Lorenz Lassnigg

Lorenz Lassnigg
IHS, Institut für Höhere Studien/Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria · Research group equi: in_Equality and Education

dr., head of research group (emerit.)


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Publications (152)
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The contribution builds on previous analyses of problems in vocational education and training (VET) governance in different countries, with established dual apprenticeship systems (Austria, Germany) and newly emerging apprenticeship systems (Italy, Hungary). On background of qualitative analyses of key problems in the selected countries the main go...
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Extended abstract The model of dual apprenticeship has received international attention as a potential approach to sustain and develop upper secondary vocational education and training (VET) as an alternative to higher education. Austria, Germany, and Switzerland are considered paradigmatic cases for such a strategy. This presentation looks at key...
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Based on the German collective skill formation system of dual apprenticeship has received international attention as a potential approach to sustain and develop upper secondary vocational education and training (VET) as an alternative to higher education. Austria, Germany, and Switzerland are considered paradigmatic cases for such a strategy, point...
This summary gives a short analytic overview about the foreseen educational measures in the Austrian recovery and resilience plan 2020-26, and embeds the education measures into the overall planning.
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The chapter discusses recent crisis-discourses in adult education field, related to concept of Bildung, which have been largely unnoticed by the academic adult education community.
This informal material presentation includes comparative data about Austrian apprenticeship and vocational education (VET) in three perspectives, first a comparison of Austria, Germany and Switzerland to international averages (EU22, OECD, G20), second a look on apprenticeship and youth unemployment based on Austrian data, third a comparison of voc...
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Anknüpfend an einen kritischen Beitrag zur Anerkennung-Validierung von Lernergebnissen im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung im Magazin erwachsenenbildung.at (Nr.37, Juli 2019) beschäftigt sich dieser Beitrag mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen Prüfen-Testen-Bewerten und der Politik der "Outcome"-(Ergebnis)-Orientierung im Bereich der Schule. Obwohl zu den P...
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The paper gives an analysis and interpretation of the development of teachers' employment and the current shortages. The paper includes extensive long term data about teacher employment in Austria
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Abstract Dieser Beitrag bringt drei Diskurse, die eng mit der gesellschaftlichen Form der Netzwerke verbunden sind, zusammen, und reflektiert Zusammenhänge; dabei ist das Papier in hohem Maße eine Studienlektüre geworden, die versucht, Material zugänglich zu machen. In den 1980ern kamen in der Sozialwissenschaft die Netzwerke als neue Form der gese...
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Abstract Der Beitrag berichtet über ein Grundlagenprojekt aus den frühen 2010er Jahren, in dem das Verständnis und die Umsetzung der „Third Mission“ der Universitäten und Hochschulen in der Metropole Wien untersucht wurde. Der konzeptionelle Zugang der Forschung war stark von der Innovationsforschung und -theorie beeinflusst. Die Forschungsarbeit h...
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Das Schulleitungshandeln ist mit vielerlei Herausforderungen konfrontiert und steht auch verstärkt unter wissenschaftlicher Beobachtung. Es gibt theoretisch-konzeptionelle Erwartungen (Professionalisierung, unternehmerische Schule, Dienstleistungsorientierung, lernende Organisation etc.) im Hinblick auf Veränderungen der Praktiken und die realen An...
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This paper (in GERMAN) describes and analyses the current state of the teachers’ unions and interest representations in Austria, and considers historical and structural perspectives (section 1). In terms of methodology the paper builds on previous policy analyses by the author (Lassnigg and Vogtenhuber 2015; Lassnigg et al. (2016), supplemented by...
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Abstract (Article in GERMAN) This chapter explores linkages between the theory of reflexive modernization and the topic of recognition and validation of competences/qualifications. The main part of the argument reconstructs the theory, and illustrates it by citations of “original formulations”. The architecture of main concepts of the theory is ske...
