Lucio SibiliaSapienza University of Rome | la sapienza · Department of Developmental and Social Psychology
Lucio Sibilia
Medicine and Psychology
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Former Faculty at the "Sapienza" University of Rome in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. Project leader in National research projects: the National Project for Mental Health (National Institute of Health), and the "Finalised Projects" (Italian National Research Council). I run research studies on the cognitive-behavioural procedures in self-control of consummatory behaviours such as smoking and overeating.
Currently trainer in CBT in the Ministry-recognized School of Psychotherapy of the Centre for Reseach in Psychotherapy (CRP), I am working on the effectiveness of CBT, cognitive-behavioral dysfunctions, definitions of psychotherapy procedures, & work-related stress.
Publications (48)
The project aims to provide a picture of attitudes
of Italian doctors towards environmental problems.
CLP project aim: The Common Language for Psychotherapy (CLP) project aims to achieve an International “A to Z” dictionary of psychotherapy procedures, from any orientation. Each entry is defined operationally, free of theoretical terms as much as possible, in order to further the development of psychotherapy into a science. The
CLP project...
The CLP project
clpThe Common Language for Psychotherapy (CLP) project aims to develop a general lexicon of psychotherapy procedures. Having no common language can confuse clinicians and patients, hamper communication, and impede research. It is often hard to know exactly what therapists do just from the names of their procedures and their orien...
The clp project is creating a general lexicon of psychotherapy procedures in its
Therapists from round the world describe operationally what they do with cli-
ents. They show overlaps and differences across procedures used in varying ap-
proaches. Clp entries are practical descriptions of therapists’ p...
Classifications of psychotherapy procedures have not yet reached unanimous consent, as the wide range of theoretical terms used in the definitions produce linguistic barriers. The CLP project may change this by defining over 100 psychotherapy procedures clearly and operationally in plain language with minimal or no use of theoretical terms. Marks e...
Il presente volume raccoglie le prime cento voci del lessico di psicoterapia prodotto dal Gruppo di Lavoro (Task Force) del Progetto internazionale CLP (Lingua Comune per le Psicoterapie). Si tratta del primo lessico
internazionale di psicoterapia che utilizzi un linguaggio semplice, quindi comprensibile sia dal pubblico che dagli esperti.
Dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale non vi sono stati fortunatamente nuovi conflitti generali, come quelli che hanno devastato il mondo nel XX secolo. Tuttavia, le guerre locali si sono susseguite in maniera ininterrotta in alcune parti del mondo, mentre in altre la " strategia della tensione ", legata ad attentati con o senza sicura attribuzi...
Sommario Si osserva come la ricerca scientifica volta a valutare gli effetti psicologici e terapeutici delle pratiche meditative, complessivamente considerate, non abbia ancora raggiunto conclusioni soddisfacenti. Sulla base delle ricerche più recenti, i metodi usati negli studi non risultano tali da far ritenere affidabili i risultati, e questi no...
Riassunto L'articolo persegue il fine di delineare una storia dei principali sviluppi scientifici della Medicina Comportamentale, a partire dalla nascita negli anni '70, fino a oggi. Quasi ogni branca della Medicina è stata interessata dalla Medicina Comportamentale e questo articolo vuole mostrarne i motivi di fondo. Area multi-disciplinare autono...
La psicoterapia cognitivo-comportamentale ha una solida tradizione scientifica e la sua efficacia terapeutica, per la maggior parte dei disturbi psichici, è sostenuta da numerosissime ricerche sperimentali. Meno nota è l'attenzione data alla vicenda umana. Queste "storie cliniche", invece, comprendono non solo il resoconto tecnico delle terapie (il...
In molti dei popoli dell'antichità, come documentato per esempio nei testi omerici o nel Vecchio Testamento, i sogni erano considerati messaggi dalle divinità, spesso allo scopo di influenzare gli umani, indirizzarli o ammonirli sul futuro. Avevano, quindi, una natura divina e una valenza che potremmo definire, in senso lato, pedagogica. Oggi si tr...
An experimental study of " written emotional expression " : mechanisms and effectiveness Background. The Expressive Writing Therapy (EWT) proposed by J. Pennebaker – a form of written emotional expression-has been shown in several studies to produce noticeable improvements in well-being and health-related outcomes in normal and clinical populations...
Riassunto L'esistenza di peggioramenti nei pazienti in psicoterapia, fenomeno noto da tempo come "deteriorament-o", può essere studiato come effetto di errori di condotta terapeutica a diversi livelli, oppure di carenze in-trinseche alle procedure, se l'errore in psicoterapia è concepito come lo scarto obiettivi-risultati, cioè l'errore procedurale...
