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Research Scientist at the National Center for Scientific Research (Montpellier, France), and an Invited Professor at the Center for Sustainable Development (University of Brasilia). Through collaborations with anthropologists and ecologists, her research focus on the interactions between natural resource management practices, rural-urban mobility and (agri)environmental policies in Brazil. She explores how local communities cope with environmental norms and agribusiness expansion trough the analysis of the dynamics of agricultural systems, agrobiodiversity, fire management practices, land use rights, and migration/mobility patterns. She worked with indigenous, quilombola and other peasant communities in Amazonia and Cerrado (brazilian savanna).
Publications (139)
How have environmental and land policies evolved in the northern Brazilian Amazon to accommodate soybean expansion? In this article, we focus on the case of Roraima, where soybean acreage increased by 257 % between 2018 and 2021. We analyze to what extent this acceleration can be attributed to J. Bolsonaro's rise to power. We use an interdisciplina...
Agro-industrial expansion in the Brazilian savannas (the Cerrado) is associated with deforestation and land conflicts, but its relationship with water issues remains under-studied. Drawing on the basin trajectory approach, we explore the transformations in water usage and water policies over the past 20 years, as well as the divergent explanations...
This collective book is the product of the work of a Brazilian and French team involved in a bilateral scientific project entitled "Agrifood systems and public policies: theories and methods for analysing national and international experiences", funded by CAPES (Brazil) and COFECUB (France) for the period 2020 to 2023.
The aim of the project is to...
The spread of soy monoculture in the Brazilian Cerrado relies on land and water grabbing, although water appropriation is a least studied issue in the current literature. A mixed-methods approach was used to study changes in water use in western Bahia and the evolution of water and environmental standards over the last 20 years. The results show th...
O livro aborda reflexões teóricas metodológicas sobre as dinâmicas dos sistemas alimentares a partir de estudos de caso realizados no Brasil, sem a pretensão de ser exaustivo ou de contemplar a diversidade de situações e configurações que o tema e o país apresentam.
O livro reúne 33 autores e dez capítulos, organizados em torno de duas grandes temá...
Mapeamento das empresas usuárias de água no Rio Arrojado Correntina, Bahia com destaque para fazendas corporativas que realizam captação de água sem outorgas ou com outorgas vencidas e/ou abaixo do valor da captação que realizam.
The text makes an assessment about the policies of fire use in territories of traditional peoples and populations and the progress of environmental changes in the last decades. The increase in fires in the cerrado and Amazon regions has caused an increase in the vulnerability of these populations, arousing a growing interest, by researchers and man...
Over the last three decades, almost half of the Brazilian tropical savanna (Cerrado biome) has been converted into cropland and planted pastures. This study aims to understand the implications of the expansion of the agricultural frontier for water resources in western Bahia state. We use an
interdisciplinary approach that combines quantitative and...
Seguranças alimentar, hídrica e energética; rendas e modo de vida; saúde; dimensão imaterial da qualidade de vida; identidade e continuidade cultural; contribuição dos povos indígenas e de comunidades tradicionais para a agrobiodiversidade e o delineamento de paisagens no território brasileiro; e biocapacidade e pegada ecológica.
The expansion of agribusiness in all Brazilians regions challenges the future of traditional agricultural systems. This article intends to identify the processes by which traditional farmers maintain agricultural diversity at the soybean frontier in Brazil. The data were obtained from the survey and mapping of agricultural practices and agrobiodive...
In 2019 Brazil had the highest wildland fire occurrence in South America during the last 15 years. Added to the Amazon, the Brazilian savanna (Cerrado) faces changes in fire regimes. Climatic changes and the recent weakening of environmental law enforcement are factors, but historic and large-scale trends and drivers of fire regimes must be analyze...
A migração de agricultores familiares para zonas urbanas costuma ser analisada em termos de êxodo rural. Este artigo mobiliza a noção de multilocalização familiar para discutir distintos fluxos de recursos (alimento, financeiro e trabalho) entre integrantes de unidades agrícolas familiares que permanecem e as que residem fora dessas unidades. Para...