Technical Report
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The overall study (in GERMAN) focusses on causes and consequences of as well as on strategies established to deal with school-lockdown in Austria. It integrates perspectives from teachers, pupils and parents. Consequences concerning social inequality are analyzed, and recommendations given to prevent COVID-19 health crisis to become an educational...
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Gives in German reviews of recent literature items about globalisation and (adult) education from the German discourse in reation to an overview of international-anglophone discourses, and embeds these items in a broader view of the literature. The following items are specifically reviewed: - Erwachsenenbildung in internationaler Perspektive (2020...
Technical Report
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Publication metadata One of the most important challenges for our society today and in the future is how we view and organize learning and education in the light of building a sustainable, prosperous and robust society. However, numerous social, economic and technological developments keep on bringing changes to the context in which policy making a...
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In policy debates the Continental structures include strong VET and apprenticeship-like "collective skills formation systems", with good labour market transition, and with low youth unemployment as main indicators that signify success. In contrast, the Nordic countries support equity and equality of opportunity as an important asset, with a weak in...
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This chapter provides a description/analysis of governance of the dualistic Austrian VET comprising parallel apprenticeship and tracked medium and advanced level full-time state VET school structures. The advanced level VET schools, situated at the nexus of general and vocational education, have strongly expanded during recent decades, and became i...
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Schulautonomie-Wohin geht die Reise? Materialien zur aktuellen Schuldiskussion. Schulheft 177. Innsbruck: StudienVerlag https://schulheft.at/ Der Bildungskongress in Linz, Juni 2019, widmete sich den immer wiederkehrenden Themenbereichen der Schulentwicklung: Inklusion, Mehrsprachigkeit, Selektivität, Erziehung und Unterricht als Unterstützung zur...
Technical Report
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Text in GERMAN. The report gives a review of the literature and an analysis of available databases about private provision and privatisation in education (OECD financing, participation; EUROSTAT participation, types of institutions; WORLBANK participation in primary and higher education), and gives a critical discusison and appraisal of this litera...
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The paper (Text in German) presents a policy-oriented analysis of how the Austrian educational structures and politics are processing the challenges of diversity. Austria is identified as an exceptional structure that shows an especially marked tendency of differentiation into homogenous units in which the sorting of children and youth to the “righ...
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Contribution to the virtual workshop meeting on “Education and Training Policies in Europe - European, National and Local Coordination and Policy Learning", Berlin Hertie School of Governance, April 2020 Abstract The results of monitoring/evaluation of the coordinative endeavour to realise the European proposal of developing national lifelong learn...
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INHALT 1. Hintergrund: „Falsche“ und „richtige“ Fragen? 1 2. Allgemeine Begrifflichkeiten / Diskurse und Wege im Gestrüpp 3 2.1. Politische Einbettung: de-konstruktiv – konstruktiv 3 2.2. Gerechtigkeit – Bildungsgerechtigkeit 4 2.3. Gerechtigkeitstheorien und positionaler Wettbewerb 6 3. Ansätze/Zugänge zu mehr Gerechtigkeit im Bildungswesen 8 3.1....
The paper embeds the problems of anticipating and matching into a framework of how skills are used and developed and how policies (can) react to these processes. Matching and anticipation is conceived as an ongoing process in working life and the labour market with initial education playing an important but quantitatively minor role. Results of a c...
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The paper embeds the problems of anticipating and matching into a framework of how skills are used and developed and how policies (can) react to these processes. Matching and anticipation is conceived as an ongoing process in working life and the labour market with initial education playing an important but quantitatively minor role. Results of a c...
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In unserem Beitrag berichten wir über die Anwendung der Review-Methodologie auf die Analyse der drei einflussreichen Konzepte der Hochschulpolitik, ‚Exzellenz‘, ‚Third Mission‘ und ‚Knowledge Triangle‘. Die Literatur wird daraufhin analysiert, inwieweit die politische Verwendung dieser Konzepte in der internationalen Forschung wissenschaftlich abge...