Hunger is a poorly defined cognition, assumed to motivate overeating, but there is no firm evidence that the intensity of a sense of hunger is related to overweight. Recent research has suggested instead that irregular eating habits, as deriving from dieting, emotional stressors or other causes may have a role in the weight gain of obese people. Th...
The clp project is creating a general lexicon of psy-chotherapy procedures in its website:
Therapists from round the world describe operationally what they do with clients. They show overlaps and differences across procedures used in varying approaches. Clp entries are practical descriptions of therapists’ proc...
Sommario: Una mole di ricerche sperimentali è andata cumulandosi negli ultimi 60 anni sull'efficacia curativa di alcune delle psi coterapie offerte nella pratica clinica, e sui processi di cambiamento psicologico che queste attivano. Tut tavia, per mol ti clinici, tale maturo filo-ne di ricerca sembra contenere più di una minaccia, nonostante indub...
Premessa L'obesità si definisce come condizione di eccesso di massa grassa nell'organismo. Tuttavia, come e perché si realizzi questo eccesso, a che punto inizi e come vada affrontato, sono ancora in buona misura argomenti di ricerca e dibattito, nonostante si tratti di conoscenze cruciali per un adeguato approccio al problema. In questa relazione,...
In questo studio si espongono nuove osservazioni cliniche circa l'effetto di deterioramento provocato da alcune specifiche forme di trattamento psicologico, già evidenziate dalla ricerca sulla psicoterapia fin dagli anni '70. In questo lavoro vengono descritti alcuni casi di pazienti venuti all'attenzione clinica dell'Autore nelle ultime decadi, co...
Riassunto Problema. La metanalisi e' una metodica sempre piu' frequentemente usata per la sintesi delle ricerche sugli esiti delle psicoterapie. Gli studi pubblicati, di numero crescente, non sono tuttavia di eguale qualita', numerosi essendo gli errori nell'utilizzo della metodica o nelle conclusioni da essa ricavate, rinvenuti in letteratura. Met...
Abstract The stance is taken that promotion of cardiovascular health should be based on currently available
positive knowledge on both behavioral determinants of cardiovascular health and illness, and on stress-related psycho-social factors. It is suggested, on the basis of current literature, that further progress is possible only provided a theor...
In a nation-wide multicentric survey, appraisals of environmental pollution were studied, including the habits of self-protection from noxious environmental elements and beliefs in the controllability of ecological problems on a societal scale. The authors assume that it will be possible to stimulate pro-environmental behaviour and self-protection...
The association of serum selenium (S-Se) with selected cardiovascular risk factors has been studied in 3404 (1520 men, 1884 women) of 4699 subjects aged 20-73 years, who underwent a comprehensive examination between April 1986 and December 1987 within the framework of the Di.S.Co. Research Project of the National Research Council. Mean S-Se concent...
A conceptual model of Type A behaviour pattern (TABP) is presented which frames the pattern in terms of current cognitive-behavioural psychology and in the wider context of the psychosocial risk factors of CHD. Type A behaviours are considered as stemming from Type A appraisals, elicited in specific situations in individuals with enhanced emotional...
Whereas the larger focus of this four-day meeting was community stress, our working group was given the responsibility of discussing and developing ideas concerning research methods and directions. The working group initially struggled in deciding the appropriate purpose for this chapter. Initially, we discussed the possibility of writing a technic...
Nineteen obese female subjects with body mass index ranging between 30 and 40 were included in a double-blind crossover study aimed at evaluating the effects of oral 5-hydroxytryptophan administration on feeding behavior, mood state and weight loss. Either 5-hydroxytryptophan (8 mg/kg/day) or placebo was administered for five weeks during which pat...
A theoretical model is presented of childhood psychiatric disorders, drawing from learning psychology and ethology, based on the concept of social interaction. The needed assumptions are clarified so to account for a range of maladaptive behaviors in children, and their change along development. The model is open to modification, but nonetheless it...
Questions (2)
There may be many barriers which hamper people from using effective psychotherapy services: form cultural ones ("psychotherapy is useless", or "all forms of psychotherapy are equally effective", or "effectiveness of psychotherapy cannot be assessed"), to economic ones (costs for individuals or for organisations), or organisational ones (too few professionals or too few public services), or lack of advertising. I'm asking this question because the time seems ripe to launch an initiative for favouring the access to effective psychotherapy (which we actually did in Italy). Knowing what the situation is abroad about these barriers may be helpful.
Hundreds of thousands of people in need of mental health services may not be helped not because of low effectiveness of treatments, but rather for little access to them!