Loïc Sauvée

Loïc Sauvée
UniLaSalle France · InTerACT

PhD, HDR (France)


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CSR, sustainability standards, agrifood system, network governance, network learning
Additional affiliations
April 2010 - present
  • Head of Department
January 2011 - present
  • Head of research unit PICAR-T


Publications (94)
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Population growth and urbanization are threatening food security. Urban agriculture is therefore a solution for urban food production and distribution. This paper investigates a multi-level governance framework to evaluate how local authorities implement their prescriptions at different levels of decision-making and objectives for urban agricultura...
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L’importance de l’agriculture urbaine pour une transition soutenable des milieux urbains est largement reconnue et diverses initiatives de projets d’agriculture urbaine se développent dans de nombreuses villes. L’agriculture urbaine est en effet une forme d’agriculture permettant d’assurer de multiples fonctions : sécurité alimentaire, services éco...
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Innovative business models in European agrifood systems: governance issues in an era of digitalization, societal demand and environmental challenges EDITORIAL Maeve Henchion a , In recent time, European agrifood systems are witnessing tremendous changes which affect the way traditional businesses are organized. Among these trends one can recognize...
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Nowadays, there is great pressure in cities on the demand and supply of food as well as environmental needs, and where Urban Agriculture emerges in various forms to confront this situation. Indeed, Urban Agriculture is a form of agriculture, highlighting its multiple functions in ensuring food security, maintaining urban ecosystem services, and imp...
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Recent research has embraced the idea that digitalization is becoming a significant factor in addressing sustainability challenges. Digital platforms are becoming integral to this dynamic, opening a vast spectrum of possibilities that remain insufficiently explored. Alongside the growing expansion of digital platform initiatives, agriculture faces...
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Background and aims One of the major challenges of modern agriculture is to transform agricultural systems to support food security under global change. The reduction of the agricultural carbon footprint requires the development of agroecological practices and eco-friendly processes for biomass and by-products transformation. The push towards decar...
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This study focuses on the evaluation of the transfer of innovation by taking the example of the ‘Innovation Platform’ (IP) called “Champs d’innovation”, a project initiated by the Normandy region, France. The study focuses mainly on the modalities of innovation transfer and the complementarities between the different interfaces for the transfer of...
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In the context of the Farm-to-Fork strategy towards climate and natural resources neutralization, all players in agri-food value chain actors and stakeholders – citizens, consumers and business – cope with new challenges based on a better understanding of the complex interrelations between public health, ecosystems, value chains, consumption patter...
Pour répondre aux défis du développement durable, la transformation numérique de l’agriculture est considérée aujourd’hui comme une priorité mondiale. Les plateformes numériques sont au coeur de ce processus de transformation et couvrent l’ensemble des domaines d’activité agricole –production, ressources et débouchés. L’objectif de cette recherche...
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While the UN’s proclaimed decade of family farming (2019-2029) unfolds, management research has still not sufficiently explored the enterprising family in agriculture. Our article aims at exploring the literature on agricultural family businesses in the field of management sciences, towards suggesting future research directions. We present an overv...
This chapter explores the central question, for the organization agrifood chains, of alignment between governance of quality and Quality Management Systems (QMSs) when these chains are rooted in different components of territorial dimensions (“territory-based agrifood chains”). Based on a literature review, we start with the core argument of alignm...
Research Proposal
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Call for papers International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Special issue IFAMA Europe 2022 Opportunities and Challenges of EU Farm-to-Fork Strategy ____________________________________________________________________ . Guest Editors: Mariantonietta Fiore, University of Foggia, Italy Loïc Sauvée, IFAMA Europe Chairman, UniLaSalle, Fran...
Call for papers IFAMR 2022 SI From Farm to Fork Strategy EUROPE/AFRICA IFAMA 2022 SPECIAL SESSION ON 23rd of June 2021
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Cette recherche s'inscrit dans le projet Réseau de Sites Démonstrateurs IAR, qui vise à promouvoir le développement de la bioéconomie dans les Hauts-de-France. L'objectif de cette recherche était d'identifier les différents obstacles de la filière de la méthanisation à la ferme, et en particulier ses risques, afin de déterminer des solutions pour l...