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Ein gerechtes und leistungsfähiges Bildungssystem muss Infrastrukturen entwickeln und aufrechterhalten, die sowohl am Land als auch in der Stadt allen SchülerInnen ein ausreichendes Angebot und Zugang zu hochwertiger Bildung ermöglichen. Das österreichische Bildungswesen bietet seit kurzem die Möglichkeit zur Clusterbildung. Vorgesehen ist die Förd...
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Die bildungspolitischen Auseinandersetzungen sind voll von Imperativen der Anpassung an antizipierte zukünftige Veränderungen und Innovationen in Ökonomie und Technologie; die Gegenwart scheint oft nur noch als mehr oder weniger problematischer, transienter Übergangszustand in die Zukunft zu existieren. Dabei verlagert sich die Aufmerksamkeit grund...
Technical Report
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The Bildungskonto is a long-lasting measure of support of adult education, started as a part of support for employees initiated by the regional chamber of labor in the context of the EU accession in 1994. The measure supports the costs of vocationally oriented further education for medium level skilled employees. It has a compensatory mission, and...
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The presentation reflects on the background of the author's empirical research experience and some selected literature about how typological education structures/systems can be generated by the analysis of educational indicators, and about the assumptions and problems inherent in such research. Considering the complexity of "real" systems, the conc...
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In den 2000ern hat „Evidence-based Policy“ an (rhetorischer) Bedeutung gewonnen. Für das Bildungswesen stellen sich besondere Herausforderungen, da dieses stark von ideologischen Erwägungen geprägt ist. In der EU-Politik wurde im Gefolge des Lissabon-Prozesses die „offene Koordination“ begonnen, mit einem formellen Monitoring der Festlegung von pol...
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This chapter explores the formal qualification structures in different countries in a comparative perspective and tries to interpret the positioning of VET in a more dynamic perspective of the expansion of tertiary education. The attempt is driven by the emphasis on a more neutral understanding of the changes, with a priory neither advocating super...
Conference Paper
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A main aim of the study was to acquire comparative and comprehensive information about the levels of financing in states from different welfare regimes (Nordic: Sweden, Finland; liberal: UK/Scotland, Australia; Austria as a continental country), and to observe the different sources of the expenditure by broad categories of actors (individuals, the...
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Rethinking Society for the 21st Century - by International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP) July 2018
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Education is the process of learning and expanding culture, and, as it contributes to the improvement of the human condition through better knowledge, health, living conditions, social equity and productivity, is a central tool for social progress. Education is expected to foster social progress through four different but interrelated purposes: hum...
Lorenz Lassnigg, Julia Bock-Schappelwein und Eduard Stöger bieten mit ihrem Kapitel einen Überblick zur Situation der Berufsbildung in Österreich. Ausgehend von Peter Poschs und Herbert Altrichters Buch „Bildung in Österreich“, das 1992 erschienen ist und im Text als wegweisend bezeichnet wird, analysieren die Autoren und die Autorin, was sich in Ö...
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Diese Studie untersucht das Zusammenspiel von Qualifikation und Beschäftigung am österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt im Zeitverlauf von 1994 bis 2015. Die Bildungsexpansion hat zu Verschiebungen in den Bildungs- und Berufsstrukturen geführt, wobei hochqualifizierte ArbeitsmarkteinsteigerInnen zunehmend auf berufliche Positionen im mittleren Segment auswe...
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The paper asks how the three countries have retained their low level of youth unemployment through the crisis. An institutional approach is taken, criticizing simplistic ideas on how collective skills systems manage the low level of youth unemployment. The analysis starts with Austria, and compares this experience to the other cases. Comparative st...
Technical Report
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This study examines changes in the supply-demand relationship on the Austrian labor market between 1994 and 2015. In this period, educational expansion has contributed to structural shifts in qualification and employment. Highly qualified labor market entrants are increasingly allocated to occupational groups that had previously tended to require l...
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The paper (in German) reflects about the role of democracy in recent discourses about (adult) education policy in contrast to "economizing" and "retro-humanistic" reasoning. The argument pleas for a renewal of discourses about democratic education, and broader public debate and reasoning about apsects of democracy, that are too much restricted to p...
