Luis A Cubillos

Luis A Cubillos
University of Concepción · Departamento de Oceanografía

Doctor in Oceanography


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January 1991 - February 2004
Instituto de Investigación Pesquera
  • Principal Investigator
March 2004 - present
University of Concepción
  • Professor (Assistant)
January 1989 - December 1990
Arturo Prat University
  • Instructor


Publications (184)
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Humans have transformed ecosystems through habitat modification, harvesting, species introduction, and climate change. Changes in species distribution and composition are often thought to induce biotic homogenization, defined as a decline in spatial beta diversity through time. However, it is unclear whether homogenization is common in ocean ecosys...
Recruitment is a critical process in the dynamics of fish populations since it represents the abundance of new fish that enter a population each year. In Ekman-type upwelling ecosystems, wind is a critical factor for small pelagic fish recruitment, as it controls food availability and physical constraints such as turbulence and offshore advection....
Con el objeto de determinar capturas totales permisibles (CTP), se propone el uso de un rango de capturas definido entre valores mínimos y máximos aceptables. El límite superior (Ymax) debe fijarse sobre la base de criterios biológicos, mientras que criterios sociales y económicos deben ser considerado para fijar el límite inferior (Ymin). El enfoq...
Se analiza el retrocálculo del peso promedio a la edad con el objeto de determinar si este procedimiento se debe considerar como un aspecto separado del retrocálculo de la longitud en estudios de edad y crecimiento. Se simuló la historia de vida de 350 ejemplares, los cuales fueron capturados a partir de la edad 3 hasta la 9. Con estos datos se eva...
Se estima mensualmente la biomasa, el reclutamiento y la mortalidad por pesca de la anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) de la zona norte de Chile (18o21'S-24°00'S), en el período 1986-1989, mediante el Análisis de Población Virtual estructurado para datos de frecuencia de longitud. La serie de tiempo del reclutamiento considera a peces de 7,25 cm de long...
Se realiza un análisis retrospectivo de la evaluación de stock del recurso merluza común de la zona centro-sur de Chile (30° S-40° S), con el objeto de identificar sesgos en la evaluación que se realiza anualmente mediante el Análisis Secuencial de la Población (ASP) con proceso de sintonización ad hoc, utilizando la captura por unidad de esfuerzo...
Se realiza una evaluación del stock de merluza común (Merluccius gayi Guichenot, 1848) explotado en la zona centro-sur de Chile (30°S-40°-S), mediante el método Análisis de Reducción deStock (ARS) en el período 1940-1991, con el objeto de estimar la captura máxima equilibrada (CME) en función de la tasa de mortalidad por pesca. Los resultados indic...
La evaluación de recursos pesqueros a menudo se realiza a través de la relación entre las capturas o captura por unidad de esfuerzo y los esfuerzos de pesca anuales. Esta relación se utiliza para establecer niveles adecuados con el objeto de asegurar la conservación del recurso y por ende la explotación pesquera. Dado que las capturas, captura por...
Spatiotemporal patterns on fishing success and catch rates were analyzed for the southern king crab (Lithodes santolla) fishery in Chilean Patagonia (48ºS-55ºS). The analysis considered the effects of physical barriers on the spatial distribution within two complex coastal geography fishing zones. The north zone (50-54 • S), close to Puerto Natales...
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Seaweed aquaculture has become a profitable and an attractive alternative of cultivation thanks to its quick biomass production for food, feed, and other non-food applications. In addition, the ecosystem services generated by seaweed cultivation towards carbon fixation represents a more sustainable solution to the ocean's acidification. The growth...
Technical Report
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El objetivo general del estudio fue evaluar el stock desovante de anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) y sardina común (Strangomera bentincki) durante el período de máxima actividad reproductiva, en el área comprendida entre las regiones de Valparaíso y de Los Lagos, al mismo tiempo evaluar las condiciones oceanográficas durante este proceso. El crucero d...
Technical Report
El crucero de evaluación directa de langostino amarillo, langostino colorado y camarón nailon de 2022 se desarrolló en un contexto todavía marcado por la pandemia de COVID19 que ha afectado al país desde 2020. Sin embargo, se adoptaron todas las medidas sanitarias pertinentes que permitieron desarrollar con éxito la evaluación de los tres recursos....
