Luis Carcamo

Luis Carcamo
Universidad Austral de Chile · Instituto de Comunicación Social

Dr en Comunicación


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Publications (47)
El proyecto aborda la creciente preocupación por los incendios forestales en Chile, cuya magnitud y frecuencia han aumentado. El enfoque gubernamental se ha centrado en fortalecer la gestión de incendios, pero ha excluido la perspectiva de las comunidades y el conocimiento local. La investigación consta de dos etapas. En la primera (2019-2020), se...
Este estudio analiza las representaciones mediáticas del proceso constituyente chileno en Facebook. En primer lugar, rastreamos un corpus de 56.410 noticias de 145 medios de comunicación chile- nos publicadas en Facebook entre el 18 de octubre de 2019 y el 5 de enero de 2022, que luego se dividieron en cuatro subcorpus en función de los hitos clave...
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This article focuses on the role of information disorders in media coverage of cancer as a growing public health problem on both sides of the Atlantic. Taking the examples of Chile and Spain, we analysed news (n = 5522) published by major digital newspaper outlets in both countries between 2020 and 2022 to explore the elements of contextual informa...
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La inmigración se ha convertido en una temática cada vez más presente en la sociedad chilena, que pasó de ser un país exportador a receptor de personas en tránsito migrante. En este contexto, este artículo ofrece un análisis de contenido de los titulares de 156 medios de comunicación chilenos relacionados con la inmigración. La obtención de dichos...
This study analyzed the multimodal discursive strategies Elisa Loncón, a Mapuche linguist and renowned academic, used on Instagram to position herself as a sociopolitical leader during her tenure as president of the Chilean Constitutional Convention. 811 Instagram posts from her account were downloaded from 15 January 2021 until 15 January 2022. Fr...
Esta investigación indaga las percepciones de estudiantes universitarios respecto delfuncionamiento de los motores de búsqueda. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a 13estudiantes universitarios que previamente participaron de una sesión de búsqueda experimental.Posteriormente, se analizaron los datos del comportamiento de búsqueda con las...
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Citizens get informed, on a daily basis, from social networks in general and from the media in particular. Accordingly, the media are increasingly expressing their concern about phenomena related to disinformation. This article presents an analysis of the social networks of 159 Chilean media that, over 5 years, referred to fake news or disinformati...
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Resilience thinking is critical for improving disaster preparedness, response, and adaptation. While there are several strategies focused on assessing resilience capacity in human communities, there are few strategies focused on fostering resilience thinking. Game-based learning is an active and immersive teaching strategy that can foster complex s...
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La biodiversidad es la base del asentamiento humano en el planeta y determinante del bienestar económico. La suma de la acción humana ha promovido el fenómeno conocido como crisis de la biodiversidad, el que ha generado un creciente interés y sensibilidad académica, gubernamental y ciudadana. Desde la aproximación gubernamental, se han implementado...
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This article aims to introduce Galileo, a platform for extracting and organizing news media data on social networks. Galileo integrates publications made on the main social networks used in the information ecosystem, namely Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Currently, the system includes 97 media outlets from nine countries: Brazil, Chile, Germany,...
Introduction. Previous studies have shown that students have a high confidence in search engines. This poses a significant risk in learning processes if students do not have critical skills for document selection. This study provides clues about the quality of the information sources that university students access in their internet searches, and h...
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This article seeks to analyze the treatment that the Chilean press carried out on the phenomenon of immigration during a year of broadcasts on the social network Twitter (between August 23rd, 2016 and August 23rd, 2017). This phenomenon experienced an explosive growth in recent years in the country, changing the Chilean social landscape with the pr...
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Who writes the news in the Chilean press according to gender? Who are the sources, male or female, in the Chilean press? Is there a relationship between the gender of journalists and the gender of the sources in the Chilean press? This article studies the gender of the Chilean newsroom and their sources in 12,113 news through a quantitative method...
