López Peláez Antonio

López Peláez Antonio
National University of Distance Education | UNED · Departamento de Trabajo Social

Social Work, Social Policy, Social Services, Youth


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Publications (117)
Social interaction through technology, professional intervention through digital tools, and reorganization of public and private organizations to digitalize their procedures and work with reliable and robust data are three processes that coexist and feed off each other, giving rise to the development of what has been called digital social work. In...
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RESUMEN Fundamentos La implementación de tecnologías digitales supone un elemento innovador para el abordaje de la cronicidad, como parte de las estrategias de Salud Pública. Su implantación es variable a nivel autonómico, pese a existir un plan nacional. Este trabajo pretendió conocer el despliegue de las estrategias autonómicas sobre cronicidad,...
Purpose Doctoral programs play a crucial role in promoting innovation and technology transfer in universities. To design these programs effectively and with a co-design perspective, it is essential to consider all stakeholders involved in the process, including teachers, students and employers. The main objective of this study is to enhance postgra...
Social workers worldwide must be concerned about how to over- come poverty after the COVID-19. The 61st Session of United Nations Commission for Social Development has highlighted decent work as a priority for social workers and social welfare practitioners after de COVID-19. Decent work is a key strategy to overcome poverty in the post-pandemic ti...
Eradicating poverty is a fundamental objective of social work, both at local and at global levels. After COVID-19, the United Nations Commission for Social Development and Sustainable Development Goals, the global agenda developed by the International Association of Schools of Social Work, the International Council on Social Welfare and the Interna...
The Oxford International Handbook of Family Policy has two main aims: to identify key developments globally in regard to the forms and modalities of relevant policies, and to take a critical look at the developments regarding those policies. The overall goal is to uncover the extent to which concerns about the family and the role and practices of p...
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The relational uprooting faced by young unaccompanied minors, when they undertake a migratory process, it places them in a situation of extreme vulnerability. Timeshare in the Center for Minors offered relationships between themselves, which are later maintained and reflected on social networking sites. The content that can be shared on social netw...
The COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in Czechia resulted in widening a digital gap (also known as digital divide) in the case of vulnerable children and their families, who did not have Internet access or devices through which children could engage in online learning. According to recent research, vulnerable children are one of the groups most at risk o...
From the perspective of social work, it is important to analyse food insecurity before and during the COVID-19, identify the best practices and how social work can contribute to improving living conditions. Using a meta-analysis, this article reviews how food security is addressed in the literature to better inform social policies from a social wor...
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En un contexto de transformación digital acelerado las redes sociales online modifican las estrategias organizacionales de comunicación. En este artículo analizamos mediante netnografía y análisis de redes sociales los procesos de conectividad, de interacción y de liderazgo de los Colegios de Trabajo Social en España en las redes sociales online, c...
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The digital and superdiverse societies of which we now form part require a redefinition of social work and social services to address the digital citizenship of children and adolescents. This article analyzes the main challenges in this area, which can be addressed through digital social work.
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The digital and superdiverse societies of which we now form part require a redefinition of social work and social services to address the digital citizenship of children and adolescents. This article analyzes the main challenges in this area, which can be addressed through digital social work.
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(1) Background: This article seeks to shed a light on the innovation, digitalisation, and teleworking processes that have occurred because of the coronavirus crisis. (2) Methods: To this end, we analyse data from Eurostat (2020), the European Companies Survey (2013; 2019) and the Living, Working and COVID-19 Dataset (2020), the latter two gathered...
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Isolation is a clear indicator of social exclusion. To tackle it, we wondered if it would be possible to improve and strengthen bonds through online groups on a social networking site. This paper presents the results of an experimental study carried out in Malaga (Spain) with unemployed users of social care services. From the perspective of digital...
In this article, we present the basic features of co-design methodology and its application to group dynamics with the aim of broadening the theoretical debate in the field of social work with groups. In both self-help and goal-oriented groups, the group design and communication dynamics that emerge from within it are key elements to ensure their c...
Contemporary society has been characterized by its social complexity, which was boosted thanks to international migration flows, among other factors. This phenomenon brought us ‘superdiversity’ as a concept, which has been very well received by many social scientists, as well as criticized by others due to its similarities with previous notions suc...
