Lucie Krejčová

Lucie Krejčová
National Institute of Mental Health | NUDZ · Laboratory of evolutionary sexology and psychopathology



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January 2015 - present
National Institution of Mental Health, Klecany, Czech Republic
  • Researcher
September 2012 - September 2014
Charles University in Prague
Field of study
  • human ethology


Publications (56)
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Research has repeatedly shown marked differences in men’s and women’s sexual response patterns; genital response in men tends to be elicited by cues that correspond to their sexual preference (preferred gender), while women’s genital response is less sensitive to gender cues and more sensitive to the presence and intensity of other sexual cues (e.g...
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Individuals with paraphilic interests in sexual violence or children may be more likely to sexually offend if they possess offense-supportive cognitions. These cognitions may develop in response to childhood adversity. However, this idea is largely based on research in men convicted of sexual offenses and may not generalize to non-incarcerated adul...
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Men and women respond differently when presented with sexual stimuli. Men's reaction is gender-specific, and women's reaction is gender-nonspecific. This might be a result of differential cognitive processing of sexual cues, namely copulatory movement (CM), which is present in almost every dynamic erotic stimulus. A novelty eye-tracking procedure w...
Introduction Asexuality is usually defined as a lack of sexual attraction to others; however, asexuals may engage in sexual activity. Previous research has shown that asexuals are less likely to engage in sexual intercourse and masturbation than allosexuals. But information about detailed aspects of sexual behavior among asexuals is still scattered...
Introduction The yearning for intimate connection with another human being lies at the core of the human experience (Mashek & Aron, 2004). Thus, the ability to form stable and close bonds serves as a crucial indicator of psychological well-being (Burman & Margolin, 1992). However, for some individuals with problematic sexual interests, which may le...
Introduction Although the definition of asexuality varies across previous studies, asexuality is usually defined as a lack of sexual attraction to others. Recent surveys of general populations report that 0.4–1 % of the population identifies as asexual. Previous studies on asexuality mainly focused on differences between asexual and allosexual indi...
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So far, only a limited number of representative studies have been conducted on exposure to sexually explicit media in women. Existing research tends to focus on men, who form the majority of users of sexually explicit materials. This research aimed at the identification of categories of sexually explicit videos sought by adult women in the Czech an...
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A body of literature shows that a considerable proportion of mental health and social work professionals who are approached by help-seeking people with paraphilic interests find themselves unprepared to respond to these individuals adequately. In the Czech Republic, the professionals’ self-perceptions about addressing various paraphilic-related the...
Objectives Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a burning social issue worldwide. Some authorities and organizations have pointed to an even greater increase in the incidence of IPV during the COVID-19 pandemic, mostly because of the restrictive social measures. This study provides data about the incidence of IPV and its associated factors during the...
Objectives Sex robots may present an opportunity for a clinical management of individuals with paraphilic interests whose realisation would result in infliction of harm and/or legal consequences. Methods We explored the prevalence of desire for sex robot experience in a control group and two target groups: one with paraphilic interests in minors,...
Objectives We tend to think about paraphilic and "normophilic" patterns of sexual arousal as being strictly separated, yet the actual degree of „separatedness“ is unknown. In our research, we attempted to model relative distances among patterns and create a probabilistic landscape of arousal. Methods We collected data on sexual arousal from 5023 C...
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Objectives Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a burning social issue worldwide. Some authorities and organizations have pointed to an even greater increase in the incidence of IPV during the COVID-19 pandemic, mostly because of the restrictive social measures. This study provides data about the incidence of IPV and its associated factors during the...
Objectives In 2019, the pilot research project Paraphile started due to the lack of policy and early interventions focused on people at higher risk of sexual offending in the Czech Republic. Descriptive data and case histories of clients will be presented. Methods In the first 12 months after the programme´s official launch, 49 individuals contact...
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Reward based learning is broadly acknowledged to underpin the development and maintenance of addictive behaviour although the mechanism in sexual compulsivity is less understood. Using a Pavlovian-to-Instrumental Transfer (PIT) task we tested whether the motivational aspect of conditioned Pavlovian conditioned stimulus invigorated instrumental resp...
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Technologické vymoženosti ovlivňují všechny oblasti lidské života, sexualitu nevyjímaje. Záměrem článku je představit studie z různých oblastí sexuality, ve kterých se využívá virtuální realita (VR). Nejprve bude popsáno využití VR při posuzování sexuálních (potažmo parafilních) preferencí pomocí počítačově vytvořených postav (PVP), následně možnos...
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Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a burning social issue worldwide. According to global statistics, the incidence of IPV has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic due to restrictive measures (e.g., reduced social contacts, the need to stay at home often with a perpetrator in the same household). This study aims to provide data about the incidence...
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Sex robots may present an opportunity for a clinical management of individuals with paraphilic interests whose realisation would result in infliction of harm and/or legal consequences. We explored the prevalence of desire for sex robot experience in a control group and two target groups: one with paraphilic interests in minors, the other with inter...
