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May 2010 - present
Publications (81)
Although cooperatives are major actors in the transformation of agricultural systems, very little attention has been paid to the conditions that facilitate or hinder their involvement in the sustainable transition. Drawing on theoretical and empirical approaches, we analyze the effect of social capital on the propensity and proportion of investment...
In order to maintain optimal growing conditions on coffee plots, producers in Mexico are encouraged to renovate their stock of coffee trees, use fertilizer, implement soil conservation measures and manage shade levels. The adoption of these sustainable management practices (SMPs) by smallholder coffee growers has become an important rural developme...
Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods provide a framework for addressing sustainable forest management challenges, especially under climate change. This study offers a systematic review of MCDM applications in forest management from January 2010 to March 2024. Descriptive statistics were employed to analyze trends in MCDM use and geographic...
This article examines the impact of trade liberalization on export prices and quality. The article is innovative in two respects. First, unlike previous studies, it considers both input and output tariffs simultaneously in a theoretical model. Second, it empirically tests the effects of a combination of specific and ad‐valorem tariffs on quality im...
Credence attributes such as environmental impact, origin, fairness/unfairness, and food safety/health are not available with certainty prior to or at the time of the consumer purchase decision. This creates a problem of imperfect or asymmetric information, leading to suboptimal supply and demand for products with these desirable attributes. Using a...
Although embedded in a regulatory framework, studies suggest the important role of informal (relational) mechanisms in agricultural cooperatives, mostly viewed as complements to formal mechanisms. However, the interaction between these two mechanisms remains unclear. To improve our understanding of this interaction, we investigate governance mechan...
This paper analyzes the adoption dynamics of improved rainfed maize seeds disseminated in Senegal in 2013 by the West African Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP). We group maize producers into five groups (non-adopters, laggards/abandoners, late adopters, followers and pioneers/innovators) and take into account the heterogeneity of unobservab...
Previous meta-analyses examined hypothetical bias studies with the aim of identifying characteristics of stated preference (SP) design that potentially reduce hypothetical bias. However, previous meta-analyses combined observations for both public and private goods in their models. In this paper, we argue that eliciting values for public and privat...
Supply managementpolicy covers conventional egg production in Canada and uses production costs to determine producer prices. The context differs for specialty eggs since graders and farmers individually negotiate the price premiums. Because specialty egg production, such as cage‐free or organic production, involves important fixed‐cost farm investm...
The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of research and development (R&D) investment on the export performance of Canadian agrifood small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) and on that of related sectors, namely, the textile and clothing sector and the manufacture of leather goods and similar products. First, we analyzed explanatory f...
Cet article analyse les logiques de collaborations entre acteurs et la qualité d’un partenariat dans le cadre d’un projet de développement impliquant les secteurs public, privé et de la société civile, dans un pays du Nord et un pays du Sud. Les influences de différents acteurs sur le partenariat sont examinées de même que certaines difficul...
This article theoretically and empirically disentangles the effects of maximum residue limits (MRLs) for pesticides on production, export supply and import demand. We adopt a modelling approach based on the costs and benefits associated with food safety standards and use our theoretical framework to assess the empirical net effects of MRLs for pest...
In this paper, we study the impact of environmental taxation on trade in environmental goods (EGs). Using a trade model in which demand for and supply of EGs are endogenous, we show that the relationship between environmental taxation and demand for EGs follows a bell-shaped curve. Above a cutoff tax rate, a higher tax rate can reduce bilateral tra...
Using a set of 462 observations from 87 public and private goods economic valuation studies, this study reviews and updates meta-analyses on hypothetical bias using a metaregression hierarchical
mixed-effect (MRHME) model that corrects the effects of the unobservable characteristics, within-study error correlation, and potential heteroskedasticity...
The purpose of this paper is to develop a partial equilibrium model for the Tunisian dairy sector according to “quantity formulation” and “price formulation” and to show their equivalence under the assumption of perfect competition.
This model incorporates domestic policies, that is, producers' price support and...
Quebec's hog industry is supported by a revenue insurance program that guarantees a minimum price, but it also faces strict environmental constraints. Under price volatility, risk‐averse farms may contract their output enough to produce under increasing returns. We show that the subsidy and downside risk reduction effects of the revenue insurance p...
