Lucia Ferlino

Lucia Ferlino
Italian National Research Council | CNR · Institute for Educational Technology ITD



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Publications (62)
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The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digitization, access to IT resources, and digital inclusion in the Italian school system. This paper presents D-UDA (i.e., “ unità didattica di apprendimento digitale ”, in Italian), a digital didactic unit for learning mathematics concepts. The presented approach combines teaching methodologies and game-based...
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Background Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is often associated with deficits in Working Memory Capacity (WMC) and Executive Functions (EFs), as early as the first years of life. Research has shown that, even young children with ASD, WMC and EF deficits can be effectively addressed through interventions employing digital and/or analogical tools. Earl...
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Today, the effective use of technological tools is a fundamental aspect of learning. Nevertheless, in Italy’s education system the integration of digital technologies in a pedagogically meaningful way is still not very widespread, especially in non-compulsory levels, such as preschool. Integration of digital technologies as early as preschool could...
The purpose of inclusive education is to allow all students to be welcomed into their school, placed in normal, age-appropriate classes, and supported in their learning process (Bucholz and Sheffler, Electro Int J Incl Educ 2, 2009). Therefore, a common learning environment needs to allow students with disabilities or heterogeneous abilities to lea...
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L'utilizzo didattico delle tecnologie e delle risorse di rete è venuto prepotentemente alla ribalta nel corso degli ultimi anni sotto la spinta di un'emergenza sanitaria senza precedenti che ha indotto Scuola e Università a spostare la didattica nella dimensione digitale, mettendo in evidenza l'impreparazione di entrambi i contesti all'adozione di...
Before pandemic, online learning was not widespread in the Italian educational context with preschoolers. This study investigates how a sample of 143 Italian kindergarten teachers describe their experiences and perception in conducting online learning during Covid-19 lockdown. Findings revealed that collaboration among teachers seems to be one of t...
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The abrupt interruption of face-to-face educational activities imposed by the Italian Government in response to the Covid-19 emergency required a rapid switch to remote schooling to guarantee continuity in education. This paper explores the family’s perception about the organization of remote schooling and its impact on learning. In particular, the...
Several cognitive assessment tools have been developed to measure Executive Functions in pre-schoolers, most of them in an analogue form. Since specifically developed apps would allow the assessment to be more accessible, valid, and fun for young children, “The Magic House” app was implemented. The app offers a simple game to measure updating, one...
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This contribute investigates how Emergency Remote Education (ERE) impacted families during the spring 2020 Covid-19 lockdown, and in particular, the extent to which the impact of ERE on families, measured in terms of space and equipment sharing, moderates the effect of student and family characteristics on students' engagement. The study derived fr...
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Digital technologies play an important role to support visual rehabilitation with children, especially visual stimulation and hand-eye coordination activities. The main aim of project conducted is to extend previous studies of team, on usability of digital resources, and to establish an online environment for knowledge sharing among parents, profes...
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Digital technologies play an important role in the development of visually-impaired children, who require early intervention to help sustain and improve their visual capacity throughout childhood, and also to stimulate their other senses so as to prevent any global development deficit. To this end, therapists, parents and teachers must be able to c...
Conference Paper
Several methods for the assessment and training of executive functions and working memory capacity in preschoolers have been developed over previous decades, but despite our digital era, new technologies are seldom addressed. To fill this gap, in the context of the "shareFUN" project, a set of digital games was designed, including measures and trai...
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Digital technology in its various forms is a significant component of our working environment and lifestyles. However, there is a broad difference between using digital technologies in everyday life and employing them in formal education. Digital technologies have largely untapped potential for improving education and fostering students’ well-being...
Conference Paper
Digital technologies play an important role in the development of partially children, who require early intervention to help sustain and improve their visual capacity throughout childhood, and also to stimulate their other senses so as to prevent any global development deficit. To this end, therapists, parents and teachers must be able to choose fr...
Conference Paper
The term Executive Functions (EFs) refers to a set of higher order cognitive processes that are critical for goal directed behaviour. They include inhibition (i.e., the ability to suppress task-irrelevant cognitive processing and ignore salient yet irrelevant features of the situation), shifting (i.e. the ability to switch between different operati...
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The introduction of Computational Thinking (CT) in Italian compulsory schools is on the way, and there is a general need for new methodologies to support teachers’ work. A one-year long learning path supporting the development of CT skills in primary school students through game making activities was defined and tested in a case study with one grad...
Conference Paper
Digital technologies play an important role in the development of partially children, who require early intervention to help sustain and improve their visual capacity throughout childhood, and also to stimulate their other senses so as to prevent any global development deficit. To this end, therapists, parents and teachers must be able to choose f...
