Luís Cruz

Luís Cruz
University of Coimbra | UC · CeBER | Faculty of Economics



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Luis Cruz is Associate Professor (with Habilitation), of the Fac Economics, Univ Coimbra (FEUC), Portugal. He was recently the FEUC’s vice-Dean for Research; he is a researcher at CeBER, and he co-coordinates the Masters' in Energy for Sustain., in Sust. Cities & Communit. and the PhD in Sustainable Energy Systems. His research interests include the modelling and analysis of environmental and socio-economic interactions, either at local, regional and country levels, with a policy oriented focus.
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November 1993 - April 2020
University of Coimbra
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (50)
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Este trabalho centra-se no clusterEngineering & Tooling (E&T), apresentando três análises complementares: (i) a concentração geográfica e avaliação da sua importância económica, do ponto de vista regional e nacional, suportada nos quocientes de localização baseados no volume de negó-cios e análise shift-sharepara compreender a evolução do emprego;...
This study predicts an indirect relationship between regulatory focus and pro-environmental behaviour. In doing so we advance the incipient and conflicting literature on the relationship between regulatory focus and pro-environmental behaviour, predicting both positive and negative channels for the dissemination of regulatory focus effects on envir...
A growing number of studies have linked mindfulness with the adoption of environmentally friendly behaviors. We aim to contribute to this emergent research by putting forward a model in which the relationship between mindfulness and a specific pro-environmental behavior, water conservation, is indirect. In this pursuit, we draw on the hierarchical...
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Video presentation of the paper "EC2U: A EDUCAÇÃO PARA A SUSTENTABILIDADE COMO RESPOSTA AO OBJETIVO 11 DE DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL – CIDADES E COMUNIDADES SUSTENTÁVEIS" at the "3.ª Conferência Campus Sustentável (CCS2021) - October 28th 2021". Producer: Ana Rita Amaral. Presenter: Ana Rita Amaral.
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Forestry industry macroeconomic assessments typically concentrate on the production, harvesting, and earliest processing of wood products, underestimating the full range of forests impacts in regional economies. This work proposes a broader concept-forestry products value chain-that ponders the contribution of the downstream activities relying (dir...
Public health measures enacted to mitigate the spread of COVID‐19 have dampened economic activity by shuttering businesses that provide “nonessential” goods and services. Not surprisingly, these actions directly impacted demand for nonessential goods and services but the full impact of this shock on the broader economy will depend on the nature and...
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Os modelos input-output propõem-se representar as interdependências setoriais, a densa rede das relações entre produções de diferentes produtos, no seio de uma economia. Às interdependências setoriais juntam-se muitas vezes relações entre espaços regionais. Na última década, o desenvolvimento de modelos inter países, cobrindo toda a economia mundia...
Metropolitan areas constitute a critical arena in which to protect the environment and handle climate change efforts, both because they are at the root of the problem and they form a suitable working ground to deal with their systemic nature. Using a multi-regional input-output modelling framework, with energy-environmental extensions, this paper p...
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Structured Abstract Purpose This paper aims to offer an insight into the fundamental changes taking place in Port wine production value chains. Specifically, we examine two distinct production regimes: when Port is aged and sold in the Greater Oporto and, alternatively, when it is produced, aged and sold in Douro. Design/methodology/approach The au...
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The paper suggests a modeling approach for assessing economic and social impacts of changes in urban forms and commuting patterns that extends a multi-regional input–output framework by incorporating a set of commuting-related consequences. The Lisbon Metropolitan Area case with an urban re-centralization scenario is used as an example to illustrat...
Pro-environmental behaviour (PEB) is an essential part of changing societies towards a more sustainable future. The literature on PEB has provided significant insights into how the anticipated emotions arising from specific ecological actions contribute to environmentally friendly conduct. Our research departs from these studies by focusing on gene...
Commuting affects regional and urban economies. It shapes urban areas, defines their relationships with neighboring regions, intensifies economic flows and exacerbates energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This paper sets out a proposal for an innovative commuting satellite account (CSA), integrated in a multi-regional input–output model...
Uneven regional development is widely recognized. This paper explores the effectiveness of a regional development strategy based on the agri-food sector expansion in a laggard agriculture dependent region. We use a bi-regional rectangular Input-Output model, explicitly taking into account the methodological and policy implications of resource-const...
Transport activities are essential for economic and social development. Nevertheless, the transport sector has also shown the fastest growth in energy consumption in the European Union and its contribution to increasing greenhouse gas emissions merits the thorough attention of academics and policy makers. In this paper we analyze the relationship o...
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The conflict between economic growth and the environment is complex and sharper today than ever before. Indeed, the relationship between economic growth and the sustainability of ecosystems has been extensively discussed in the literature, but the results remain controversial. This paper reviews the use of single and composite indicators of environ...
Purpose This paper aims to explore the potential contribution of integrated traffic and parking management strategies to ensure more rational use of available parking spaces and to reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by commuters traveling to the University of Coimbra (UC) main campus. Design/methodology/approach An integrated mod...
Sustainability has traditionally focused on three interconnected and mutually enforcing pillars: economy, ecology and society. One of today’s major challenges is to tune environmental sustainability with economic growth and welfare by decoupling resources use and environmental degradation from economic growth. This work aims to assess energy-econom...
In developed countries, water affordability issues are regarded as a non-significant problem. This paper analyses the prevalence of affordability problems at household level and the determinants that might affect their occurrence. From a questionnaire-based survey, Portuguese household level data are used to show that average measures can mask affo...