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This article explores the uses of sources in coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic in social media posts of mainstream news organizations in Brazil, Chile, Germany, Mexico, Spain, the U.K., and the U.S. Based on computational content analysis, our study analyzes the sources and actors present in more than 940,000 posts on COVID-19 published in the 227...
This study analyzes the use of social media sources by nine news outlets in Chile in regard to Covid-19. We identified the most frequently used types of sources, their evolution over time, and the differences between the various social media platforms used by the Chilean media during the pandemic. Specifically, we extracted 838,618 messages publish...
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Background: Cancer is the second death cause in Chile. The Chilean National Cancer Act will secure treatment and labor protection for people diagnosed with cancer. Aim: To answer questions regarding the media portrayal of cancer. Material and methods: Through data-mining and the conduction of content analysis, 2,523 news titles about cancer we...
This research has two main goals: i) to compare how Chilean and Spanish news outlets discuss fake news, and ii) to propose a mixed methodology, combining data science and content analysis methods in order to understand how this journalistic treatment is done. To build the corpus analyzed on this study, we used a crawler that followed Chilean and Sp...
Diagnóstico de condiciones para incorporar enfoque de género en la formación de periodistas egresados de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Se aplicó estrategias cuantitativas y cualitativas para análisis de paridad de género en referencias bibliográficas, acción pedagógica de docentes y ejercicio de aprendizaje de estudiantes. Existe la disposición...
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Traditional media sources have adopted Twitter as a canal to broadcast information across digital audiences. This study has the objective of analyzing the characteristics of the tweets published by Spanish media sources during the twelve months in which presidential electoral processes took place. This was done to test the differences in the use of...
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Las movilizaciones estudiantiles ocurridas en Chile desde 2011 han redefinido las formas en que son empleadas las tecnologías con propósitos políticos. Esto interroga acerca de cómo se modifica la participación de los/as jóvenes, quienes han identificado en las redes sociales nuevas maneras de acceder a los medios de comunicación tradicionales medi...
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The students' demonstrations that have happened in Chile since 2011 have redefined the way in which technologies are used for political purposes. This raises questions about the way in which youth's participation is modified due to the fact that they have found in the social networks new ways of accessing the traditional media by the counter-inform...
El presente artículo investiga 3.842 menciones referidas a México y los mexicanos en la prensa chilena (290 medios), basándose en sus titulares en un período comprendido entre el 15 marzo y el 15 de junio de 2016. Metodología: La colección de datos se extrajo desde las cuentas de los medios en la red social Twitter. Objetivos: El objetivo general d...
With the goal of incorporating the use of social network tools into the formal curriculum of public schools in Chile, Kelluwen developed a b-learning approach in which students work in groups and engage in peer review dynamics. To support such activities, the Kelluwen platform provides a complementary micro-blogging tool called Worklog. In this stu...
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In Chile, does not exist an independent entity that publishes quantitative or qualitative surveys to understand the traditional media environment and its adaptation on the Social Web. Nowadays, Chilean newsreaders are increasingly using social web platforms as their primary source of information, among which Twitter plays a central role. Historical...
In Computer-Supported learning, monitoring and engaging a group of learners is a complex task for teachers, especially when learners are working collaboratively: Are my students motivated? What kind of progress are they making? Should I intervene? Is my communication and the didactic design adapted to my students? Our hypothesis is that the analysi...
Conference Paper
The Kelluwen project implements middle and high-school educational activities where the use of Web 2.0 tools is incorporated to improve collaboration construction, sharing and publishing of the learn- ing outcomes. The Worklog tool, a microblogging space within the Kel- luwen platform has an active role in the educational activities. Using probabil...
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Since 1996, the Chilean government has progressively incorporated technology into almost every classroom. This adds to the finding that young people are increasingly using ICT and services including Web 2.0 more intensively. However, there is evidence that the use of ICT from a creative and educational perspective is uncommon. The “Kelluwen” didact...
