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Publications (93)
1. Woodlice (Isopoda: Oniscidea) constitute a diverse and ecologically significant group inhabiting a great variety of ecosystems with a crucial role for ecosystem functioning, but strongly overlooked in conservation efforts and threats to species and populations are hardly studied.
2. In this study, we evaluate for the first time the potential im...
A new woodlice species of the genus Armadillidium Brandt, 1831 is described and illustrated from Asturias (northern Iberian Peninsula). Armadillidium boalense sp. nov. is ascribed to the 'pictum group' and is characterized by its eusphaeric conglobation, duplocarinate-type cephalon and strong sexual differentiation of the seventh pair of male pereo...
At the end of March 1947, an episode of dust rain and a dry dust precipitation of North African origin occurred in the Balearic Islands, exceptional due to its intensity and extent. The naturalist, geologist and micropaleontologist Guillem Colom studied the phenomenon from a geological point of view, describing in great detail its mineralogy and mi...
A summary of the origin, construction, contents and trajectory of the exhibition 'History of Natural Sciences in the Balearic Islands' is presented. It is the first permanent exhibition of the Balearic Museum of Natural Sciences and with which this museum was inaugurated in the year 1992. This exhibition marked a before and after in terms of the di...
The morphological characteristics of the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides glaber (C.
Koch in Rosenhauer, 1856), present in the Balearic Islands (Menorca), southern
Iberian Peninsula and North Africa, are described and illustrated. Since its description
on material from Malaga, the taxon has been mentioned in an unclear manner by
different auth...
First record of Neocyamus physeteris (Pouchet, 1888) (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Cyamidae), ectoparasite of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus, 1758) off the Balearic Islands and iberian waters. The marine cyamid amphipod Neocyamus physeteris, ectoparasite of the sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus, is recorded for the first time off the Ba...
2023. L'isòpode terrestre Armadillidium pretusi Cruz, 1992 (Crustacea: Oniscidea: Armadillidiidae), un rar endemisme de la serra de Tramuntana (Mallorca, Illes Balears): noves observacions i notes morfològiques. Boll. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears, 66: 187-196. ISSN 0212-260X. e-ISSN 2444-8192. Palma. S'aporten noves dades sobre la distribució i la morfo...
A new species of terrestrial isopod, Porcellio danieli sp. nov., (Oniscidea: Porcellionidae) is described from the southernmost Iberian Peninsula (province of Cádiz, Spain). The new species belongs to the ‘laevis-hoffmannsseggii’ systematic complex, with close affinities with other maghrebian-saharian representatives of the same genus. Their simila...
Contribution to the knowledge of centipedes, millipedes (Myriapoda: Chilopoda, Diplopoda) and terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea) of the Sierra de Aitana (Alicante, Spain). New samplings using pitfall traps and active capture in the Sierra de Aitana, which includes the highest peak in the province of Alicante (1,558 m a.s.l.), resulted in th...
The terrestrial isopod Cristarmadillidium cabanillasi sp. nov. (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Armadillidiidae) is described from Sierra Oeste and from the foothills of Sierra de Guadarrama (Madrid, Spain) in the Iberian Peninsula. The new species is the second of this genus to be discovered in the southwestern/central Iberian regions. In addition, morphologi...
The endogean terrestrial isopod Paraschizidium hispanum, endemic to the Iberian
peninsula, has been rediscovered in Tarifa, Cadiz (Spain), 86 years ater its original descripion from Algeciras, in the same Spanish province. Its main morphological features have been re-illustrated, and some taxonomic details are discussed.
A new species of terrestrial isopod genus Maghreboniscus Vandel, 1959, from the southernmost Iberian Peninsula, is described and illustrated: Maghreboniscus rojasi sp. nov. The finding represents the first record on the European continent of a representative of this genus, of which only three species had been described so far, all of them known fro...
List of troglobia and stygobia species of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands
Abstract: The Iberian-Balearic hypogean or cave fauna has been highlighted for many years by numerous zoologists in different disciplines. Specialists of the different faunal groups capable of colonizing both the caves and the groundwater that runs through them. T...
Resumen: La fauna hipogea o cavernícola ibero-balear ha sido a lo largo de muchos años puesta en evidencia por numerosos zoólogos en las distintas disciplinas. Especialistas de los distintos grupos faunísticos capaces de colonizar tantos las cuevas como las aguas subterráneas que las recorren. Hoy sabemos que esta diversidad de troglobios y estigob...
The occurrence of the brackish water shrimp Palaemon varians Leach, 1814 (Palaemonidae) is documented for the first time in the Balearic Islands. The specimen studied was collected at the mouth of the torrent of Na Borges, in the north of the island of Mallorca, located inside a Site of Community Importance (SCI). It is a decapod crustacean typical...
