Loubna Belqadi

Loubna Belqadi
Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II · Département de Productions et Biotechnologies Végétales


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Publications (22)
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Salinity is a major problem, impeding soil productivity, agricultural sustainability, and food security, particularly in dry regions. This study integrates quinoa, a facultative halophyte, into a pomegranate-based agroforestry with saline irrigation in northeast Morocco. We aim to explore this agroforestry model’s potential in mitigating salinity’s...
This research provides a comprehensive international benchmarking analysis of biodiversity governance, focusing on the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. As a landmark agreement under the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol is crucial for global efforts to preserve and sustainably use biological diversity;
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This research provides a comprehensive international benchmarking analysis of biodiversity governance, focusing on the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. As a landmark agreement under the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol is crucial for global efforts to preserve and sustainably use biological diversity.
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Agroforestry is a promising way to sustain land use efficiency in semi-arid areas. In this study, we introduce quinoa as a drought- and salinity-tolerant crop in olive-based agroforestry. We investigated how the microclimate created by olive trees affects agronomic and biochemical traits in quinoa and evaluated the performance of this new olive-bas...
This study investigates the development of an in vitro system for callus induction, root-like protrusion formation, and plant regeneration in Orobanche crenata, a parasitic plant of economic significance to legume crops. The research aims to establish a controlled environment for studying O. crenata biology and physiology independent of host plants...
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Vol 7-Numéro 3 (2022) REMSES http://revues.imist.ma/?journal=REMSES&page=index 168 Résumé Le Protocole de Nagoya sur l'accès et le partage des avantages (APA) découlant de l'utilisation des ressources génétiques, est le traité international juridiquement contraignant le plus complet sur la biodiversité en ce qui concerne la recherche et le développ...
This study was conducted to identify stable resistance to net form of net blotch (NFNB) in spring barley in Moroccan environments. Seedling resistance to NFNB was evaluated by inoculating 336 barley genotypes with two NFNB isolates LDNH04Ptt‐19 and TD‐10 in the greenhouse. These genotypes were evaluated for adult plant resistance to NFNB under seve...
Orobanche crenata Forssk., a root holoparasitic weed, represents a major biotic threat of legumes in the Mediterranean region. O. crenata could reduce the yield up to 90%. In this study, the effect of O. crenata on biomass production and partitioning of some faba bean and lentil cultivars were investigated through pot assays. During the first stage...
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The aims of this study were to identify resistance to spot form of net blotch (SFNB) in spring barley and to investigate the stability of SFNB resistance in Morocco. The seedling resistance to SFNB was evaluated by inoculating 340 barley genotypes with the Pyrenophora teres F. maculata (Ptm) isolate FGOB10Ptm-1 (FGO) in the greenhouse. The same bar...
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Net form of net blotch (NFNB) of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), caused by Pyrenophora teres f. teres (Ptt) Drechsler (anamorph: Drechslera teres [Sacc.] Shoem.), is considered one of the major constraints of successful barley production in major barley growing regions of the world. Resistance to NFNB was evaluated in a barley collection of 336 genoty...
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Plant breeders are interested in using diverse genotypes in hybridization that can segregate for traits of importance with possibility of selection and genetic gain. Information on molecular and agro-morphological diversity helps the breeders reduce the effort for parental selection and helps the advancement of generations. A phenotypic and molecul...
The genetic diversity of Moroccan faba bean (Vicia faba L.) landraces should be exploited to improve the competitive ability of faba beans against weeds. The objective of this study was to in-detail evaluate competitive ability and productivity of a collection of Moroccan faba bean landraces relative to a model weed, Sinapis alba. Sixty Moroccan fa...
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Orobanche crenata Forsk. is a root holoparasitic plant that affects legume species in Mediterranean basin especially in Northern Africa. This parasitic weed is particularly problematic in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) fields. In Morocco, development of legume resistant/tolerant genotypes is considered the most economi...
Background: Orobanche crenata represents a major biotic constraint to production of faba bean and lentil in Morocco. While this parasitic plant attacks both of these crops, the extent to which Orobanche biotypes specialize in parasitizing specific crops is unknown. To address this question, we studied O. crenata that grew on different hosts and qu...
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Background Crop diversity managed by smallholder farmers in traditional agrosystems is the outcome of historical and current processes interacting at various spatial scales, and influenced by factors such as farming practices and environmental pressures. Only recently have studies started to consider the complexity of these processes instead of sim...
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Durum wheat is a strategic crop in Morocco. Characterization and evaluation of cultivated varieties in different traditional agroecosystems allows safeguard and rehabilitation of this genetic heritage and its use in breeding programs. In this context, a collection of 59 traditional populations of durum wheat from the Pre-Rif region was studied usin...
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Phenotypic diversity of 101 durum wheat landrace populations collected from the oasis of the Oriental Atlas Mountains (Morocco) was studied. Nine characters (morphological and agronomic) were measured on the 3030 lines (30 lines per population). The frequencies of each phenotypic class were used for the estimate and the analysis of diversity, by co...
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Background Traditional agrosystems are the places were crop species have evolved and continue to evolve under a combination of human and environmental pressures. A better knowledge of the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of crop diversity in these agrosystems is crucial to sustain food security and farmers’ self-reliance. It requires as a first s...
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Varietal data from 27 crop species from five continents were drawn together to determine overall trends in crop varietal diversity on farm. Measurements of richness, evenness, and divergence showed that considerable crop genetic diversity continues to be maintained on farm, in the form of traditional crop varieties. Major staples had higher richnes...
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Local patterns of seed regeneration and trade that occur outside the formal breeding sector (seed exchange networks) can have a strong influence on the genetic diversity and evolution of traditional crop varieties. Despite this, little is known about the extent to which seed exchange networks influence gene flow and genetic structure in traditional...


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