Lucia Rabello de Castro

Lucia Rabello de Castro
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ · Departamento de Psicologia Clínica


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Publications (92)
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A partir de uma pesquisa com crianças de classe popular da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, buscou-se discutir a relação entre infância, cuidado e emoções. Neste trabalho investigamos o fenômeno das crianças que cuidam de outras crianças, uma realidade muito presente na vida cotidiana de crianças especialmente localizadas em contextos do Sul do Globo. A m...
The most well-known and widely cited literature in the multidisciplinary field of childhood studies has been undertaken by scholars based in the Global North, who have produced theoretical frameworks and conceptualisations about childhood frequently deployed by Northern and Southern scholars alike. These are often based on priorities developed in N...
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Theories in Childhood Studies showcases the cutting-edge theoretical work that has been produced within the field of childhood studies. It speaks to both scholars and students in the field by addressing basic questions such as what childhood is, how childhoods are diversely constructed and how children’s experiences can b...
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The article aims at understanding the challenges and risks that arise for remote research-intervention with children and adolescents as digital devices during the Covid-19 pandemic are used. The method consisted of interviews by means of cell phones and computers with 18 children and adolescents during the months of March to September 2020. The res...
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Children and youth are typically positioned as passive subjects in learning, and when talking about working class children in particular, the common belief is that attendance at school institutions will translate into social displacement; that is, that children and young people from this economic segment who invest in the study will be able rise ec...
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This paper analyses the empirical data of school occupations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during 2016 to discuss the production of novel generational orders around the good of public education. Using a decolonial standpoint from where to examine modernization in Brazil and its welfare provision for children, the paper advances the notions of intergen...
In this study, we looked at the situation of young people from popular classes on Rio de Janeiro, who live in contexts marked by uncertainty, lack of guarantees, and social precarity. We seek to comprehend how young people, moving between different spaces, deal with uncertainty and unpredictability and how they opportunize, in a precarious and unst...
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Esta entrevista, realizada durante o Festival do Conhecimento UFRJ 2021, aborda o histórico de criação do Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Estudos da Infância, Adolescência e Juventude (NIAJ), a partir de uma modificação do Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa e Intercâmbio para a Infância e Adolescência Contemporâneas (NIPIAC), fundado em 1998, na Univer...
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The present research analyzes the mobilities of young people from the periphery of Rio de Janeiro towards a renowned university situated in a central region of the city. Focusing on a case study with four students, we carried out an in-depth investigation of the dynamics of their professional trajectories. Their personal identifications and values,...
This interview, which took place during the Festival do Conhecimento UFRJ 2021, tou-ches upon the history of the creation of Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Estudos da Infância, Adolescência e Juventude (NIAJ), through a transformation of Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Pesquisa e Intercâmbio para a Infância e Adolescência Contemporâneas (NIPIAC), founded in...
Inter-generational relationships have been greatly affected by new normative arguments enhanced by children’s rights. In this paper, we examine how children’s participation in school occupations has increasingly foregrounded tensions and conflicts on what children think they should receive from the older generation, especially disadvantaged childre...
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the discussion about higher education's internationalization policies in Brazil, which, since the 1970s, has considered the scientific trajectory of the Northern countries as the paradigm to be followed. My contribution here aims at: (a) examining, under a decolonial perspective, the relevance of internatio...
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This article discusses children’s responsibility in care practices from a relational perspective. The aim is to understand how responsible action takes place and is experienced in the lives of children who reside in a community in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. We interrogate the universalist sense of the notion of responsibility regarded as a...
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This paper examines the production of scientific knowledge on children from a decolonial perspective, with two major concerns. The first relates to the interrogation of developmentalism and globalism as part of the hegemonic project of modernisation originated in Northern countries and projected onto the world as an inevitable and to-be-desired fut...
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Cet article a pour but d´étudier la situation des jeunes des classes populaires de Rio de Janeiro, au Brésil, qui vivent dans des contextes caractérisés par l´incertitude, le manque de garanties et la précarité sociale. L’objectif est d’appréhender la façon dont ces jeunes, qui évoluent dans plusieurs espaces distincts, articulent ce qu’ils font da...