Aims: This study examines the supply response of corn in the province of Quebec.
Study Design: A time series design is implemented.
Place and Duration of Study: Our analysis covers the period from 1985 to 2013 and uses the data of corn production in the province of Quebec.
Methodology: A generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity...
Aims: This study examines the supply response of corn in the province of Quebec.
Study Design: A time series design is implemented.
Place and Duration of Study: Our analysis covers the period from 1985 to 2013 and uses the data of corn production in the province of Quebec.
Methodology: A generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity...
The Di River, located in West Africa between Burkina Faso and Mali, is a subject of concern to its users. Using econometric models of choice behavior, the determining factors of local populations’ willingness to pay (WTP) for the restoration of the riverbanks are either individual or collective variables. The latter variables imply that data collec...
This comment addresses Cardwell, Lawley, and Xiang's (2015) article that provides an estimate of the consumer burden caused by supply management. The main concern is regarding the strong assumption that observed cross-border price differences between Canada and the United States are solely caused by supply management. To demonstrate the flaw in thi...
Negotiations on the liberalization of environmental goods (EGs) and services within the WTO Doha Round (mandated in November 2001) are facing specific challenges. Conflicting interests and differing perceptions of the benefits of increased trade in EGs were reflected in different approaches proposed for determining EGs. Using import data of 34 Orga...
This article reviews the methods and results of empirical studies analyzing the impact of land
property rights on the performance of smallholder farmers in developing countries. The results
of previous empirical studies are mixed about the real effects of land property rights. The
heterogeneity of the results is related to both the evaluation techn...
This article uses a multinomial endogenous treatment effects model in combination with propensity score matching techniques to evaluate the impact of land tenure on the adoption of agri-environmental practices by smallholder farmers in Benin. We rely on a unique and detailed cross-sectional plot-level dataset that covers a random sample of 2800 sma...
The purpose of this paper is to document the level of risk in the Québec egg sector (conventional and specialty eggs) and analyze the optimal choices of Québec egg producers that must allocate limited resources to production of different types of eggs.
A quadratic programming approach applied to expected mean-...
This paper aimed to extend previous real option models to features of multinational firms’ activities such as market competition and trade barriers. Few researchers have studied multinationals’ optimal switching time from export to FDI using real options, and those who have done so have ignored trade policies and strategic interactions between firm...
We analyse the impact of land tenure security on the technical efficiency of a sample of smallholder farmers in Benin, based on an output‐oriented stochastic distance function. We use propensity score matching to correct for selection bias from observed variables. The Greene (2010) sample selection model is used to correct for selection bias due to...
The literature considers crop diversification a risk management strategy at the farm level. In this article, we combine experimental data on risk aversion with survey data to identify the extent to which risk aversion affects crop diversification decisions. We conduct experiments to measure the risk aversion of smallholder farmers in Burkina Faso a...
Stated choice experiments are used to investigate the economic valuation of rural residents living in the province of Quebec for water quality improvements. In Quebec, rural residents played an important role in the setting of stricter environmental regulations. Unlike most stated choice experiments about the valuation of improvements in water qual...
This paper uses the border effect estimate from a gravity model to analyze the level of market trade integration among Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia from 2005-2012. We analyze total trade as well as trade in agricultural and industrial products. The border effect estimates show that crossing a national border within these North A...
The rising concern among consumers regarding animal welfare in livestock production has prompted several regions, including California and the European Union to ban the use of battery cage housing systems for laying hens. In Quebec, battery cages are being phased out with new barns required to be equipped with enriched cages or alternative housing...
The objective of the paper is to explore potential changes in trade induced by a liberalization scenario when taking into account persistence in trading partners. Our approach is based on the development of a gravity model that takes into account the dynamics at the extensive margin of trade as well as the persistence effect of the intensity of tra...
This paper studies the impact of growth, and trade and investment openness on the environment at the regional level. We find support for the environmental Kuznet Curve hypothesis for CO2 emissions in Africa, Asia and OECD countries. We show that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has detrimental effects on CO2 emissions in Africa, the Middle East and...
