Llorenç SáezAutonomous University of Barcelona | UAB · Botany
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September 1999 - October 2015
Publications (444)
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Micromeria silicii, a new species from St. Andrea (Svetac) and Biševo Islands of Dalmatia (Croatia) is described and illustrated. Previously, it was attributed to M. microphylla, but careful morphological investigation allowed to differentiate it from the latter. In order to emphasize the relationships with the other taxa currentelly attributed to...
Cryptogams, often overlooked spore-producing organisms, have a complex
taxonomy and generally small size, making their identification and
distribution challenging to understand. The Balearic Islands only have some
scattered data about cryptogams. The "Cryptogams of the Balearic Islands
(CBI)" dataset aims to bring this data together through extensi...
The Atlas of the vascular flora of the Iberian Peninsula (AFLIBER) compiles distribution information for all native vascular plants in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic archipelago. AFLIBER stands as the new standard reference for Iberian vascular plants, being the most exhaustive and updated high-resolution database available to date, with 1,...
Migratory insects may move in large numbers, even surpassing migratory vertebrates in biomass. Long-distance migratory insects complete annual cycles through multiple generations, with each generation’s reproductive success linked to the resources available at different breeding grounds. Climatic anomalies in these grounds are presumed to trigger r...
Our understanding on the role of introduction pathways on plant invasions is incomplete because their interaction with other factors remains poorly studied. We contributed to filling this knowledge gap, by analysing temporal trends in pathway importance, pathway-specific differences in the invaded niche, and the effect of pathways on invasion succe...
Sideritis royoi is found in the rocky limestone habitats of the Port Massif (southern Catalonia, Spain). The species was first collected by the local botanist Lluís de Torres in the late part of the 20th century, but the specimens have remained unidentified positively in herbaria for over 40 years. Sideritis royoi likely belongs to section Sideriti...
A nomenclatural revision of the names published under the genus Santolina (Anthemideae) from Iberian Peninsula and northern Africa is presented. The nomenclature of 34 names is discussed. Previous typifications are critically revised, and ten types are designated in this study: six of them fix the application of currently accepted names (Santolina...
This work presents a comprehensive catalogue of the bryophyte flora of the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park, based mainly on the collection campaigns conducted between 2016 and 2022. During this period, 1,118 bryophyte samples were collected in the 53 localities surveyed. The resulting bryophyte list is supplemented by previous literature reports and unpu...
Sideritis royoi is described from limestone rocky habitats of the Port Massif (southern Catalonia, Spain). The species was first collected by the local botanist Lluís de Torres in the late part of the 20th century, but the specimens have remained unidentified positively in herbaria for over 40 years. Sideritis royoi likely belongs to section Sideri...
The Irano-Turanian region is one of the world’s richest floristic regions and the centre of diversity for numerous xerophytic plant lineages. However, we still have limited knowledge on the timing of evolution and biogeographic history of its flora, and potential drivers of diversification remain underexplored. To fill this knowledge gap, we focus...
Santolina is a clear example of a genus lying in an alpha-taxonomic status, with species accepted only based on qualitative morphological descriptions. In particular, taxonomic issues still need to be resolved for Santolina populations from southern France and north-eastern Spain, so that we carried out an integrative taxonomic study involving morp...
The Mediterranean islands are exceptionally rich in endemism, most of which is narrowly distributed. Conservation measures, such as protected areas, have been prioritised, mainly on the basis of species richness and endemism, but phylogenetic information should also be taken into account. In this study, we calculated several taxonomic and phylogene...
Linaria sagrensis , from the south‐eastern Iberian Peninsula, is here newly described, illustrated, and compared with its morphologically closest relatives from L. sect. Supinae : L. pruinosa , L. nevadensis , L. glacialis and L. alpina subsp. alpina . The species is characterized by being perennial, entirely glandular‐hairy, with inflorescence den...
In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of native vascular flora in Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and exclusions to the Italian administrative regions. New combinations in the genera Pilosella and Roemeria are proposed. Furthermore, the name Papaver siculum is lectotypified. Nomenclatural and distri...
The typification of five names in tribe Antirrhineae (Plantaginaceae): Antirrhinum crassifolium (≡ Chaenorhinum crassifolium), Chaenorhinum crassifolium var. parviflorum, C. flexuosum var. hispanicum (≡ C. crassifolium subsp. cadevallii), C. formenterae, and Linaria serpyllifolia (≡ C. serpyllifolium) is discussed. The names are lectotypified using...
