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September 2019 - September 2021
Publications (30)
Combining several crop species and associated agricultural practices in a crop sequence has the potential to control weed abundance while promoting weed diversity in arable fields. However, how the variability in environmental conditions that arise from crop sequences affects weed diversity and abundance remains poorly understood, with most studies...
Most organisms in ephemeral habitat patches have resting stages which form a local species pool in
response to temporal variations in the patch’s availability and suitability. Temporal dispersal from the
local species pool may, therefore, be an important process shaping the community assembly, particularly
soon after patch creation, and possibly...
Aim: Land surface models (LSMs) currently represent each plant functional type (PFT) as an average phenotype, characterised
by a set of fixed parameters. This rigid and constant representation is a limit in understanding the dynamics of highly diverse
ecosystems, such as permanent grasslands, and their response to global change.
Relationships between crop genetic and functional diversity are key to addressing contemporary agricultural challenges. Yet, there are few approaches for quantifying the relationship between genetic diversity and crop functional trait expression. Here, we introduce ‘functional space accumulation curves’ to analyze how trait space increases with the...
Functional trait distances between coexisting organisms reflect not only complementarity in the way they use resources, but also differences in their competitive abilities. Accordingly, absolute and relative trait distances have been widely used to capture the effects of niche dissimilarity and competitive hierarchies, respectively, on the performa...
Recent work has shown that evaluating functional trait distinctiveness, the average trait distance of a species to other species in a community offers promising insights into biodiversity dynamics and ecosystem functioning. However, the ecological mechanisms underlying the emergence and persistence of functionally distinct species are poorly unders...
Weather extremes like droughts and heat waves are becoming increasingly frequent worldwide, with severe consequences for agricultural production and food security. Although the effects of such events on the production of major crops is well-documented, the response of a larger pool of crops is unknown and the potential of crop diversity to buffer a...
Plant ecologists and molecular biologists have long considered the hypothesis of a trade-off between plant growth and defence separately. In particular, how genes thought to control the growth-defence trade-off at the molecular level relate with trait-based frameworks in functional ecology, such as the slow-fast plant economics spectrum, is unknown...
Aim: How grasslands productivity varies with its temporal stability is crucial to monitor and manage these ecosystems. However, identifying the direction of the productivity-stability relationship remains challenging because ecological stability has multiple components that can display neutral, positive or negative covariations. Furthermore, eviden...
Although how rare species persist in communities is a major ecological question, the critical phenotypic dimension of rarity is broadly overlooked. Recent work has shown that evaluating functional distinctiveness, the average trait distance of a species to other species in a community, offers essential insights into biodiversity dynamics, ecosystem...
Over the course of history, humans have moved crops from their regions of origin to new locations across the world. The social, cultural and economic drivers of these movements have generated differences not only between current distributions of crops and their climatic origins, but also between crop distributions and climate suitability for their...
The selection of new crops and the migration of crop areas are two key strategies for agriculture to cope with climate change and ensure food security in the coming years. However, both rely on the assumption that climate is a major factor determining crop distributions worldwide. Here, we show that the current global distributions of nine of twelv...
The selection of new crops and the migration of crop areas are two key strategies for agriculture to cope with climate change and ensure food security in the coming years. However, both rely on the assumption that climate is a major factor determining crop distributions worldwide. Here, we show that the current global distributions of nine of twelv...
Ensuring the temporal stability of national food production is crucial for avoiding sharp drops in domestic food availability. The average stability of individual crop yields and asynchrony among crop yield fluctuations are two candidate mechanisms to stabilize national food production. However, the quantification of their respective influence on t...
Establishing laws of plant and ecosystems functioning has been an enduring objective of functional and evolutionary ecology. However, most theories neglect the role of human activities in creating novel ecosystems characterized by species assemblages and environmental factors not observed in natural systems. We argue that agricultural weeds, as an...
The definition of “arable weeds” remains contentious. Although much attention has been devoted to specialized, segetal weeds, many taxa found in arable fields also commonly occur in other habitats. The extent to which adjacent habitats are favourable to the weed flora and act as potential sources of colonisers in arable fields remains unclear. In a...
