Lorena Gil de Montes

Lorena Gil de Montes
University of the Basque Country | UPV/EHU · Departamento de Psicología Social


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Publications (47)
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The health crisis the world is going through is arguably the first contemporary “global crisis” that threatens the world with generalized anomy and its new economic option, globalization. It has struck China, settles in Europe, strikes heavily in the United States and Latin America, and is spreading rapidly in other continents. The same problem has...
This research aimed to analyse the social representations of the Spanish Civil War and the dictatorship among young people from different autonomous communities in Spain. A free-association exercise elicited by the words ‘Civil War’ and ‘Francoism’ was completed by 477 university students of the Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia and Madrid. Partic...
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Unconditional basic income (UBI) is a redistributive policy proposal that is receiving increasing attention in the Spanish political sphere. Welfare attitudes literature has shown that support for UBI is higher among left-wing citizens and those of lower socioeconomic status. However, previous studies have not addressed the mediating role of ideolo...
The care crisis manifests the tensions and profound changes which are taking place in contemporary long-term care systems, leading to new care views and modalities in society. Through 26 interviews conducted with caregivers, family members and elderly people with care needs, this study aims to make visible the transformation in the conceptions of c...
This paper aims to identify how the members of historical memory associations of Biscay (Spain) constructed their ‘community images’ through their social representations of the recent past. We analysed the discourse of 12 in-depth interviews with various members of six historical memory associations. The findings show that the interviewees conceptu...
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Dependency and care assistance during old age has become an increasing focus of debate and change in society. Consequently , people must cope with diverse and even contradictory values and ideas about the issue. This study aimed to understand the social representations of dependency based on the dialogical approach of the Social Representations the...
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Colombia had the longest internal armed conflict in Latin America, and its government reached a peace agreement with the FARC guerrillas in 2016. This article explores the transitional justice social representations during the signing of the peace agreement (study 1) and their implementation, during 2019-2020 (study 2). The first study analyzes the...
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The role of communication in a pandemic emergency is crucial because it contributes to the spread of collective interpretations of the crisis that drive community responses. Based on the social representations' theory approach, and specifically relying on the notions of collective symbolic coping and polemical social representations, the study pres...
In this study we investigate the social representations of risky sexual practices. Specifically, we analyse the circumstances in which young Spanish people consider a sexual practice as risky, and how such ‘representations’ of risk have implications for decisions about using condoms. We use the Grid Elaboration Method to gather the naturalistic tho...
This study examines how Ebola is transformed from purely scientific knowledge to public’s thinking through media communication, using Spain as a case study. To do so, this research carried out a lexical analysis in both classic media communication and social network communication (Twitter). The results showed that traditional news used a reified di...
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Based on the Social Representations Theory (SRT) applied to the social construction of risk and the role played by group identities, this study examines the construction of risk created by the mass media in health epidemics. An experimental design with split-ballot questionnaire and 319 participants was used in which message framing (human interest...
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Ikerketa honetan 2009-2010 urteetan A gripearen (H1N1) pandemiari komunikabideek egindako jarraipena ikertu da Mexiko eta Espainiako egunkari publikatuenetan. Irudikapen Sozialen Teorian oinarrituta, Collective Symbolic Coping (CSC) ereduak azaltzen du nola ordena soziala mehatxatzen duten eta komunikabideen arreta bereganatzen duten egoera berriei...
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The purpose of this qualitative study was to establish the central core and the peripheral system of the social representation of intelligence in the context of the Chilean student movement which emerged as a critique of the educational system. Using non-probabilistic judgment sampling, 3 focus groups made up by high school students were formed: 2...
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El presente trabajo se deriva de una investigación más amplia llevada a cabo por el grupo de investigación IKERKI 05/30 reconocido por la UPV/EHU en la que se encuestó a una muestra representativa de la población guipuzcoana mayor de 18 años sobre sus hábitos de práctica de actividad física y deportiva. En el mismo se entrevisto a 288 sujetos mayor...
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To analyze the temporal evolution of HIV-related stigma in Spain between 2008 and 2012. We interviewed a representative sample of the Spanish population (N = 1619) through computer-assisted telephone interviews. The survey measures diverse facets of stigma and other-related variables. We compared the data of the 2012 survey with the result of the s...
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The framing of the message as promoter of gains or restorer of losses and its relationship with Self-orientations is analyzed in relation to the acceptance or rejection of the Law on Gender Equality, passed by the Spanish Parliament in 2007. Two independent studies were designed with psychology students (93 women and 47 men).The first study manipul...
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This study evaluates the prevalence of HIV stigma in Spain and analyzes some variables that may affect its existence. In 2008, we conducted a computer-assisted telephone survey of 1607 people, representative of the Spanish population. Two-wave random stratified sampling was performed, first selecting the home and then the person, depending on the r...
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Este estudio examinó si la duración de la práctica físico-deportiva repercute en el estado de ánimo, y si estos efectos están mediatizados por la percepción del estado físico. Los participantes fueron 1008 personas (n = 144 entre 18 y 24 años, n = 288 entre 25 y 44 años, n = 288 entre 45 a 64 años y n = 288 mayores de 65 años). Los análisis del mod...
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Este artículo recoge una investigación sobre la cobertura y el tratamiento dado por los medios de comunicación a la pandemia de gripe A (H1N1), y la repercusión que ello tuvo en las representaciones sociales sobre la misma. La investigación se basó en los periódicos con mayor tirada de México (país donde se inició) y España durante los meses que du...