This paper deals with 70 non-native vascular plants, 25 of which are reported for the first time from the Balearic Islands: Agave attenu-Vitis ×instabilis. Moreover, 31 taxa are novelties for the flora of some islands. The occurrence of Centranthus macrosiphon (Valerianaceae) in eastern Mallorca is documented based on herbarium specimens collected...
The typification of the name Hippocrepis balearica is discussed. The name is lectotypified on an illustration published by Jacquin in 1781.
The nomenclatural type of the Linnaean name Sibthorpia africana (Plantaginaceae, Sibthorpieae) is discussed and revised. An illustration published by Shaw in 1738 is selected as the lectotype of the name. Sibthorpia balearica is another name in this group, published by Knoche in 1922, and treated in this paper as a heterotypic synonym of the Linnae...
RESUMEN: Hieracium protoconquense es un nombre publicado en 2016 para el que algunos años más
tarde los propios autores indicaron que existe un error en el holotipo mencionado en el protólogo. Sin
embargo, no hay ninguna disposición en el Código Internacional de Nomenclatura (Código de Shenzhen)
para que un nombre, una vez publicado válidamente,...
The typification of the name Hippocrepis balearica is discussed. The name is lectotypified on an illustration published by Jacquin in 1781.
The genus Santolina (Asteraceae, Anthemideae) includes 26 species of aromatic evergreen shrubs endemic to the western Mediterranean Basin. Santolina is widely used as ornamental plant, in xerigardening, and in ethnobotany. The Santolina chamaecyparissus complex, including about half of the known species diversity, has been properly investigated on...
A traditional karyomorphological approach was carried out in order to investigate the cytotaxonomic relationships among the species of the Santolina chamaecyparissus complex. All the 14 species included in this species complex were analysed for a total of 39 populations. Metaphase plates were obtained by squashing root tips stained with Feulgen tec...
The typification of the names Ranunculus chaerophyllos var. balearicus and R. weyleri is discussed. These two names are lectotypified using specimens preserved at COI.
The name Hieracium loscosianum Scheele is lectotypified using a specimen preserved at COI herbarium.
Thispaper deals with 61 taxa, 8 of which are new to the Balearic Islands flora: Bromus macrantherus Trab., Buglossoides incrassata subsp. splitgerberi(Guss.) E. Zippel & Selvi, Erodium neuradifolium Godr., Hedera helix subsp. rhizomatifera McAllister, Misopates calycinum(Vent.) Rothm., Narcissus serotinusL., Orobanche balsensis(J.A. Guim.) Carlón,...
For the conservation of species, it is crucial to predict extinction risk by discerning drivers such as biological traits and habitat specificity within the current context of environmental change. However, we lack comprehensive studies for threatened bryophytes that include comparisons to non-threatened ones. We aim to fill this gap and to detect...
Identity of the taxa of the Avena barbata complex (Poaceae) occurring in the Mediterranean region.
In this study, the taxa belonging to the Avena barbata complex are treated at species level, and five species occurring in the Mediterranean region are accepted. The lectotype designation for Avena barbata var. saxatilis is rejected, and a new combina...
Silene neglecta has been misunderstood and confused with S. nocturna, although several morphological characters (petal shape, calyx indumentum, hairiness of stamen filaments, seed size, seed-coat surface and shape) allow separation of the species. Moreover, S. mutabilis (which has been considered conspecific with S. neglecta) and S. martinolii (an...
An annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula)
The name Thymus humifusus var. aureopunctatus, described from Bosnia and Herzegovina, is lectotypified, and its taxonomic value is discussed. Thymus richardii subsp. richardii is currently considered an endemic subspecies common to Mallorca (Balearic Islands) and Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Balkan Peninsula. Specimens identified as Th. richardi...
Se aportan datos corológicos para 27 briófitos de las Islas Baleares. La mayoría de las citas de esta contribución corresponden a especies relativamente raras de áreas montañosas de las Islas Baleares (principalmente de Mallorca), para las cuales, la información sobre su distribución en el archipiélago es escasa y poco actualizada. Se cita por prim...
A taxonomic revision od the genus Cenchrus in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands is shown
A taxonomic revision of the genus Oplismenus P. Beauv. in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands is shown
Tratamiento taxonómico del género Avena L. (Gramineae) para la flora de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares
Tratamiento taxonómico del genero Avellinia Parl. para la flora de la Península Ibérica y las Islas Baleares
Se desestima la presencia de Medicago soleirolii Duby (Fabaceae) en el territorio de Flora iberica
We accessed published and unpublished floristic sources to compile a comprehensive species list of the Iberian–Balearic terrestrial vascular flora and generate AFLIBER, an accurate floristic database of georeferenced plant occurrence records.
Main type of variable contained
Species distribution data totalling 1,824,549 plant occurrence...
