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Luigi di lorenzo

Luigi di lorenzo
C.M.R. Neuromed Network · Rehabilitation

Medicine '93, MD, PhD, MHA FEBPRM


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Age 24th gradued in Naples. Rehab Specialist in 1998.Experiencies abroad:Brighton, London, Oxford, LA, NeWYork, Barcelona.1999- Since'99 works in Rehabi Units of Italian NHS (Lecco, Salerno, Research Institute Santa Lucia Hospital www.hsantalucia.it and Benevento) 2008 Specialist in Anaest.&ICU. 2010-22 .Director of Rehab Unit AO San Pio Hospital in BN. Neuro Science D. Botulinum Centre 2010-Oct '12 PhD Rome TorVergata.Octob.22-May23 Rehab Consultant in DoHa.2024 CMOvice NEUROMED IRCCS
Additional affiliations
October 2022 - May 2023
The view hospital
  • Senior Consultant PRM
  • Dept of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, and out patients
January 2019 - October 2022
Azienda Ospedaliera "San Pio" Benevento
  • Managing Director
  • Responsabile U.O. Medicina Riabilitativa Intensiva Presidio Ospedaliero Sant'Alfonso Maria dei Liguori Sant'Agata dei Goti ( BN)
March 2016 - December 2018
Azienda Ospedaliera G. Rummo
  • Managing Director
November 2022 - October 2023
E-campus University
Field of study
  • Health management, Gestione delle UOC
October 2020 - January 2021
Life Learning / Sistema di Gestione Qualità Certificato UNI EN ISO 9001:2 015 Lloyd’s Register-Provider Crediti ECP
Field of study
  • Health Management
December 2018 - July 2019
University of Genoa
Field of study
  • Health Management


Publications (86)
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Low-back pain is frequent, especially in the active adult population after an osteoporotic vertebral fracture. Several orthopaedic conditions can cause low back pain, significantly worsening the quality of life. The treatments vary from drugs, physical therapy, kinesiology, and local infiltration. TECARs have a crucial role in treating the inflamma...
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The rehabilitation sector is an important part of the Italian national health system, with the aim of improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. In 2010, there were approximately 360,000 rehabilitation admissions in Italy, of which 294,000 were in ordinary care and approximately 64,000 were in day hospitals. The national rehabilitat...
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L’esatto numero delle persone che hanno subito una amputazione nel mondo è difficile da determinare. Le cause di amputazione mutano in maniera notevole da regione a regione attraverso il mondo (Inail 2024). Le 3 maggiori cause sono dovute a malattia, traumi e malformazioni genetiche. Le maggiori patologie che contribuiscono alle amputazioni sono le...
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Purpose: Primary central nervous system vasculitis (PCNSV) is a rare inflammatory disease affecting the central nervous system. In some cases, it presents with large, solitary lesion with extensive mass effect that mimic intracranial neoplasms. This condition results in a diagnostic confusion for neuroradiologists because the differentiation is al...
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La depressione post-ictus (DPI) rappresenta una complicanza significativa e spesso trascurata nel campo della neuroriabilitazione. E' caratterizzata da sentimenti di tristezza, disperazione e perdita di interesse per le attività, può ostacolare il progresso degli sforzi di neuroriabilitazione, compromettendo il recupero funzionale e riducendo la qu...
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Objective: Denosumab, an antiresorptive agent, has shown results in improving bone mineral density and reducing fractures in postmenopausal women. While bisphosphonates are commonly used as initial therapy for osteoporosis, some studies suggest that denosumab could be an alternative initial treatment for high-risk patients, particularly the elderl...
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Background. The WHO 2016 classification of tumors of the CNS includes Multinodular and Vacuolating Neuronal Tumors (MVNT) as a benign ganglion cell tumor, possibly associated with seizures. MTVN pathologic hallmark to be consisting of a “subcortical cluster of nodular lesions located on the inner surface of an otherwise normal appearing cortex, wit...
