Lucia Luzi

Lucia Luzi
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia | INGV · Section of Seismology Applied to Engineering

Master of Science


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October 2021 - January 2024
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
  • Professor on contract
  • Course on Applied Seismology
January 2001 - December 2015
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
  • Senior Researcher
February 2005 - August 2005
University of Twente
Field of study
  • Image Processing
January 2004 - February 2005
University of Twente
Field of study
  • Earth Sciences
September 1985 - February 1991
Università di Camerino
Field of study
  • Earth Sciences


Publications (92)
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The central Apennines are renowned for their active NW-SE striking and SW-dipping normal-fault systems responsible for significant seismic events. However, uncertainties persist in attributing some past destructive earthquakes to seismogenic sources, as in the case of the 1706 Maiella earthquake (Mw 6.8, Abruzzi region). This study comprehensively...
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In this paper, the new dynamic geophysical and geochemical MUltiparametric DAtabase (MUDA) is presented. MUDA is a new infrastructure of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), published online in December 2023, with the aim of archiving and disseminating multiparametric data collected by multidisciplinary monitoring networks....
Conference Paper
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Nowadays increasingly consciousness on the interaction between tectonics and crustal fluids dynamics is lacking simultaneous monitoring of the relative key factors. Changes in water chemistry and levels, spring discharges, soil flux regimes (e.g., CO2, CH4, radon) and compositions of dissolved gases in water are well documented in the literature (e...
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In this paper, the new dynamic geophysical and geochemical MUltiparametric DAtabase (MUDA) is presented. MUDA is a new infrastructure of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), published on-line in December 2023, with the aim of archiving and disseminating multiparametric data collected by multidisciplinary monitoring networks....
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The behaviour of the ground surface and of structures subjected to earthquakes can be estimated analysing the accelerograms of seismic records. The ground motion is strongly dependent on several factors and the ability to record, characterize and extract the main features of waveforms is essential to better understand these dependencies. One of the...
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The determination of ground motion is crucial to plan the appropriate emergency activities, especially in areas characterised by an intense seismic history like the Italian peninsula. Ground motion assessment is generally based on the seismological parameters reported in the instrumental and parametric seismic catalogues. Therefore, the computation...
Con questo volume, che fa parte della collana BookMS Manuali (download dal sito www., intendiamo raccogliere, organizzare e mettere in condivisione i principali elementi e insegnamentitratti dall'intensa attività svolta in questi ultimi due anni. In particolare, sono riportate indicazioni utili alle attività di racco...
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This paper examines the advantages and drawbacks of the use of a functional form in empirical ground-motion modelling compared to machine learning algorithms. Typically, models based on linear regression and predefined functional forms have limits in representing complex nonlinear behaviour of source, attenuation and site effects present in the dat...
The strategy for data processing in the Engineering Strong-Motion Database (ESM) is to disseminate only manually revised data to ensure the highest quality. However, manual processing is no longer sustainable, due to the ever-increasing rate of digital earthquake records, from global, regional, and national seismic networks, and a new framework for...
The main objective of this work is to provide two zonations of Italy useful to incorporate regional source and path effects in empirical Ground Motion Models (GMMs). To this end, we revise existing zonations developed for seismic and tsunami hazard studies, based on the results of a residual analysis between the observations of the ITACAext dataset...
In this study we present a procedure for the topographic classification of Italy, taking advantage of existing high-resolution digital elevation models (DEM), with the support of routines embedded in Geographic Information Systems. The proposed method is based on morphometric analyses of a DEM, allowing for hilltop ridge detection, slope computatio...
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We describe the main structure and outcomes of the new probabilistic seismic hazard model for Italy, MPS19 [Modello di Pericolosità Sismica, 2019]. Besides to outline the probabilistic framework adopted, the multitude of new data that have been made available after the preparation of the previous MPS04, and the set of earthquake rate and ground mot...
Observational seismology in Europe is firmly rooted innational and regional observatories in charge of managingmore than 100 permanent seismic networks and more than200 past and present temporary deployments. Primarily drivenby governmental mandates to detect local seismicity and pro-vide earthquake information to civil protection agencies andthe g...