Technical Report
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Report of Workshop 5 Recent Advances in the Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM): Challenges and Opportunities, in the symposium of Small Pelagic Fish: New Frontiers in Science and Sustainable Management, November 7-11 (2022), Lisbon, Portugal. The workshop focused on recent methodological developments applying the DEPM in different regions and parti...
Technical Report
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Se presentan resultados del proyecto “Evaluación del stock desovante de anchoveta y sardina común entre las regiones de Valparaíso y Los Lagos, año 2021”, cuyo objetivo general fue evaluar el stock desovante de los recursos anchoveta y sardina común durante el período de máxima actividad reproductiva. Además, se entregan resultados de las condicion...
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The dusky finless skate Gurgesiella furvescens appears sporadically as part of the bycatch in the trawl fishery targeting demersal crustaceans on the continental shelf and upper slope of the north-central area of Chile (26ºS-33ºS). Demersal crustaceans could be forage for deep-water predators such as G. furvescens, and sizes and shapes of prey eate...
Technical Report
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El crucero de evaluación directa de langostino amarillo, langostino colorado y camarón nailon de 2021 se desarrolló en un contexto todavía marcado por la pandemia de COVID19 que afecta al país. Sin embargo, se adoptaron todas las medidas sanitarias pertinentes que permitieron desarrollar con éxito la evaluación de los tres recursos. El apoyo de las...
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Artisanal fisheries are essential, but for most the status of the stock supporting the fishing activity remains unknown due to lack of data and difficult access to sampling. For example, the artisanal fishery of sea silverside Odontesthes (Austromenidia) regia, in the Los Lagos administrative region of Chile, requires a data-limited approach to det...
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The abundance of juvenile fish changes due to endogenous processes, and determining the functional relationships among conspecifics is essential for fisheries’ management. The hake (Merluccius gayi) is an overexploited demersal fish widely distributed in Chile, from 23°39′ S to 47°00′ S in shallow and deep water over the continental shelf and shelf...
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Spatial patterns in fish distribution determine most fishing opportunities and tactics learned by fishers. To determine fishing opportunities and recurrent fishing grounds of deepwater fish such as the cardinalfish (Epigonus crassicaudus) in the south‐central zone of Chile, we analyzed records of fishing logs covering the period 1999–2007. Fishing...
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River runoff to the coastal zone is one of the most important environmental variables that influences the structure and functioning of the neritic trophic web and modulates temporal fluctuations of coastal fishery production in many ecosystems worldwide. The relationship between recruitment of anchovy (Engraulis ringens) and common sardine (Strango...
The management of small pelagic fisheries is a complex task due to its large variability of both environmental and biological processes. This high variability can impact the reliability of stock assessment models and fishery management recommendations. When this occurs, management decisions should explore alternative control rules based on empirica...
The Territorial Use Rights for Fisheries (TURF) system are a kind of marine property where user rights are assiged to collective entities of artisanal fishers’ organizations. But their effectivity continues to be limited, which demands a comprehensive evaluation of their social, economic, and ecological performance. Consequently, the practical inte...
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Increasing attention is paid to the interdependence between the ecological and human dimensions to improve the management of natural resources. Understanding how artisanal fishers see and use the common-pool resources in a co-management system may hold the clue to establishing effective coastal fisheries policies or strengthening existing ones. A m...
In habitats impacted by bottom trawling that influences the resilience of few and widely distributed abundant species, it is relevant to analyze how populations are structured according to their niche and niche overlap, and hence contributing to the ecosystem-based management approach. We evaluated and compared the isotopic niche width and determin...
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Proyecto: Fortalecimiento de la capacidad de adaptación en el sector pesquero y acuícola chileno al cambio climático Manual de capacitación en adaptación al cambio climático para pesca y acuicultura en Chile Financiado por
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Marine biota are redistributing at a rapid pace in response to climate change and shifting seascapes. While changes in fish populations and community structure threaten the sustainability of fisheries, our capacity to adapt by tracking and projecting marine species remains a challenge due to data discontinuities in biological observations, lack of...
