Lucia ZáhorcováUniversity of Trnava · Department of Psychology
Lucia Záhorcová
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Lucia Martinčeková Záhorcová currently works at the Institute of Experimental Psychology, Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Department of Psychology, University of Trnava. Her primary areas of interest are grief & bereavement and psychology of forgiveness.
Skills and Expertise
Publications (46)
The aim of this study was to investigate maternal grief after losing a child in relation to forgiveness and posttraumatic growth. A sample of 60 grieving mothers from Slovakia completed the following battery: The Texas Revised Inventory of Grief, a modified version of the Enright Forgiveness Inventory, and the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory. The re...
Previous research studies indicate that procrastination is often related to higher negative emotions and overall distress. Self-forgiveness, on the other hand, has been shown to be associated with lower distress and improved mental health. Therefore, the primary goal of our study was to test the relationship between self-forgiveness and procrastina...
Using a mixed-methods approach, we examined how participants’ memories of socialization regarding death might influence their self-reported coping with losses in childhood and adulthood. We recruited 318 adults to complete an online survey. Path analyses indicated that participants who remembered their parents shielding them less from issues relate...
The aim of this study was to focus on the relationship of forgiveness toward others, self-forgiveness, and anger toward God after the loss of a child. A sample of 84 grieving parents completed a battery of questionnaires. Self-forgiveness was found to be the strongest predictor of avoiding negative psychological adjustment after the loss (defined b...
The aim of this pilot study was to test the effectiveness of an educational forgiveness intervention on mental health in grieving parents. 21 grieving parents were randomly assigned to the experimental group (in which the educational forgiveness intervention occurred) and to the control group (in which a psycho-education grief intervention with a h...
Individuals in dating and marital relationships experience various transgressions that require forgiveness (e.g., hurtful communication, mistrust, lies, or infidelity). This study examines forgiveness-granting strategies in the context of forgiveness tendency, relationship length, commitment, satisfaction, and relational consequences to better unde...
The primary goal of this study was to find out how adults raised in children's homes perceive and experience forgiveness toward their parents, specifically their mother and father. The secondary goal was to examine any connections between them forgiving their parents and their current romantic relationship. The sample consisted of 10 individuals ra...
A mixed-method approach was used to explore and compare self-forgiveness, guilt, shame, and parental stress in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and parents of neurotypical (NT) children. The data were obtained by the Heartland Forgiveness Scale (Thompson et al., 2005), Guilt and Shame Experience Scale (Maliňáková et al., 2019...
Using a mixed-methods approach, this study investigates forgiveness, the factors of forgiveness, and unforgivable acts, and analyzes relational and gender differences in participants' qualitative answers. Open-ended questions were answered by 649 participants from Slovakia (532 dating, 117 married; 517 women, 132 men). Responses were analyzed quali...
Objectives. In recent years, interpersonal for-giveness has become a focus in psychology re-search. The Enright Forgiveness Inventory-30 (EFI-30) was developed to assess situational forgiveness toward someone who has hurt us deeply and unjustly. The goal of this study is to validate the Slovak version of the EFI-30, which was translated by the auth...
The goal of this study was to validate the Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivation Inventory (TRIM18) on the Slovak population. One non-functional item had to be excluded from the Slovak version of the TRIM-18, so it is referred to as TRIM-17. The scale was verified on a representative group of adults in the productive age bracket of 18-65 y...
Abstrakt: Odpustenie je dôležitým faktorom kvality života. Cieľom príspevku bolo preskúmať súvislosti osobnostných čŕt Veľkej päťky s tendenciou odpustiť druhým, sebe a situáciám na slovenskej populácii. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 434 respondentov (264 žien, 170 mužov) vo veku od 18 do 65 rokov (M = 35.19; SD = 12.65). Údaje boli získané pomocou The Bi...
Abstrakt: Cieľom práce bolo zistiť vzťah medzi odpustením bývalému partnerovi, tendenciou odpustiť druhým a zmysluplnosťou života u rozvedených jednotlivcov. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 81 respondentov (58 žien, 23 mužov). Údaje boli získané Enrightových dotazníkom odpustenia, Škálou tendencie odpustiť a Škálou životnej zmysluplnosti. Otvorené otázky bo...
The study examines whether empathy and humility (both as individual characteristics and partner's perceived characteristics) are predictors of forgiveness towards one's partner and relationship satisfaction in young adults. The sample consisted of 226 young adults (M = 23.3; SD = 2.38). Participants completed the following battery: Empathic Concern...
The primary objective of the study was to examine the young people's experiences of placement in institutional care and the course of their adaptation to children's home over time. The secondary goal was to examine their relationship with mother and father and the associations between the relationship with parents and the current romantic relations...
The primary goal of this research study was to qualitatively analyze perceptions of forgiveness and its meaning and application in counseling and therapy. The subgoals were to analyze psychological work with forgiveness in Slovak psychology practice, analyze the factors behind and consequences of forgiveness for clients and psychologists' perceptio...
Objectives. The main aim of this study was to qualitatively explore the general population’s understanding of forgiveness with regard to its definition, factors, and effects. The special focus of the study was on comparing the views on forgiveness by two generations, young adults, and seniors.
Participants and setting. Semi-structured interviews w...
The aim of this study was to qualitatively explore the adjustment to retirement transition from the point of view of recently retired Slovak individuals. The special focus of the study was on factors which helped or blocked the process of this adjustment. The data obtained from semi-structured interviews were analyzed by Consensual Qualitative Rese...
Purpose: This study is a qualitative inquiry into meaning making during retirement transition. The study focuses on how Slovak retirees reconstruct meanings during the transition and the factors which both help and hinder this process.
