en Santander y atendidas en el INMLyCF o los médicos en Servicios Social Obligatorio. El objetivo es caracterizar las personas y mecanismos de lesión de los <18 años que murieron e...
Objective: To show that female pubic hair shaving, a common current practice, is the result of changing trends in dress and fashion, and of the marketing strategies of the manufacturers of hair removal devices; and to consider what women today argue as their reasons for this practice. Materials and methods: The historical background for pubic hair...