Livia Bove

Livia Bove
French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · Institut de Minéralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condensés (IMPMC)



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My research is mainly devoted to the experimental characterization of the structure and dynamics of simple hydrogenated molecular systems, like water, methane, hydrogen, ammonia and their mixtures, under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature.
Additional affiliations
January 2018 - present
Sapienza University of Rome
  • Associate Professor
November 2005 - February 2017
French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and EPFL
  • CR1 Researcher and Scientist
February 2013 - present
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
  • Scientst


Publications (94)
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It is widely accepted that ice, no matter what phase, is unable to incorporate large amounts of salt into its structure. This conclusion is based on the observation that on freezing of salt water, ice expels the salt almost entirely as brine. Here, we show that this behaviour is not an intrinsic physico-chemical property of ice phases. We demonstra...
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First measurements of the self-dynamics of liquid water in the GPa range are reported. The GPa range has here become accessible through a new setup for the Paris-Edinburgh press specially conceived for quasielastic neutron scattering studies. A direct measurement of both the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of water along the 400...
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Significance Ice-VII and ice-X phases are the most stable forms of ice at high temperature and extreme pressures, typical of the interiors of satellites and planets. The phase transition between them is a prototypical case of quantum-driven phenomenon, as it can be described as a quantum delocalization of protons in the middle of O–O distances. In...
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Methane hydrates naturally form on Earth and in the interiors of some icy bodies of the Universe, and are also expected to play a paramount role in future energy and environmental technologies. Here we report experimental observation of an extremely fast methane diffusion at the interface of the two most common clathrate hydrate structures, namely...
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Significance Gas clathrates in which water cages enclose the guest gas molecules naturally form on our planet, for instance on ocean floors. Related methane hydrates are also expected to be present under very high pressures (10 to 200 GPa) in giant planetary interiors such as Uranus or Neptune. However, the stability of such structures at these pre...
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Hydrogen hydrates exhibit a rich phase diagram influenced by both pressure and temperature, with the so-called C 2 phase emerging prominently above 2.5 GPa. In this phase, hydrogen molecules are densely packed within a cubic icelike lattice and the interaction with the surrounding water molecules profoundly affects their quantum rotational dynamics...
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Ammonium fluoride (NH₄F) exhibits a variety of crystalline phases depending on temperature and pressure. By employing Raman spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray diffraction beyond megabar pressures (up to 140 GPa), we have here observed a novel dense solid phase of NH₄F, characterised by the tetragonal P4/nmm structure also observed in other ammonium...
Cover Page
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In a world where matter challenges conventional classification, a new neutron scattering study sheds light on the enigmatic supercritical state of fluids. A team of international researchers led by Dr. Livia Bove from IMPMC at CNRS & LLQM at EPFL unveils intriguing insights into the behavior of matter pushed beyond its critical point. Published thi...
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Hydrogen hydrates present a rich phase diagram influenced by both pressure and temperature, with the so-called C$_2$ phase emerging prominently above 2.5 GPa. In this phase, hydrogen molecules are densely packed within a cubic ice-like lattice and the interaction with the surrounding water molecules profoundly affects their quantum rotational dynam...
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According to textbooks, no physical observable can be discerned allowing to distinguish a liquid from a gas beyond the critical point. Yet, several proposals have been put forward challenging this view and various transition boundaries between a gas-like and a liquid-like behaviour, including the so-called Widom and Frenkel lines, and percolation l...
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Hydrogen clathrate hydrates are ice-like crystalline substances in which hydrogen molecules are trapped inside polyhedral cages formed by the water molecules. Small cages can host only a single H2 molecule, while each large cage can be occupied by up to four H2 molecules. Here, we present a neutron scattering study on the structure of the sII hydro...
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Hydrogen hydrates are among the basic constituents of our solar system’s outerplanets, some of their moons, as well Neptune-like exo-planets. The details of theirhigh-pressure phases and their thermodynamic conditions of formation and stabilityare fundamental information for establishing the presence of hydrogen hydrates inthe interior of those cel...