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Il contesto educativo italiano ha una lunga e positiva tradizione riguardo l’inclusione. Tuttavia, nel corso del tempo sono emerse una serie di criticità imputabili ad una molteplicità di fattori. Nel presente lavoro, oltre ad evidenziare alcune difficoltà che rendono complesso un processo reale ed equo di inclusione, si enfatizzerà il ruolo che le...
Conference Paper
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The Institute for Educational Technologies (ITD) in Genoa, part of Italy’s National Research Council (CNR) has long held high-quality on-site training and refresher courses for teachers that are recognized by Italy’s Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR). In addition to participating in face-to-face initiatives, Italy’s teachers are increasingl...
Conference Paper
Digital technologies play an important role in the field of low vision, particularly in early rehabilitation efforts to sustain visual capacity and stimulate the other senses so as to prevent any global development deficit. Among the vast range of digital technologies available today, tablets and the apps that run on them hold a particular fascinat...
Conference Paper
The “A me gli occhi project” has been organized to support the development and consolidation of visuospatial abilities in students of the last two years of primary school, with the hypothesis that such a training would have a positive impact on their performance in mathematics. The present paper focuses on the second phase of the project, during wh...
Conference Paper
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Nel contributo si illusta uno studio esplorativo volto a indagare l’impatto educativo del playful learning centrato sull’uso di alcune tecnologie didattiche (Beebot, Probot, Tablet e LIM), in un contesto informale, caratterizzato da imprevedibilità e flessibilità, come quello delle case di Peter Pan, una struttura per la domiciliazione temporanea d...
Conference Paper
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In 2015 the Peter Pan Charity Association and the Institute for Educational Technology of the Italian National Research Council, from within the welcome centre 'The Great House of Peter Pan' (home for temporary domiciling of those needing onco-haematological therapy at the Bambin Gesù pediatric hospital in Rome), launched the WendyTD initiative, wh...
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Nonostante la crescente popolarità dei social network (SN) tra diversi strati della popolazione, solo pochi studi hanno esaminato le potenzialità di questi ambienti digitali come strumenti di inclusione sociale per le persone con disabilità. Questo studio presenta i risultati di un questionario online somministrato a persone con disabilità nel cont...
Conference Paper
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Introduction: Despite the growing popularity of social network sites (SNS) among several sectors of the population, only a few studies have investigated how these digital environments can be powerful tools of social inclusion for disabled people. This study presents the results of an online survey administered to disabled people in Italy with the a...
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The Peer Review (PR) is a very popular technique to support socio-constructivist and connectivist learning processes, online or face-to-face, at all educational levels, in both formal and informal contexts. The idea behind this technique is that sharing views and opinions with others by discussing with peers and receiving and providing formative fe...
Technical Report
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Lo studio che viene qui presentato è nato dall’esigenza di effettuare una ricognizione sulla diffusione dei social network presso le persone con disabilità in Italia. L’indagine è stata realizzata con l’obiettivo di rilevare le maggiori potenzialità e criticità che questi ambienti rivestono per queste persone, con particolare riguardo per le più fr...
Conference Paper
Essediquadro nasce nel 1999, per “adeguarsi ai tempi” e dare maggiore diffusione alla documentazione raccolta e prodotta dalla Biblioteca del Software Didattico in 15 anni di attività. Nel 2014 viene completamente ristrutturato, dal punto di vista dei contenuti, della struttura, della grafica, delle funzioni. L’obiettivo è sempre quello di supporta...
Conference Paper
A chi mai verrebbe in mente di percorrere un tragitto affrontando una lunga salita molto ripida e magari con un peso gravoso sulle spalle? Probabilmente a nessuno o a pochi. Sono molti i fattori che influenzano le nostre scelte. Allo stesso modo, ci sono fattori che ci condizionano nel sostenere una posizione, nel sopportare una situazione. Quando...
Conference Paper
In recent years the issue of accessibility of digital resources has been increasingly studied by the world of research, training, associations and law-makers. If educational software is built without keeping in mind the principles of Design for all, might be considered a new obstacle to learning and an occasion to highlight the limits and not the p...
Conference Paper
This paper addresses the needs of low-vision students by examining the development of ZoomLinux, a DVD containing specially selected open source educational software products. The DVD was created in 2008 by a group of researchers and professionals who have gained extensive experience in visual impairment through studies conducted over many years. Z...
Conference Paper
Although researches, guidelines and laws have been elaborated during the last years about the accessibility of software, many educational products on the Italian market are still difficult or impossible to be used by students with disabilities. An evaluation grid, designed from the end-user’s point of view, has been used with 70 educational softwar...