Background: Stroke has functional sequelae, including motor weakness, spasticity, dysphagia, and neurogenic bladder deteriorating activities of daily living. Speech therapy is more often an essential part of the rehabilitation program. Studies in aphasia have primarily focused on two major pathways: the arcuate fasciculus and the superior longitud...
I famaci oppioidi sono oramai uno dei capisaldi anche nella terapia del dolore cronico non oncologico. In ambito geriatrico sono ovviamente molto dibattute tutte le potenziali interazioni di questi farmaci con altre classi di farmaci. Problema, quello delle interazioni farmacologiche, che sta diventando ovviamente sempre più impattante e import...
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A rectus-adductor syndrome is a form of groin pain caused by microtraumas which consist of chronic inflammation in the insertion point onto the pubis, that is, of the tendons of the adductors and rectus abdominis. Effective treatment naturally depends on a correct diagnosis. To make this possible, teamwork is essential to create a coherent and...
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Una frattura, o “crollo”, vertebrale osteoporotica si verifica quando il peso del corpo sovrastante la sede coinvolta supera la capacità dell’osso di sostenere il carico. Nell’osteoporosi grave solitamente il trauma potrebbe esserci a seguito di un’abituale azione, come fare uno starnuto o sollevare un oggetto.1 Nell’osteoporosi lieve invece il...
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o measure the care activity carried out in the Rehab UOSD of BN Italy, during the COVID 2020-2021 (Intensive Rehab 56). A series of indicators were identified such as the average hospital stay, the occupancy index, the case mix index, the bed turnover index, the turnover interval, the DRG, the ICP in order to construct Barber's nomogram. On the bas...
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ABSTRACT Introduction: For several years, human albumin was administered to patients to intervene on oncotic pressure and intravascular volume (1) until an article published in Cochrane in 1998 signaled to the scientific community that its administration could be dangerous in critically ill patients compared to use of crystalloids. In recent years,...
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With the transformation of the SSN and following the legislative decrees 502/517 and 229/98 (Bindi reform) as well as with the subsequent regional regulations, the functional profile of the territorial pharmacies was that of the resale of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products and the pharmacist assumes the role of commercial entrepreneur....
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Per diversi anni l’Albumina umana è stata somministrata ai pazienti per intervenire su pressione oncotica e volume intravascolare1 fino a quando un articolo pubblicato su Cochrane nel 1998 segnala alla comunità scientifica che la sua somministrazione potrebbe essere pericolosa nei pazienti critici in confronto all’utilizzo di cristalloidi.2 La mata...
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When a group of elected administrators is given the responsibility to hold, use or dispose of resources not belonging to him, they must be held fully answerable to the owner (Municipality, Region, etc) of the resources for whats he does with them. This, in essence, is the obvious principle of financial accountability. The local Administrators of a...
L’argomento Dissesto Finanziario è stato ed è di difficile comprensione anche da parte dei funzionari comunali. Il lavoro rappresenta una review narrativa senza pretesa di testo giuridici, riassumente le normative succedutesi nonché gli eventi locali post dissesto nella città di piedimonte Matese CE
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Introduction: Hyponatremia, defined as serum sodium concentration <136 mEq/l, represents one of the most challenging clinical disorder in geriatric rehabilitative settings . It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Hyponatremia can be often followed by neurological symptoms caused by cerebral oedema and in severe hyponatremia, pat...
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La Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione costituisce il terzo pilastro del sistema sanitario, accanto alla prevenzione e alla cura, per il completamento delle attività volte a tutelare la salute dei cittadini. La Riabilitazione dello sportivo rappresenta una sezione di tale branca specialistica che deve avvalersi di un approccio multidisciplinare per tr...
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—T Retrocollis (RC) is a form of cervical dystonia that produces patterned, repetitive muscle contractions resultin in a neck extension. To combine the dual effect of radial shock waves on pain and hypertonia, in this case report Radial Shock Wave Therapy was used to treat painful hypertonic neck extensor muscles in a patient with genetic-based cer...
