Luis Arturo Gómez-LanderoPablo de Olavide University | UPO · Department of Sports and Computer Sciences
Luis Arturo Gómez-Landero
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (32)
Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Educación Física y Deportiva. Leída el 9 de junio de 2010
The present study seeks to describe and establish reference data of Spanish Trampoline gymnasts, focusing on the somatotype and body composition of male gymnasts in several competitive age groups. 41 males: 23 Under-15 category (11.95±1.79 years) and 18 Absolute category (20.72±4.66 years), all in the national elite, were evaluated. 15 anthropometr...
Resumen El presente estudio pretende describir y establecer datos de referencia de gimnastas españoles de la especialidad de Trampolín, centrándonos en el somatotipo y la composición corporal de varones en los distintos grupos de edad competitivos. Fueron evaluados 41 varones: 23 de categoría Sub-15 (11,95±1,79 años) y 18 de categoría Absoluta (20,...
El objetivo de este estudio ha sido la determinación del perfil morfológico de la especialidad gimnástica de trampolín. Se realizó una exploración antropométrica a un grupo de 7 gimnastas de categoría masculina con edades comprendidas entre los 15 y 25 años, que representan una parte importante de la élite española, siendo algunos de ellos miembro...
El presente estudio se enmarca en la línea de trabajo del grupo de investigación "Análisis y Evaluación de la Actividad Física y el Deporte" de la Junta de Andalucía. Dicha línea de investigación se desarrolla sobre la determinación del perfil motor, morfológico y funcional de los deportes gimnásticos. En la actualidad se está llevando a cabo en es...
The interplay between individual capacities and group performance provides insights for different tasks and contexts. So far, little is known about the individual capacities of base and top gymnasts and mechanical efficiency during pair tasks of Acrobatic Gymnastics. This work aims to investigate: (1) the effect of the pair experience in the mechan...
Background: Balance tasks are critical for performance in acrobatic gymnastics, where athletes often train and compete in mixed-age groups with varying maturational stages. To improve individualized training, in this cross-sectional study, the relationship was examined between strength capacity and balance task performance in female gymnasts at two...
Background: The study of psychosocial aspects in adolescents is of increasing interest in the field of formal education. Therefore, the design and evaluation of an Acrobatic Gymnastics (AG) programme focused on the personal and social needs of adolescents in Physical Education (PE) is proposed. The objectives of this research are to establish the a...
The influence of individual gymnasts' balance on final pyramid performance is unknown. The principal objective of this study was to evaluate associations between the balance capacity of base and top gymnasts (BG, BT) on the pyramid performance using different balance tasks. Forty acrobatic gymnasts were divided in two groups (20 BG, 20 TG) and perf...
The purpose of this study was to analyse whether contextual (perception of motivational climate and positive and negative spontaneous self-talk in sports), personal (positivity) and situational variables (positive and negative spontaneous self-talk employed in competition and precompetitive anxiety) predict performance in a competition of ensembles...
Static balance performance appears to detect differences between roles played in team sports. Static balance can also be influenced by the subject's height and age, and the type of test used.
Research question
Could the static balance profile show differences among the role played depending on the specific test evaluated and the gymnast...
The aim of this study was to compare dietary habits, sleep habits, and injury incidence between shift days and days off among Spanish firefighters.
24-Hour dietary recalls, and sleep and injury questionnaires on both days were collected from 28 Sevillian professional firefighter, as well as anthropometric measurements and a p...
Despite the importance of balance in Acrobatic Gymnastic Pyramid performance, there is limited biomechanical analysis of balance during this activity. The aims of this study were to analyse the effect of pyramid difficulty on the centre of pressure (COP) excursion and its inter-trial variability, and determine which parameters had strongest relatio...
CrossFit® is a competitive sport and fitness modality characterized by multiple physical capabilities and multi-joint movements. This study aimed to analyse and classify variables related to CrossFit® competitors' specific performance. Fifteen male CrossFit® competitors were selected (n = 15; 30.57 ± 5.5 years; 1.76 ± 0.06 m; 78.55 ± 9.12 kg). Mean...
The aim of this study was to determine the differences between Taekwondo cadet athletes belonging to different competition levels in terms of anthropometry, legs power, flexibility and reaction time. Twenty male athletes were analysed, divided in two groups: national medallist and non-national medallist. Data of every athlete’s anthropometric measu...
The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the following aspects: the technical penalties obtained in the execution of an isolated gymnastics element, the competitive level of the gymnasts, their anthropometric characteristics, and the most important temporal and angular variables analyzed in this skill. Twenty nine gymnasts (age...