The dynamical properties of water molecules confined in the unidirectional hydrophilic nanopores of AlPO4-54 are investigated with quasi-elastic neutron scattering as a function of temperature down to 118 K. AlPO4-54 has among the largest pores known for aluminophosphates and zeolites (about 1.3 nm), though they are small enough to prevent water cr...
Solid mixtures of ammonia and water, the so-called ammonia hydrates, are thought to be major components of solar and extra-solar icy planets. We present here a thorough characterization of the recently reported high pressure (P)-temperature (T) phase VII of ammonia monohydrate (AMH) using Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and quasi-elastic neu...
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We model, via classical molecular dynamics simulations, the plastic phase of ice VII across a wide range of the phase diagram of interest for planetary investigations. Although structural and dynamical properties of plastic ice VII are mostly independent on the thermodynamic conditions, the hydrogen bond network (HBN) acquires a diverse spectrum of...
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In this review, we report recent progress in the field of supercooled water. Due to its uniqueness, water presents numerous anomalies with respect to most simple liquids, showing polyamorphism both in the liquid and in the glassy state. We first describe the thermodynamic scenarios hypothesized for the supercooled region and in particular among the...
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Methane, the principal component of natural gas, is an important energy source and raw material for chemical reactions. It also plays a significant role in planetary physics, being one of the major constituents of giant planets. Here, we report measurements of the molecular self-diffusion coefficient of dense supercritical CH 4 reaching the freezin...
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We investigate a LiCl:6D2O water solution in the deep undercooled regime as a function of pressure by neutron diffraction, small angle neutron scattering, and molecular dynamics simulations. We probe the structure of the undercooled liquid and the existence of density fluctuations in the system along isotherms just above the observed first-order-li...
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Following observations of survival of microbes and other life forms in deep subsurface environments it is necessary to understand their biological functioning under high pressure conditions. Key aspects of biochemical reactions and transport processes within cells are determined by the intracellular water dynamics. We studied water diffusion and ro...
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The quest for a possible liquid-liquid coexistence line in supercooled water below its homoge- neous nucleation line is faced by confining water within a porous silica substrate (MCM-41). This system is investigated by synchrotrone radiation Infra-Red spectroscopy, exploring both the intra- molecular and the inter-molecular vibrational dynamics, in...
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In recent years, evidence has emerged that solid water can contain substantial amounts of guest species, such as small gas molecules—in gas hydrate structures— or ions—in salty ice structures—and that these ‘filled’ ice structures can be stable under pressures of tens of Gigapascals and temperatures of hundreds of Kelvins. The inclusion of guest sp...
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In recent years, evidence has emerged that solid water can contain substantial amounts of guest species, such as small gas molecules—in gas hydrate structures—or ions—in salty ice structures—and that these ‘filled’ ice structures can be stable under pressures of tens of Gigapascals and temperatures of hundreds of Kelvins. The inclusion of guest spe...
We investigate the state of water confined in the cylindrical pores of MCM-41 type mesoporous silica, with pore diameters of 2.8 nm and 4.5 nm, over the temperature range 160 - 290 K by combining small angle neutron scattering and wide angle diffraction. This allows us to observe simultaneously the intermolecular correlations in the local water str...
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We investigate the state of water confined in the cylindrical pores of MCM-41 type mesoporous silica, with pore diameters of 2.8 nm and 4.5 nm, over the temperature range 160 - 290 K by combining small angle neutron scattering and wide angle diffraction. This allows us to observe simultaneously the intermolecular correlations in the local water str...
We investigate the effects of high pressure on the reorientational and vibrational dynamics of methane molecules embedded in MH-III hydrate – the stable form of methane for pressures above 2 GPa at room temperature - by combining high-pressure Raman spectroscopy with ab-initio simulations including nuclear quantum effects. We observe a clear evolut...
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A DSC study of dilute glassy LiCl aqueous solutions in the water-dominated regime provides direct evidence of a glass-to-liquid transition in expanded high density amorphous (eHDA)-type solutions. Similarly, low density amorphous ice (LDA) exhibits a glass transition prior to crystallization to ice Ic. Both glass transition temperatures are indepen...
