Livia Madureira

Livia Madureira
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro | utad · Departamento de Economia, Sociologia e Gestão

PhD land and environmental economics


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PhD in environmental and land economics, is currently associate professor at the UTAD (University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro) and senior researcher at the CETRAD Centre of Transdisciplinary Development Studies). Currently, director of the CETRAD. Research interests comprise: Sustainability, Environmental Valuation; Rural and Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems Mixed-methods, comparative studies and multi-level analysis are areas of methodological research interest.
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September 2020 - November 2021
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (107)
Rural areas tend to not be perceived as particularly innovative areas, in spite of a growing diversity of rural economies related to new activities and new types of innovation which rely largely on a (re)discovery and reconfiguration of rural resources. The aims of this paper are two‐fold. First it introduces a comprehensive typology of traditional...
Little is known about citizens’ judgment of nature conservation actions financed by public funds. The present work contributes to this topic with empirical evidence coming from a Choice Modeling (CM) study designed in an innovative mode. Using the participatory budget format, a CM exercise elicited respondents’ choice between the allocation of publ...
Purpose To provide novel empirical evidence on the role of advice in technological and non-technological innovation uptake decision-making processes from the perspective of European farmers, we develop the microAKIS (farmer microscale knowledge and innovation systems) framework. Design/methodology/approach The MicroAKIS framework is expanded to ga...
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This paper offers a comprehensive review on a bibliometric analysis of the published research on the most recent generation of urban gardens. Urban gardens have been part of the cities ever since; however, the present paper focus on the latest wave of this type of garden, that has been triggered by individual bottom-up initiatives driven by sustain...
The European Union's (EU) Cohesion Policy (CP) promotes balanced territorial development between and within countries and calls for mechanisms to enhance the current approaches to territorial, economic and social cohesion. Low-density (LD) areas emerged as a territorial category to define the difference between rural and urban areas. Although the s...
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The "agroecological transition" has emerged as a framework that aims to explain the complex changes taking place in agrifood systems. This study offers a mapping of the emergence of this framework, and aims to demonstrate that the agroecological transition can refer to different perspectives beyond the simple combination of two concepts. We carried...
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The "agroecological transition" has emerged as a framework that aims to explain the complex changes taking place in agrifood systems. This study offers a mapping of the emergence of this framework, and aims to demonstrate that the “agroecological transition” can refer to different perspectives beyond the simple combination of two concepts. We carri...
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The current research aims to investigate the gender roles of accounting financial expertise (AFE) auditors for the accuracy of financial reporting. By utilizing four measures, namely two forms of real earnings management and two forms of discretionary accruals, we have developed a comprehensive index referred to as the Index of Financial Reporting...
Conference Paper
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Agroecological transitions address many of the sustainability challenges associated with conventional agricultural systems. The concept of agroecological transitions has been adopted to reduce the negative impacts of agriculture and agri-food systems on ecosystems and climate change. In this context, various types of innovation are fundamental for...
This study uses a wavelet-based framework to investigate the co-movement nexus between COVID-19 and insurance industry returns in emerging and developed markets. Analysis of the daily observations from 22 January 2020 to 14 September 2020 reveals that insurance returns responded strongly and negatively right after the onset of the global COVID-19 o...
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RESUMO O presente estudo tem como principal propósito analisar as principais contribuições das políticas públicas de promoção de áreas protegidas e a sua interface com a conservação praticada em áreas privadas de RPPN (Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural) inserida no Semiárido Brasileiro. A análise das políticas públicas criadas e implementada...
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While a substantial body of literature has been built on rural well-being, due to the great heterogeneity of rural territories, the literature is highly fragmented, even contradictory. Moreover, no systematic review of the entire domain exists to guide rural decision-makers. Debated conceptualization, contradicting results, and pressing policy requ...
In recent years, environmental destruction has become an obstacle for humanity. In this context, can renewable energy consumption and energy research and development (R&D) technologies be a solution to improve environmental quality? This study explores this research question using the load capacity curve (LCC), focusing on a comprehensive environme...
The mechanisms shaping biodiversity in agroecosystems and particularly in agroforestry are mostly unknown, difficult to understand and predict, and remain largely elusive and challenging. The relation between planned biodiversity, the species chosen by the farmer, and associated biodiversity, the species that are able to adapt and thrive in agrofor...
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Adoption of sustainable agriculture innovations is acknowledged to be an effective response to agro-ecological challenges, such as climate change, pests, drought, natural catastrophes, and food insecurity. However, its level of dissemination is still low across the world, particularly in the Global South. There is a need for a better understanding...