Ce rapport se focalise sur le dispositif de recherche déployé sur le projet Champs d’innovation 1 (2017-2020), avec la tenue de trois forums d’innovation, en 2017, 2018 et 2019. L’objectif de ce forum est de mieux faire connaitre les innovations et au sens large les réalisations des travaux de recherche et développements conduits et proposés au mon...
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Within the framework of the IAR Pole's Network of Demonstration Sites project, this poster aims to identify the motivations of farmers to embark on a methanization project, but also to highlight a typology of farmers.
The purpose of this article is to assess the impact of network characteristics on non-technological, i.e., organisational innovations (hereafter OI), adopted by food companies. In the food sector context, we specifically put forward the importance of partnerships and networking activities, where this question is relevant. Indeed, relatively little...
Conference Paper
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« Le risque dans les nouvelles filières de valorisation de la biomasse » Eline Dubarral et Loïc Sauvée (InTerACT, UniLaSalle et SFR Condorcet FR CNRS 3417) Les agro-matériaux et la méthanisation représentent deux filières émergentes de la bioéconomie et s’accompagnent de nombreux enjeux, notamment en ce qui concerne les conditions socioéconomique...
The food sector frequently faces difficulties in implementing food safety standards. Indeed, there are many barriers to appropriation of quality management standards which make effective implementation difficult for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), such as limited access to information, lack of financing and cognitive resources, food hazard per...
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The food sector frequently faces difficulties in implementing food safety standards. Indeed, there are many barriers to appropriation of quality management standards which make effective implementation difficult for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), such as limited access to information, lack of financing and cognitive resources, food hazard per...
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This chapter aims to discuss how the rapid evolution of digital technologies is creating opportunities for new agricultural business models. First, it provides an overview of what the authors consider to be part of the digitalization in agriculture. Then it addresses the emergence of a community of practice based upon the data exchange and intercon...
The potential relationships between innovation and sustainability processes, in engineering education, is neither obvious nor simple, especially when innovation, generally speaking, is promoted regardless of sustainability. We used UniLaSalle (In January 2016, the ‘Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais’, a French engineering school, merged with a...
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L’innovation en agriculture nécessite un renouvellement des synergies entre culture mécanique et agronomique (cf. rapport Bournigal 2014). Une telle innovation se développe souvent sur le terrain par le biais de projets concrets. Pour cette raison l’approche projet est au cœur du parcours d’approfondissement en agroéquipements et nouvelles technolo...
L’hypothèse de départ de cet article est que les formations d’ingénieurs à LaSalle Beauvais sont directement en prise avec les problématiques du développement durable : extraction de ressources non renouvelables, énergie, transformation alimentaire, environnement, territoire, production agricole, et que les orientations stratégiques et opérationnel...
Purpose Following a negative attitude of consumers toward genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and the spaces left by the labeling legislation on GMOs of different countries, some retailers and processors introduced their own non-GMO standards, with the intention of avoiding the presence of GMOs in their products. This paper aims to understand how...
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The transition toward more sustainable industries opens the way for alternative solutions based upon new economic models using agricultural inputs or biomass to substitute oil-based inputs. In this context different generations of biorefinery complexes are evolving rapidly and highlight the numerous possibilities for the organization of processing...
Considering the highlighted significance of understanding why and how companies integrate environmental sustainability into innovation process, it is important to question: How has the business literature researched ‘eco-innovation’ related to the drivers that boost companies' adoption? What are the drivers and motivation for companies' adoption of...
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The way the firm uses its technological resources and competences, the ability to combine/recombine components, methods, processes and techniques to offer products and services plays a central role on the innovation process (AFUAH, 2002). As Indarti (2010) points out, the interactions are a key element in the process of gaining access to, acquire,...
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The evolution and the increasing relevance of biorefineries underscore the need for new economic and organisational knowledge about the concept of biorefinery and its practical applications. This also challenges researchers to provide new theoretical approaches, as well as empirical studies, including cross-country comparisons, scenario building, b...