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O objetivo deste trabalho é enfocar a trama dos processos subjetivos desencadeada pela dominação colonial na relação que ela estabelece entre dominador e dominado: como se imbricam e se interpolam as forças vitais de cada parte, um para subjugar o outro e fazê-lo ceder, vergando-o sob o peso da astúcia, da sedução, do medo; o outro para se opor à t...
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Resumo: Neste artigo, buscamos analisar os sentidos de oportunidade que jovens pobres cariocas atribuem à escola e compreender se, para estes jovens, a escola e a escolarização possuem um valor no agora e/ou no depois imaginado. Participaram do estudo 51 jovens, estudantes de 9º ano do ensino fundamental, de duas escolas públicas municipais do Rio...
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Democratic construction relies on the political participation of children and youth, and is not limited to the legal norms that have established the position of subjects of rights for children. In this paper we discuss how the political action of secondary school students, through their occupation of state schools in 2015 and 2016 in Brazil, has po...
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In this article, decolonial scholarship inspires a discussion of globalization processes problematizing the concept of the ‘global child’. The antinomy global–local and the issue of the North–South divide are scrutinized, and child scholarship is evaluated from the point of view of a political economy of knowledge production. Finally, some key issu...
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Neste artigo analisamos de que modo, em um contexto escolar de muitas adversidades, se constroem alianças e pactos entre professores e alunos frente à demanda dos objetivos institucionais da escola. Interrogamos quais seriam as apostas que uma professora e um grupo de estudantes fazem no sentido de alterar o quadro de apatia e inércia frente a um c...
The present article is an analytical update on some of the tendencies observed in the publication of books on childhood and youth in Latin America, in the areas of Human and Social Sciences, through the examination of the bibliographical survey conducted by the journal DESidades from 2015 to 2018. The results reveal a significant number of works pu...
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The round-table discussion transcribed here discusses generacional difference in what it touches upon the subjects of inheritances, debts and bets made by brazilian society and educational system in relation to future generations. A reflection on social inequality is assumed here, evidenced by the genocide and imprisonment of black and poor brazili...
The present contribution seeks to unravel the personal, institutional and ideological underpinnings of an academic career devoted to the study of childhood and youth in Brazil. One of the main themes is in what ways an academic career in Southern countries should bear the conditions of its own production: how the singularities of the academic work...
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Este trabalho apresenta uma discussão, historicamente embasada, de como se configurou a noção de proteção da infância no Brasil. Ainda, apresentamos a proteção em interface com as relações intergeracionais, entre adultos e crianças, de modo a responder à pergunta: como a ideia de proteção da infância modela as relações intergeracionais entre adulto...
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This article analyses two different endeavours to understand the effects of domination on the self as well as the tortuous ways by which emancipation is sought. One example is taken from Ashis Nandy’s work The Intimate Enemy (1983), the other from Tsitsi Dangarembga’s novel Nervous Conditions (1988). It is argued that domination deeply scars the hu...
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The present paper analyzes the speech, the affections, the sounds and the noise, as forms of children’s expressions as they inhabit and participate in school. We were interested in examining how these complementary sonic and affective contours of discourse are associated with the students’ actions and their involvement with school and its demands....
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The installation of a big mining project transformed the social and environmental dynamics in the region around Conceição do Mato Dentro, Minas Gerais. The new enterprise "dislocated" the historical relations between individuals, communities and territories. From an ethnographic research orientation we have analyzed how young people subjectivate th...
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Departing from the problematization of the concept of political socialization, and taking into account children’s new social positions as subjects of speech and rights, the aim of this paper was to discuss the emergence of the political in intergenerational relations as situated spaces of intergenerational struggles resulting from the increasing ma...
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The present article intends to approach the effects of the standardized work in the fast-food industry, regarding the subjective process of the young workers of these restaurants. An intervention research was performed, which included the observation of the contributors in two participating restaurants, in addition to performing semi-structured int...
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O presente artigo discute material de oficinas realizadas com jovens sobre os sentidos dados por eles à liberdade e ao exercício dela em suas vidas. A análise foi feita a partir de crítica teórica à concepção de indivíduo livre da teoria liberal, bem como de crítica à consideração da infância e da juventude pela Psicologia do Desenvolvimento como e...