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Climate variability and predation influence the fluctuations in the recruitment of exploited marine populations. This study analyses the dynamics of the recruitment of the nylon shrimp (Heterocarpus reedi Bahamonde 1955) over the period 1968 and 2015, considering the influence of climate variability and the biomass of hake (Merluccius gayi), as a p...
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Marine biota are redistributing at a rapid pace in response to climate change and shifting seascapes. While changes in fish populations and community structure threaten the sustainability of fisheries, our capacity to adapt by tracking and projecting marine species remains a challenge due to data discontinuities in biological observations, lack of...
The upwelling ecosystem of central southern Chile sustains the pelagic common sardine and anchovy fisheries, which are managed by setting a global quota allocated to small-scale (artisanal) and industrial fishers. A prearranged spatial allocation of quotas for small-scale fishers is based on historical landings rather than the current spatial distr...
The Inland Sea of Chiloé is a semi-enclosed sea of northern Patagonia characterized by freshwater inputs from a fjord in the north and high influence of offshore waters in its southern sub-basin. The zone has been referred to as an important fish nursery ground. In order to assess its relevance as a spawning ground and the strategies for temporal c...
Technical Report
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El objetivo general del estudio fue evaluar el stock desovante de anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) y sardina común (Strangomera bentincki) durante el período de máxima actividad reproductiva, en el área comprendida entre las regiones de Valparaíso y de Los Lagos, al mismo tiempo evaluar las condiciones oceanográficas imperantes durante este proceso. P...
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Marine biota is redistributing at a rapid pace in response to climate change and shifting seascapes. While changes in fish populations and community structure threaten the sustainability of fisheries, our capacity to adapt by tracking and projecting marine species remains a challenge due to data discontinuities in biological observations, lack of d...
The daily egg mortality (Z) of small pelagic fish can be modulated by environmental variables as well as by population derived factors such as egg production and/or dispersion and aggregation processes. The anchovy daily egg mortality rate was compared across spawning areas distributed in the North (18∘25’S-26º03’S), Central (34º30’S-37º10’S), and...
Technical Report
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Evaluación del stock desovante de anchoveta y sardina común entre la V y X Regiones, año 2018 SUBSECRETARÍA DE ECONOMÍA Y EMT, Octubre 2019
The procedures used to estimate the daily spawning fraction of northern Chile anchovy (Engraulis ringens) have been revised based on information from 17 Daily Egg Production Method (DEPM) survey estimates of the anchovy spawning biomass. The most commonly used spawning marker is postovulatory follicles (POFs). POFs are transitory remnants of the ov...
Analyses of the dynamics of exploited marine populations show that population variations and tendencies are as often related to recruitment outcomes as to the anthropogenic effects of fishing. For small pelagic fishes such as sardines and anchovies in particular, environmental variability has been described as one of the primary forcings affecting...
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Con el objeto de determinar la estrategia reproductiva de la sardina Sardinops sagax frente al Perú, se analizaron indicadores reproductivos que permitieron evaluar la influencia de la presión de pesca y climático-oceanográfica sobre ellos, en el periodo 1978-2005. Se observó una reducción significativa de la talla de madurez y desove, lo que se ev...
A key factor in population models, the temporal scale, should both reflect intra-annual biological processes and avoid over-parameterization. We applied the separability assumption to model recruitment process error as additive effects of random annual deviates and quarterly fixed effects (QFEM) to improve our understanding of intra-annual recruitm...
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The aggregation of plankton species along fjords can be linked to physical properties and processes such as stratification, turbulence and oxygen concentration. The goal of this study is to determine how water column properties and turbulent mixing affect the horizontal and vertical distributions of macrozooplankton along the only northern Patagoni...
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Se evalúa a través de diferentes estrategias de explotación el tiempo requerido para llegar al 50% de probabilidad de recuperación del stock de la raya volantín.
Technical Report
Se resume los principales tópicos tratados y actividades realizadas en el marco del curso de postgrado "Enfoque Poblacional para la Recuperación de Stocks", dictado por Luis A. Cubillos-CEO Lab. EPOMAR e investigador COPAS Sur-Austral, en dependencias del Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero, Mar del Plata, Argentina, desde el 11 al 15...