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Clinical Care pathways, also known as critical pathways, integrated care pathways, case management plans, clinical care pathways or care maps, are used to systematically plan and follow up a patient focused care program. Clinical pathways are used all over the world and so for respiratory rehabilitation pathways (RR) and the importance of knowledge...
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Background: Primary essential cutis verticis gyrata is a condition that usually affects healthy subjects associated to convoluted folds and furrows formed from thickened skin of the scalp resembling cerebriform pattern. Case: we describe a case of association between primary essential cutis verticis gyrata and new daily persistent headache. Dis...
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This work provides easily accessible guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of Achilles tendon ruptures. These guidelines could be considered as recommendations for good clinical practice developed through a process of systematic review of the literature and expert opinion, to improve the quality of care for the individual patie...
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Primary traumatic patellar dislocation is common, particularly in young active individuals. A consensus on its management is still lacking. The present work provides easily accessible guidelines to be considered as recommendations for a good clinical practice developed through a process of systematic review of the literature and expert opinion, to...
Torticollis in children has different causes and a persistent twisted neck position should always be more closely investigated. Prior the introduction of Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography scanning the diagnosis of atlant
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Introduction: This is a case presentation of a 45-year-old male with chronic donor site pain following autologous iliac crest bone harvest successfully treated with superior cluneal nerve blockade. Donor site pain following autologous bone harvest is a common postoperative complication of lumbar fusion procedures that can cause significant morbidi...
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Classical trigeminal neuralgia (CTN) is treated predominantly by pharmacotherapy but side effects and unsuccessful occurs. The current study was carried out to evaluate the therapeutic effect of combination of pharmacotherapy and lidocaine block. Thirteen patients with CTN managed with pharmacotherapy were recruited and assigned either to no additi...
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When researchers conduct large prospective studies, they provide results generating statistical analysis; therefore readers need considerable familiarity with descriptive and inferential statistics. If quantitative judgments are based on interpreting odds ratios as though they were relative risks, they are unlikely to be seriously in error. Because...
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The use of odds ratio as relative risk (RR) in large cohort study is.
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common and chronic disease causing frequently pain and motor disability. Furthermore, joint pain in OA is associated with substantial disability and consequently inflicts considerable burden on affected individuals and society. Symptomatic relief from pain and reducing functional disability are the main goals in the treatme...
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Hip is a site very commonly affected by osteoarthritis and the intra-articular administration of hyaluronic acid in the management of osteoarthritic pain is increasingly used. However, the debate about its usefulness is still ongoing, as not all results of clinical trials confirm its effectiveness. In order to achieve the best outcome, clinical ass...
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spastic myotendineous pattern and impaired structural changes in spastic musculoskeletal structures ( i.e.CP-induced one) should have to be considered and described as compensatory and partially reversible structural changes in an altered motor pattern. This because in compensation model, we expect muscle that are thought to be impaired to still ha...
Conference Paper
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Ultrasound Guidance for Onaboulinum Injections in CHronic Migraine
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Chronic migraine is difficult to treat and requires a multidisciplinary approach. Several pharmacological treatments have been shown to be effective in placebo-controlled randomized trials and our patients therapy was between these: topiramate and local injection of botulinum toxin. Both therapies are reported to be effective in patients with chron...
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http://www.minervamedica.it/it/riviste/gazzetta-medica-italiana/articolo.php?cod=R22Y2013N03A0211 La tendinopatia calcificica di spalla è una patologia piuttosto comune caratterizzata da proprie manifestazioni cliniche e radiologiche. E’ un patologia auto limitantesi nel tempo per la quali precoci suggerimenti riabilitativi restano essenziali. Soli...
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Background: Neural blockade is widely used in clinical practice to alleviate acute or chronic pain, including pain during rehabilitation.
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Per uso off label dei farmaci, si intende comunemente l’impiego di farmaci in modo non conforme a quanto previsto nella scheda tecnica autorizzata dal Ministero della Salute e, quindi, una prescrizione di farmaci per indicazioni, modalità di somministrazione e dosaggi differenti da quelli indicati nel foglio illustrativo autorizzato. La legge 648/9...
