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My research interests. i) Family economics: collective models, time-use, labor supply, intergenerational transmissions, gender issues; ii) Public economics, optimal income taxation, social welfare, evaluation of public policies, micro-macro simulation models; iii) risky behaviors, addiction.
Research news on TWITTER @LucaPiccoli5
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January 2019 - present
February 2010 - December 2018
September 2007 - February 2010
Publications (65)
This article studies how gender role attitudes are transmitted from parents to their children by examining the intrahousehold division of housework time. The Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS-HSE) is used to analyse the time devoted by parents to housework during their children's late childhood or adolescence and that of the same children...
This paper studies how a society with traditional gender norms and competitive marriage market conditions may favor unequal distribution of resources within households and a consequent increase in female poverty. We propose a method to estimate individual consumption from household expenditure data. After estimating individual consumption, we apply...
This paper addresses one of the main empirical problems associated with rational addiction theory, namely, that its derived demand equation is not empirically distinguishable from those of models with forward-looking behavior but with time-inconsistent preferences. Using an encompassing general specification of the rational addiction model we deriv...
We analyze the association between spouses' earnings taking account of non-linearities along both spouses' distribution of earnings. We also document the non-linearity of the relationships between earnings and labor force participation, earnings and couple formation, and earnings and number of children. Using simulations, we then analyze how change...
This paper tests whether young and adult smokers have different time preferences, in particular with respect to time consistency. The recent introduction of Tobacco 21 law in the US were in part motivated by allegedly inconsistent time preferences of the young consumers. This research empirically tests this hypothesis using individual cigarettes co...
This paper studies the distribution of resources within Albanian families in 2012 using a collective consumption model with two alternative specifications: the first enables the estimation of the intrahousehold distribution of resources among male adults, female adults and children; the second extends the analysis to girls and boys. In line with pr...
School closures, forcibly brought about by the COVID-19 crisis in many countries, have impacted children’s lives and their learning processes. The heterogeneous implementation of distance learning solutions is likely to bring a substantial increase in education inequality, with long term consequences. The present study uses data from a survey colle...
ICMS is a value-added tax and the most important tax in Brazil in terms of revenue. This paper investigates the technical feasibility and impact of a reform to ICMS. The aim of the reform is twofold, on the one hand, to modernize the tax and redress some current flaws in terms of neutrality, simplicity and transparency and, on the other, to reduce...
This study extends the rational addiction theory by introducing an endogenous discounting of future utilities. The discount rate depends on habits accumulating over time because of the repeated consumption of an addictive good. The endogeneity of the discount rate affects consumption decisions via a habit-dependent rate of time preference and discl...
In the last decades, fathers have become increasingly involved in the daily care of children (Kornrich & Furstenberg, 2013), mainly in couples where mothers participate to the labour market. Although the evidence regarding the possible effects of maternal employment on child development and wellbeing is mixed, some studies have suggested that an in...
The lockdown imposed during the spring of 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic upset families lives, in addition to the health consequences of the virus, forcing parents to completely reorganize their labor, domestic work and childcare time. At the same time, school closures forced children to rearrange their lives and learning processes: in I...
This study examines the role personality traits play in influencing consumption decisions for both individuals and households by means of a complete system of Engel curves. Estimations are performed on the German SocioEconomic Panel (SOEP) using the following four different samples: single men, single women, childless couples and couples with child...
School closures, forced by the COVID-19 crisis in many countries, impacted on children's lives and their learning process. There will likely be substantial and persistent disparities between families in terms of educational outcomes. Distant learning solutions adopted by schools have been heterogeneous over countries, within countries and between s...
The lockdown declared during the Spring 2020 because of the COVID-19 outbreak caused a reallocation of market and household work. A the same time school closures in many countries impacted on children's lives and their learning process. In Italy, schools and nurseries have been closed during three months and the incidence and quality of distant lea...
This paper deals with one of the main empirical problems associated with the rational addiction theory, namely that its derived demand equation is not empirically distinguishable from models with forward looking behavior, but with time inconsistent preferences. The implication is that, even when forward looking behavior is supported by data, the st...