Áreas protegidas, têm sido, ao longo do último meio século, estabelecidas por muitos países em diferentes biomas e correspondem, hoje, a uma das principais estratégias de conservação da biodiversidade in situ e de proteção dos territórios das sociedades tradicionais em todo o mundo e já abrangem cerca de 13% da superfície terrestre do planeta (Bens...
The water grabbing phenomenon has been little reported in the Brazilian Cerrado, in spite of the intensification of large-scale irrigation related to the production of commodities (mainly soybeans) over the last decades. In our study, we sought to understand how the political reforms of decentralization of water resources management have facilitate...
The use of fire by cattle ranchers is a major
source of conflict between conservationists and local
communities in tropical savannas. We evaluate the role
of traditional pastoral management in wildfire prevention
in two protected areas within the Brazilian savanna. Finegrain
field data from transect walks and interviews were
combined with geospatia...
In the Brazilian Cerrado, the veredas (swampy palm forests) are legally protected and the use of fire in these wetlands is normally prohibited. Through collaborative research with quilombola farmers who cultivate within an ecological station (protected area), we undertook a preliminary assessment of local uses and environmental impacts of agricultu...
Sustainable alternatives for the Cerrado: formation and uses of territories by agroextractivist communities
Recent research on solutions for the conservation of the Cerrado biome focuses on a model of territorial organization conciliating the technical adaptation of large agricultural productions and the strengthening of protected areas, without ad...
Nas últimas três décadas, mais da metade do Cerrado brasileiro foi transformado em monoculturas. Desde os anos 2000, o governo brasileiro busca estratégias para conter a destruição do bioma, incluindo a criação de novas áreas protegidas e o monitoramento da implementação do Código Florestal. Estes processos contraditórios criam “territórios da soja...
The use of fire by cattle ranchers is a major source of conflict between conservationists and local communities in tropical savannas. We evaluate the role of traditional pastoral management in wildfire prevention in two protected areas within the Brazilian savanna. Fine-grain field data from transect walks and interviews were combined with geospati...
Over the last three decades, more than half of the Brazilian savannah (Cerrado) was converted into soybean monocultures. Despite the focus on land grabbing, the academic literature has paid little attention to relationships between agriculture frontier expansion and water grabbing, which conflicts remain invisible in face of growing large-scale irr...
Wildfires continue to cause damage to property, livelihoods and environments around the world. Acknowledging that dealing with wildfires has to go beyond fire-fighting, governments in countries with fire-prone ecosystems have begun to recognize the multiple perspectives of landscape burning and the need to engage with local communities and their pr...
Several decades of frustrated attempts to prevent fires in the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado) have led to deleterious ecological and management consequences. In 2014, the first Integrated Fire Management (IFM) programme was launched in three protected areas (PAs).
The IFM programme considers local practices, ecological information, management options...
The veredas (palm swamps) of the cerrado biome are legally protected as áreas de Preservação Permanente (Permanent Preservation Areas), and the use of fire in these wetlands is prohibited. We carried out a preliminary assessment of environmental impacts of the local use of agricultural fire in veredas through a collaborative research project in Jal...
The diversity of cultivated plants that are selected and preserved by traditional farmers attracts local and national interest, and constitutes an important biological and cultural heritage. In the case of the Amazon, besides the existence of a great set of data on agrobiodiversity, the wide range of methods hampers a synthetic view of its dynamics...
A diversidade de plantas cultivadas, selecionadas e conservadas pelos agricultores tradicionais, é de interesse tanto local quanto nacional, além de constituir um patrimônio biológico e cultural. No caso da Amazônia, apesar de atualmente dispormos de uma suma de dados sobre a agrobiodiversidade, a diversidade das opções metodológicas mobilizadas to...