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This paper reviews the empirical research of the non-market environmental valuation methodologies in Portugal and identifies opportunities for linking results to policy. Four research questions are addressed: what has been done; what common features can be observed; what do we know about the validity of the values; and which trends have been found...
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Charges for domestic water supply and wastewater disposal services have been raising affordability concerns. This paper empirically analyses the relevance of this problem in Portugal, considering the representative household for each Portuguese municipality as the observation unit. Affordability is assessed as a ratio between charges and income. Th...
Regional Input-Output models aim to quantify the impacts on industry’s outputs, and other economic indicators, of different final demand vectors for goods and services produced in the same or in different regions. These models are well suited for regional economic analysis as they combine inter-industrial and interregional economic interdependencie...
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Natural resources offer a wide range of benefits to society. But many of these resources can be irrevocably lost if active measures are not adopted. Considering that environmental protection endeavours involve opportunity costs, economic valuation is essential to inform policymakers about the full net benefits of alternative measures, mainly if the...
Commuting is one of the main contributors to the high energy consumption patterns in modern economies. The need to reduce the energy spent in commuting has attracted the attention of academics and policy makers. The main goal of this research is to improve knowledge of the economic, social, energy and environmental opportunity costs of inter-munici...
Conference Paper
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Urban population has been growing consistently worldwide, with large metropolitan areas experiencing expansion phenomena both in terms of population and extension. Naturally, these processes did not occur homogeneously throughout the territories. Through the last decade, population in suburbs has largely increased while the population living in Cen...
We combine contingent behaviour with travel cost data to estimate the change in the recreational use value of a National Forest due to quality and price changes. Instead of the usual improvement scenario, a hypothetical deterioration in the conditions of the forest due to a fire is considered. A dataset containing five observations for each respond...
This research addresses the need to improve our knowledge on the demand for national forests for recreation and offers an in-depth data analysis supported by the complementary use of count data and ordered models. From a policy-making perspective, while count data models enable the estimation of monetary welfare measures, ordered models allow for t...
The context of severe economic crisis and financial constraints has reinforced existing pressures on services considered to be of community interest by public authorities and therefore subject to specific public service obligations. This is the case of the water industry, with increased pressure for full cost recovery and on the use of prices as a...
Conference Paper
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A major rehabilitation and refurbishment program of secondary school buildings has been carried out in the last few years in Portugal, led by the state-owned company Parque Escolar E.P.E. (PE). This paper reports the research being carried out in the framework of an R&D project aimed at comprehensively assessing these interventions in terms of the...
In the European Union, water supply services are referred to as ‘services of general interest’, meaning that they are subject to multiple, potentially conflicting, public service obligations. This paper considers empirical data for Portuguese municipalities and provides a comprehensive approach to assessing the social dimension by evaluating whethe...
Purpose – Services provided by urban public road passenger transport companies in Portugal are associated with widely differing economic and financial outcomes. The objective of this paper is to characterize these differences and discuss the potential contribution offered by the funding model implemented (including how the services provided are bei...
Environmental pollution has received the attention of both economists and ecologists who have integrated their ideas and concepts in recent decades. Production and consumption of material goods generates residuals that are disposed in the environment. Air emissions constitute one of the most important residuals, including greenhouse gases, as well...
This study underscores the importance of adopting integrated parking management policies that ensure not only more rational use of the available parking spaces, evenly balancing supply and demand and bringing in revenues to cover the parking facilities costs, but also the improved attractiveness of alternative transportation modes. Parking supply a...
One of the main aims of this study is to explore the links between energy, economy and environment from different perspectives, but always with a policy-oriented focus. This will be done by implementing and developing an input-output model with satellite accounts, to analyze the links between the different economic sectors, energy production and us...
Conference Paper
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The Leontief input-output model has been applied for macro environmental analysis since the 1970s. Recently, global warming (greenhouse effect) and its consequences become one of the hottest topics in the world agenda. The Kyoto Protocol principles and the rules for greenhouse gas emission trading within the European Union can be cited as the most...
In the third chapter, Luis Cruz and the editors present the input–output (I–O) model, and discuss how this approach can be linked to ecological economics. As in the second chapter, the authors begin by giving a general description of the model and its various uses. This is followed by some examples of how the I–O model may be used in ecological eco...
The study undertaken in this thesis concentrates on the analysis and understanding of the complex interactions between social, economic, energy and environmental issues, always with a policy-oriented focus, and with particular attention to the Portuguese case. Input-output techniques are used, as they allow full analysis of the feedbacks between e...
Conference Paper
Trade-offs among three objectives – energy security, environmental protection, and economic growth – have been dominant concerns in Portuguese energy policy making for the last two decades. Particularly relevant in this context is the case of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions, which are a key factor of the greenhouse effect and of the '...
Conference Paper
Several of the earth's crucial environmental problems derive from the energy demand to sustain human needs and economic growth. Indeed, all goods and services produced in an economy are directly or indirectly associated with energy use and, as current energy production and use patterns rely heavily on the combustion of fossil fuels, also to carbon...


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