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In this paper, the notion of public subjectivity is regarded as a mediating concept to analyse the processes of self and society construction. In a first analytical move, the emergence of the public subject is discussed as a result of the processes of rationalization and social structuring, both of society as well as of the modes of subjective prod...
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Este artigo, empreendido por integrantes da equipe do periódico DESidades, examina e discute criticamente algumas tendências a partir de um trabalho minucioso de buscas de obras científicas publicadas sob a forma de livro, nas áreas de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, no âmbito dos países latino-americanos, que se desenvolve desde o lançamento desse per...
A criação da Universidade Federal do Cariri, na cidade de Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, propiciou uma mudança no cenário universitário do interior do estado. Inicialmente ligada à Universidade Federal do Ceará, o campus atendia à ação de expansão do sistema federal de educação superior. Foram criados cursos de graduação e um Programa de Pós-graduação...
In this article we discuss the modes of subjectivization of young residents of Rio de Janeiro engaged in environmental actions, questioning subjective elements, strategies and sociopolitical issues articulated to the ecological field. The defense of nature has become a field of intense social mobilization around the world finding great appeal, espe...
In this article we ask how, and whether university environments, university student identities and student interactions in universities constitute relevant factors in encouraging forms of political engagement among young people in Brazil today. First, we discuss recent contributions regarding the process of political subjectification in young Brazi...
This article discusses alternative forms of political participation among Brazilian youth today. The prevailing context of social and economic inequalities in Latin America stands as a key factor for understanding young people’s experimentations with new forms of activism. The article considers research based on in-depth interviews with twenty youn...
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The object of this work is the "subtle" expressions of violence that occur among young people living in peer groups within the school. A field research was carried out in two schools in Rio de Janeiro to know what these subtle acts of violence are and their relationship between the rules established by the school and the rules in grouping - institu...
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A partir das transformações econômicas e sociais das últimas décadas, como a flexibilização e a precarização das condições de trabalho decorrentes da reestruturação produtiva, alteram-se os modos como os indivíduos planejam seu futuro profissional. Este artigo apresenta uma discussão sobre juventude e sua relação com o mundo do trabalho, em especia...
From the economic and social transformations of recent decades, due to productive reorganization, and resulting in the flexibility and the precariousness of working conditions, changes the way whereby individuals plan their professional future. This article presents a discussion on the relation of the youth to the labour world, focusing on the cons...
Conference Paper
The present work discusses the significance of age as the cornerstone notion which has historically embedded studies of children and childhood. Naturalized as a handy indicator of change along the life cycle and inherently simple as a quantifiable marker, age has, nevertheless, allowed for scarce questioning concerning its own epistemological condi...
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Este artigo curto discute as noções de dominação e resistência como aspectos do percurso profissional de dois músicos moradores da cidade de São João de Meriti, Baixada Fluminense, região metropolitana e proletária próxima à cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Eles fazem parte de um movimento cultural underground chamado Hardcore, oriundo da cultura punk. A...
This paper discusses the crisis of authority currently presented in a singular form. On the one hand, people complain the "lost authority" since it is created an image of border between child and adult as necessary and universal. On the other hand, we regret the loss of that authority because we have been unable to rebuild relations with the younge...
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Este artigo discute o cuidado na relação entre professoras, professores e estudantes, problematizando, a partir de autoras da teoria feminista, que a socialização de cidadãos conscientes de seus direitos e deveres deva ser a finalidade principal da educação. Nas relações de cuidado se evidenciam a interdependência e a mutualidade – afetiva e cognit...
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The present work departs from the problematization of two aspects. Firstly, a conventional view about youth's political action which deters from investigating new forms and spaces of activism in youth's daily life; secondly, the view of the school as a pre-political space unsuitable for the political. In an empirical investigation conducted with 1,...
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This paper discusses care in the relation between teachers and students problematizing, in the perspective of feminist studies, that the socialization of citizens aware of their rights and obligations should be the main goal of education. In care relationships interdependence and cognitive and affective mutuality are central, an aspect that cuts ac...
Development has been for long an idea and an ideal that moulded the teleological movement of nations as well as that of individual self-realisation. The present paper looks at such a 'paradigm of development' in order to examine its impact on the social science research agenda on children in Brazil. Looking at issues concerning the modernisation pr...