We analyze the association between spouses' incomes using a rank-rank specification that takes non-linearities along both spouses' income distribution into account. We also document that the relationships between income and labor force participation and income and couple formation are non-linear. Using simulations, we then analyze how changes in sp...
This article evaluates the effects of a revenue-neutral tax reform introducing a universal basic income scheme coupled with a flat income tax which replaces the existing minimum income benefit, several other conditional benefits and the existing progressive income taxation. To this aim we use a Micro–Macro simulation model for the French economy. I...
This study analyses whether an excessive parental alcohol consumption during childhood can affect long run children's educational attainments. Using 19 waves of the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS), where individuals and their families are followed from childhood to adulthood, this study analyses parental alcohol consumption during chil...
In this paper, we test whether consumption choices are affected by personality traits and whether this impact is different for singles and individuals living in couples. To fulfill this aim, we test the impact of personality on preferences for different commodities using the German SocioEconomic Panel (SOEP) and estimating a system of Engel curves...
In this chapter, we use a Micro-Macro simulation model to evaluate the distributional effects of a real depreciation of the Euro on the French economy. Our Micro-Macro model consists of a microsimulation model and a CGE model which are integrated using an iterative approach. We find that a 10% real depreciation of the Euro stimulates the aggregate...
This study introduces a new collective complete demand system with individual Engel effects that is easy to estimate and permits undertaking policy analysis at the individual rather than household level. Previous estimations of collective demand were limited to single equations. The empirical application investigates the passive drinking effect, th...
This paper studies the distribution of resources within families with migrant member abroad. We derive a complete collective demand system with individual Engel effects for male and female adults and children, and the respective share of resources. The focus is on migrant-sending families in Albania, where gender and inter-generational inequalities...
Transition to a market economy is accompanied by a period of greater economic uncertainty. Women are likely to suffer substantial disadvantages from this uncertainty compared to men as they are, for example, more likely to lose their job. This not only implies a monetary loss for the entire family, but also degrades female bargaining power within t...
This paper aims to investigate the effects of the introduction of an active welfare state measure in France, the Revenu de Solidarité Active, which replaced the old system of social minima. By using a micro–macro simulation model, we characterize the effects on households’ disposable income, labor supply, wages, GDP, public deficit, and other micro...
This study extends the Rational Addiction theory by introducing an endogenous discounting of future utilities. The discount rate depends on habits accumulation over time which occur because of the repeated consumption of an addictive good. The endogeneity of the discount rate aects con-sumption decisions via a habits dependent rate of time preferen...
The present work studies optimal taxation of labour income when taxpayers are allowed to evade taxes. The analysis is conducted within a general non-linear tax framework, providing a character-isation of the solution for risk-neutral and risk-averse agents. For risk-neutral agents the optimal government choice is to enforce no evasion and to apply...
Drawing on the formal setting of optimal taxation theory, this paper identifies the degree of Rawlsianism (poverty aversion) exhibited by European social planners, beginning with the observation of actual data and redistribution systems. The paper contributes to the comparative research on the structure and typology of welfare capitalism. The socia...
This study proposes a novel approach for estimating the rules governing the distribution of resources among wife, husband and children, using a complete collective demand system with individual Engel effects. The model contributes to the literature by explicitly modeling intrahousehold inequality and offering a powerful tool to analyze the impact o...
The aim of this paper is to investigate whether parental alcohol consumption leads to a reduction of child welfare. To this end, we analyse whether alcohol consumption decreases parents’ time spent looking after children and working. Using the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, we estimate a model of intra-household allocation of time for mono-...
In this paper, we use a Micro-Macro model to evaluate the eects of a euro's depreciation on the French economy, both at the macro and micro level. Our Micro-Macro model consists of a Microsimulation model that includes an arithmetical model for the French scal system and two behavioral models used to simulate the eects on consumption behavior and l...
The aim of this paper is to investigate whether excessive parental alcohol consumption leads to a reduction of child welfare. To this end, we analyse whether alcohol consumption decreases time spent by parents looking after their children and working. Using the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, the study focuses on mono-nuclear families with c...
