Lorena Vieli

Lorena Vieli
University of La Frontera · Dpto de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Recursos Naturales

Doctor of Philosophy


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I'm an applied ecologist with an emphasis on agricultural landscapes and agroecology. My main focus is on pollination and pollinators, and their importance for human well-being and ecosystem conservation. As a teacher of ecology, I'm also interested in ecological thinking and the challenges of global change.


Publications (50)
Conference Paper
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Global social-ecological crises call for the identification and promotion of resilient agrifood systems. Agroecology can help addressing these challenges by fostering high levels of diversity, strengthen social cohesion and promote adaptations to climate change. The application of agroecological principles (i.e. social-ecological processes translat...
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Over the last quarter century, increasing honey bee colony losses motivated standardized large-scale surveys of managed honey bees (Apis mellifera), particularly in Europe and the United States. Here we present the first large-scale standardized survey of colony losses of managed honey bees and stingless bees across Latin America. Overall, 1736 bee...
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Temperate fruit and nut crops require distinctive cold and warm seasons to meet their physiological requirements and progress through their phenological stages. Consequently, they have been traditionally cultivated in warm temperate climate regions characterized by dry-summer and wet-winter seasons. However, fruit and nut production in these areas...
Pollination services are affected by landscape context, farming management and pollinator community structure, all of which impact flower visitation rates, pollen deposition and final production. We studied these processes in Argentina for highbush blueberry crops, which depend on pollinators to produce marketable yields. We studied how land cover...
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Pollination services are affected by landscape context, farming management and pollinator community structure, all of which impact flower visitation rates, pollen deposition and final production. We studied these processes in Argentina for highbush blueberry crops, which depend on pollinators to produce marketable yields. We studied how land cover...
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Global social-ecological crises call for the identification and promotion of resilient agrifood systems. Agroecology can help addressing these challenges by fostering high levels of diversity and climate resilience. The application of agroecological principles (i.e. social-ecological processes translated into practices with positive effects on the...
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Over the last quarter century, increasing bee colony losses motivated standardized large-scale surveys of managed honey bees ( Apis mellifera ), particularly in Europe and the United States. Here we present the first large-scale standardized survey of colony losses of managed honey bees and stingless bees across Latin America. Overall, 1736 beekeep...
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La abejas nativas habitan y prestan servicios ecosistémicos en los agroecosistemas (i.e., ecosistema manejado por personas con el propósito de producir alimentos, fibras u otro producto agrícola. Al ser un ecosistema, se entiende que está compuesto por elementos bióticos y abióticos relacionados entre sí). Aunque estamos lejos de saber como las car...
Evaluations about social preferences for ecosystem services do not always include human well-being. Using a case study in South-Central Chile, we showed how the human well-being approach might reveal social preferences on ecosystem services. We used a socio-cultural approach to compare social preferences for provisioning, regulating, and cultural s...
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This book aims to provide information on pollination and the importance of pollinators for blueberries in South America, mainly in Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Below are to download the versions in: Portuguese: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7770381 Spanish: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7770394 English: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7770399
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O livro “Mirtilo: polinização e produção na América do Sul" é um dos produtos do projeto “Safeguarding Pollination Services in a Changing World - SURPASS2”. Tem como objetivo fornecer informações sobre a polinização e a importância dos polinizadores para os mirtilos na América do Sul, principalmente na Argentina, Brasil e Chile. Além disso, visa ap...
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Characterizing insect communities in pollinator-dependent crops helps determine the potential pollinator effectiveness and their effects on crop yield. Few studies have examined pollinator communities and their services to crops in South America. Furthermore, optimal sampling methods for these communities in the crop habitat have received little at...
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Biocultural diversity embraces the dynamic, place-based and complex relationship between biological and cultural diversity. Several studies describe a direct, positive relationship between biological and cultural diversity; however, this relationship is usually entwined within a particular socio-ecological context. We explored the relationship betw...
Invasive species are one of the most important drivers of biodiversity loss worldwide. As exotic species invade new ecosystems, they establish ecological interactions with the existing species, which may facilitate their spread. Flower colour is an important trait that influences pollination and pollinator preferences. To determine the role of thes...
Conference Paper
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La pandemia generada por el COVID-19 ha impactado a diversos sectores de la sociedad. La Agricultura Familiar Campesina (AFC) no ha sido inmune, lo que ha permitido develar que las crisis que enfrenta la AFC solo se han agudizado por el contexto sanitario. Además, las políticas, programas y planes vinculadas a este segmento no contribuyen a la resi...
Conference Paper
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Raíces y cambios: principios agroecológicos en la agricultura familiar de montaña del sur de los Andes Resumen La crisis socioambiental global requiere identificar y promover sistemas agroalimentarios resilientes. La agroecología aborda estos desafíos al promover altos niveles de diversidad, resiliencia climática y seguridad alimentaria. La aplicac...
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In the last decades, pollinators have drastically declined as a consequence of anthropogenic activities that have local and global impacts. The food industry has been expanding intensive agriculture crops, many of them dependent on animal pollination, but simultaneously reducing native pollinator habitats. Chile is a good example of this situation....
Conference Paper
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El contexto actual de crisis socio-ecológica obliga a un debate profundo sobre los sistemas agroalimentarios. La perspectiva agroecológica permite hacer frente a desafíos mundiales al promover altos niveles de diversidad y resiliencia climática. La aplicación de los principios agroecológicos (i.e. procesos ecosistémicos traducidos en prácticas con...
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Invasive species are one of the main biodiversity loss drivers. Some species can establish and thrive in novel habitats, impacting local communities, as is the case of managed pollinators. In this regard, an invasive species' expansion process over time is critical for its control and management. A good example is the European bumblebee Bombus terr...