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This work presents an up-to-date model for the simulation of non-stationary ground motions, including several novelties compared to the original study of Sabetta and Pug-liese (Bull Seism Soc Am 86:337-352, 1996). The selection of the input motion in the framework of earthquake engineering has become progressively more important with the growing us...
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We describe the main structure and outcomes of the new probabilistic seismic hazard model for Italy, MPS19 [Modello di Pericolosità Sismica, 2019]. Besides to outline the probabilistic framework adopted, the multitude of new data that have been made available after the preparation of the previous MPS04, and the set of earthquake rate and ground mot...
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Strong ground motion records and free open access to strong-motion data repositories are fundamental inputs to seismology, engineering seismology, soil dynamics, and earthquake engineering science and practice. This article presents the current status and outlook of the Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology (ORFEUS) coordina...
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This work describes the analysis of the strong-motion data from the Engineering Strong Motion database (ESM,, aimed at: (1) extract a dataset of accelerometric waveforms recorded during the 2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence; (2) identify the recording stations to be used as reference sites for further seismological ana...
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The Ridgecrest seismic sequence began on 4 July 2019 in California, on a hitherto relatively unmapped orthogonal cross-faulting system, causing mainly nonstructural or liquefaction-related damage to buildings in the vicinity of Ridgecrest and Trona, and also causing substantial surface rupture. The present study considers the near-source ground-acc...
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The aim of this paper is to identify the ground motion models (GMMs), applicable in active shallow crustal regions (ASCRs) and subduction zones (SZs), to be used for the new release of the seismic hazard model of Italy (MPS19) for peak ground acceleration and 12 ordinates of the acceleration response spectra (5% damping) in the period range 0.05–4...
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ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology) is a non-profit foundation that promotes seismology in the Euro-Mediterranean area through the collection, archival and distribution of seismic waveform data, metadata and closely related products. The data and services are collected or developed at national level by more than 6...
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In Italy, earthquakes caused by volcanoes are of primary importance in the evaluation of seismic hazard, since several volcanoes seriously endanger densely populated areas (e.g. Catania and surroundings, Campi Flegrei, Vesuvius). On the other hand, there are very few models for the prediction of ground motion induced by volcanic events, mostly beca...
This work describes a procedure to configure U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)-ShakeMap for a given region. The procedure is applied to Italy to update and improve the ShakeMap service provided by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). The new configuration features (1) the adoption of recently developed ground-motion models (GMMs) and...
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In August 2016, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Central Italy, starting a devastating seismic sequence, aggravated by other two events of magnitude 5.9 and 6.5, respectively. After the first mainshock, four Italian institutions installed a dense temporary network of 50 seismic stations in an area of 260 km2. The network was registered in the Inte...
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ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology) is a non-profit foundation promoting seismology in the Euro-Mediterranean area through the collection, archival and distribution of digital seismic waveform data, metadata and derived products. ORFEUS is one of the three pillars of the Thematic Core Service for Seismology within...
Conference Paper
The first mainshock (Mw 6.0) of the 2016 Central Italy seismic sequence, severely struck the Amatrice village and the surrounding localities. After few days, some Italian Institutions, coordinated by the "Center for Seismic Microzonation and its applications", carried out several preparatory activities for seismic microzonation of the area. A tempo...
Conference Paper
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This paper illustrates REXELweb, an updated online version of REXEL, which is a tool for the automatic selection and scaling of spectrum-compatible ground-motions for dynamic analysis of structures. REXELweb allows to define target spectra according to user-definition or design provisions (Eurocode 8 and Italian building code), as well as to unifor...
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In this study, we propose an approach to generate spatially correlated seismic ground‐motion fields for loss assessment and risk analysis. Differently from the majority of spatial correlation models, usually calibrated on within‐earthquake residuals, we use the sum of the source‐, site‐, and path‐systematic effects (namely corrective terms) of the...