Superdiversity as a term has captured the attention of many researchers since it was first coined in 2007. However, the very characteristics of the concept have made its methodological operationalization insufficiently clear, beyond being bridged by the great migratory movements of the 21st century. As a result, we find a considerable diversity of...
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Social Work is currently facing the significant challenge of dealing with social networking sites – which have become a parallel universe of socialization – where ever-increasing digital activism is taking place. The #MeToo movement stands as a global benchmark. It has established itself as a digital-global feminist movement, fighting the harassmen...
Superdiversity is a characteristic of contemporary societies that affects processes of social change and social policies. Using meta-analytical methods, this article reviews how superdiversity is addressed in the literature to better inform social policies from a sociological perspective. A search of the literature in English and Spanish revealed 7...
In this article, we present the results of a strategy to disseminate best social work practices during periods of social lockdown in Spain, in a climate characterised by post-truth, misinformation and fake news. Social work is challenged with the task of delivering reliable and quality information aimed at building a better society. At the time of...
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This paper addresses a key issue in the development of youth-focused social work: the role of digital skills in the relationship between young people and social workers who work with these native digital users. To this end, we analysed data from the International Digital Economy and Society Index 2019 and Eurostat. Information from the sixth Europe...
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Empathy, defined as an emotional ability to put oneself in the place of others, read their state of mind, and think how they are feeling, is an essential pillar of nursing care. On the other hand, anxiety is a frequent emotion that can be generated in stressful work environments, like nurses developing their activity. The aim of the present study i...
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Research on youth transitions, and the well-being of young people, has to take into consideration the digital context in which they are immersed. Digital interaction of young people increase year by year, social networking sites play a key role in their personal and professional relationships, and a very high percentage of jobs require digital skil...
This chapter is about how the spanish welfare state had to get adapted to the increasing individualism context and how social work profession was affected by neoliberal policies
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This chapter deals with how social workers in a context of welfare changes adapt to austerity contexts
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Resumen Las redes sociales online ofrecen una rica fuente de información en tiempo real sobre lo que está pasando, especialmente valiosa durante emergencias sociales. Las distintas autoridades, las organizaciones y los trabajadores sociales que atienden estas emergencias están incorporando estos medios para comprender mejor el impacto de los peligr...
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Our current age of connectedness has facilitated a boom in interactive dynamics within social networking sites. It is, therefore, possible for the field of Social Work to draw on these advantages in order to connect with the unconnected by strengthening online mutual support networks among users. The aim of this article is to examine whether ‘conne...
Sumario: 1. Introducción. 2. Perspectivas sobre la brecha digital. 3. El Trabajo Social ante el reto de la transformación digital. 3.1. El Trabajo Social y la brecha digital de acceso. 3.2. Trabajo Social y la brecha digital de Uso Estratégico 2.0. 4. Conclusión. 5. Referencias bibliográficas RESUMEN La permanente revolución tecnológica en la que e...
New technologies have transformed the nature and practice of social work. A wider range of available digital procedures has opened up a broader dimension regarding research, therapies, interventions and social networks in the field. Using meta-analysis methods, this article reviews the current situation of the application of information and communi...
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In this article, we analyse the relationship between the intensification of work and organizational flexibility. Specifically, we focus on teamwork, considered as an emblematic organizational strategy of flexible and efficient organizations. The relationship between teamwork, intensity of work and stress is examined using data from Spain's National...
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In the sphere of the European Union, especially in countries of southern Europe, the economic crisis and the redefining of welfare state benefits have led to a scenario in which many young people encounter major difficulties in attaining and/or maintaining a middle-class lifestyle. Their life trajectories may be affected not only by wage or job ins...
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Beyond the financial and emotional hardships involved, a weakened middle class can threaten the fabric of society and its democratic institutions. As Kapsos and Bourmpoula (2013, 1) note, “one of the sharpest divides between developed and developing economies is that in the former, middle class status is the norm, with a reasonable standard of livi...
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Young people are a central target of social policies. In the Spanish case, we will take into consideration the European context, as our regulations and our programmes are integrated into the main European Union policy guidelines for young people. In the European Union, the participation of young people in designing and managing such policies throug...