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted almost all spares of global social, psychological, and economic life. The emergence of various variants and corresponding variations in daily infection asymmetrically influenced economic indicators. This study extends the existing literature by exploring the hedging potential of crude oil, carbon efficiency index of...
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In this article we assess the diversity of sources of advice identified by 678 adopters, 295 non‐adopters and 107 droppers (or dis‐adopters, who have ceased or reduced the use) of agricultural innovations across 13 European countries. For most innovations, the volume and composition of advisory supports (e.g. public advisory services, farm business...
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Farm advice as a key instrument of more inclusive European agricultural policies? Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has broadened its objectives to integrate social issues related to cohesion, labour conditions, occupational health and inclusion. At the same time, farm advisory services have gained further importance in the CAP (Box 1). How...
The national literature on forest ecosystem valuation is scarce and little is known about how important the valuation of forest ecosystem services and their internalization in low density regions of Portugal are. Hence, there is a need for technicians, academics, and researchers to mitigate this knowledge gap through further research in this area....
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p>Although the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union has broadened its objectives to integrate social issues, several hard-to-reach groups of farmers and workers continue to be ignored by advisory services and associated policies. Connecting with these groups has a strong potential to increase the economic and social cohesion of European...
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Water governance is a major challenge in the Mediterranean context. Any action to drive water governance towards sustainability needs to be grounded in a holistic understanding of such challenges. Therefore, a first step towards the improvement of water governance is a grounded understanding of what is at stake, who are the actors involved, and how...
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The objective of this article is to apply the Multi Level Perspective (MLP) to a transition case of agricultural sustainability that occurs from the development of an agroecological innovation. To the temporal and multilevel perspective given by MLP, we conjugate the concept of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS), with the intentio...
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This paper employs MLP (Multi Level Perspective) applied to a study on the transition to SFSC (short food supply chain) innovation taking place in North-West Portugal. MLP allows capturing transition phenomena and analysing them from a perspective that posits intervening factors and events on a three-level scale. Emphasis is laid on the institution...
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Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é aplicar a Multi Level Perspective (MLP) a um caso de transição para a sustentabilidade da agricultura que ocorre a partir do desenvolvimento de uma inovação agroecológica. À perspectiva temporal e multinível dada pela MLP, conjugamos o conceito de Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS), com a intenção...
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The Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) is an analytical framework developed to explain transitions towards sustainability. This article aims to contribute to enhancing the use of the MLP to understand the transitions towards sustainability in agriculture. We propose that MLP is an insightful framework to capture particular micro-level trajectories of ad...
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Este artigo destaca uma rede de aquicultores na região centro-este da Amazônia brasileira, com base em discussões do grupo WhatsApp “Peixe de Rondônia”, entre agosto de 2016 e outubro de 2017, acerca de soluções para superar os desafios ambientais, sociais e econômicos. Para tanto, buscou-se verificar a utilidade dessa rede para o compartilhamento...
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Synthesis report of the description and analysis of micro-scale European farmers microAKIS (Agriculture and Knowledge and Innovation Systems) related with the adoption of innovations to keep farmers in pace with sustainability transition. The report is an output of Working Package WP2 of the project AgriLink (
There is a gap in most countries’ legal frameworks regarding their ability to connect vacant land and urban gardens. Hence, research is needed to understand how regulation on vacant land might be designed to promote a more sustainable purpose to it. Urban gardens are a type of urban agriculture that could be potentiated by such regulation. The aim...
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Apresenta 10 “narrativas” que procuram mostrar o que explica o sucesso que 10 PMEs (Pequenas e Médias Empresas) experimentaram nas inovações que conceberam e concretizaram. Trata-se de um conjunto diverso, no que respeita às características e ao percurso de cada uma das empresas. São PMEs sedeadas nas regiões do Douro e de Trás-os-Montes. Constitue...
O custos e benefícios da carne com atributos de credência ligados à qualidade e à sustentabilidade. ttp://
This article discusses the economic dimensions of agroecological farming systems in Europe. It firstly theoretically elaborates the reasons why, and under what conditions, agroecological farming systems have the potential to produce higher incomes than farms that follow the conventional logic. This theoretical exposition is then followed by a prese...
Technical Report
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This synthesis country report contributes to the WP2 (Innovation case studies in Focus Regions: micro to meso analysis) goals, which comprise understanding why, how and from whom European farmers and farm managers gather and exchange information to underpin their decision-making on developing and/or implementating of different types of innovation,...
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Promoting healthier diets is strategic to solve the global societal challenge of excessive and unhealthy calorie intake that causes obesity and overweight and is responsible for chronic diseases that burden healthcare systems. The relationship between food and personal health is well established and in recent years it has originated a number of die...