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ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology; is a collaborative non-profit foundation that promotes seismology in the Euro-Mediterranean area through the collection, archival and distribution of digital seismic waveform data, metadata and derived products. ORFEUS is one of the three pillars of t...
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We present the results of a consistency check performed over the flatfile extracted from the engineering strong motion (ESM) database. The flatfile includes 23,014 recordings from 2179 earthquakes in the magnitude range from 3.5 to 7.8 that occurred since the 1970s in Europe and Middle East, as presented in the companion article by Lanzano et al. (...
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The Engineering Strong-Motion (ESM) at le is a parametric table which contains veri- ed and reliable metadata and intensity measures of manually processed waveforms included in the ESM database. The at le has been developed within the Seismology The- matic Core Service of EPOS-IP (European Plate Observing System Implementation Phase) and it is diss...
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This work aims to revise the Bindi et al. (2011) ground-motion model for shallow crustal earthquakes in Italy (hereinafter, ITA10), calibrated in the magnitude range 4.0-6.9 using strong-motion data recorded up to the 2009 L’Aquila sequence. The improvement of ITA10 is needed because of the large number of strong-motion records made available in It...
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We propose a semiautomatic processing scheme (extended BASeline Correction [eBASCO]) for recovering the tectonic fling from near-source records. The method, based on a piecewise linear detrend of the strong-motion (SM) recordings, is applied to reconstruct the ground displacement field of the 30 October 2016 M w 6.5 earthquake in central Italy. The...
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The last few years have witnessed impressive improvements in strong-motion data curation and dissemination in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Two new modern strong-motion portals were developed within the EC-funded project NERA, mainly based on the European Integrated Waveform Data Archive (EIDA;, namely: (a) an...
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ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for European Seismology; is a collaborative non-profit foundation that promotes seismology in the Euro-Mediterranean area through the collection, archival and distribution of digital seismic waveform data, metadata and derived products. ORFEUS is one of the three pillars of t...
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Strong-motion data processing is necessary to evaluate reliable ground-motion for standard or specific applications. We describe a processing web-service, fully integrated with the engineering strong motion database (ESM), a daily-updated strong-motion archive that contains more than 50,000 waveforms of events with magnitude ≥ 4.0, mainly recorded...
Conference Paper
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The probabilistic assessment of the seismic hazard (PSHA) at an individual site is a standard practice, but an ergodic assumption is commonly made: the ground-motion uncertainty computed by a Ground Motion Prediction Equation (GMPE) from a global dataset is assumed to be the same as the variability at a single site. In this paper, the ergodic assum...
Conference Paper
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INGV has been producing shakemaps for Italy using the USGS-ShakeMap software since 2006. To respond to the recent technological developments and research outcomes (i.e., more data, better calibrated ground motion prediction equations and improved site classifications), it has become necessary the incorporation of these new elements into the routine...
Conference Paper
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The Engineering Strong Motion database (ESM) is one of the infrastructures of the EU project EPOS, for the distribution of accelerometric waveforms. It combines the expertise and datasets acquired within several European projects (FP4 to FP7), the European Integrated Data Archive and national databases. ESM is centralized and distributes strong-mot...
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Strong-motion data dissemination in Pan-Europe is undergoing remarkable improvements. Two new modern strong-motion portals were recently developed within project NERA, mainly based on the European Integrated Waveform Data Archive (EIDA), namely: (a) an automatic peak-motion database (RRSM) that delivers earthquake and peak-motion information within...
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The last few years have witnessed impressive improvements in strong-motion data curation and dissemination in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Two new modern strong-motion portals were developed within the EC-funded project NERA, mainly based on the European Integrated Waveform Data Archive (EIDA;, namely: (a) an...
To assess site-specific ground motion it is common practice to calculate seismic hazard at bedrock and then multiply it by a deterministic site-amplification factor typically computed from 1D numerical simulation. For this reason, the ground motion at bedrock should be free from amplification phenomena and its site response flat. Ground Motion Pred...