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During the management of cancer pain sometimes patients ask for alternative, unusual, non recognized approaches. Last year we followed a cancer patient treated with an active substance that is the venom of blue scorpions endemic to Cuba, called Rhopalurus junceus "Escozul" that experienced an unexpected total pain relief with a good recovery of mus...
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Arthritis falls into two very broad categories, which are not mutually exclusive. The most common is Osteoarthritis (OA), in which a primary feature is degeneration of articular cartilage, often accompanied by evidence of soft tissue inflammation ranging from subtle to overt. The other broad category contains inflammatory arthropathies, of which rh...
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Topical analgesics may play an increasingly important role in managing acute and chronic pain as acetaminophen, NSAIDs, and opioid drugs come under heightened scrutiny. This article reviews studies about essential oxygen oil, a topical over-the-counter (OTC) analgesic new to the American market but available for many years in Europe. Prospective st...
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To inform physicians who utilise over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics to treat osteoarthritis (OA) pain on differences among agents and to guide decisions in therapy selection. A search of medical literature was conducted to identify articles on the treatment of OA published between 1990 and 2009. MEDLINE, EMBASE and SCISEARCH databases were searched...
Opioid combination has been shown to reduce the need for escalating doses for the treatment of cancer pain. A prospective study was planned to evaluate the addition of tramadol to a stronger opioid for the treatment of severe pain as a result of osteoarthritis, previously uncontrolled by non-opioid analgesics or weak opioids. All subjects received...
Les processus dégénératifs à l’origine de la coxarthrose sont responsables de modifications anatomiques et biomécaniques dans et autour de l’articulation. Une bonne compréhension de l’anatomie de la hanche et des forces exercées sur l’articulation permet de mieux appréhender les pathologies de hanche et les possibilités thérapeutiques actuelles. L’...
The degenerative processes underlying osteoarthritis of the hip produce both anatomical and biomechanical changes in and around the involved joint. A good understanding of hip anatomy and the forces crossing the hip joint is essential to understand both hip pathology and current treatment techniques. Total hip arthroplasty (THA) has become a mainst...
Early diagnosis and treatment of venous thrombosis biocontact="no" are essential in preventing pulmonary embolism (PE) and reducing the risk of recurrence. The objective was to assess the usefulness of the D-Dimer testing to rule out symptomatic VT in populations of patients receiving heparin in prophylactic doses. One hundred and twenty-three reha...
This study compares the efficacy of a walking recovery rehabilitation program with or without specific back exercises in patients affected by unstable extracapsular hip fractures and secondary back pain. Further, it reports data and images about analysed tomographic changes of the psoas muscle ipsilateral to fractures. A prospective, randomized, pa...
Only in 2002, more than 86,000 hip fractures were registered in Italy in male and female patients over 45 years old, with 9% progression compared to 1999. In this paper, we report a clinic case of a patient experiencing working problems for a chronic back pain after an unstable extracapsular hip fracture. The patient, a 54 years old woman, factory...
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The purpose of the trial was to evaluate the efficacy of suprascapular nerve block (SSNB) to relieve the shoulder pain, ameliorate recovery after physiotherapy and reduce disability due to a rotator cuff tendinitis (RCT). A prospective, randomized, comparison cross over investigation was performed in the setting of a large inpatient rehabilitation...
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Objectives: The purpose of the trial was to evaluate the efficacy of dry needling of myofascial pain syndrome trigger points to relieve the hemiparetic shoulder pain resulting from a cerebrovascular accident [CVA, stroke]. Methods: A prospective, randomized, comparison cohort investigation was performed in the setting of a large inpatient rehabilit...
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Result: Because back pain matched with the evidence of cross sectional changes in psoas density without any evidence of discal erniation, the patient was scheduled for aspecific back pain training. After a specific rehabilitation protocol the patient achieved a 75% of pain relief after four weeks. Conclusion: Age and diseases related changes are co...


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