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This study analyzed how the mass media covered the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic and its influence on the social representation of the disease. Framing theory and a model of collective symbolic coping were both used to explain the influence of the mass media on social representation. The study was based on analyzing information on the influenza A pan...
The use of more abstract language to describe expected behaviors as opposed to unexpected behaviors has traditionally been considered a way of stereotype maintenance. This tendency is known as linguistic expectancy bias. Two experiments examined the influence of approach and avoidance motivational orientations on the production of this linguistic e...
Emakumeen eta Gizonen Berdintasunerako Legea Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan 2005ean eta Espainiako estatuan 2007an onartu zen. Ikerlan honetan, lege horren aurkezpena aztertzen da egunkarietako iritzi-sailean. Helburu nagusia da legearen agerpena eta tratamendua ezagutzea, horretan egunkarien ideologiak eta hedapen-eremuak duten eragina aztertuz. Emai...
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The Role of Organized Sports Participation during Adolescence in Adult Physical Activity Patterns An active adult lifestyle is related to higher quality of life regarding physical and psychological well-being. This study investigates the influence of organized sports participation during adolescence in adult physical activity in a retrospective way...
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Defined the Linguistic Intergoup Bias as the tendency to describe positive ingroup and negative outgroup behaviors in more abstract linguistic categories than negative ingroup and positive outgroup behavior (Fiedler et al, 2003) and basing on the idea of Moscovici that "something" is beyond the text, (1994; 163), three studies analysing the use of...
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Material hau 8 ataletan antolatuta dago: I. atala, Estatistikarako behar diren Matematikako kontzeptuak aurkezten dira: batukariaren arauak, funtzioak eta matrizeak; II. atalean, aldagai bakarreko estatistika deskribatzailea hiru gaitan da banatuko: datuen antolaketa, adierazpide grafikoak eta joera zentraleko neurriak; III. atalean, probabilitatea...
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The two studies presented here analyze the role of the core and peripheral elements of social representations as a function of both a) the induction of implication of the self with the object vs. not implication and b) the framing of the message ( to eliminate discrimination vs. implementing equality) in the case of the Law of Gender Equality in Sp...
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The current study has its foundations in a more broad-ranging research initiative undertaken by the IKERI O5/30 research group (oficially recognised by the University of the Basque Country) which surveyed a representative sample of the over-18s population of Gipuzkoa in relation to their sports and physical activities habits. The cited research pro...
The effectiveness of competition plans on athletes' performance outcomes was assessed while accounting for the mediating influence of state depression and self-efficacy. Competition plans reflect an integrated and personalized plan that consists of a set of decision-making rules based on the principles of self-control and self-efficacy development...
This study examines whether the time duration of sports and physical activity participation has an impact on affective states and whether this effect is mediated by the perception of physical condition. Participants in the study were 1008 (n = 144 from 18 to 24, n =288 from 25 to 44, n = 288 from 45 to 64 and n = 288 older than 65). A structural eq...
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In the present paper, investigations about the role of significant others, such as parents or coaches on youngsters' intrinsic motivation are reviewed. Empirical evidence is gathered from two main classical theories of sport psychology: Cognitive evaluation theory and achievement goal theory. A proposal is derived from this review that focuses on t...
Talde arteko hizkuntza-soslaia izeneko ikerketa-lerroak egiaztatu duenez, hizkuntzaren erabilera estrategikoa estereotipoak eta aurreiritziak igortzeko eta mantentzeko bidea da. Hemen aurkezten diren bi ikerketek genero-estereotipoak iraunarazteko hizkuntzaren erabilerak ¿hizkuntzaren abstrakzio mailak¿ duen zeresana aztertzea zuten helburu. Lehene...
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In 3 experiments, the authors investigated how strategic inclinations associated with promotion versus prevention orientations--that is, eager approach versus vigilant avoidance, respectively--affect the use of language. It is hypothesized that eager promotion strategies used to attain desired end states entail using more abstract language than use...
Belief-attitude relations, as well as different normative regulations in the explanation of stereotypes and prejudices toward immigrants are analysed in two studies. It is found in both of them that free-response measu- res of beliefs show a highly consistent relation with attitudes. Similarly, the evaluation of immigrants turns out to be more posi...
Two studies were designed to investigate how the type of interdependence (cooperative vs. competitive) between a speaker and a recipient influences communicators' descriptions of positive and negative target behaviors. The target-addressee relationship was a positive one in the first study. It was expected that speakers in the cooperative condition...
We examined whether the linguistic intergroup bias (LIB) is a context-free, invariant process or influenced by communicative purpose. The reported experiment shows that biased language use (positive behaviors of a partner and negative behaviors of an opponent are described with abstract predicates, negative partner and positive opponent behaviors a...
that in the cooperation condition, the partner’s positive behavior is more abstractly described than his negative behavior, which transmits a positive image about the partner. In the competition condition the reversed pattern was obtained, so that a negative image about the partner was ,transmitted. The relevance ,of the ,understanding ,of the ,com...
El nivel de abstracción del lenguaje puede ser un medio de transmisión y mantenimiento de estereotipos, tal como propone el Sesgo Lingüístico Intergrupal (Maass et al., 1989). En este estudio se analiza el uso diferencial del nivel de abstracción del lenguaje producido por dos grupos en conflicto (HB y Gesto por la Paz) cuando dan razonamientos ref...
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The present study examines social representations of the threat created by emerging infectious diseases. A free association experiment was carried out in which the stimulus was a news item where the framing of a discourse (human interest vs. attribution of responsibility) was manipulated. Results showed that the human interest discourse sparked off...
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In this study the relationship between self-efficacy and self-concordance of personal goals and well-being was investigated. The goal was to examine the structure of self-concordance (Sheldon, 1999), as well as to check the predictive value of self-efficacy and self-concordance on well-being. University students (N=329) rated the self-concordance a...


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