Conference Paper
The present paper aims at discussing the findings of the first author’s dissertation whose theme was the "subtle" expressions of violence that occur among young people in peer groups within the school. A field research was carried out to identify these small acts of violence, their relationship with the rules of the peer group and with the rules es...
Modern conceptions of politics are intrinsically related to theories of subjectivity shaped by a teleological narrative expressing claims about instrumental rationality, moral and psychological autonomy, and individualized selfhood. Consequently, children have been considered to be lacking both the credentials necessary to act and participate in po...
This article discusses how the new paradigm of children’s participation rights and competence has maintained unchallenged the subjectivity considered apt to be included as an opinion giver in the polity. ‘Developmentalism’ continues to feed as a theoretical input and a practical regulation of adult–children relationships. The article, based on an e...
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This article discusses the possible tensions between the way the school organizes itself in order to fulfill its role of cultural transmission and the increasing demands of the technological society, such as those competences required by the information technologies. It is argued that the present school organization is related to one mode of world...
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Os jovens criam representações sobre a cidade a partir dos seus percursos e das relações que estabelecem com as pessoas e com o espaço. A diversidade da cidade pode ser vista como algo negativo, gerando medo e insegurança. Nesse artigo, investigamos como os jovens enfrentam os riscos da vida na cidade: que ações e estratégias usam, que espaços eleg...
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The present work discusses the framework of scientific policies for graduate education in the Brazilian context in view of the modes of subjectivization engendered for university researchers/lecturers. Privatization, specialization and individualization seem to constitute three main dimensions of these policies establishing collective identificatio...
This article analyses the contribution of the social sciences to the visibility of children’s issues in Brazilian society from the 1960s to the present day. The first regime of visibility considered childhood a relevant structural component of social inequalities, a ‘social problem’, stimulating social scientists to support social policies. Studies...
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In the context of long-standing macro-structural transformations and of their impact on how individuals - young or not - relate themselves to work and to their professional future in capitalist societies, this article analyses how young undergraduate students of the middle classes in Rio de Janeiro, respond to the societal demand of becoming profes...
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RESUMO-O presente trabalho examina criticamente a atualidade da noção de socialização política, tendo em vista as questões que hoje se colocam sobre o distanciamento dos jovens em relação à política. O conceito de socialização política é analisado sob dois aspectos principais: em primeiro lugar, são discutidos seus pressupostos relacionados a uma t...
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The present work analyses from a critical point of view the notion of political socialization and its current issues about the distancing of youth in relation to politics. The political socialization concept is analyzed according to two main aspects: first, it is discussed its assumptions in relation to an identity theory of subjectivity that essen...
In this paper we discuss how the practices and the scope of political action can be a mode of subjectivation for young people today. By means of the analysis of 19 interviews with Brazilian youngsters of Rio de Janeiro, where their militancy in schools, colleges, and political parties was investigated, we could determine three central aspects which...
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Parte-se da constatação de que crianças e adultos carecem de referências nas formas de lidarem uns com os outros, crise que vem sendo justamente denunciada pela juventude por meio de atitudes de enfrentamento aos adultos. Ao retomar-se o percurso histórico da autoridade, percebe-se que ela não se liga a apenas um significado, mas toma contornos dif...
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This article analyzes the relationship between youth and contemporary politics. Its principal focus of discussion refers to the process of political subjectivation and deals initially with the question of how this process implies the building of a sense of belonging to a collectivity and being responsible for life in common, as major aspects of the...
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Este artigo tem como objetivo focalizar um dos aspectos do desenvolvimento de um trabalho realizado em uma escola da Zona Sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com três turmas de jovens entre 14 e 16 anos de idade, tomando como contorno analítico a importância da não neutralidade do pesquisador e sua consequente influência para a percepção das demandas...
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Neste artigo discutimos como é que as práticas e o campo da acção política podem ser um modo de subjectivação para os jovens na actualidade. Por meio da análise de 19 entrevistas com jovens brasileiros do Rio de Janeiro, em que se investigou a sua militância nas escolas, universidades e partidos políticos, determinámos três aspectos centrais que qu...
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Parte-se da constatação de que crianças e adultos carecem de referências nas formas de lidarem uns com os outros, crise que vem sendo justamente denunciada pela juventude por meio de atitudes de enfrentamento aos adultos. Ao retomar-se o percurso histórico da autoridade, percebe-se que ela não se liga a apenas um significado, mas toma contornos dif...