A new woodlouse species of the genus Buchnerillo Verhoeff, 1942 is described and illustrated from the Cantabrian Coast of Asturias (Eastern Atlantic Ocean of the Iberian Peninsula). Buchnerillo atlanticus sp. nov. is a halophilic woodlouse that lives under embedded rocks in fine-grained sand areas of its type locality beach. Its morphological featu...
The synonymy of two nominal species of terrestrial Isopods, from the
Iberian Peninsula, is proposed. The two species belong to the genus Porcellio
Latreille, 1803 and have been described recently and consecutively: Porcellio
veraensis Cifuentes 2020 and Porcellio wadianae Garcia & Parejo-Pulido, 2021. The
comparative study of type specimens of b...
A new species of terrestrial Isopod of the Iberian Peninsula: Armadillidium nahumi n.sp. (Armadillidiidae) is described. The specimens come from the southernmost catalan Pre-Pyrenees area. The new species is closely related with others of the socalled "Armadillidium serratum-group", that inhabit this area of the northern Iberian peninsula, North Af...
Two new Iberian species of terrestrial Isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea) of the family
Porcellionidae are described. The specimens come from scientific collections
preserved at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid and at the Centro
Iberoamericano de la Biodiversidad of the University of Alicante (Spain). These had previously been identi...
As a result of the faunistic collections carried out in the province of Cadiz, three terrestrial isopods are reported for the first time in Andalusia: Tylos ponticus Grebnicki, 1874, Spelaeoniscus sp., and Armadillidium cf. arcangelii Strouhal, 1929, this last species alien to the iberian fauna. In addition, Trichorhina silvestrii Arcangeli, 1936,...
A faunistic catalogue of terrestrial isopods from an urban environment is reported for the first time in Spain. The study zone is located in the east of the municipality of Madrid, an area in the process of renaturalisation which has been altered by mining and construction waste dumping. To characterise the terrestrial isopod fauna from the environ...
Armadilloniscus Uljanin, 1875 is a genus of halophilic woodlice that strictly occurs in coastal habitats. Two species are known in the coastal areas of the western Mediterranean and only one species, A. ellipticus, was previously recorded in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. Another species, A. candidus, is reported for the first time...
Porcellio wadianae sp. nov. (Crustacea: Oniscidea: Porcellionidae) is described from the Extremadura region, Spain, Iberian Peninsula. The new species can be classified within the so-called "Porcellio Atlantic group", def-fined by Vandel. It is characterized by having an integumentary glandular system uncommon within this genus and by other charact...
Bulletin of the British Myriapod & Isopod Group: 33, 79-87. "The presence of Philoscia muscorum (Scopoli, 1763) in the Iberian Peninsula has been questioned by some authors in the past. New data from northern localities in Spain confirmed the species in the Iberian Peninsula. Additionally, new ecological data and sympatry with Philoscia affinis Ver...
Graeconiscus gevi sp. nov., a new troglobitic terrestrial isopod (family Trichoniscidae, subfamily Haploph-thalminae), is described. The specimens of the new species are found in the Cueva del Yeso III, in the province of Málaga (SE Spain). Graeconiscus gevi sp. nov. is closely related to Graeconiscus thermophilus (Çaglar, 1948), an oculate species...
A new genus of terrestrial isopod (Oniscidea) belonging to the family Trichoniscidae, subfamily Haplophthalminae, Baeticoniscus n. gen., is described. We discuss its affinities and differences with the other genera of the same subfamily, which are characterized by presenting a completely smooth third pleonite. Baeticoniscus bullonorum n. sp. is des...
A list of eighteen terrestrial isopods (species or subspecies) is presented. Six of them (Chaetophiloscia elongata, Chaetophiloscia cellaria, Platyarthrus costulatus, Platyarthrus schoblii codinai, Acaeroplastes melanurus and Porcellionides sexfasciatus lusitanus) are new to the fauna of Andalusia and three others (Porcellionides pruinosus, Porcell...
A new species of Isopoda Oniscidea of the family Porcellionidae, Lucasius andalusicus n. sp., is described. This new species has been found in nests of the ant Messor barbarus, in the Cádiz and Almería regions of southern Spain. Lucasius myrme-cophilus Kinahan, 1859 is also reviewed and partly redescribed on the basis of some specimens collected by...
FIRST RECORD OF THE FRESH WATER SHRIMP ATYAEPHYRA DESMARESTII (MILLET, 1831) (CRUSTACEA: DECAPODA: ATYIDAE) IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS. The caridean shrimp Atyaephyra desmarestii (Millet, 1831), collected in the continental waters of the island of Mallorca, is reported for the first time in the Balearic Islands. This is the first record of this specie...