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A simple device based on splat cooling to liquid nitrogen temperatures is presented. Its application to the amorphization of binary aqueous solutions by fast cooling is demonstrated. The fraction of amorphous material obtained is 90% in eutectic solutions. Diffraction patterns of the vitrified solutions are presented and discussed.
We probe the possible inclusion of salt (NaCl) in the ice VII lattice over the pressure range from 2 to 4 gigapascal. We combine data from neutron diffraction experiments under pressure and from computational structure searches based on density functional theory. We observe that the high density amorphous precursor (NaCl·10.2D2O) crystallises durin...
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It has been known for decades that certain aqueous salt solutions of LiCl and LiBr readily form glasses when cooled to below ≈160 K. This fact has recently been exploited to produce a « salty » high-pressure ice form: When the glass is compressed at low temperatures to pressures higher than 4 GPa and subsequently warmed, it crystallizes into ice VI...
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We investigate the THz dynamics of liquid H2O as a function of pressure along the 450 K isotherm, by coupled quasielastic neutron scattering and inelastic x-ray scattering experiments. The pressure dependence of the single-molecule dynamics is anomalous in terms of both microscopic translation and rotation. In particular, the Stokes-Einstein-Debye...
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This review article focuses on the most recent advances in X-ray and neutron scattering studies of water structure, from ambient temperature to the deeply supercooled and amorphous states, and of water diffusive and collective dynamics, in disparate thermodynamic conditions and environments. In particular, the ability to measure X-ray and neutron d...
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It is generally accepted that nuclear quantum effects (NQEs) trigger the transition to the nonmolecular form of ice under increasing pressure. This picture is challenged in salty ice, where Raman scattering measurements up to 130 GPa of molecular ice VII containing NaCl or LiCl impurities show that the transition pressure to the symmetric phase ice...
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The structure of amorphous NaCl solutions produced by fast quenching is studied as a function of pressure, up to 4 GPa, by combined neutron diffraction experiments and classical molecular dynamics simulations. Similarly to LiCl solutions the system amorphizes at ambient pressure in a dense phase structurally similar to the e-HDA phase in pure water...
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Three kinds of ceramics, zirconia-toughened alumina (ZTA), alumina-toughened zirconia (ATZ) and yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ), were tested as anvil materials, mainly for the purpose of neutron scattering study under high pressure. ZTA with non-toroidal anvil profile, having the same sample volume as conventionally used double toroidal anvils, su...
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A systematic study of the properties of high-density amorphous ice (HDA) in the presence of increasing amounts of salt is missing, especially because it is challenging to avoid ice crystallization upon cooling the pressurized liquid. In order to be able to study HDA also in the presence of small amounts of salt, we have investigated the transformat...
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Ultrafast acoustics measurements on liquid mercury have been performed at high pressure and temperature in a diamond anvil cell using picosecond acoustic interferometry. We extract the density of mercury from adiabatic sound velocities using a numerical iterative procedure. We also report the pressure and temperature dependence of the thermal expan...
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Neutrons are the most suited probe to investigate diffusive and re -orientational dynamics in water because of their sensitivity to hydrogen. The quasi -elastic neutron scattering (QENS) technique offers the unique possibility of analysing both atomic and molecular motion on the picosecond timescale and on the scale of atomic distances. Taking adva...
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We present a method which allows quasi-elastic neutron scattering (QENS) at multi-GPa pressures, i.e., pressure conditions which are an order of magnitude higher than possible with QENS till now. The technique uses an opposed-anvil geometry with a sample chamber in the form of a toroid which minimizes multiple scattering effects. This method has be...
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Transient Grating experiments performed on supercooled LiCl, RH2O solutions with R>6 reveal the existence of a strong, short time, extra signal which superposes to the normal signal observed for the R=6 solution and other glass forming systems. This extra signal shows up below 190 K, its shape and the associated timescale depend only on temperature...
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The ion dynamics of a saturated lithium ammonia solution was investigated by inelastic neutron scattering with optimized resolution. The experimental dispersion curve and mode damping, here carefully probed in a wave-vector range extending well below and above 1 Å−1, display visible anomalies around 0.8 Å−1. We relate the dispersion relation anomal...
