Ľubomír Panigaj

Ľubomír Panigaj
University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik · Department of Zoology


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Publications (32)
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The topic of invasion is a constantly relevant and popular issue these days. This work therefore provides an overview of the invasive insect species that occur in the city of Prešov, Slovakia. We summarize the literature data, with six invasive species already known from Prešov, and we also bring seven newly recorded invasive insects. We recorded t...
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Butterfly wings play a crucial role during flight, but also in thermoregulation, intraspecific signalling and interaction with predators, all of which vary across different habitat types and may be reflected in wing morphology or colour pattern. We focused on the morphological variability of Erebia medusa in order to examine patterns and variations...
The lack of reliable characters and the wide color variation make it difficult to distinguish between Colias species. The sequences of mtDNA are often not reliably distinguishing between species of Colias. On the other hand, the genetic divergences within some species are so large that cryptic speciation appears likely to have taken place. Wolbachi...
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The sibling species Colias croceus and Colias erate show significant intraspecific variability, presumably resulting from frequent hybridization. For this reason, some specimens are not clearly identifiable. The yellow forms of males and the white forms of females are particularly problematic in terms of their identification. In this study, we inve...
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The study presents results of colour preference of insects (Insecta), mainly from the order Hymenoptera (families Apidae, Formicidae). The research was carried out in the vicinity of the Beniakovce village (near the Košice city) over the years 2010–2012. Trapping by coloured water traps was conducted at ten sites with 50 Moerick′s water traps colou...
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The contrasting habitats providing a heterogenous environment are considered to affect morphological traits of Lepidoptera due to their adaptability to various selection pressures under such conditions. The morphological and genetic variability of the butterfly Argynnis paphia (Nymphalidae) were studied with a focus on populations across different...
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A total of 385 Euphaedra eberti Aurivillius, 1898, adults collected between 2012 and 2018 in the vicinity of Bangui, Central African Republic, were examined for intraspecific morphological variability, genetic diversity and genitalia structure. The species shows significant wing pattern variability. Two main mor-photypes were identified in the set:...
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The distribution of genetic diversity within Erebia pronoe (Esper, 1780) populations in relation to biogeographic ranges is essential for understanding the processes of evolution, speciation and phylogeography in this species. A certain degree of genetic variability was expected because of the species’ linkage solely to calcareous soils. These idea...
The refugial history and postglacial re-colonization routes of Western Carpathian insects are insufficiently understood. Therefore, we investigated the spatio-genetic structure (phylogeography) of Western Carpathian populations of Erebia euryale (Esper, 1805) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) and inferred their colonization routes over the postglacial per...
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A total of 333 specimens of Erebia medusa from four sites with different altitudes in the Western Carpathians, specifically from orographical units of the Košická kotlina basin (Beniakovce), the Busov Mts (Cigeľka), the Pieniny Mts (Targov) and the Muránska planina Mts (Studňa), were collected and subsequently analyzed for specific morphological st...
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We aimed to determine phylogeography, genetic variability and morphology of water ringlet - Erebia pronoe (Esper, 1780) populations in mountain localities of the Western Carpathians. It represents the less studied species from whole Erebia genus not only in Central Europe, but in whole Palearctic region with occurence strict linked only to calcareo...
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The Holarctic butterflies of the genus Erebia (Lepidoptera) in the Western Carpathians is represented by around 10 mainly mountain species. In this study, phylogenetic relationships among Erebia euryale, E. medusa, E. manto, E. epiphron, E. pharte, E. gorge, E. aethiops, E. pronoe, E. pandrose, and E. ligea from different Western Carpathians locali...
Conference Paper
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Preliminary records of butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) in the nearest surroundings of Jalovec village are presented. Jalovec village is situated on the boundary of Liptovská kotlina basin and Western Tatras mountains, near to the TANAP National Park. Altogether 522 individuals of 111 species were recorded, of which butterflies (Rhopalocera) com...
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Monitoring of day-active butterflies by water pan traps method over the period 2001-2012 was conducted on a gradually overgrowing habitat in Koick kotlina basin (Slovakia). Totally, 1457 individuals of 57 species of butterflies were caught and evaluated. Monitoring revealed significant changes in the butterfly community which might be a consequence...
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The harlequin ladybird beetle Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) has invaded and established in Slovakia. Following unintentional introduction in 2008, the spread of the alien coccinellid was very fast. By the end of 2009, it was recorded across the whole country, and by the end of 2012 it was widely distributed and common in various hab...
Records of Harmonia axyridis in Slovakia
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The Holarctic butterflies of the genus Erebia (Lepidoptera) in the Western Carpathians is represented by around 10 mainly mountain species. In this study, phylogenetic relationships among Erebia euryale, E. medusa, E. manto, E. epiphron, E. pharte, E. gorge, E. aethiops, E. pronoe, E. pandrose, and E. ligea from different Western Carpathians locali...
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This article follows several previous catalogues of moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera) of Slovakia and updates the current list of 3598 Lepidoptera species occurring in Slovakia. The list is conceived according to the latest taxonomy and systematics of Lepidoptera. Based on the extensive critical review of the overall list of known species of Lepi...
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Coloured Moericke water pan traps were used to determine the effect of colour on the preference behaviour of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea) over the period 2001 to 2003 in grassland habitats in Eastern Slovakia (Kosicka kotlina basin). A total of 912 individuals belonging to 53 species and 7 families of butterflies were trap...
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Katedra zoológie, Ústav biologických a ekologických vied PF UPJŠ, Moyzesova 11, 041 67 Košice, Slovensko Úvod V zmysle dokumentov Európskej únie o ohrozených druhoch živočíchov sa na Slovensku zo skupiny motýle (Lepidoptera) uvádza 23 druhov, z nich sú ale štyri druhy považované za vyhynuté (Lycaena helle, Coenonympha oedippus, Chondrosoma fiduciar...
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Coloured Moericke water pan traps were used to determine the effect of colour on the preference behaviour of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea) over the period 2001 to 2003 in grassland habitats in Eastern Slovakia (Košická kotlina basin). A total of 912 individuals belonging to 53 species and 7 families of butterflies were trap...
Distribution and Bionomics of Udea Alpinalis (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) in Western Carpathians (Slovakia) Here we summarize all known and new localities with occurrence of Udea alpinalis (Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775) in Slovakia. Furthermore, based on our data we discuss distribution, hypsometric claims and variability of forewings design.
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Tatry sú pohorie, kde sa nachádzajú pozoru-hodné druhy motýľov (Lepidoptera), ktoré sa nikde inde na Slovensku nevyskytujú.
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Lepidopteran assemblages in Temnosmrečinská dolina valley (High Tatra Mts, Western Carpathians, Slovakia) were investigated. Recent data about the occurrence of lepidopteran species are compared with those which were obtained 55 years ago. Lepidoptera were monitored at seven sites comprising the subalpine to alpine zone of the valley. Fifteen of th...
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The results of craniological investigation of 525 skulls of the red fox from the territory of Slovakia and 780 skulls from the European part of the Soviet Union and 50 from Sweden are presented in this paper. Adult males and females reached the mean total skull length 153.7 mm, or 144.55 mm, respectively and mean zygomatic widths were 80.3 mm, or 7...


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