The terrestrial isopod Platyarthrus parisii Arcangeli, 1930 (Oniscidea: Platyarthridae), a myrmecophilous species, is recorded for the first time at continental Europe. All the specimens studied come from different locations in the south of the Iberian Peninsula (Cádiz, Tarifa and Jerez de la Frontera, in the region of Andalusia, Spain). Besides, s...
The introduction of species is a major threat to biodiversity conservation. Island biodiversity is especially sensitive to the arrival of new species, and species introductions are one of the major concerns of conservation management policies. Here, we report for the first time the arrival of Callinctes sapidus, a new potentially invasive crab spec...
Joan Trias Castell (Catalunya, 1916-Mallorca, 1998) va ser sense dubte un home genial. Pèrit industrial de professió, tota la seva vida es va sentir atret per la ciència i per la tecnologia i amb els seus grans coneixements, en bona part autodidàctics, va ser durant anys un autèntic pioner, tant en el camp de la ciència aplicada a la indústria com...
resum Els isòpodes terrestres, anomenats vulgarment "someretes", "porquets de sant Antoni" o "marietes de femer" són els únics crustacis de vida completament terrestre. Avui en dia la zoologia considera les someretes un gran grup sistemàtic, probablement polifilètic, dins la classe dels crustacis (Crustacea) amb categoria de subordre, anomenat Onis...
A first record for Plagionotus arcuatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Balearic Islands is documented through firewood pathway. This pathway is novel for the Balearic Islands, consequently biosecurity protocols at the archipelago should be activated in order to prevent the arrival of new alien species that could affect insular biodiversity.
RESUMEN Se cita el isópodo terrestre Eluma caelata (Miers, 1877) (Oniscidea: Armadillidiidae) como componente de la fauna de artrópodos de las cuevas de Navilla de Fuente Acero 1 y 2 (Sierra de Cazorla, Jaén). Se trata de la primera cita de un Isópodo terrestre en estas cavidades, redescubiertas a principios del 2017 por miembros del Grupo Espeleol...
Rediscovery and redescription of Porcellio succinctus Budde-Lund, 1885 (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Porcellionidae) with additional notes for its identification Abstract: The terrestrial isopod Porcellio succinctus Budde-Lund, 1885 (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Porcellionidae) has been rediscovered at its type locality, Cartagena (Murcia, Spain) as well as other ne...
Interesting information (new scientific records or rarities) on 37 species of hypogean invertebrates found in subterranean habitats from Sierra de Segura (Jaén) is presented. Ten of them are nematodes and 27 arthropods.
Interesting information (new scientific records or rarities) on 37 species of hypogean invertebrates found in subterranean habitats from Sierra de Segura (Jaén) is presented. Ten of them are nematodes and 27 arthropods.
Inventory-based approaches (i.e., those that directly relate species richness to explanatory variables) do not work on the medium and local scale that was studied in this paper; even when ecologically-meaningful environmental predictors were used. The use of an alternative approach (Taxon-based diversity mapping) is proposed. This approach starts b...
El primer Encuentro Ibérico de Biología Subterránea, celebrado en Valencia el pasado julio de 2009, logró reunir un nutrido elenco de investigadores y profesionales en diversos aspectos de la Biología Subterránea que trabajan en España y Portugal. Entre los objetivos del citado encuentro se pretendía publicar los resúmenes de las ponencias que abor...
El primer Encuentro Ibérico de Biología Subterránea, celebrado en Valencia el pasado julio de 2009, logró reunir un nutrido elenco de investigadores y profesionales en diversos aspectos de la Biología Subterránea que trabajan en España y Portugal. Entre los objetivos del citado encuentro se pretendía publicar los resúmenes de las ponencias que abor...
A grapsid crab, Percnon gibbesi, is the most invasive decapod species to enter the Mediterranean. The vessel-transported crab spread within a few years from the Balearic Islands to the Tyrrhenian and Ionian coasts of Italy. In the summer of 2005 it was recorded for the first time from Greece. Its presence in the little frequented island of Antikyth...
Trichoniscus perezi sp.n. is described from the Murcielaguina Cave, in Jaén province of Andalucía region (southern Spain). It is characterized by a peculiar morphology of male first pleopod endopodite and a set of morphological characters that separate it from all the other present species of the genus in the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands and...