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The Puyuhuapi Fjord is an atypical fjord, with two mouths, located in northern Patagonia (44.7° S). One mouth lies to the south, close to the Pacific Ocean, whilst the second connects with the Jacaf Channel to the north where a shallow sill inhibits deep water ventilation contributing to the hypoxic conditions below ~ 100 m depth. Acoustic Doppler...
Conference Paper
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Management strategy simulation is a useful tool for evaluating expected performance of management procedures (MPs) against economic and conservation objectives. Successful MPs are necessary not only for conservation of exploited stocks, but also for strengthening economic resilience of fisheries. We used management strategy simulations to explore M...
Conference Paper
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A partir del análisis crítico de aspectos biológicos, ecológicos, ambientales y pesqueros, se resumen las brechas de conocimiento, problemas y desafíos en anchoveta en Chile. Los productos de este Taller conllevan a la priorización de la investigación en aspectos básicos de la historia de vida, principalmente relacionados con el pronóstico del recl...
Interannual changes in size-at-maturity (Lm) of common sardine, Strangomera bentincki, were evaluated for the period 2007-2012 in the south-central area of Chile. Data consisted of microscopic maturity stages of female ovaries, which were collected during the reproductive peak each year. Immature females were identified from mature females and a lo...
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Interannual changes in size-at-maturity (Lm) of common sardine, Strangomera bentincki, were evaluated for the period 2007-2012 in the south-central area of Chile. Data consisted of microscopic maturity stages of female ovaries, which were collected during the reproductive peak each year. Immature females were identified from mature females and a lo...
In age-structured fisheries stock assessments, ageing errors within age composition data can lead to biased mortality rate and year-class strength estimates. These errors may be further compounded where fishery-dependent age composition data are influenced by temporal changes in fishery selectivity and selectivity misspecification. In this study, w...
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The austral sardine has an extensive distribution within inner and outer waters along fiords, channels, and the continental shelf of the Chilean Patagonia, from Puerto Montt to Tierra del Fuego and extending to southern Argentina. With the aim of determining differences in morphology and shape of sagittal otoliths of the austral sardine, samples we...
Conference Paper
Important nursery grounds for Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus) are located mainly in the Northwest Patagonian Inner Sea (42ºS-44ºS), from which juvenile must to disperse or migrate offshore, then along the Chilean coast either northward or southward. The objective of this paper was to estimate northward spring juvenile migration of th...
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Detailed knowledge of the life history parameters of chondrichthyans is required to assess their population status and vulnerability to fishing mortality. The objective of this study was to estimate growth, maturity length (LM50%), longevity (Emax) and natural mortality rate (M) of the cockfish, Callorhinchus callorynchus, in the San Matías Gulf, A...
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Detailed knowledge of the life history parameters of chondrichthyans is required to assess their population status and vulnerability to fishing mortality. The objective of this study was to estimate growth, maturity length (LM50%), longevity (Emax) and natural mortality rate (M) of the cockfish, Callorhinchus callorynchus, in the San Matías Gulf, A...
Conference Paper
The study area encompasses the Puyuhuapi fjord (300 m depth) and Jacaf channel (200-400 m depth), located at ∼44° S in Patagonia. The Puyuhuapi fjord is connected to the open ocean by two mouths, where at one mouth, a shallow sill inhibits ventilation of deep fjord water. This study is aimed to improve our understanding of the zooplankton distribut...
Conference Paper
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The austral sardine (Sprattus fuegensis) is the target fish of a small-scale fishery operating in the Patagonian waters off Chile (41 • 30'S-46 • 00'S). The annual catches have fluctuated from 14,344 to 48,589 tons between 2006 and 2014. The stock assessment of the austral sardine utilizes a Statistical Catch-at-Length model which uses independent...
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Three dominant recruitment patterns were identified across 30 stocks from Australia, New Zealand, Chile, South Africa, and the Falkland Islands using data from 1980 to 2010. Cluster and dynamic factor analysis provided similar groupings. Stocks exhibited a detectable degree of synchrony among species, in particular the hakes and lings from Australi...
Most of the studies investigating synchrony in fluctuations of abundance of small pelagic fish have been based on catch data only, which do not describe the dynamics of populations as a relative abundance index. In this paper, catch, biomass, recruitment and recruitment rate, were used to compare synchronous changes for two stocks of anchovy (Engra...