The paper analyzes the impact of import quotas on the welfare of different regions belonging to a single country. The regions compete with one another using Cournot conjectures and international trade is hindered by import quotas. Our results can help the country to determine the optimal import quotas and the best way to allocate import permits bet...
Climate change will affect agricultural production conditions, which will have effects on yields and production costs for Quebec farmers. This would likely affect the relative competitive position of Quebec in North America. The Delphi technique and partial budgets were used to develop climate change scenarios for the 2050 period and to assess the...
Plusieurs études se sont intéressées à l'impact du commerce international sur l’environnement. Cependant leurs conclusions divergent en raison des trois canaux par lesquels le commerce a un impact sur la qualité de l’environnement à savoir des effets d’échelle associés au niveau de revenu, des effets de composition et des effets techniques. Par ail...
This paper investigates the economic valuation of the benefits accruing to farmers derived from expected water quality improvements stemming from the adoption of best management practices (BMPs). The study applies the stated-choice experiments administered on a sample of farmers located in the Chaudière and Etchemin watersheds just south of Quebec...
This article analyses management of hydropower dams within monopolistic and oligopolistic competition and when hydroelectricity producers are risk averse and face demand uncertainty. In each type of market structure we analytically determine the water release path in closed-loop equilibrium. We show how a monopoly can manage its hydropower dams by...
French abstract:Les changements climatiques provoqueront des modifications des conditions de la production agricole qui devraient se traduire par des impacts sur les rendements et les coûts de production des agriculteurs québécois. Ainsi, la position concurrentielle du Québec pourrait se trouver modifiée par rapport à d’autres régions productrices....
Animal welfare is a major concern for consumers. This concern has not gone unnoticed by sector stakeholders, especially egg producers. One of the fundamental changes likely to affect egg producers regards modes of production, specifically changes in housing systems, ranging from conventional cages to free range. From farmers’ perspective, changing...
French Abstract: Cet article s’interesse a l’effet du travail hors ferme sur l’efficacite technique d’un echantillon de fermes laitieres quebecoises. Les analyses sont basees sur l’estimation d’un modele stochastique de fonction de couts. Nous formulons l’hypothese selon laquelle les producteurs travaillant a l’exterieur et ceux travaillant uniquem...
French Abstract: Malgre l’imposition de normes environnementales strictes au Quebec, l’impact des activites agricoles sur la qualite de l’eau demeure preoccupant notamment dans la region de Chaudiere-Appalaches. Cette region est intensive en productions animale et vegetale ce qui entraine des surplus de phosphore, d’azote et de sediments. Cette etu...
A gravity model is developed to explain bilateral trade flows in primary and processed commodities within the same agri-food supply chain. It accounts for vertical production linkages, trade and domestic policies, and supply rigidities at the farm level. Our application focuses on cattle/beef trade flows between 42 countries. The estimated paramete...
The objective of the paper is to explore potential changes in trade induced by a liberalization scenario when taking into account persistence in trading partners. Our approach is based on the development of a gravity model that takes into account the dynamics at the extensive margin of trade as well as the persistence effect of the intensity of tra...
This paper investigates the influence of inventories in explaining the magnitude of price transmission. Using data from the Canadian chicken industry, a flexible non-linear inference framework detects significant non-linearities in the relationship between farm and wholesale prices. An empirical model is proposed to estimate a price transmission el...
The price discovery structure for eggs used for manufacturing purposes in Canada has been pretty much the same for the last 25 years, and is based on the Urner Barry (UB) index. However, eggs used for manufacturing has evolved during the same period, from a marginal 10% of total egg consumption to currently more than 30%. Thus, the representativene...
This paper analyzes the impact of risk and ambiguity aversion - Knightian uncertainty - on the choice of optimal quality and timing of market entry. Irreversibility of the investment in product development is introduced in a continuous-time stochastic model applying the real option literature. We consider a market characterized by a duopoly with a...
This study investigates the factors that determine producers' participation in agri-environmental advisory activities and their adoption of best management practices (BMPs) in Québec (Canada). Data were collected from farmers via telephone interviews, and the impacts of agri-environmental extension activities were analyzed using average treatment e...