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A multi-scale approach is applied to study the static structure of Li70-Bi30 liquid alloy. In order to describe the interatomic interactions in this non-simple metal, we make a set of three empirical pair potentials fit ab-initio computations of the forces and energy in this system. Large scale classical simulations are performed using these fitted...
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The static structure and diffusion properties of Li-Bi liquid alloys at three compositions are investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Due to the strong chemical order shown by these alloys, a multiscale approach is applied, fitting empirical pair potentials to data from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations to subsequently perform large...
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We investigated the metastable phase diagram of an ionic salt aqueous solution, LiCl:6D₂O, at high pressure and low temperature by neutron diffraction measurements and computer simulations. We show that the presence of salt triggers a stepwise transformation, under annealing at high pressure, to a new very high-density amorphous form. The transitio...
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We present results of a series of experiments performed on LiBr, 6H(2)0 from room temperature down to 172 K ≈ 1.2T(g). These ultrasound, Brillouin and depolarized light scattering, and transient grating experiments show that, above 215 K, this solution behaves like supercooled water: its zero frequency sound velocity C(0) continuously decreases wit...
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Neutron diffraction experiments on a solution of LiCl in water (R = 40) at ambient conditions and in the supercooled and hyperquenched states are reported and analyzed within the empirical potential structure refinement framework. Evidence for the modifications of the microscopic structure of the solvent in the presence of such a small amount of sa...
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Neutron diffraction experiments on a solution of LiCl in water (R = 40) at ambient conditions and in the supercooled and hyperquenched states are reported and analyzed within the empirical potential structure refinement framework. Evidence for the modifications of the microscopic structure of the solvent in the presence of such a small amount of sa...
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We present incoherent neutron scattering measurements which reveal the presence of non-harmonic motions of protons in ordinary ice Ih down to 5K. A quasi-elastic scattering contribution, corresponding to a fast (~3 ps) and localized motion, has been observed. The corresponding dynamics is related to the hydrogen disorder since it is absent in the h...
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The vibrational dynamics of vitreous germanium diselenide (v-GeSe2), an amorphous glass belonging to the family of continuous random network forming glasses, has been investigated by means of inelastic neutron scattering. We employed three different neutron spectrometers, each of them providing different energy resolutions and spanning different po...
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We present incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering measurements on ice Ih (ordinary ice) and Ic (cubic ice) which show the existence of nonharmonic motion of hydrogen at low temperatures, down to 5 K. We show that this dynamics is localized, nonvibrational, and related to the hydrogen disorder since it is absent in ordered ice VIII. A main jump...
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We report the results of a series of ultrasound, Brillouin scattering, and optical heterodyne detected transient grating experiments performed on a LiCl, 6H2O solution from room temperature down to the vicinity of its liquid-glass transition, Tg ∼ 138 K. Down to T ∼ 215 K, the supercooled liquid has a behavior similar to what is expected for superc...
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The temperature dependence of the non-ergodicity factor of vitreous GeO$_2$, $f_{q}(T)$, as deduced from elastic and quasi-elastic neutron scattering experiments, is analyzed. The data are collected in a wide range of temperatures from the glassy phase, up to the glass transition temperature, and well above into the undercooled liquid state. Notwit...
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By applying a new two-step line-shape analysis to inelastic neutron and x-ray scattering spectra of glassy systems, we were able to resolve the acoustic excitations from the low-frequency excess modes and to accurately estimate the damping of sound waves in the terahertz frequency range. Using this approach, we estimated the damping parameter for t...
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An unified description of liquid metals dynamics based on an interacting two-component model for the ion-electron plasma is tempted. The propagation velocity of the collective modes in alkali and polyvalent metals, derived from inelastic neutron and x-rays scattering experiments, is compared with the estimates obtained by different theoretical appr...
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The dynamic structure factor S(Q, ω) of liquid Bi was measured at 580 K in the Q range from 0.15 to 0.6 Å−1 using inelastic neutron scattering. The obtained spectra clearly demonstrate the existence of well defined longitudinal propagating modes. A positive dispersion is found in the low Q region, where the mode velocity undergoes a transition betw...