Lorenzo Zamboni

Lorenzo Zamboni
University of Milan | UNIMI · Department of Department of Cultural Heritage and Enviroment



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February 2017 - February 2018
University of Pavia
  • PostDoc Position


Publications (28)
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Dans les approches traditionnelles fondées sur les sources écrites, le plus souvent postérieures et reflétant un point de vue extérieur, les cultures archéologiques de l'Italie du Nord sont souvent définies comme étant des entités autonomes (peuples), caractérisées par des productions spécifiques et surtout délimitées par des frontières géogra-phiq...
Research Proposal
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This workshop provides the first supraregional overview of belt elements (such as hooks and plates) during the 1st millennium BCE from Iberia to northern Italy, via southern France. The aim is to suggest new scenarios on the production and usage of these objects. To achieve this, an interdisciplinary and critical approach will be adopted using anth...
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geophysical survey campaign was recently carried out in the Roman settlement of Calvatone, Costa di S. Andrea (Cremona, Italy), traditionally identified with the ancient vicus of Bedriacum. The research was conducted by the University of Milan and the company Geocarta (Paris), in collaboration with the CNRS. Two complementary methods were used, mag...
Nell’autunno 2021 il CNRS di Parigi, la ditta Geocarta, insieme all’Università degli Studi di Milano e di concerto con la Soprintendenza ABAP per le Provincie di Alessandria, Asti e Cuneo, hanno condotto indagine geofisiche nell’insediamento dell’età del Ferro di Villa del Foro (CICOLANI et al. 2023). Dopo la recente pubblicazione di decennali camp...
Current research on the Iron Age north and south of the Alps provides new evidence of increasing interaction and complexity, involving settlement nucleation, social differentiation, and a wide trade network. Within this framework, mobility of objects, individuals, and groups appears a key phenomenon. This paper explores the role of northwestern Ita...
Migrations constitute one of the most defining features of human history from the very beginning to the present. In recent years, the increasing application of ancient DNA and isotope studies has been revolutionising our understanding of past population movements, although the interpretation of the results is often still controversial. This volume...
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Come già intuito da Maria Teresa Grassi, le classi ceramiche domestiche decorate sono un aspetto sottovalutato ma cruciale per decifrare la complessità delle interazioni culturali nelle regioni della Cisalpina centrale (Piemonte orientale, Lombardia, Emilia e Veneto occidentale). Il periodo considerato è compreso tra la metà del I millennio a.C. e...
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Recent excavations and theoretical advances have revealed evidence of an early and perhaps independent nucleation and centralization process in the region south of the Alps, a phenomenon that has been undervalued in previous studies. In this paper I present a broad overview and attempt to reassess the role of the Cisalpine regions as crossroads of...
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A preeminent site of Early Iron Age Italy, Verucchio was a stronghold in the eastern part of present-day Romagna, controlling the northern Adriatic Sea and the Apennines’ passes towards the Italian Peninsula between the 9th and 7th centuries BC. Although the funerary ritual displays signs of hierarchical society with a concentration of power and we...
Conference Paper
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The Iron Age south of the Alps provides evidence of increasing interaction and complexity, involving early urbanism, social stratification and differentiation, and the explosion of a wide network of middle and long-distance trade. Within this framework, individual and group mobility appears as a key phenomenon. Since previous theories have suggeste...
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Verucchio has attracted the attention of much research especially for its wealthy cemeteries, and the recovery of funerary assemblages in exceptional state of preservation. Since 2011, the Università di Pavia, in collaboration with local institutions, has launched a study and excavation project devoted to the investigation of the habitation area. E...
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Recent approaches to the study of past funerary rites have usually rejected any simplistic equivalence between social structure and funerary representation, as well as between funerary complexity and social complexity. Despite theoretical advancements in funerary archaeology, until recently poor and marginal tombs were often disregarded in favor of...
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This report presents the preliminary results of the ‘‘IN or OUT’’ Project, a collaborative, interdisciplinary effort which aims to investigate social exclusion, marginality and the adoption of anomalous funerary rites in late prehistoric Italy. In particular, this contribution explores the incidence and meaning of practices of ritual marginalisatio...
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Alla luce delle numerose novità emerse in letteratura nell’ultimo decennio, l’articolo propone una panoramica sul fenomeno della ceramica grigia in area padana. Si tratta di una classe di vasi destinata alla mensa e al banchetto, prodotta a partire dal VI secolo a.C. in Etruria settentrionale e padana, che godrà di un crescente successo in età clas...
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I territori pedecollinari e pianeggianti a Sud del Po compresi tra i corsi dei fiumi Trebbia e Panaro, ricchi di suolo alluvionale e di risorse idriche, tra la fine del VII e il VI secolo a.C. iniziano ad essere sfruttati intensamente per le loro potenzialità agricole attraverso un popolamen-to sparso di gruppi di fattorie e piccoli agglomerati rur...
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Premessa Con i termini "semicombustione" o "semicremazione", in sostanza equivalenti, si fa riferimento in generale a forme incomplete di incinerazione. Secondo una delle classificazioni in uso nell'antropologia forense, si possono di-stinguere quattro stadi relativi al grado di alterazione termica a carico dei tessuti 1 : carbonizzazione (si conse...


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