The Conference of University Presidents (CPU) and the 'Conférence des Grandes Ecoles' (CGE) established a common tool, incorporating uses and specific missions of institutions: governance, education, research, social policy, local integration and environmental management sites. Then, the research question is: how to place an integrated approach to...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of networks diversity on innovation activity of firms. It aims to review the structural issue in innovation networks and to distinguish different structures of networks for product and process innovation through an empirical research. Design/methodology/approach – Using a data set of 348 E...
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Research on innovation in agrifood business is looking for new perspectives and for new ways of implementing actual results and of combining different theoretical perspectives. To do so we propose the concept of 'networked innovation' to summarize what we consider as the core notions necessary to mobilize to understand the complex phenomena of inno...
Conference Paper
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Nous proposons ici une approche originale de la technologie dans les sciences humaines et sociale (SHS), approche qui sera développée dans le cadre d'un groupement d'intérêt scientifique (GIS) pour l'unité des technologies et des sciences de l'homme. En effet, la place des SHS dans l'organisation de la recherche et des enseignements dispensés dans...
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Building on a literature review and an illustration with a concrete example, the goal of this article is to propose an analytical framework of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) implementation in food small and medium enterprises (SMEs) putting forward the issue of network effects. Indeed innovation networks and networking activities, as in any...
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Responsabilité sociétale des entreprises, levier d'une dynamique créatrice de valeur ? par Madame Zam-Zam Abdirahman * Enseignant – chercheur en systèmes de management de la qualité Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais et Monsieur Loïc Sauvée * Enseignant – chercheur en sciences de gestion Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais Les auteurs reme...
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Complex organisational forms are built through-at least to some extent-interorganisational strategies. To analyse the institutional logic of these forms, the concept of hybrid governance is proposed. This concept is a way to link their structural characteristics with their strategic content. To do so, the suggestion is to consider hybrid governance...
Conference Paper
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In the modern agrifood economies, the development of quality management standards is crucial, and food SMEs usually face difficulties in implementing them. In this context, the aim of the communication is two-fold. Firstly it is to craft an original analytical framework in line with the literature on innovation networks and related learning effects...
In the modern agrifood economies, the development of quality management standards is crucial, and food small and medium enterprises (SMEs) usually face difficulties in implementing them. In this context, the aim of the article is two‐fold. Firstly it is to craft an original analytical framework in line with the literature on innovation networks and...
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In the agricultural and food sectors, many networks are built through interorganizational strategies. To analyze the strategic interdependence in networks, the concept of 'governance' is proposed. This concept is a way to link the structural characteristics of networks with their strategic content. To do so, the suggestion is to consider network go...
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The objective of the research is to put in evidence the inter organizational dynamics of brand alliances. More specifically, the aim of the paper is to identify the business-to-business interactions within brand alliances through the governance adaptations that occur during a period of time. We show that these governance adaptations result from ext...
The objective of this article is to conceptualize the value creation process in brand alliances using a dynamic approach, based upon the literature on strategic alliances and inter organizational relationships, to explain the importance of organizational components in brand alliances. The research question is to identify the key components which al...
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In this paper we analyze how legitimacy allows us to develop differentiated relationships in business networks. Our central argument is that the building of legitimacy in business networks through certification needs the development of what we call differentiated relationships, based on the use of governance mechanisms. Mainly theoretical, our comm...
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This article looks at the i\nteractions between branding strategies and governance of vertical transactions. Branding strategy refers to the choice of information provided to consumers through a brand name. Governance refers to contractual agreements organizing transactions in vertical chains. We build on the logic of transaction costs economics to...
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This article looks at the interactions between branding strategies and governance of vertical transactions. Branding strategy refers to the choice of information provided to consumers through a brand name. Governance refers to contractual agreements organizing transactions in vertical chains. We build on the logic of transaction costs economics to...