Les « diversités cultivées » présentes dans les systèmes agricoles se déclinent à de multiples niveaux : les variétés (diversité génétique), les espèces et leurs fonctionnements biologiques (« diversité fonctionnelle »). D'après une étude récente, cultiver un plus grand nombre d'espèces et de groupes d'espèces (céréales, légumineuses, oléagineux, e...
Deciphering the mechanisms that drive variation in biomass production across plant communities of contrasting species composition and diversity is a main challenge of biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research. Niche complementarity and selection effect have been widely investigated to address biodiversity–productivity relationships. However, the...
It is well known that alien plant invasion modifies the composition and diversity of resident plant communities, yet our ability to predict patterns of vegetation responses to invasion is hampered by a poor understanding of which functional traits make some resident plants more or less vulnerable to invader impacts. For example, resident species ma...
Comprendre comment les pratiques agricoles affectent l’assemblage des communautés de plantes adventices dans les parcelles de grandes cultures annuelles est un enjeu majeur en agro-écologie. Les plantes adventices sont supposées partager certaines caractéristiques écologiques qui leur permettent de se maintenir dans les parcelles cultivées malgré l...
Dispersal, abiotic and biotic constraints are all involved in explaining the success of invasive plants but how these factors influence the different life stages of an invader remains poorly known. Focusing on highly invaded riparian habitats we asked: (1) how do propagule pressure, resource availability and resident vegetation influence the succes...
The database includes a list of 1577 weed plant taxa found in cultivated fields of France and UK, along with basic ecological and biogeographical information.
The database is a CSV file in which the columns are separated with comma, and the decimal sign is ".".
It can be imported in R with the command "tax.discoweed <- read.csv("tax.discoweed_18Dec...
The "Ecology & Agriculture" Group of the French Society of Ecology (Sfe) is organizing the "Ecology & Agriculture Summit for Young Scientists" conference (https://colloque.inra.fr/easys/) which will take place from 22 to 24 March 2017 at the Chizé Centre for Biological Studies (http://www.cebc.cnrs.fr/GB_index.htm).
This conference is a unique opp...
The metacommunity framework explores the relative influence of local and regional-scale processes in generating diversity patterns. In metacommunity dynamics, spatial dispersal is a key process to maintain diversity in complex community networks. However, organisms may also be subjected to temporal dispersal, particularly plants with dormant seeds....
Weeds are mostly annual plant species living in frequently disturbed habitat, namely arable fields undergoing crop succession. Ecological theory predict that dispersal based mechanisms importantly shape community in frequently disturbed habitat. However, weeds potentially also face intense competition from crop species which over-dominated this ann...
In frequently disturbed environments, plant community assembly mainly results from spatial dispersal and temporal dispersal through seed bank. Here, we propose to quantify the relative contributions of temporal and spatial dispersal on weed species assembly in farmlands. Weeds are mostly annual plants that rely exclusively on seeds for perpetuation...
Originating from Eastern Asia, Humulus japonicus Siebold & Zucc. (Cannabaceae) has been introduced in France for ornamental purposes at the end of the 19th century. While only few casual populations were recorded during the whole 20th century, H. japonicus is now established with invasive populations spreading along the river banks of the river Gar...
Humulus japonicus is an annual vine from Eastern Asia introduced to Europe and to the USA for ornamental purposes at the end of the 19th century. Its invasiveness is considered high in some countries, including Hungary and the USA. In France, it is considered as an emergent invasive species with recently naturalized populations on the banks of the...
Question (1)
I'am comparing two 14 years time series, one being a diversity index and the other annual temperature. I suspect annual temperature to be a strong driver of annual diversity. Accordingly, I found a significant granger causality index when testing for granger causality between temperature and diversity with a lag of three years. However when running a cross correlation analysis between the two time series I found really low correlation between temperature at time t-3 and diversity at time t. Does anyone ever experience such a situation ? In other work, is it possible to observe causality but no correlation ? Thanks in advance !