This article focuses on one of the aspects of a project carried out in a school located in the South Zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro, with three groups of young people between 14 and 16 years of age, taking as its analytical outline the importance of the researcher's non-neutrality and his / her consequent influence in the perception of group de...
This article intends to question the notion of citizenship understood as a set of rights and to discuss the effects in the participation of children and youth of the existence in this concept of a developmental reason. Such developmental reason has had the historic role of causing the exclusion of children and youth in participating as citizens sin...
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A infância e seus destinos no contemporâneo A infância e seus destinos no contemporâneo * RESUMO Partindo de uma concepção construcionista da infância, este artigo discute a afirmação de uma morte da infância no contemporâneo, frente às transfor-mações que tendem a minimizar as diferenças entre adulto e criança. Preten-de-se aqui neste trabalho exe...
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O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar os processos pelo quais as crianças se apropriam e transformam a cidade, podendo construir assim um sentimento de identificação e apreciação em relação ao lugar em que vivem. É por meio dessas transformações sentimentais e na ação dos sujeitos que a cidadania pode se estruturar, fundamentada na participação da...
The objective of this work is to investigate the process children use to transform the city, being able therefore to construct a feeling of identification and appreciation towards the city they inhabit. It is through these sentimental transformations and the action of the subjects that the citizenship can be structured, based on the participation o...
This article analyzes the relationship between youth and contemporary politics. Its principal focus of discussion refers to the process of political subjectivation and deals initially with the question of how this process implies the building of a sense of belonging to a collectivity and being responsible for life in common, as major aspects of the...
This article discusses the meanings acquired by freedom in the contemporary consumption culture, which incites new choices in face of the multiplicity of objects, goods and experiences. It argues that, in the articulation between freedom and consumption, one must pay attention to the ways individuals appropriate interpellations from the market to c...
Differently from other subject positions, children and youth have to be translated in their demands in modern societies. Translation poses specific problems, specially those concerning the polity: societal perspectives are centred round adults’ point of view, which moulds and dominates the scope of directions and values of social conviviality. Th...
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O presente trabalho discute a construção da alteridade entendida como uma elaboração permanente da posição do sujeito ante as demandas de subjetivação contemporâneas. A noção de diferença é evocada para dar conta do movimento subjetivo, aberto e instável, no processo de construção do outro e de si. A cidade contemporânea é trazida aqui através das...
The present work discusses the construction of 'otherness' understood as a permanent elaboration of the position of the subject facing the demands of contemporary subjetivation. The notion of difference is evoked in order to deal with the subjective movement, open and unstable, in the construction process of the other and of self. The contemporary...
This study analyses the specificities of youth identity construction in Brazil in the context of global transformations and the particularities of the Brazilian model of development. Poor urban Brazilian youngsters’ demands to consume, as a ‘mode of inclusion’ in society, achieve short-term gains that narrow down prospective visions of the self. A...
In childhood studies identity and difference are generally framed in the context of adult–child relationships. In this article it is explored how children and youth come to construe self and other in relation to other children and youth. Difference/otherness becomes an important organizing aspect of children’s social practices favouring a new agend...
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Este artigo trata do relato de uma experiência de intervenção focal com crianças na cidade de Fortaleza, na qual se procurou, através de discussões em grupo, possibilitar a construção e a re-construção das experiências destes sujeitos na cidade. Partiu-se da premissa que viver hoje na cidade contemporânea requer do sujeito orientação crítica para q...
Social participation, as far as children and youth are concerned, stands as one of the rights of children formalized by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The present work is an attempt to contribute to the discussion on the ways whereby this right can be implemented, by raising the issue that children and youth constructively interpret soc...
This paper discusses the role of children and youth in the construction of city life. Institutionally, children and youth have been considered minor social actors, those to whom scarce participation is afforded in the planning, discussing and decision-making concerning change and improvements of city life. However, children and youth have invariabl...
The study is part of an ampler project which investigates the conditions and modes of subjectivation of children and adolescents in modern urban consumer cultures. Consumption has emerged as a fundamental part of the process by which children enter western capitalist cultures and their symbolic systems of meanings. An important thematic area of thi...


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