In the 1960s, the member states of the EU pioneered the use of VAT in place of the variety of turnover tax systems then in operation. Over the years, VAT has become a major source of revenue for all member states and by 2009 it raised €784bn annually –6.6% of the EU’s GDP and 17.3% of all taxes raised.
Clearly, how well VAT works is a question tha...
This study estimates the size and value of unpaid family caretaking activities at a European level. While at a country level several studies are available, a comprehensive evaluation for Europe as a whole was missing so far, mainly due to data limitations. This paper fills this gap using a method that merges the information of an EU household surve...
This paper investigates whether consumption of alcoholic beverages has a passive effect on the distribution of resources among household members. The term passive drinking evokes the negative impact that the drinking behavior of a household member may have on other household members' well-being. To investigate this issue we rely on the collective f...
Drawing from the formal setting of the optimal tax theory, the paper identifies the level of Rawlsianism (or aversion to poverty) of the European social planners starting from the observation of real data and redistribution systems and builds a metric that allows measuring the degree of (dis)similarity of the redistribution systems analyzed. The sh...
This study aims to illustrate how to improve the evaluation of child economic well-being and child poverty using the collective approach. International organisations such as the World Bank, OECD and UNICEF have made important efforts in recent years to produce reliable data and to measure poverty according to the most relevant items of household co...
This paper provides evidence about the effects of possible reforms of the Spanish direct redistribution system. We perform an ex-ante evaluation of the impact upon efficiency, income distribution, and polarization of the replacement of the Spanish system with the ones enforced in France, the U.K., and Denmark (corporatist, liberal, and social-democ...
The present article aims at contributing to the literature on children welfare evaluation by taking into account intra-household distribution of resources and, as a consequence, intra-household inequality. This task cannot be accomplished within the standard framework of unitary models of consumption, and equivalence scales help only partially, sin...
This paper estimates the size and value of Unpaid domestic Work (UPW) and Unpaid Family Care Work (UFCW) at the European level. While at the country level several studies are available, a comprehensive evaluation for Europe as a whole is still missing, mainly due to data limitations. We try to fill this gap by combining the information present in t...
The purpose of this document is to present the main features of the microsimulation model for the tax system and welfare state in France for 2005-2006 including family allowances, social contributions, indirect and direct taxation and local taxes.
The present paper aims at contributing to the literature on children welfare evaluation by taking into account for intra-household distribution of resources and, as a consequence, intra-household inequality. This task cannot be accomplished within the standard framework of unitary model of consumption, and equivalence scales helps only partially, s...
This paper investigates whether consumption of alcoholic beverages affects distribution of resources among household members. We refer to this effect, highlighting the negative impact that alcohol addicted individuals can have on other household members wellbeing. To investigate this issue we rely on the collective framework and estimate a structur...
This study extends the Rational Addiction theory with endogenous discounting and het-erogeneity in the habit formation process. The model describes how heterogenous habits affect consumption paths via a subjective rate of time preference varying the rate of habit adjustment and the patience-dependence trade off. The intertemporal structure of prefe...
This study develops a dynamic analysis of an extension to the rational addiction theory, suggesting a theoretical model that places special emphasis on the effects of impatience and heterogenous habits. The model describes how heterogenous habits affect consumption paths via a subjective rate of time preference varying the rate of habit adjustment...
This study develops a dynamic analysis of rational addiction suggesting a theoret-ical model that places special emphasis on the effects of impatience and heterogenous habits. The model describes how heterogenous habits affect the consumption paths via a subjective rate of time preference varying the rate of habit adjustment and the patience-depend...
Efficient estimates require the utilization of all the available theoretical and statistical information. This fact suggests that econometric models based on an explicit optimization theory might achieve more efficient estimates when all the primal and dual relations are used for a joint estimation of the model’s parameters. We present a discussion...
In this paper we try to offer some elements of evidence about the effects of possible reforms of the Spanish direct redistribution system. We analyse the impact upon efficiency, income distribution and polarization of the replacement of the Spanish system with several European schemes. In particular, we simulate schemes similar to the ones enforced...