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A recently compiled, comprehensive and good quality strong motion database of the Iranian earthquakes has been used to develop local empirical equations for the prediction of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), and 5%-damped spectral accelerations (PSA) up to 4.0 s. The equations account for style of faulting, four site classes and use the horizont...
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In this paper, we separate the residuals of ground motion prediction equations into different components, calculating the repeatable site-specific (dS2Ss), location-specific (dL2Lr) and path-specific (dP2Per) correction for the median model. In this way, we can reduce the total standard deviation (sigma) of the ground-motion model by Lanzano et al....
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Since August 2016, central Italy has been struck by one of the most important seismic sequences ever recorded in the country. In this study, a strong-motion data set, consisting of nearly 10,000 waveforms, has been analyzed to gather insights about the main features of ground motion, in terms of regional variability , shaking intensity, and near-so...
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The last release of the strong-motion database ITACA (ITalian ACelerometric Archive v 2.1, http:// itaca. mi. ingv. it) includes, to date, about 25,222 three-component accelerometric waveforms generated by 1365 earthquakes with magnitude between 3.0 and 6.9 and recorded by 1210 stations in the time frame 1972–2015. One of the main goals of ITACA is...
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This paper is a reappraisal of the study on the single-station sigma for Italian strong-motion stations carried out by Luzi et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am 104:467–483, 2014). A residual analysis considering the time interval 1972–2015 is carried out on two datasets, using 4.0 and 3.5 as magnitude thresholds, and the ground motion prediction equations...
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On 24 August 2016, at 1.36:32 GMT, a MW 6.0 earthquake with epicenter located below the village of Ac- cumoli, struck a wide area among the boundaries of Lazio, Abruzzo, Umbria and Marche regions (Central Italy): the main event caused the collapse of several buildings and about 300 fatalities, mainly in the towns of Amatrice, Arquata del Tronto and...
Conference Paper
During the last years significant efforts have been undertaken to successfully develop strategies for strong-motion waveform data and event metadata dissemination in the European-Mediterranean region. Supported by the EC-funded project NERA and building upon previous FP6 and FP7 experiences, two new databases have been designed that are a) interope...
Conference Paper
During the last years significant efforts have been undertaken to successfully develop strategies for strong-motion waveform data and event metadata dissemination in the European-Mediterranean region. Supported by the EC-funded project NERA and building upon previous FP6 and FP7 experiences, two new databases have been designed that are a) interope...
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This article describes the Engineering Strong-Motion Database (ESM), developed in the framework of the European project Network of European Research Infrastructures for Earthquake Risk Assessment and Mitigation (NERA, see Data and Resources). ESM is specifically designed to provide end users only with quality-checked, uniformly processed strong-mot...
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Easy, efficient and comprehensive access to data, data products, scientific services and scientific software is a key ingredient in enabling research at the frontiers of science. Organizing this access across the European Research Infrastructures in the field of seismology, so that it best serves user needs, takes advantage of state-of-the-art ICT...
The goal of this article is to investigate the possibility of reducing the uncertainty of the ground motion predicted for a specific target area (Po Plain and northeastern Italy), by calibrating a set of ad hoc ground-motion prediction equations (GMPEs). The derived GMPEs account for peculiarities that are not generally considered by standard predi...
Conference Paper
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Directivity-induced amplification effects are well recognized only at low frequency (f < 1 Hz) on strong motion data recorded close to the source of large magnitude events, while no clear evidences are found at higher frequencies and for small-to-moderate-magnitude earthquakes. To date, there is a long standing controversy both from theoretical and...
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The selection of specific elastic response spectra according to soil categories is the standard to account for site effects in engineering design and general-purpose hazard maps. Most of the international seismic codes are based on the average shear wave velocity of the upper 30 m (Vs30) to discriminate between soil categories. The works of Borcher...
SynonymsAcceleration time series; Processing procedure; Strong ground motion parameters; Strong-motion databaseIntroductionA knowledge of the seismic ground motion is essential to understanding the earthquake behavior of structures. The basic data of earthquake engineering are the records of ground acceleration during moderate-to-strong earthquakes...