With respect to the issues of ‘urban education’ two aspects are outstanding in Austria, first the country does not harbour a real big metropolitan area (Vienna is comparatively small with up to 2mio, and there are only two bigger entities with some 100ts inhabitants), second the regional structure is heavily politicised because of a complex federal...
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The chapter assesses the empirical evidence about the outcomes of competence-based education (CBE) by a review of the research literature documented in bibliographical databases that cover academic publications (EBSCOHOST) and in more practical material (Google). Several generic searches were run and included not only specific competence expression...
Conference Paper
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This paper reports about a wider study based on PIAAC data that explored the relationship of longer-term policies to the age-specific competence profiles in the population. 1 The purpose has been to contribute to an understanding of how the current competence levels and distributions in the population can be traced back to structural traits of educ...
Conference Paper
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This paper elaborates on results of a comparative observation and analysis of the expenditure for adult education (AE) in a set of five countries (our own country Austria compared to Finland and Sweden as two Nordic countries, and Australia and Scotland/GBR as two liberal countries). As its empirical part it presents the approach of how the total f...
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Austria with its specific ‘dual’ structure, including both, a strong fulltime school sector and a strong apprenticeship system, lies in-between the established classifications of VET. This structure is not a result of ‘systemic’ political decision-making; rather the different institutions have evolved more or less parallel. It is a remarkable pheno...
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Der Nationale Bildungsbericht dient als empirische und wissenschaftliche Grundlage für die bildungspolitische Diskussion und Steuerung des Schulwesens in Österreich. Band 2, "Fokussierte Analysen bildungspolitischer Schwerpunktthemen", enthält Expertisen führender österreichischer Bildungswissenschaftlerinnen und Bildungswissenschaftler zu zentrale...
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Dieser Band des Nationalen Bildungsberichts für Österreich (NBB) 2015 bietet eine umfassende und differenzierte quantitative Darstellung wichtiger Aspekte des Schulwesens und gibt damit einen Überblick über den Status quo des österreichischen Bildungssystems in seinem gesellschaftlichen Umfeld. Beim vorliegenden Band 1 handelt es sich um ein Nachsc...
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Die Bildungsfinanzierung ist ein Hauptthema im politischen und öffentlichen Diskurs, wobei eine Fokussierung auf zwei widersprüchliche Botschaften stattfindet: Zum einen wird die Diskrepanz zwischen hohen Ausgaben und unzureichenden Ergebnissen thematisiert – zum anderen werden höhere Ausgaben als Voraussetzung für bessere Ergebnisse gesehen. Gleic...
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On the case of Austria the chapter explores some main issues of complexity in centralized systems. In a first part, the chapter describes that while most sources of complexity in centralised systems generally add to those found in decentralized systems, the degree of centralization (or decentralisation) should not be perceived as dichotomy as cruci...
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On the case of Austria the chapter explores some main issues of complexity in centralised systems. In a first part, the chapter describes that while most sources of complexity in centralised systems generally add to those found in decentralised systems, the degree of centralization (or decentralisation) should not be perceived as dichotomy as cruci...
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Dieses Kapitel präsentiert Indikatoren zur demografischen Struktur und Dynamik, zum sozioökonomischen Hintergrund der Schüler/innen einschließlich Migration und Bildungsstand der Eltern sowie zu den staatlichen Bildungsausgaben im Licht der wichtigsten volkswirtschaftlichen Indikatoren.
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Die Wirkungen des Schulsystems, die in Kapitel F beschrieben sind, beziehen sich auf die längerfristigen Effekte der Leistungen des Bildungssystems für die Schulabgänger/innen und die Gesellschaft als Ganzes. Dazu gehören der Bildungsstand der Bevölkerung, die Schlüsselkompetenzen von Erwachsenen, Beschäftigungschancen/Erwerbsstatus und das Einkomm...