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El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar hasta qué punto la procedencia de los sujetos (urbana vs semi-rural) incide en la estimación del tiempo en tareas realizadas por Internet. Un total de 120 estudiantes chilenos con una media de edad de 15,33 años, la mitad de procedencia urbana y la otra mitad de procedencia semirural, estimaron el tiempo que...
Kelluwen validated a holistic didactical strategy incorporating the use of ICT in classroom curricula aiming to improve socio-communicative skills in students from 12 to 16 years old. The didactical strategy is based on the socio-constructivist approach and it is deployed in three axes: the validation of 17 Collaborative Didactical Designs, the dev...
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Kelluwen validated a holistic didactical strategy incorporating the use of ICT in classroom curricula aiming to improve socio-communicative skills in students from 12 to 16 years old. The didactical strategy is based on the socio-constructivist approach and it is deployed in three axes: the validation of 17 Collaborative Didactical Designs, the dev...
This paper analyzes the relationship between motivation and time estimates spent on internet based tasks, and its eventual incidence in informational and dialogical activities. The sample consisted of 120 students from 7 schools ("lieceos") in Chile, whose average age was 15. The participants had to carry out two different tasks on the Internet: fi...
This work pretends to show how time perception in the same country (Chile) can change depending on the cultural context (urban/rural). In order to achieve this, it describes and analyzes different particularities from different rural areas of the country, in contrast with those of the capital city (Santiago de Chile), and how these have a clear and...
En este trabajo se pretende mostrar como la percepcion del tiempo en un mismo pais (Chile) puede variar dependiendo del contexto cultural (urbano v/s rural). Para ello se describen y analizan diferentes particularidades de distintas zonas rurales del pais, en contraste con la vivida en la propia capital (Santiago de Chile), y como ello tiene una in...
Abstract: In this article are explained the outstanding results of a not random or ex-post factum research done in Valdivia, Chile, to assess the communicative skills and attitudes towards telework that students of two different academic groups or epistemes (Science and Humanities) in the Austral University of Chile (AuCh) affirm havingResumen: En...
En el presente artículo se explican los resultados más relevantes de una investigación no aleatoria o ex -post factum llevada a cabo en Valdivia, Chile, con el objetivo de valorar las competencias comunicativas y actitudes hacia teletrabajo que afirman poseer los estudiantes de dos grupos académicos o epistemes diferentes (ciencias y humanidades) e...
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En medio de los cambios que generado la llamada Era de la Información, adquiere importancia el fenómeno de la Comunicación Mediada por Computador (CMC). Esto se relaciona con el creciente acceso de la sociedad chilena hacia la internet, que lo posiciona como líder en Latinoamérica en el tema. Dada la cercanía que los jóvenes tienen con las nuevas t...
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Es indesmentible que la Internet tiene una importancia capital en la sociedad contemporánea. En el nuevo paradigma tecnológico, conocido como la Era de la Información, la relevancia de la red equivale a lo que fue el petróleo en la Era Industrial. Se puede disentir de la predicción hecha por Nicholas Negroponte en 1995, en su famoso libro ¿Ser Digi...
It is undeniable that the Internet has a capital importance in the contemporary society. In the new technological paradigm, known as the Information Age, the relevance of the network is equivalent to that of oil in the Industrial Age. Although we can dissent of the prediction done by Nicholas Negroponte in 1995, in its famous book “Being Digital”,...
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The present article gives account of the main results of developed experimental investigations in Chile that it has by objective to compare the estimation of the time which adolescents do when they face the development of similar tasks with without computers. In addition possible cultural differences with groups of rural and urban subjects are anal...
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Resumen Abstract El presente artículo da cuenta de los The present article gives account of the main principales resultados de investigaciones results of developed experimental investigations experimentales desarrolladas en Chile con el in Chile that it has by objective to compare objetivo de comparar la estimación del tiempo the estimation of the...


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