Methods: Forty individuals (M = 63.36; SD = 2.47) who had recently transitioned into retirement were interviewed a...
Primárnym cieľom výskumnej štúdie bola kvalitatívna analýza pokračujúcich väzieb u žien po strate partnera. Ďalšími cieľmi bola analýza kvality vzťahu s partnerom pred stratou a analýza rituálov využívaných po strate. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 10 žien po strate partnera v období neskorej dospelosti až staroby. Vek participantiek sa pohyboval v rozmedz...
The goal of this study was to examine the relationship between posttraumatic growth, ruminations, and core beliefs in grieving individuals after the loss of a loved one. The participants were 140 bereaved individuals (122 women, 18 men; M = 38.40; SD = 13.96). The results showed that posttraumatic growth was positively related to intrusive and deli...
Given the historical coexistence of religion and sexuality, the main aim of this study was to examine how religiosity is related to sexual attitudes and sexual satisfaction and, besides that, to examine the potential role of sexual shame and shame proneness in religiosity and sexual satisfaction. The study also focused on gender and marital differe...
Cieľom štúdie bolo zistiť vzťah medzi hanbou za vlastné telo, body image a sebahodnotením u oboch pohlaví v období strednej a neskorej adolescencie. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 434 adolescentov (M = 18.6, SD = 2.11). Údaje boli získané pomocou subškály Hanby za vlastné telo zo Škály objektivizovaného vnímania tela, Dotazníka Body Image, Rosenbergovej šk...
The article aims to provide a review of the currently most accepted models explaining transition and adjustment to retirement, which include role theory, continuity theory, life course perspective, and the resource-based dynamic model for retirement adjustment. One of the main theories explaining adaptation to retirement is role theory. This theory...
Despite the evidence that self-forgiveness is more strongly associated with physical health and well-being compared to interpersonal forgiveness, and that the results of self-blaming may be extreme, self-forgiveness has received considerately less attention in theory and research, compared to interpersonal forgiveness. The aim of this study is a cr...
Pre empatické pristupovanie k smútiacemu človeku, ako aj pre prácu psychológa vykonávajúceho smútkové poradenstvo, je dôležité porozumenie jednotlivých smútkových teórií. Dlhú dobu bola teória piatich štádií Kübler-Rossovej považovaná za najvýznamnejšiu teóriu popisujúcu smútenie po strate. Do dnešnej doby boli pôvodné teórie smútenia empiricky ove...
The goal of this paper was to find out relationships between self-forgiveness, guilt-proneness, shame-proneness, and empathy in young adults. Self-forgiveness is a dynamic process associated with various factors. Based on the presented models by Hall & Fincham (2005) and Rangganadhan & Todorov (2010), the study focused on emotional determinants of...
The study focuses on the regulation of negative emotions in the decision-making process of nurses. The aim of our qualitative research was to understand and describe which situations the nurses perceive as the most negative and which negative emotions they feel in these situations. We also investigated how nurses perceive the influence of negative...
Rozhodni sa odpustiť je dlho očakávaný slovenský preklad knihy Forgiveness is a choice:
A step-by-step process for resolving anger and restoring hope (Enright, 2001), v origináli
vydanej Americkou psychologickou asociáciou. Jedná sa o prvý psychologický manuál
k odpusteniu, ktorý vznikol na území Spojených štátov, konkrétne na pôde University of
Príspevok sa zaoberá využitím edukačnej intervencie odpustením pri práci s rodičom po vražde dieťaťa. Charakterizuje prežívanie smútiaceho rodiča, ktoré často zahŕňa pocity hnevu na druhých ľudí a popisuje možnosti využitia intervencie odpustením na zmiernenie dôsledkov interpersonálneho zranenia. Popisuje kazuistický prípad klientky, ktorá absolvo...
Strata manžela/ky je jednou z najviac stresujúcich životných udalostí, ktorej zvládnutie
môže uľahčiť sociálna opora. Cieľom práce bola analýza sociálnej opory počas smútenia po strate
manžela/ky, a to prostredníctvom kvalitatívneho výskumu. Výskumný súbor tvorilo 11 ovdovených,
z toho 7 žien a 5 mužov (M=54, SD=8,41). Čas od straty sa pohyboval v...
Odpustenie v súčasnosti získava stále väčšiu teoretickú a empirickú pozornosť, skúmaný je predovšetkým efekt odpustenia na psychické a fyzické zdravie, ako aj faktory súvisiace s odpustením. Cieľom tejto štúdie je podať systematický prehľad o vzťahu odpustenia, osobnostných a demografických faktorov na strane obete, ktorý môže pomôcť poradcom a ter...
Losing a child is the most devastating experience that a mother can experience. The aim of this study was an analysis of factors associated with maternal grief after losing a child: time since loss, type of loss and parenthood. The data were analyzed through combination of quantitative and qualitative approach. A sample of 60 grieving mothers (M =...
The article provides a review of the current literature on the relationship of forgiveness and addiction. Anger, resentment, and shame seem to be the important factors of alcohol and other substance abuse, as positively associated with relapse. Despite the evidence that forgiveness can reduce feelings of anger, resentment, depression, and anxiety;...
Previnenie voči sebe, svojim osobným štandardom v správaní, či zranenie druhého človeka,
často vedie k prežívaniu viny a hanby. Vina a hanba sú časté, bolestivé intrapunitívne emócie
zamerané na správanie („urobil som niečo zlé“ v prípade viny) alebo na charakter („ja som
zlý“ v prípade hanby) (Lewis, 1971). Príspevok sa zameriava na vymedzenie vin...