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For three decades now, an increasing part of scientific papers have been dealing with the idea that regional or territorial development is closely linked to the occurrence of dynamic ruptures due to innovative or creative processes. Analyses of regional development based on processes of innovation and regulation, assume that external or internal sh...
Innovation is acknowledged as an engine to boost competitiveness and sustainability of rural economies. However, there is scarce evidence on the patterns and dynamics of rural innovation: OECD and European Union indicators currently used to identify and measure innovation do not cover small‐scale, low technological and low intensity‐R&D innovations...
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The idea underpinning EIP-AGRI for linking producers and users of knowledge and promoting their interaction around problem-solving is well grounded on the evidence provided by the ‘innovation systems’ and related literature. Evidence gaps that matter to the implementation of the EIP-AGRI activities comprise the lack of knowledge regarding the best-...
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The following section clarifies the concepts of Ecosystem Services and Payments for Ecosystem Services, relating them to environmental protection, sustainability, well-being, welfare and the potential role of social workers, especially considering SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. A case taken from a nature park in Portugal is used to exp...
Technical Report
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Responde ao objetivo de conhecer o estado da arte da inovação no setor agroalimentar na região do Douro, identificando-se os padrões e dinâmicas de inovação, bem como a segmentação das empresas com base no respetivo padrão, intensidade e dinâmica de inovação dos últimos 5 anos (2013-2017). A partir deste conhecimento é possível identificar as melho...
Este livro centra-se na evolução da empresa agrícola – na sua estrutura e nos seus resultados – no decurso do século xx. Começa por um breve enquadramento histórico da agricultura, do ensino e da investigação social agrária. Da administração agrícola, tal como se configurava nos primeiros anos do século, à avaliação ambiental prevalecente no seu te...
Agricultural advisory services (AAS) have regained importance for policy makers worldwide and especially in the European Union (EU), because of increased attention to food production and related innovation processes in rural areas. However, a systematic overview of AAS in the EU is missing, and there is a lack of evidence about their diversity and...
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In this paper we assess the types of knowledge networks utilised by small-scale farmers in four case studies (located in Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, and the United Kingdom). We focus on knowledge acquired to inform three new activities being undertaken by study participants: agricultural production, subsidy access and regulatory compliance, and far...
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The protection of nature and biodiversity has been gaining importance in public opinion. Nevertheless, the implementation of conservation policies has experienced some public resistance, along with low levels of public involvement. This lack of public interest in and support to conservation may be related to citizens’ images of nature. In this arti...
The conservation of biodiversity depends on the implementation of policy with limited financial resources. Due to this shortage of resources, conservation activities must be prioritized so that scarce funds are used rationally to prevent long-term biodiversity loss. To assure funding continuity, since it is the public that pays a significant part o...
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Available at Proceedings book of the XI Conference on Iberian Rural Studies
This volume contains good practice protocols for the economic valuation of non-market forest goods and services developed by participants to the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action 45 “European forest externalities (EUROFOREX – COST E45). A previous version of this guide was made available by DiGeSA, University of Catania,...
In the choice experiment framework, it is assumed that respondents consider all the trade-offs among attributes when making their choices. However, there is evidence that respondents may not consider all of them. In the choice-experiment survey to value public goods reported here, a methodology has been developed for analytically determining the va...
A Choice Modeling (CM) study was chosen to assess specific management actions related to bird-watching on the Portuguese island of Terceira in the Azores. The usual willingness-to-pay measure was replaced by the willingness-to-stay (WTS) longer on the island for bird-watching, given changes in the site attributes. Results of the valuation study wer...
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This paper builds on the findings of a survey to the innovative organizations located in Portuguese rural areas. This survey has been underlined and applied in the context of the project RUR@L INOV. The paper has two goals: to explore how networking is used by rural-based organizations and, second, to discuss how networking could be promoted by pub...
Consumers’ food choices are influenced by a wide variety of credence attributes, but the food industry faces problems assessing whether the price premiums that consumers are willing to pay for these attributes will be sufficient to offset higher production costs. In this context, consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for safer, cleaner and animal fri...
Conference Paper
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The benefits of producing renewable energy from wind are well known. Relative to other non‐fossil fuel sources, the technology does not require the same high level of investments as nuclear, tidal or thermal power. Besides, wind energy investments also have the potential to enhance economically depressed rural areas. Nevertheless, for a sustainable...
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A região dos Açores é marcada por uma paisagem e economia rurais, em que o desenvolvimento económico, na área da energia, pode ser estimulado de forma integrada com um planeamento sustentável. Isto pode ser assegurando através de quatro estratégias possíveis: redução da importação de combustíveis fosseis, aumento da eficiência energética e produção...