Conference Paper
Patagonian toothfish supports important fisheries throughout South America. In Chile, it is managed as a discrete stock (47°S – 57°S). However, two spawning areas have been identified: Burdwood Bank in South Atlantic (SA) and Cape Horn in the South Pacific Ocean (SP). Simulation studies based on oceanographic circulation and otolith microchemical s...
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Anadara tuberculosa is one of the most important bivalves along the Western Pacific coast because of its commercial value. Nevertheless, the variability in growth, longlife span, natural mortality and reproductive parameters of this mangrove cockle has not yet been described. The aim of this study was to analyze these lifehistory traits in three ar...
Anadara tuberculosa is one of the most important bivalves along the Western Pacific coast because of its commercial value. Nevertheless, the variability in growth, long-life span, natural mortality and reproductive parameters of this mangrove cockle has not yet been described. The aim of this study was to analyze these life-history traits in three...
Anadara tuberculosa is one of the most important bivalves along the Western Pacific coast because of its commercial value. Nevertheless, the variability in growth, long-life span, natural mortality and reproductive parameters of this mangrove cockle has not yet been described. The aim of this study was to analyze these life-history traits in three...
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Muchas especies de condrictios son capturadas como by-catch en diversas pesquerías del mundo. En particular el pez gallo, Callorhinchus callorynchus, es capturado en toda su área de distribución, principalmente en Argentina y Chile. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar los desembarques en ambos países y comparar el impacto de las pesquerías...
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El lago Titicaca es el segundo lago más grande y navegable en Sudamérica, con una superficie ~8.400 km 2 y localizado a una altitud de 3810 m.s.n.m. El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar si se encuentran relación entre la variabilidad del nivel del lago y la precipitación sobre los desembarques de la pesquería del pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis...
a b s t r a c t The recruitment rate of anchovy in the Peru–Chile upwelling system was studied by testing sensitive to environmental variability when the spawning stock is low in abundance. Times series of sea surface temperature, salinity, depth of the 15 1C isotherm, the upper limit of the oxygen minimum zone, upwelling indices, the Southern Osci...
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RESUMEN. Se estudió el crecimiento somático del stock de merluza común frente a la costa central de Chile, mediante la aplicación de la ecuación de Von Bertalanffy (vB) con un modelo No-lineal de Efecto Mixto, sobre los datos edad-talla actual proveniente de la lectura de otolitos realizada por el Instituto de Fomento Pesquero desde 1972. Se estimó...
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Somatic growth was studied in the Chilean hake stock off central coast of Chile, through the application of Von Bertalanffy equation (vB) as a non-linear mixed effect model (NLME) on length-at-agedata derived from otolith readings made at Instituto de Fomento Pesquero since 1972. Average growth rates for each year from 1972 to 2009 were estimated....
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Somatic growth was studied in the Chilean hake stock off central coast of Chile, through the application of Von Bertalanffy equation (vB) as a non-linear mixed effect model (NLME) on length-at-age-data derived from otolith readings made at Instituto de Fomento Pesquero since 1972. Average growth rates for each year from 1972 to 2009 were estimated....
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The Lake Titicaca is the second bigger and navigable lake in South, with a surface of 8.400 km2 and located at an altitude of 3810 m.a.s.l. The objective of this work was to determine the relationship between fluctuations in the lake level and rainfall on the landings of the argentine silverside Odontesthes bonariensis in the Peruvian sector of the...
The Chilean hake (Merluccius gayi gayi) is one of the most important demersal resources fished in Chile since the early 1940s. Since 1993, an acoustic survey program was established to assess the abundance of this resource. A sudden decrease in abundance was observed after 2002, along with changes in the species demography and spatial distribution....
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The SE Pacific stock of Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus) showed evidence of an abrupt reduction in recruitment after 2000. This drop exceeded expectations from changes in the spawning stock biomass (SSB), indicating a change in the stock-recruitment relationship (S-R). We evaluated whether variability in recruitment could be explained...
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Adjacent to Chile's long and narrow continental shelf, the Patagonian Inner Sea (PES) is among the largest and most complex estuarine systems in the world. The PES ha