Resumen: Se cita por primera vez el isópodo terrestre Cylisticus convexus de la isla de Menorca y Castilla-León (España). Aunque se trata de una especie sinántropa, las citas de la Península Ibérica y Baleares son muy escasas. La cita de León su-pone el registro más occidental de esta cochinilla en la Europa continental. Two new records of Cylistic...
We present the results of sampling cave terrestrial fauna in several Majorcan caves:
Cova del Pirata, Cova des Pont, Cova de sa Piqueta and Cova des Xots, all of them from
the Can Frasquet zone, in the municipality district of Manacor.
The knowledge on the biological communities of these caves has been increased with new
records for the island of M...
Museu Balear de Ciències Naturals. Carretera Palma-Port de Sóller, km. 30. Apartado de correos num. 55. 07100-Sóller (Ma-llorca) Illes Balears. España − llucgarcia@telefonica.net Resumen: Se cita por primera vez de la Península Ibérica Spelaeoniscus coiffaiti (Oniscidea: Spelaeoniscidae), un isópodo te-rrestre endógeo que se consideraba hasta el mo...
Resumen: Se cita por primera vez en Galicia (NW España) el isópodo terrestre Armadillidium album Dollfus, 1887 y se confir-ma su presencia en las costas atlánticas ibéricas. A. album es un isópodo halófilo característico de playas de arena bien con-servadas y de zonas dunares. Se acompañan fotografías del habitus y de los principales caracteres dia...
The discovery of the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium album Dollfus, 1897 (Isopoda: Crinocheta: Armadillidiidae) at two sites on the beach adjacent to s'Albufera Natural Park in April 2003 constitutes the first records for Mallorca and the Balearic Islands. The species is characteristic of undisturbed sandy beaches, a habitat increasingly difficult...
Resumen: Se describe Armadillidium cruzi sp.n., nuevo isópodo terrestre endémico de la isla de Mallorca. La nueva especie pertenece, o es muy próxima, al grupo morfológico de A. serratum. Palabras clave: Isopoda, Oniscidea, Armadillidium, nueva especie, Islas Baleares, Mallorca. Armadillidium cruzi sp. n. (Isopoda: Oniscidea: Armadillidiidae), a ne...
Planorbella duryi is an authocthonous Planorbid snail (Seminole Rams-horn) from the Florida peninsula (north America), and it has been found some times in Mallorca. Nevertheless, Planorbella has never been reported in the Balearic Islands. The aim of this paper is to assemble all the locations for this species in Mallorca and to warn about the risk...
The calappid crab Calappa tuerkayana Pastore, 1995 is reported for the first time in the Balearic Islands. This is the first record of the species in the western Mediterranean and the Iberian coasts. The Balearic specimens are compared to the closely related species C. galloides from the tropical Atlantic and C. granulata from the Mediterranean.
Burrimysis palmeri , a new genus and species of Heteromysini, is described from the deep layers of an anchihaline cave lake on Cabrera (Balearic Islands). It shares with Mysidetes Holt & Tattersall and Deltamysis Bowman & Orsi a third thoracic limb endopodite without enlarged segments, and rudimentary pleopods in adults of both sexes. Nevertheless,...
Una nueva especie de Porcellio Latreille, perteneciente al grupo ibérico (grupo monticola), en la isla de Mallorca: P. balearicus sp. nov. (LI. 1992. Una nueva especie de Porcellio Latreille, perteneciente al grupo Ibérico (grupo monticola) , en laislade Mallorca: P. balearicussp. nov. (Isopoda, Oniscidea, Porcellionidae). BolI. Soco Hist. Nat. Bal...
Museu Balear de Ciències Naturals; Carretera Palma-Port de Sóller, km. 30 Apartado de correos num. 55; 07100-Sóller (Mallorca) Illes Balears. España Resumen: Se cita por primera vez en la Península Ibérica el isópodo terrestre (Oniscidea) Leptotrichus naupliensis (Verhoeff, 1901), por un ejemplar capturado en un hábitat estepario de Córdoba (Andalu...
RESUM: La pesca artesanal és una activitat professional que, a més de suposar una forma d'economia sostenible per a determinades comunitats costaneres pot proporcionar importants dades sobre el coneixement de la biodiversitat marina a nivell local. Des de l'any 1982, gràcies a la col·labo-ració, entre d' altres, dels pescadors del Port de Sóller (M...
Garcia, L. 2008. Els isòpodes terrestres (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea) del Parc Natural de l'illa de sa Dragonera (Illes Balears, Mediterrània occidental). Boll. Soc. Hist. Nat. Balears, 51: 203-224 ISSN 0212-260X. Palma de Mallorca. S'han recol·lectat 17 espècies d'isòpodes terrestres (Crustacea: Oniscidea) al Parc natural de l'illa de sa Dragon...