Developing Countries (DCs) have remained firm in the current WTO negotiations regarding their demand for significant agricultural trade liberalization. This stance has undoubtedly delayed the conclusion of the Doha Round and one might wonder whether DCs are not depriving themselves from valuable gains from trade by holding out. In line with the the...
An input distance function (IDF) is estimated to empirically evaluate and analyze the technical and environmental efficiencies of 210 farms located in the Chaudière watershed (Quebec), where water quality problems are particularly acute because of the production of undesirable outputs that are jointly produced with agricultural products. The true I...
A two-stage gravity-based model is used to explain cattle and beef bilateral trade flows between 42 countries. The model parameters are estimated using a double-hurdle model with a multivariate sample selection procedure. The parameter estimates are used to simulate probabilities of new trade flows and the increase in existing trade flows following...
This paper analyzes the role of the initial payment used by the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) in the determination of export
prices and sales under the assumption that the CWB has better information about realized yields in Canada than its US competitor.
In the separating equilibrium of the game, the initial payment of the CWB is larger than the initi...
"Using experimental economics, this paper tests the potential impacts of modifying the centralized quota exchange system in Quebec with the intent of decreasing the quota price while minimizing negative impacts on auction effectiveness. Two separate treatments are applied to a uniform price auction similar to that employed in Quebec. The first trea...
A gravity-based model is developed to explain bilateral trade flows in primary and processed agri-food commodities. It innovates by explicitly accounting for the vertical production linkages between primary and processed agri-food products, tariffs, and subsidies and by estimating the restrictiveness of non-tariff barriers in the upstream sector. O...
This study experimentally tests whether a modification to the centralized quota sales system is capable of lowering the price of the milk quota in Québec, while at the same time minimizing the negative impacts on the auction's efficiency. This modification consists of applying two treatments on the uniformed price auction used to trade dairy produc...
Agricultural trade liberalization negotiations are currently at a crossroads. Progress was made to eliminate export subsidies, but small open economies’ demand for lower domestic support and tariffs on agricultural goods do not find much support among large policy active countries. Many non-tariff barriers still also impede agricultural trade. This...
Parmi les principaux déterminants de la demande alimentaire susceptible d’influencer positivement la
demande d’aliments fonctionnels, ont été identifiés le renforcement de la relation nutrition-santé, ainsi que
le niveau d’éducation et le revenu. Toutefois, la littérature n’est pas unanime pour ce qui est de
l’importance réelle de ces deux dernière...
A gravity-based model is developed to explain bilateral trade flows in primary and processed agri-food commodities. It innovates by explicitly accounting for vertical production linkages between the two sectors, tariffs, subsidies and supply rigidities at the farm level. Our application focuses on cattle/beef trade flows between forty-two countries...
The Quebec hog/pork industry has grown significantly over the last 25 years. Explanations of this growth in the literature have centered on government policies, expansion of profitable market opportunities, and reforms in marketing institutions. A coincident index model that trends with total hog slaughters in Quebec is estimated using a dynamic fa...
A gravity-based model is used to explain cattle and beef bilateral trade flows between forty-two countries. It considers vertical production linkages between the two sectors and appeals to the existence of fixed costs to explain foreign market penetration. The model parameters are estimated using a double-hurdle model with a multivariate sample sel...
A gravity-based model is used to explain cattle and beef bilateral trade flows between forty-two countries. It considers vertical production linkages between the two sectors and appeals to the existence of market entry fixed costs to explain trade flows. Statistical inference reveals that a double-hurdle model performs better than a simple type 1 T...
Developing countries (DCs) have remained firm in the current WTO negotiations regarding their demand for significant agricultural trade liberalization. This stance has undoubtedly delayed the conclusion of the Doha Round and one might wonder whether DCs are not depriving themselves from valuable gains from trade by holding out. In line with the the...
This study investigates the factors that determine producers’ participation in agri-environmental advisory activities and their adoption of best management practices (BMPs) in Quebec (Canada). Data were collected from farmers in telephone interviews and the impacts of agri-environmental extension activities were analysed using average treatment eff...