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Publications (25)
On a variety of international legal matters, relations between the US and European countries are evolving and even diverging. In an ever-changing world, understanding the reasons for this increasing dichotomy is fundamental and has a profound impact on our understanding of world dynamics and globalization and, ultimately, on our awareness of where...
Critics of the so-called negative equality doctrine, which prohibits third-state military intervention upon invitation by a government embroiled in civil war, point to recent contravening practice together with a generally passive or politically supportive attitude by states to substantiate their views. If, however, a prohibition indeed remains the...
Between 2015 and 2018, the Dutch government has supported Syrian rebels fighting the regime of President Bashar al-Assad through a ‘non-lethal assistance’ (NLA) program. Pertinent questions have been raised regarding the program’s compatibility with international law and a joint commission was tasked with developing criteria to evaluate the legalit...
The 2016 US Presidential Election was marred by (cyber-)meddling allegedly directed by Russia and aimed at sowing discord in the political system, boost Donald Trump’s election chances, and steal voter data and other sensitive information. Using that alleged Russian involvement in the 2016 election as a case study, this article examines its legalit...
According to the United Nations Secretary-General, Yemen today constitutes the worst man-made humanitarian crisis in the world. It is fuelled by extensive thirdstate involvement, with none of the warring parties championing respect for international human rights and humanitarian law (to put it mildly). Conversely, primary rules of international law...
This article addresses the degree of parliamentary involvement in decisions to deploy armed forces abroad. It observes how the recourse to force by the US-led military coalition fighting against the so-called Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIL, or Da’esh) in Iraq and Syria seems to fit into a broader trend of increased parliamentary control over...
Cambridge Core - Public International Law - The Cambridge Handbook of Immunities and International Law - edited by Tom Ruys
The law of neutrality and the principle of non-intervention both promulgate neutrality norms pertaining to third-state assistance for belligerent parties embroiled in an international or non-international armed conflict. This article compares and contrasts these two legal frameworks and assesses whether they work in perfect harmony or, on the contr...
The international law on the use of force is one of the oldest branches of international law. It is an area twinned with the emergence of international law as a concept in itself, and which sees law and politics collide. The number of armed conflicts is equal only to the number of methodological approaches used to describe them. Many violent encoun...
This article focuses on the doctrine of complicity that features in both the law on State responsibility and international criminal law, using inter-State arms transfers ultimately (ab)used for the perpetration of international crimes as the backdrop for its legal reasoning. The article is divided in three parts. Section I sets out the legal requir...
On 26 March 2015, a Saudi-led coalition launched ‘Operation Decisive Storm’ on the territory of the Republic of Yemen following a request by that country’s beleaguered government. Although it received no prior fiat from the UN Security Council and took place amidst a civil war, the intervention met with approval from numerous States, with only few...
The goal of this chapter is to take a critical look at the alleged transatlantic divide with regard to the content and relevance of the jus ad bellum by means of a case-study, notably from the perspective of the recourse to force by the US-led military coalition fighting against the so-called Islamic State (IS, also known as ISIL, or Da’esh) in Ira...
De secretaris-generaal van de Verenigde Naties, Ban Ki-moon, kondigde in januari 2012 – bij aanvang van zijn tweede ambtstermijn – de organisatie van de allereerste World Humanitarian Summit aan. De top was er in het bijzonder op gericht kennis te delen en best practices te identificeren en kaderde in één van zijn kerndoelstellingen, met name het o...
Op 12 april 2011 diende Vlaams minister van Onderwijs Pascal Smet (SP.A) het ontwerp van onderwijsdecreet XXI in. Nog geen drie maanden later werd dit ontwerpdecreet bekrachtigd en afgekondigd en ten slotte op 30 augustus bekendgemaakt in het Belgisch Staatsblad. Het decreet had nochtans al serieus wat stof doen opwaaien en lag zwaar onder vuur doo...