Luis Javier ChuecaBC3-Basque Centre for Climate Change | BCCC
Luis Javier Chueca
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September 2011 - February 2016
September 2010 - September 2011
September 2005 - February 2010
Publications (29)
The land snail Elona quimperiana is listed in annexes II and IV of the Europe Habitats Directive. In this study, phylogenetic relationships between populations of this protected species from its whole distribution range were reconstructed based on the sequencing of two mtDNA gene fragments (COI and 16S rRNA) and one nDNA gene fragment (ITS2). Haplo...
A new geomitrid, Etruscotricha folcoi gen. et. sp. nov., discovered in the massif of Monte Calvi, Livorno province (Tuscany, Italy), is described. Number, shape and position of dart sacs suggested that the new taxon could belong to the genus Xerotricha. However, molecular data revealed that the new taxon is clearly differentiated from all other Geo...
In order to better constrain the chronology of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) onland and to provide new observations on the stratigraphic position of the Messinian erosional surface as well as evidence for continentalization, we have studied the Mio-Pleistocene succession of the island of Ibiza, ideally located in a strategic position between...
The land snail Elona quimperiana is listed in annexes II and IV of the Europe Habitats Directive. In this study, phylogenetic relationships between populations of this protected species from its whole distribution range were reconstructed based on the sequencing of two mtDNA gene fragments ( COI and 16S rRNA) and one nDNA gene fragment ( ITS2 ). Ha...
Chondrina Reichenbach, 1828 is a highly diverse genus of terrestrial molluscs currently including 44 species with about 28 subspecific taxa. It is distributed through North Africa, central and southern Europe, from Portugal in the West to the Caucasus and Asia Minor in the East. Approximately 70% of the species are endemic to the Iberian Peninsula...
Progress in genome sequencing now enables the large-scale generation of reference genomes. Various international initiatives aim to generate reference genomes representing global biodiversity. These genomes provide unique insights into genomic diversity and architecture, thereby enabling comprehensive analyses of population and functional genomics,...
An annotated list is presented of the species of land Mollusca of the Arquipélago das Berlengas off the west coast of Portugal, based on new fieldwork and critical reviews of museum specimens and literature. For Berlenga Grande we accept records of 14 species (discounting Cornu aspersum), two of which are newly reported here (Truncatellina calli-
An annotated list is presented of the species of land Mollusca of the Arquipélago das Berlengas off the west coast of Portugal, based on new fieldwork and critical reviews of museum specimens and literature. For Berlenga Grande we accept records of 14 species (discounting Cornu aspersum), two of which are newly reported here (Truncatellina callicra...
Among all molluscs, land snails are a scientifically and economically interesting group comprising edible species, alien species and agricultural pests. Yet, despite their high diversity, the number of genome drafts publicly available is still scarce. Here, we present the draft genome assembly of the land snail Candidula unifasciata, a widely distr...
The systematics and biogeographical history of the Eastern Mediterranean and Macaronesian land snail tribe Allognathini (Helicidae: Helicinae) is investigated based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data. Our molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate that the genus-group systematics of the tribe needs to be revised. We show for the first tim...
Despite the global biodiversity of terrestrial gastropods and their ecological and economic importance, the genomic basis of ecological adaptation and speciation in land snail taxa is still largely unknown. Here, we combined whole-genome re-sequencing with population genomics to evaluate the historical demography and the speciation process of two c...
A species’ potential distribution can be modelled adequately only if no factor other than habitat availability affects its occurrences. Space use by stone marten Martes foina is likely to be affected by interspecific competition with the strictly related pine marten Martes martes , the latter being able to outcompete the first species in forested h...
Among all molluscs, land snails are an economically and scientifically interesting group comprising edible species, alien species and agricultural pests. Yet, despite its high diversity, the number of whole genomes publicly available is still scarce. Here, we present the draft genome assembly of the land snail Candidula unifasciata , a widely distr...
In terrestrial snails, thermal selection acts on shell coloration. However, the biological relevance of small differences in the intensity of shell pigmentation and the associated thermodynamic, physiological, and evolutionary consequences for snail diversity within the course of environmental warming are still insufficiently understood. To relate...
A new geomitrid, Candidula conglomeratica sp. nov., discovered in Genoa (Liguria) and Alessandria (Piedmont) provinces (Italy), is described. Whilst its anatomical morphology is similar to that of Candidula unifasciata, its shell is distinct from all other species of Candidula. Genetic data confirm the separation of C. conglomeratica sp. nov. from...
The affinities and detailed phylogeny of the tribe Otalini of the Helicidae are elucidated from DNA sequence data, derived from all the recognised genera and most of the NW African species. The genus Theba (Thebini) emerges as the sister group of all Otalini. Eremina is placed here in a separate new tribe Ereminini; it forms a clade sister to the c...
Journal of Conchology 43(1) pp. 17-57,
published 30th April 2018
The genus Candidula (Geomitridae), consisting of 28 species in Western Europe as currently described, has a disjunct distribution in the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, the Balkans, the Aegean Islands, and one species on the Canary Islands. Although the genus is seemingly well defined by characters of the reproductive system, the relationships within the...
Iberus gualtierianus Monfort, 1810 is a land snail restricted to few populations in southern Iberian Peninsula. This taxa is traditionally harvested for gastronomic purposes reducing drastically their populations, reason for which this species is listed by endangered by the IUCN. Objective of the study: To explore demography and population dynamics...
Aim Our aim was to assess the evolutionary history of the land snail genus Xerocrassa on the Balearic Islands with a molecular phylogeny. We investigated how the main palaeogeographical events and climate changes which occurred in the Western Mediterranean basin influenced the current diversity and distribution of the genus within the archipelago....
Our aim was to assess the evolutionary history of the land snail genus Xerocrassa on the Balearic Islands with a molecular phylogeny. We investigated how the main palaeogeographical events and climate changes which occurred in the Western Mediterranean basin influenced the current diversity and distribution of the genus within the archipelago....
The Helicoidea is one of the most diverse superfamilies of terrestrial land snails. In this study we present a molecular phylogeny of the western Palaearctic Helicoidea obtained by means of neighbor joining, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene fragment and the nuclear rRNA gene cluster including the 3 0 end o...
We infer the evolutionary history of the land snail genus Allognathus from a molecular phylogeny. An approximate temporal framework for its colonization of the Balearic Islands and diversification within the archipelago is provided according to palaeogeographical events in the western Mediterranean Basin.
The Balearic Islands, Western...
The Helicoidea is one of the most diverse superfamilies of terrestrial land snails. In this study we present a molecular phylogeny of the western Palaearctic Helicoidea obtained by means of Neighbor Joining, Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analysis of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene fragment and the nuclear rRNA gene cluster including the 3'end of...
En el presente trabajo se hace una revisión nomenclatural para las especies del género Allognathus Pilsbry, 1888, endémico del Archipiélago Balear (España), en particular de Allognathus (Allognathus) grateloupi, A. (Iberellus) hispanicus y A. (I.) hispanicus campanyonii. Además, se redescribe la anatomía del aparato reproductor de A. (I.) hispanicu...
Questions (2)
I'm interesting in know the periods during the Miocene where the Balearic Islands could have been submerged and, the periods (before the Messinian) where the islands could have been connected to the Iberian Peninsula.
I have conducted phylogenetic analyses with RAxML for two mitochondrial genes. When I conducted the analysis for the 2 genes separately, I obtained some equal groups for the same samples. But when I conducted the analysis for the matrix of the two genes concatenated, I did not obtain the same groups that I obtained separately. Is this a result of the RAxML software? Which other software can I use to make phylogenetic analyses with partitions?