Sexuální reaktivitu lze charakterizovat jako somatickou reakci, která je kontrolována nadřazenými spinálními a mozkovými centry, modifikována hormonálním stavem organismu a psychickým vyladěním člověka. Ve svých fyziologických projevech se mezi pohlavími příliš neliší, nicméně se ukazuje, že ženy se oproti mužům ve vzorech sexuální reaktivity liší....
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V České republice existuje poměrně dobře vyvinutá systémová péče o jedince s parafilní preferencí, kteří již mají za sebou historii spáchání sexuálně motivovaného trestného činu. Systematický způsob včasné intervence v naší zemi ale prozatím chybí. Projekt Parafilik se snaží tuto mezeru vyplnit nabídkou terapeuticko-poradenské intervence pro sebeid...
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Increased frontal midline theta activity generated by the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is induced by conflict processing in the medial frontal cortex (MFC). There is evidence that theta band transcranial alternating current stimulation (θ-tACS) modulates ACC function and alters inhibitory control performance during neuromodulation. Multi-electri...
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Introduction: A limited number of scientific studies explore the frequency with which various sexual positions are used in human populations and the potential of particular sexual position to facilitate female coital orgasm. Aim: The aim of this study was to provide data about the prevalence and frequency of various sexual positions, their rated...
The number of population-based studies focused on the prevalence of paraphilic sexual interests in men is very low and for women, the subject remains largely unexplored. The two main aims of this study are to investigate the prevalence of paraphilias and to explore sex differences in an online representative sample of Czech men and women using vari...
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Ženský orgasmus je komplexní psychosomatický proces. Přestože existuje celá řada definic ženského orgasmu, většina z nich se shoduje, že se skládá ze dvou komponent: z tělesné složky, kdy dochází k uvolnění neuromuskulárního napětí v těle ženy v reakci na tělesné dráždění, a z psychologické složky, kdy ženy pociťují sexuální naplnění a uspokojení....
Background: Surgery is the optimal treatment for a severe form of clitoral phimosis (CP) that is initiated by lichen sclerosus (LS) and causes female sexual dysfunction. Aim: We aimed to determine the etiology of clitoral phimosis, its influence on sexual function, and outcomes after surgical treatment. Methods: In this prospective cohort stud...
Conference Paper
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Background: Sex flushes, the color changes in face and body accompanying high sexual arousal, has not been experimentally investigated yet. Other colorations of the skin known as blushing are usually triggered by various emotional responses. The continuity of these two phenomena is not known. The aim of our study was to test thermal and color chang...
Conference Paper
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Despite the number of theoretical explanations, the etiology of pedo/hebephilic preferences in people still calls for empirical testing. Neurodevelopmental research has shown higher proportion of left handedness in child sexual offenders. Behavioral learning models suggest that an abused child may imitate inappropriate sexual behaviors in the later...
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Aims: To test the associations of non-consensual preferences with selected demographic parameters and to assess their connection to sadism. Conclusions: Factor analysis revealed the three distinct factors underliing positive responses to the non-consent and sadism items of our questionnaire. It indicates that there are three ethiologically differen...
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Ženské sexuální vzrušení je komplikovaný psychosomatický proces. Nalezení objektivních výzkumných nástrojů, které hodnotí sexuální žen a zvláště pak měření fyziologického sexuálního vzrušení, je předmětem zájmu výzkumníků z oblasti sexuologie po řadu desetiletí. V rámci tohoto textu přibližujeme přístroje nejčastěji používané ve výzkumné praxi (nás...
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The description of various sexual positions during sexual intercourses has been a topic of popular books. Numerous studies described association of sexual positions with orgasmic behavioral displays in primates. In humans, diierent positions are supposed to have diverse impact on female orgasm potential. In the representative Swedish sample of wome...
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There are many reasons for utilising 3D animation and virtual reality in sexuality research. Apart from providing a mean with which to (re)experience certain situations there are four main advantages: a) bespoke animated stimuli can be created and customized, which is especially important when researching paraphilia and sexual preferences, b) stimu...
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Background: A number of studies on the consumption of pornography have revealed large and clearly defined gender differences. Thus, men appear to be more attracted to and consume significantly more pornography than women (e.g. Hald, 2006). The study of Hald and Štulfoher (2015) found the preference of different pornography contents in women and men...
Term sodomy refers to any kind of sexual activity that would not lead to reproduction. Usually this term referred, in the past, to homosexual behavior which is widely studied and accepted by society by this day. Also it referred to sexual contact with animals – bestiality. In modern age the most known are studies by Kinsey who identified 8 % and Hu...
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Objective: Activation of endogenous stem cells (ESCs) might help conservation intrinsic healing capacity of a healthy organism as well as rejuvenation of damaged erectile function. The aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility and mechanism of incariside II (ICA II) in the treatment of ED in a rat model of bilateral cavernous nerves (CN)...
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IntroductionResearch indicated that (i) vaginal orgasm consistency is associated with indices of psychological, intimate relationship, and physiological functioning, and (ii) masturbation is adversely associated with some such measures.AimThe aim of this study was to examine the association of various dyadic and masturbation behavior frequencies an...
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Introduction: Research indicated that: (i) vaginal orgasm (induced by penile-vaginal intercourse [PVI] without concurrent clitoral masturbation) consistency (vaginal orgasm consistency [VOC]; percentage of PVI occasions resulting in vaginal orgasm) is associated with mental attention to vaginal sensations during PVI, preference for a longer penis,...


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