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The main objective of the paper is to show how resources, both inside and outside the firm, are combined together in the context of brand alliances. Indeed strategic assets in alliances are mobilized by actors in complex forms of organization in order to reach certain strategic objectives. Brand alliances are not different from that point of view....
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Using a Transaction Cost Economics framework, this paper studies how supply chain governance are aligned with the type of quality enforcement mechanisms used in transactions with consumers. Specifically we compare governance of supply chains when private brand assures quality to chains where official certification assures products’ quality for cust...
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Afin de capter ou de garder l'attention et la confiance du consommateur, la réputation d'un produit s'appuie sur la pertinence de la signalisation et la garantie de qualité, variables décisives dans le jeu concurrentiel des marchés agro-alimentaires. Elles se traduisent, tout au long des filières, par des référentiels techniques, des cahiers des ch...
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L'expansion des marques commerciales dans les filières agroalimentaires s'accompagne de la mise en place de nouvelles relations entre les différents stades de ces filières. Cet article propose une grille d'analyse de ces formes d'organisation basée sur le cadre de l'économie des coûts de transaction. À partir de l'identification d'un ensemble de ca...
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The aim of the paper is to propose an interpretation of network building and structure in considering the way all types of in-house decisions are organized, i.e. the content of these decisions and their level of application within the network. Indeed, the essence of a network is to be found in the double role of a meta-organization overarching indi...
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For many agricultural products, the quality of the final products strongly depends on different stages of the productive chain. This stresses the importance of relationships between quality signal owners and suppliers in the vertical chain. Based on a New Institutional Economics analysis, the goal of this paper is twofold: (i) to design a framework...
In agricultural subsectors, collective organizations such as producer groups or second-degree cooperatives frequently cope with management of brand names. The success of these brand names depends upon the ability of actors to collectively create, guarantee and sustain a stream of rents based upon brand reputation. The key issue for these collective...
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[fre] Dans les secteurs agricole et agroalimentaire, les acteurs développent fréquemment des signes collectifs de qualité. L'objectif de cet article est de proposer un cadre d'analyse de ces signes collectifs vus comme actifs dont la propriété est partagée. À partir du cadre d'analyse proposé par l'économie des coûts de transaction, nous étudions l...
The study of vertical coordination in agribusiness has benefited greatly from the field of new institutional economics. Concepts and categories enable researchers to better understand the diversity and complexity of vertical institutional arrangements. Nevertheless, many questions remain unsolved. One of them is the coexistence of very heterogeneou...
[fre] Dans le contexte d'industrialisation de l'alimentation, c'est-à-dire de l'importance croissante du marketing, de l'essor de la grande distribution en libre service et l'internationalisation de la demande, les filières agroalimentaires connaissent un profond mouvement de restructurations. Dans le secteur avicole, ces restructurations ont about...
[eng] In today's context of the industrialization of the food trade, the restructurations of the poultry sector have led to the creation of fifteen industrial groups ; thus the conditions of the competition have completely changed. [fre] Dans le contexte d'industrialisation de l'alimentation, les restructurations du secteur avicole ont abouti à la...
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This paper discusses development and marketing of local agri food products in a context of sustainable regional development. This is illustrated by the example of “The Porcilin Saveurs en’Or†(Le Porcilin) case, which is a marketing segmentation and innovative product differentiation based upon local resources and know-how. Porcilin Saveurs en...
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With increasing interest in renewable energy from agriculture, including bioethanol for environmental benefits, rural growth and development, and energy security, there is a need for a better understanding of the economic organization of this emerging industry. Study of the organization of the bioethanol industry represents an under-researched area...
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L’objectif de cette communication est de proposer un cadre d’analyse de l’évolution des relations partenariales. Ce cadre d’analyse est centré sur les dimensions interactives au sein de la relation modélisée comme système social complexe. Dans un premier temps nous proposons une revue de la littérature consacrée à ce sujet de la dynamique partenari...
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The design of networks in their institutional and organizational aspects is a key determinant of their competitiveness. Consequently managers in agricultural and food industries have to address the question of governance design, i. e. of choices concerning the content and the architecture of business relationships. We will define network governance...


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