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This book discusses whether certain approaches to (vocational) education have become mythicized and branded, and the reasons for and consequences of this commodification. Additionally, the book also investigates how researchers are contributing to mythicizing and branding in education. Although transnational and comparative studies are increasingl...
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This chapter provides a critical review of the strengths and weaknesses of apprenticeship in Austria as compared to Germany and Switzerland, and looks more thoroughly at the mechanisms that might lead to the comparatively low youth unemployment in some countries with strong apprenticeship frameworks. A main interest of the analysis is lying in the...
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Vor dem Hintergrund international vergleichender Betrachtungen soll im Folgenden das Verhältnis zwischen der beruflichen und der allgemeinen, nicht beruflichen Erwachsenenbildung betrachtet werden. Zentral ist die Frage, wie dieses Verhältnis unter dem Gesichtspunkt der bestmöglichen Entwicklung der letzteren konzipiert und politisch prozessiert we...
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Conference Paper
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The following broad research questions are addressed in an explorative way: - How are structural traits of education systems (differentiation of VET/general education; achievement tracking) related to results to PIAAC competence scores (level and distribution)? - Can we trace signs of past reforms in different countries in the competences of the ad...
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Social Valuation of Knowledge, Experience and Competence in Vocational Education and Training
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Anhaltende Dynamiken, unübersehbare Brüche und das Ineinanderfließen von Gegenbewegungen sind Möglichkeiten, um sich der sogenannten "Moderne" beschreibend zu nähern. Um zu veranschaulichen, was Moderne bedeuten kann, zeigt und bespricht der Autor Aufnahmen von der Eröffnung der Europäischen Zentralbank in Frankfurt am Main, wo im März 2015 die Hof...
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Paper at 4th Congress on Research in VET “Developing skills across institutional boundaries”, 25-27 March 2015, Berne/Zollikofen, Switzerland
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Paper at 6th Nordic Conference on Adult Education and Learning “Adult Education and the Planetary Condition”, 25-27 March 2015, Lorenz Lassnigg, Tampere, Finland
Conference Paper
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The paper is based on a work-in-progress research project about the relationship of non-vocational adult education to the politics of qualification frameworks (QF). The methodological approach is a comparative literature review of policy practices in selected countries. A critical account of experience is developed about how a National Qualificatio...
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This presentation (in German) explores the demographic factors that contribute to the long-term future qualification demand/supply in Austria. It gives to opportunity to contextualise the current gaps to the situation/debates one decade ago in the 2010s. Content: Einleitung. Botschaften und Ansatz Bevölkerungsprognose 2014, politische Anpassungsze...
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Dieser Band diskutiert den Wandel der Wertigkeit bestimmter Wissensformen infolge gesellschaftlicher und ökonomischer Herausforderungen. Die Beiträge beleuchten bislang wenig beachtete Effekte der »Wissensgesellschaft« und fordern dazu auf, unser Verständnis von Wissen, Können und Problemlösungen neu zu hinterfragen. Welchen Wandel hat die Wertigke...
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The chapter gives an overview about main patterns of education policy in Austria related to the mulitlevel system of the EU. A foucus is the understanding of the related discourses, and the theorem of the two and three cultures (C.P.Snow and Wolf Lepenies) is used for this purpose. Overall the national policy draws on the potentials of EU policies...
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This paper explores the methodological and epistemological implications of the relationships between R&D, policy and practice. The proposals towards ‘evidence-based policy and practice’ are analysed with respect to this triangle from three angles: (1) meaning; (2) production; and (3) use of evidence. A comprehensive model of the research cycle, and...
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Dieser Beitrag versucht, die PIAAC-Erhebung für die explorative Bearbeitung von breiteren vergleichenden Fragestellungen zu nutzen: Wie hängen strukturelle Faktoren des Bildungswesens mit der Kompetenzhöhe und verteilung als Gesamtergebnis in der Bevölkerung zusammen? Können in den Kompetenzergebnissen die Spuren vergangener Bildungsreformen gefund...