In this article, we discuss the major challenges facing our societies, and the role social work can play as a scientific discipline and a helping profession, with particular attention to the situation in Spain and the United States.En este artículo, analizamos los principales retos que afrontan nuestras sociedades, y el papel que puede jugar el Tra...
The book is aimed to examine where, why and how migrant children are represented in the child welfare system in eleven countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, England, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Norway, Spain, the netherlands and the United States.
Technology, power, and social change have always been closely interrelated. This chapter examines the complex relationship between technology and society, with particular attention to the assessment of science and technology policies in democratic societies. Our analysis of technological trajectories points to the need for a new social contract whi...
Societies survive in their environment and compete with each other depending on the technology they develop. Economic, military and political power are directly related to the available technology, while access to technology is key to the well-being of our societies at the individual, community and national level. The Robotics Divide analyzes how r...
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El sistema sanitario es uno de los pilares del estado del bienestar y fundamento clave de nuestra ciudadanía. El proceso de institucionalización del estado del bienestar ha creado una organización denominada Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) de proporciones gigantescas, con una concentración muy alta de profesionales y de recursos, adoptando un gran...
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In this study, we examine a key issue for the sustainability of our welfare state: the patterns of consumption of generic drugs, the Internet, and healthcare social work. Taking the online context (netnography) as an object of ethnographic analysis, we analyze climates of opinion in relation to the consumption of generic drugs. We identify and anal...
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The article analyses the direct and modulating effects of family support on burnout in the work-family conflict in Spanish middle-class families. The analysis has been separated by gender in order to better examine differences. Direct relationships in the data show that family support is negatively related to the two subscales of burnout, especiall...
In this chapter, we present the results of a prospective research study we have conducted over the last 10 years on development trends in the field of industrial and service robotics. Applying the scientific methods of prospective research and future studies, we have conducted Delphi studies to predict the main trends of development of robotics tec...
In this chapter, we approach several key dimensions of the family well-being: firstly, the particular characteristics of Spanish families; secondly, the barriers for the inclusion of these families; and thirdly, the design of intervention programmes to improve their inclusion. From this point, in this chapter, we provide an overview of these three...
In the current economic crisis, middle-class families often find themselves immersed in a process of downward social mobility. These are families in which both spouses work, and where many relational conflicts begin in the sphere of work-family reconciliation and the allocation of household responsibilities. This article presents the results of a r...
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Presentation 11 Introduction 13 Background and justification for the study 13 Hypothesis, objectives and methodology 15 Structure of the study 18 I . T heoretical framework: the interpretative context of transitions to adulthood 20 1.1. M ajor theoretical paradigms on transitions to adulthood 21 1.2. D estandardisation and individualisation: the ne...
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One of the key strategies in the process to modernize the European economy is the privatization of railway transport; separating infrastructure maintenance from transport management. Privatization has led to farreaching changes with respect to organizations, professional careers, and the very culture of railway work. The opinions held by those most...
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El análisis del futuro, y la toma de decisiones en función de las tendencias de cambio tecnológico y social detectables en el presente, se han convertido en una herramienta básica en la política científico-tecnológica de las sociedades contemporáneas. El desarrollo tecnológico no se improvisa: las tecnologías tienen un largo período de gestación, y...
Scientific and technological policy has become a key activity in contemporary societies. In this context we present different projections about the evolution of science and technology in the area of robotics and advanced automation, which in turn shapes the new possibilities and risks emerging in this area in the future. This goes hand-in-hand with...
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In this paper we are going to analyze the Spanish public opinion about the Biotechnological innovation in the European context (particularly in the field of transgenic foods and cloning). The scientific journalism as mediators and the differentiation between what can be referred to as the "informed public" or "epistemological leaders" and the rest...
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In this paper we are going to analyze the Spanish public opinion about the Biotechnological innovation in the European context (particularly in the field of transgenic foods and cloning). The scientific journalism as mediators and the differentiation between what can be referred to as the “informed public” or “epistemological leaders” and the rest...
Scientific-technological innovation (particularly in the field of transgenic foods and cloning), scientific journalism and public opinion all share a complex relationship. The rupture of internal consensus among the scientific community, the role played by scientific journalists as "mediators" and the differentiation between what can be referred to...
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