Conference Paper
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The paper tackles the issue of the accessibility of educational software products as a means for fostering the full inclusion of all students in mainstream educational systems. Educational software tools offer a strong potential for avoiding any kind of discrimination among students but may also pose new "technological barriers". School inclusion,...
The paper reports a small-scale, long-term pilot project designed to foster strategic and reasoning abilities in young primary school pupils by engaging them in a number of computer games, mainly those usually called mind games (brainteasers, puzzlers, etc.). In this paper, the objectives, work methodology, experimental setting, and tools used in t...
Conference Paper
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In order to guarantee equal opportunities to all students, the accessibility of ICT educational tools is worldwide considered a major issue. Nowadays, visually impaired students can take advantage of a large number of effective assistive technologies but, while using electronic material for learning purposes, they often encounter a number of differ...
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The aim of this paper is to draw a few guidelines for the evaluation of the accessibility and usability of educational software programs from the point of view of low vision students. The presented findings are based on the results of a long term research project carried out by the Italian National Research Council’s Institute for Educational Tech...
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The paper reports a small-scale, long-term pilot project designed to foster strategic and reasoning abilities in young primary school pupils by engaging them in a number of computer games, mainly those usually called mind games (brainteasers, puzzlers, etc.). In this paper, the objectives, work methodology, experimental setting, and tools used in t...
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This paper deals with the issue of the accessibility of multimedia educational software. The problem is tackled from the viewpoint of standards, that is of the rules to be adopted at institutional level in order to guarantee access to educational software to all students, including those with special needs. The key question to be answered is if reg...
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This paper deals with the problem of providing and disseminating information about the accessibility fea- tures of educational software products. Its ultimate aim is to support educational actors in choosing tools that facilitate the inclusion of pupils with disabilities into everyday classroom activities. It focuses both on the type of information...
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Quando leggiamo che "computer e tecnologia hanno ridisegnato il modo in cui la società moderna opera e funziona" non riusciamo a non domandarci se questo discorso è realmente applicabile anche alla scuola italiana ed abbiamo, sempre più netta, l'impressione che, in questo ambiente, l'innovazione faccia un po' più fatica ad entrare in maniera pervas...
Conference Paper
The aim of this paper is to discuss about the usability of Educational Software from the point of view of low vision students, starting from the results of a long term research project carried out by the Italian National Research Council’s Institute for Educational Technology and the David Chiossone Institute for the Blind, both based in Genoa, Ita...
Conference Paper
The Italian National Research Council’s Institute for Educational Technology and the David Chiossone Institute for the Blind have carried out a joint study that seeks to define criteria for evaluating the suitability of educational software in meeting the needs of the visually impaired. This study devotes due consideration to the particular educati...
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Il tema di interesse di questo capitolo è la relazione tra tecnologie e disabilità in una prospettiva di didattica speciale, cioè in una prospettiva finalizzata all’integrazione degli studenti disabili dentro l’istituzione scolastica . In questo lavoro non verrà sviluppato uno studio analitico sull’uso delle tecnologie didattiche nell’integrazione...
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Note sulla sperimentazione di un CD Live, SoDiLinux, contenente una raccolta selezionata di software didattici Open Source.
Con il 2003 Didamatica è arrivata alla sua sedicesima edizione. Dalla prima edizione (Milano 1985) sono cambiate davvero molte cose. La tecnologia innanzi tutto. Audiovisivi, informatica e telecomunicazioni, che erano all’epoca ambiti distinti con limitate possibilità di interazione, si sono integrati in una tecnologia sola e anche se il percorso n...
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La scuola italiana "apre le porte" a Linux: alcune realtà pilota tentano, seppur con atteggiamento ancora cauto, di approfondirne in maniera costruttiva la conoscenza, di capirne a fondo le caratteristiche e le effettive potenzialità. Ma Linux: fa ancora un po' paura a quei docenti che stanno ancora completando il proprio percorso di avvicinamento...
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L'école italienne de l'an 2000 naît sous le signe d'une tendance de plus en plus forte, généralisée et consciente, à l'innovation, au changement, due peut-être, du moins en partie, à une nécessité d'adéquation à des modèles pédagogiques empruntés aux choix didactiques étrangers. L'innovation pédagogique semble étroitement liée à l'introduction de n...
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Il volume raccoglie settanta schede che descrivono in modo dettagliato altrettanti software educativi creati espressamente per soggetti disabili o facilmente adattabili alle loro esigenze; di ciascun prodotto vengono fornite indicazioni sui contenuti, gli obiettivi didattici, gli utenti cui si rivolgono, le caratteristiche didattiche, le caratteris...
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