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This chapter analyses the development of ‘evidence-based policy and practice’ in Austria, taking the policy of ‘outcome orientation’ and the development of a national qualifications framework as its focus. The analysis explores these abstract and generic concepts by looking at a national case. A basic distinction is drawn between evidence-based pol...
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This contribution describes an approach for the assessment of the total expenditure for adult and continuing education and training (ACET) in Austria, broken down by public and private sources of financing. Variants of estimates of the expenditure are presented. Direct expenditure has been at 0.7% and the sum of direct and indirect expenditure at 1...
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Das Ziel des Kapitels ist, vor dem Hintergrund der Stärken und Schwächen der beruflichen Erstausbildung 1 in Österreich Herausforderungen und Entwicklungsperspektiven zu skizzie-ren und den weiteren Forschungsbedarf zu identifizieren. Der Fokus liegt auf der Ebene der Politik. Die Berufsbildung hat eine besondere Stellung. - "Erfolgsgeschichte" mi...
Technical Report
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This report in GERMAN provides an extensive critical quantitative and qualitative policy analysis and evaluation of the Austrian VET structures focusing on the triangle of competitiveness, social demands, and lifelong learning. It was written as a background report to the chapter of the Austrian National Education Report 2012, provided at research...
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Die Indikatoren zum Kontext des Schul- und Bildungswesens beschreiben Faktoren, die zwar außerhalb der Kontrolle der Akteurinnen und Akteure des Bildungssystems liegen, die aber wesentlichen Einfluss auf die Gestaltung des Bildungswesens haben und die Möglichkeiten der Bildungspolitik somit einschränken oder auch erweitern. Der Abschnitt beinhaltet...
Conference Paper
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This chapter is based on a set of activities in Austria that tried to make sense of how VET policy making could and should take into account challenges from 'the future'. First, some conceptual considerations are presented based on discourses from literature which contrast different approaches of dealing with future challenges and secondly, some ex...
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Dieser Beitrag1 versucht, eine Interpretation der Institutionalisierung von Beruflichkeit in österreich zu geben und diese mit der subjektiven Perspektive zu verbinden. Der Argumentation liegen deutliche Besonderheiten der österreichischen Situation sowohl bei der Fassung von „Beruflichkeit“ als auch bei der Berücksichtigung von „Subjektivierung“ e...
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This paper gives a critical assessment of the relationship between learning outcomes and the governance of education and training systems. Learning outcomes are defined as an instrument that might work at different levels with different meanings and different results: at the level of education and training practice, they might obtain pedagogical re...
Technical Report
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This report is part of a wider project that rests on a partnership between the ETF and a network of experts from eight countries, assisted by three international experts1 together with experts from the ETF. The objective of the project is to find methods to improve the anticipation and matching of the demand for and supply of skills in ETF partner...
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Austria's vocational education and training (VET) system displays a unique structure that joins a strong dual apprenticeship system with a robust fulltime school-based VET. This school-based trajectory has deep historical roots and has considerably influenced recent reforms in apprenticeship. Current dynamics in the Austrian skill formation system...
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This article aims to contrast various theoretical approaches on the coordination between education-and-training and employment with a set of practical solutions and policies. Adopting a broad view, we hope to discover several paths that allow us to illuminate solu-tions to practical as well as theoretical problems, or at least to outline trajectori...
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This article analyses the structure and development of Austrian apprenticeship in the context of the country’s wider vocational education and training (VET) system. In doing so, it draws on official data and survey results as well as the available, related literature on historical institutionalism. It begins with an analysis of the basic structure...
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The empirical approach referred to in this article describes the relationship between education and training (ET) supply and employment in Austria; the use of the new ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) fields of study variable makes this approach applicable abroad. The purpose is to explore a system that produces timely info...
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This article analyses the structural influences on the professional development of adult educators and their relation to education policy using Austria as a fairly average example of the diversity in European adult education. The position of adult education is first analysed in the course of the development of a lifelong learning strategy, showing...


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