The typification of the species names Santolina ericoides and S. villosa (Asteraceae) are revisited. The name Santolina ericoides has been applied to plants distributed in the Iberian Peninsula and S France, and the name S. villosa has been applied to a taxon endemic to Spain. These species names have recently been neotypified from specimens kept a...
Species diversity may be underestimated even in well-explored mountain regions due to the lack of in-depth research in taxonomically intricate groups. Filling such knowledge gap is necessary to optimize conservation management, specially for species occurring in vulnerable ecosystems such as Southern European mountains. Campanula sect. Heterophylla...
The names in Amaranthus described by Frère Sennen from Spain were studied and, when necessary, typified. Seventeen lectotypes, preserved in BC and MA herbaria, have been designated. Isolectotypes were traced at BCN, herb. Sennen II, JE, JBAG (herb. Laínz), K, MA, P, and PH.
Petrocoptis montsicciana and P. pardoi are two Iberian endemic taxa of Caryophyllaceae family with an unclear taxonomic delimitation, being variously treated as independent species, subspecies or even synonyms. In the present study, allozyme raw data obtained in the early 2000s have been reused with improved tools to survey genetic structure, and c...
Potentilla asturica, an Iberian endemic species included within sect. Recta, is typified.
The eastern Mediterranean basin hosts a remarkably high plant diversity. Historical connections between currently isolated areas across the Aegean region and long-distance dispersal events have been invoked to explain current distribution patterns of species. According to most recent treatments, at least two Cymbalaria species occur in this area, C...
Resumen. Se aportan datos corológicos y nomenclaturales de algunas especies de gramíneas de la tribu Poeae (Poaceae) pertenecientes a los géneros Agrostis, Aira, Neoschischkinia y Holcus.
Abstract. Notes on some grasses (Poaceae: Poeae) from de Iberian flora Chorological and nomenclatural data are provided for some species of grasses of the tribe P...
Citation: Peñuelas, J.; Germain, J.; Álvarez, E.; Aparicio, E.; Arús, P.; Basnou, C.; Blanché, C.; Bonada, N.; Canals, P.; Capodiferro, M.; et al.
Se documenta la presencia en los Pirineos de Potentilla pedata, sobre la base de criterios morfológicos ampliamente aceptados en los últimos años en la zona mediterránea. Esta especie presenta caracteres en parte intermedios entre los de P. recta y P. hirta.
A nomenclatural revision of the genus Hieracium in the Balearic Islands (Spain) is presented and the typification of five names: H. aragonense Scheele, H. balearicum Arvet-Touvet, H. elisaeanum Arvet-Touvet ex Willkomm, H. majoricanum Arvet-Touvet and H. microscapum Arvet-Touvet, is discussed. The names are lectotypified using specimens preserved a...
Resumen Se documenta la presencia en los Pirineos de Potentilla pedata, sobre la base de criterios morfológicos ampliamente aceptados en los últimos años en la zona mediterránea. Esta especie presenta caracteres en parte intermedios entre los de P. recta y P. hirta. Abstract Potentilla pedata Willd. ex Hornem. (Rosaceae), new for the Iberian Peníns...
Descripción y diversidad del género Aira L. (Gramineae) en la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares
Stellaria ruderalis, una especie alotetraploide descrita recientemente y que pertenece al grupo de S. media, se cita por primera vez para la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. Esta especie podría haber pasado por alto debido a su similitud con S. media, y probablemente se encuentra mucho más extendida de lo que se conoce actualmente.
Stellaria ruderalis M. Lepší, P. Lepší, Z. Kaplan & P. Koutecký, a recently described allotetraploid species belonging to the S. media group, is reported here as new for the Iberian Peninsula (Barcelona and Gerona provinces) and the Balearic Islands (Mallorca). This species could be widely overlooked due to its overall similarity to S. media, and i...
Two new rupicolous species of Pinguicula are described from the limestone and dolomitic mountain ranges of central and southern Iberian Peninsula, which were previously identified as P. submediterranea, P. mundi or P. dertosensis. First, the name P. tejedensis sp. nov. is applied to populations concealed to the high elevation areas of Sierra de Tej...
Nomenclatural types of eleven names of Paniceae described from the Old World are indicated and discussed. This includes designation of ten new types (i.e. four lectotypes, one second-step lectotype, three epitypes and two neotypes) for names currently accepted at different ranks in Cenchrus, Digitaria, Echinochloa, Oplismenus and Setaria. Furthermo...