Public urban green spaces provide people with many benefits. Understanding the relationship between public urban green spaces’ characteristics and human well-being components may assist in future planning and design of these spaces. This study performed a systematic bibliographic review to analyse the relationships between green spaces' specific ch...
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The order Diptera is the second most important group of pollinators worldwide. Many flies are considered generalist pollinators, but specialist flower flies' associations are rare or uncommon. The present study aimed to determine the level of specialization in pollination for Aneriophora aureorufa (Philippi, 1865) (Diptera: Syrphidae), an endemic s...
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The order Diptera is the second most important group of pollinators worldwide. Many flies are considered generalist pollinators, but specialist flower flies’ associations are rare or uncommon. The present study aimed to determine the level of specialization in pollination for Aneriophora aureorufa (Philippi, 1865) (Diptera: Syrphidae), an endemic s...
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Understanding of people’s landscape preferences is important for decision-making about land planning, particularly in the disturbance patterns that usually occur in rural-urban gradients. However, the use of different types of images concerning the same landscape may influence social preferences and thus perceptions of landscape management and plan...
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The range of benefits provided by urban greenspaces is reasonably well understood and a broad consensus has been reached that they provide habitats along with social ecosystem services, such as restoration, health and food. Domestic gardens, which are a primary node of contact between city residents and nature, typically represent a significant por...
Certified organic agriculture stipulates a set of principles and standards which run farmer practices. The current global demand for organic food has raised new challenges for organic agriculture, which can be difficult to address when management is subject to the forces of conventionalisation. Using production of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium cory...
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The global pollination crisis is not only produced by loss of pollinators but also by their homogenization, both processes caused by humans. This crisis impacts the persistence of many native plants species worldwide. In this document we analyze the ecological impacts that warrant the prohibition of new income of commercial bumblebee, Bombus terres...
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We estimate habitat loss and fragmentation in a hoverfly, Aneriophora aureorufa, used as a representative forest specialist species. This species is a pollinator specialist of two native trees, forming a triad endemic to the South American Temperate Rainforest (SATR). We combine Species Distribution Models with species-specific requirements to esti...
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The global pollination crisis is not only produced by loss of pollinators but also by their homogenization, both processes caused by humans. This crisis impacts the persistence of many native plants species worldwide. In this document we analyze the ecological impacts that warrant the prohibition of new income of commercial bumblebee, Bombus terres...
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The global pollination crisis is not only produced by loss of pollinators but also by their homogenization, both processes caused by humans. This crisis impacts the persistence of many native plants species worldwide. In this document we analyze the ecological impacts that warrant the prohibition of new income of commercial bumblebee, Bombus terres...
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The global trade of species promotes diverse human activities but also facilitates the introduction of potentially invasive species into new environments. As species ignore national boundaries, unilateral national decisions concerning species trade set the stage for transnational species invasion with significant conservation, economic and politica...
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The notion of cultural landscape was deployed to analyze transformation processes of rural landscapes. As a case study, environmental degradation processes in La Araucania (Chile) region were analyzed. The goals of actions over the territory and their driving forces were determined. These actions were related to economic motives external to local i...
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In Chile, as in many other parts of the world, agroecology was first developed from studies on traditional agricultural systems. In the late1970s and early 1980s, when a large portion of Chilean population was under high poverty, the first notions for agroecological thinking arised. In the early 1980s, NGOs were the first entities to do applied agr...
In this study pollinators visiting highbush blueberry fields set in landscapes with differing land use pattern in south-central Chile were investigated. Effects of spatial buffers from 0.5 to 8 km around each blueberry field on the abundance of the main wild pollinator, Bombus terrestris queens, were tested. Wild B. terrestris abundances were posit...
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Este trabajo pretende fomentar el entendimiento de la interrelacion entre riesgos ambientales generados por el cambio climatico y la capacidad de utilizar unidades y sistemas agricolas (como sistemas socioecologicos) para resistir a estas perturbaciones y persistir en el tiempo. Fueron evaluadas 177 familias que practicaban agricultura campesina de...
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The selection of good planting sites is critical for the success of blueberry plantations. The objective of the present study was to identify farm territorial units suitable for the establishment and management of highbush blueberry crops on a farm in southern Chile. A farm-level characterization was developed, and districts and sites were classifi...
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A study was conducted to determine the effect of synthetic mulch on the diversity and abundance of carabid beetles in an organic blueberry crop. The treatments consisted of plastic mulch, plastic mulch combined with pine needles, pine needles only and bare soil as control. Beetles were captured using pitfall traps. The number of individuals collect...
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Gastó, J., L. Vera, L. Vieli, and R. Montalba. 2009. Sustainable Agriculture: Unifying Concepts. Cien. Inv. Agr. 36(1): 5-26. This work is the product of a long process that tried to approximate the principia involved in sustainable agriculture in an attempt to analyze it. We believe that these principia are crucial for the systematic, rigorous, an...
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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo caracterizar la diversidad avifaunística de la Hacienda Loncha en un contexto de un paisaje intervenido y proponer estrategias de manejo de ecosistema y restauración de hábitats para aumentar la biodiversidad local, apoyando la creación del Parque Ecológico Los Cobres de Loncha. Para ello se realizó una campaña de t...
We investigated the remaining puma habitat of south ern San Francisco Bay Area, CA. First, we created habitat suitability maps of the area for pu mas, which integrated principle prey presence (mule deer) as well as a condition index to account for roads, development and population density. Then using Zonation software, we identifie d core areas of...


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