The aim of this study was to observe the differences between Taekwondo cadet athletes belonging to different competition levels in terms of anthropometry, legs power, flexibility and reaction time. Twenty male athletes were analysed, divided in two groups: national medallist and non-national medallist. Data of every athlete’s anthropometric measure...
The aim of this study was to ascertain the differences in kinetic and kinematic profiles between better and poorer performers of the vertical jump within a homogeneous group of trained adults. Fifty rugby players were divided into low scoring (LOW) and high scoring (HIGH) groups based on their performance in the vertical jump. The force, velocity,...
Acrobatic gymnasts need excellent balance control to execute pyramids where one gymnast is supported by another. The objectives of this study were: (1) to describe balance performance by assessing the centre of pressure displacement in a group acrobatic gymnasts executing pyramids; (2) to determine the relationship between the parameters describing...
The objective of this study was to analyse the relationship between intra-trial variability in balance scores obtained via a force platform and acrobatic gymnasts’ pyramid scores provided by a qualified and experienced judge. Twelve acrobatic gymnasts grouped in pairs performed five successful straddle lever pyramids on two force platforms with one...
The purpose of this study was to determine if children exhibit greater variability in center of mass movement and kinetics compared to adults in vertical jumping. Countermovement jumps with arms (CMJA) and without arms (CMJ) performed by 20 girls and adults females were examined using force platforms analysis. The data were analyzed using continuou...
Introduction: Cross-sectional, comparative and correlational study of flexibility in Spanish trampolinists. Method: Sample of 60 national elite trampolinists, divided into 4 groups based on competitive categories: U-15 male (n = 23, 11.95 ± 1.79 years) and female (n = 9, 11.44 ± 1.23 years); Absolute male (n = 18, 20.72 ± 4.66 years) and female (n...
ResumenObjetivo: Caracterización del perfil motor del Trampolín gimnástico desde la Praxiología Motriz, el Aprendizaje y Control Motor, la Kinesiología y Biomecánica. Método: Estudio cualitativo, taxonómico, de revisión documental, inducción analítica y análisis estructural. La documentación se analizó mediante triangulación entre los investigadore...
Introduccio: A causa de l’absencia de treballs que descriguin i analitzin el perfil de forca isometrica en trampoli i la seva relacio amb el rendiment esportiu, es planteja un estudi transversal, comparatiu i correlacional en aquesta linia amb trampolinistes espanyols. Metode: Mostra composta per 60 trampolinistes d’elit nacional, agrupats per cate...
Introduction: Due to the lack of studies describing and analysing the isometric force profile in Trampoline and its relationship to athletic performance, it was decided to conduct a cross-sectional, comparative and correlational study of this kind with Spanish trampolinists. Method: Sample composed of 60 national elite trampolinists, grouped by com...
A study was conducted to analyze the jump capacity jump in Spanish trampoline gymnasts and compare different categories with each other, through a descriptive cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 60 trampoline gymnasts belonging to the national elite, grouped by age and sex in different competitive categories, differentiating finally 4 g...
p align="justify">El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar las relaciones entre el perfil morfológico y la estima corporal en jóvenes practicantes de Gimnasia Rítmica Deportiva. Para ello, se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo utilizando material cineantropométrico para analizar diversas características morfológicas: somatocarta, compart...
The present study seeks to describe and establish reference data of Spanish Trampoline gymnasts, focusing on the somatotype and body composition of male gymnasts in several competitive age groups. 41 males: 23 Under-15 category (11.95±1.79 years) and 18 Absolute category (20.72±4.66 years), all in the national elite, were evaluated. 15 anthropometr...
One of the most studied key factors about success in a sport are the morphological characteristics. The works related to the anthropometry in Trampoline (Olympic Gymnastic Sport since Sydney 2000) are, however, very scarce. This study seeks to describe and to establish reference data of Spanish Trampoline, concretely in somatotype and body composit...
Desde hace ya algunos a os el movimiento Junior Empresa está floreciendo en nuestro país.
Como formula de iniciación a gestión empresarial lleva bastantes años en práctica, pero dentro del campo de la actividad física y del deporte es novedoso. SERVISPORT JUNIOR EMPRESA es la primera que se dedica a la gestión de actividades e instalaciones deporti...
1 arturogolaro@yahoo.es Xoana Reguera López de la Osa 2 x_reguera@yahoo.es RESUMEN Se recogen una serie de propuestas deportivas, lúdicas y recreativas orientadas hacia la mejora de la convivencia y coeducación, aprovechando las potencialidades educativas del recreo de los colegios. Se han llevado a la práctica, desde la Coordinación de Coeducación...