The case of Payments for Environmental Services (PES) in Brazil provides an interesting illustration of how different PES models have emerged, according to different agendas, and how they have consolidated themselves. While PES in other Latin American countries were driven by national governments, in Brazil, PES were initiated in the early 2000s by...
In the Cerrado, the expansion of soybean cultivation since the 1990s has coincided with the strengthening of environmental regulations. We analyze how the two main environmental policies - Protected Areas and the Forest Code - have played out at the ground level in western Bahia state. These policies in Cerrado have not been designed to curb the ex...
Coudel E., Ferreira J., Amazonas M., Eloy L., Hercowitz M., Mattos L., May P., Muradian R., Piketty M.G., Toni F.. 2013. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Ecológica, 32-33 : 6-15.
In recent years, the Amazon has experienced simultaneous processes of urbanisation and creation of protected areas. Debates over the changing role of traditional peoples in the management of such areas have largely taken place in the absence of reliable information on these populations' connections to urban areas. We review the literature on Amazôn...
This article explores the transformations undergone by indigenous agricultural systems in periurban areas of the Rio Negro (Amazonas, Brazil). Rather than losing their characteristics, these systems have basically been transposed from a forest context to periurban areas, maintaining multi-plot cultivation, dynamic management of agrobiodiversity and...
From the example of the Trombetas Valley (Pará), we analyze the renewal of migratory practices of forest peoples of the Amazon and their interactions with certain demographic phenomena (residential separation, first births and first marriage). Today, most families are able to attend the city on a regular basis through systems of mobility articulati...
This article aims to understand the relationships between rural–urban mobility and economic differentiation in Amazonian communities, through a multi-scaled methodological framework. We focus on Amazonian quilombola communities (Pará State, Brazil), and we use a rural–urban circulation index to untangle the concept of mobility system. We show that...
This study analyzes the evolution of policies and programs for Payments for Environmental Services
- PES in Brazil and discusses the implications of prevailing models for reconciling conservation and
development. PES emerged from initiatives of productive diversification and agroecological
transition. However, its institutionalization in public pol...
Nous explorons les logiques des territoires multisitués de communautés quilombolas (descendants d’esclaves marrons) d’Amazonie. Leurs systèmes de mobilités articulent des espaces discontinus, à la fois ruraux et urbains, grâce à la dispersion des résidences familiales et à la complémentarité entre profils de mobilité. Un ensemble de règles collecti...
Although there is currently a boom of Payment of Ecosystem Services (PES) initiatives in Latin America, including Brazil, little evidence about their effects or implications has been generated so far. In this sense, the application of policies without evidence is dangerous, alerts Roldan Muradian, a senior researcher at Radboud University Nijmegen,...
MCNEELY, Jeffrey A.; SCHERR, Sara. 2009. Ecoagricultura: Alimentação do mundo e biodiversidade. São
Paulo: Editora SENAC-SP, 2009. 464 p. ISBN 978-85-7359-795-0. Título original: Ecoagriculture: strategies do feed de world and save wild biodiversity. 2003.Vários tradutores. Glossário. Bibliografia.
Índice remissivo.
The circulation of seed among farmers is central to agrobiodiversity conservation and dynamics. Agrobiodiversity, the diversity of agricultural systems from genes to varieties and crop species, from farming methods to landscape composition, is part of humanity's cultural heritage. Whereas agrobiodiver-sity conservation has received much attention f...
Construction of multi-sited territories in Amazon. The case of Quilombolas from Trombetas (Pará, Brazil).- We explore the rationales behind the multi-sited territories of quilombolas communities (descendants of maroons) in the Amazon. Their mobility systems, based on family residential dispersion and complementarities, run on remote spaces, both ru...
Indigenous resource management is transforming in the face of urbanisation in Amazonia. We wonder how land tenure arrangements feature a new kind of resource management in peri-urban areas. Data were obtained from ethnographic and agro-economic interviews combined with a geographic information system analysis of population and land tenure distribut...