Nomenclatural types of eleven names of Paniceae described from the Old World are indicated and discussed. This includes designation of ten new types (i.e. four lectotypes, one second-step lectotype, three epitypes and two neotypes) for names currently accepted at different ranks in Cenchrus, Digitaria, Echinochloa, Oplismenus and Setaria. Furthermo...
Micromeria Bentham (1829: sub t. 1282) (Lamiaceae) is a monophyletic and taxonomically intricate genus, represented by
nearly 70 species. These are distributed from the Macaronesian-Mediterranean region to southern Africa, India, and China
(Morales 1991b, Govaerts 1999, Harley et al. 2004, Bräuchler et al. 2005, 2008; Puppo & Meimberg 2015, Puppo e...
Micromeria rodriguezii es una especie endémica de las Islas Baleares (Mediterráneo occidental). Una población de esta especie se ha encontrado en la provincia de Castellón (España), en el margen de un camino forestal. Se proporciona un estudio de la morfología de las plantas de esta población, así como su estado de conservación en la Comunidad Vale...
Two new diploid species, Aira minoricensis and Aira hercynica, are described and illustrated, along with chromosome counts, risk assessment, distribution and habitat, phenology, and comparisons with morphologically similar species. A comparative table and a key for the species of Aira for the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands are provided...
In the framework of cytogenetic studies of rare and threatened plant species of the Catalan Countries and surrounding territories, a karyological study of some taxa-three populations of Delphinium bolosii and the only known one of D. mansanetianum (Ranunculaceae), one of Hesperis laciniata subsp. laciniata (Brassicaceae), and one of Silene neglecta...
Chapter for Flora iberica vol. XIX(II) in preparation. The genus Avena L. includes 15 to 30 species according to different taxonomic criteria. Most of them are annual, including some cultivated species (oats). Twelve taxa (7 species and 5 subspecies) are recognized in the flora of Iberian Península and Balearic Islands, one of them endemic from the...
Additions, corrections and comments to the Red List of bryophytes from mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands
Gandoger's names for Rhamnus bourgaeana and R. hispanorum (Rhamnaceae) are typified. A neotype is selected for R. bourgaeana, and a specimen preserved at M is designated as the lectotype of R. hispanorum.
This paper presents a re-evaluation of the taxonomic relationships of Silene sericea var. balearica based on morphological features Critical examination of herbarium specimens (including type material) and living plants has shown that S. sericea var. balearica should be recognized at species level. Therefore, the new name, Silene migjornensis, is p...
This is an inventory of the vascular alien flora of Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula, Spain) updated to 2018, representing 1068 alien taxa in total. 554 (52.0%) out of them are casual and 514 (48.0%) are established. 87 taxa (8.1% of the total number and 16.8 % of those established) show an invasive behaviour. The geographic zone with more...
Santolina treatment in Flora Iberica
The genus Buxus Linnaeus (1753: 983) (Buxaceae Dumortier) is widely represented in most continents but currently only
two extant species are present in Europe and North Africa, B. balearica Lamarck (1785: 511) and B. sempervirens Linnaeus
(1753: 983), each of them having a non-overlapping spatial distribution.
Buxus balearica is a long-lived monoec...
New data on the identity and distribution of alien plants of the genera Cereus and Trichocereus in Catalonia are presented. Cereus jamacaru, C. repandus and C. peruvianus should be excluded from the flora of Catalonia. At present, the only species of Cereus regarded as casual in the studied area is C. hildmannianus. Four species of Trichocereus (T....
43 contributors from Central, Eastern and NE Europe as well as from Ecuador and India report on findings of 30 bryophyte species in different regions of the world. Among them, there are interesting records from Italy (Mannia californica, Ptychostomum arcticum), Czech Republic (Ortholimnobium handelii), Poland (Lophoziopsis propagulifera), Latvia (P...
The names Quercus ballota and Q. rotundifolia (Fagaceae) are discussed and typified. A specimen preserved at MPU is designated as the lectotype of the Desfontaines's name Q. ballota. The Lamarck's name Q. rotundifolia is neotypified using a specimen preserved at VAL, with several duplicates in some European herbaria.
This article is protected by co...
We provide the first records of five non-native vascular plants for Europe—Commelina erecta, Cylindropuntia fulgida, Dasylirion serratifolium, xGraptosedum and Senecio crassissimus, two for the Iberian Peninsula—Lobelia laxiflora subsp. angustifolia and Pennisetum flaccidum, and four for Catalonia— Dimorphotheca fruticosa, xGasteraloe beguinii, Opu...
This article is a review of the conservation status of several taxa of bryophytes that were included in the Red List of Mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands, and those that were omitted, but should have been featured on the basis of most recent data. Of the 33 studied species that were regarded as threatened in the Red List, 31 have been downlis...