Linda YeStanford University | SU · Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials
Linda Ye
Doctor of Philosophy
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Skills and Expertise
September 2014 - August 2020
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Field of study
- Physics
September 2012 - August 2014
September 2008 - July 2012
Publications (53)
Spin moiré superlattices (SMSs) have been proposed as a magnetic analog of crystallographic moiré systems and a source of electron minibands offering vector-field moiré tunability and Berry curvature effects. However, it has proven challenging to realize an SMS in which a large exchange coupling J is transmitted between conduction electrons and loc...
Understanding the geometric properties of quantum states and their implications in fundamental physical phenomena is at the core of modern physics. The Quantum Geometric Tensor (QGT) is a central physical object in this regard, encoding complete information about the geometry of the quantum state. The imaginary part of the QGT is the well-known Ber...
Understanding the geometric properties of quantum states and their implications in fundamental physical phenomena is a core aspect of contemporary physics. The quantum geometric tensor (QGT) is a central physical object in this regard, encoding complete information about the geometry of the quantum state. The imaginary part of the QGT is the well-k...
The adiabatic elastocaloric effect relates changes in the strain that a material experiences to resulting changes in its temperature. While elastocaloric materials have been utilized for cooling in room temperature applications, the use of such materials for cryogenic cooling remains relatively unexplored. Here, we use a strain load/unload techniqu...
Revealing the presence of magnetic octupole order and associated octupole fluctuations in solids is a highly challenging task due to the lack of simple external fields that can couple to magnetic octupoles. Here, we demonstrate a methodology for probing the magnetic octupole susceptibility of a candidate material, PrV2Al20, using a product of magne...
Adiabatic decompression of paraquadrupolar materials has significant potential as a cryogenic cooling technology. We focus on TmVO 4 , an archetypal material that undergoes a continuous phase transition to a ferroquadrupole-ordered state at 2.15 K. Above the phase transition, each Tm ion contributes an entropy of k B ln 2 due to the degeneracy of t...
We report an investigation of the effect of substitution of Y for Tm in Tm1−xYxVO4 via low-temperature heat capacity measurements, with the yttrium content x varying from 0 to 0.997. Because the Tm ions support a local quadrupolar (nematic) moment, they act as reporters of the local strain state in the material, with the splitting of the ion's non-...
Frustrated rare-earth-based intermetallics provide a promising platform for emergent magnetotransport properties through exchange coupling between conduction electrons and localized rare-earth magnetic moments. Metamagnetism, the abrupt change of magnetization under an external magnetic field, is a signature of first-order magnetic phase transition...
Frustrated rare-earth-based intermetallics provide a promising platform for emergent magnetotransport properties through exchange coupling between conduction electrons and localized rare-earth magnetic moments. Metamagnetism, the abrupt change of magnetization under an external magnetic field, is a signature of first-order magnetic phase transition...
We study thermal transport and thermalization in single crystals of CsV3Sb5 through the CDW transition by directly measuring thermal diffusivity (D), thermal conductivity (κ), specific heat (c), and resistivity (ρ). Commensurate with previous reports, we observe a sharp, narrow anomaly in specific heat associated with a first-order transition that...
Flat band systems are currently under intense investigation in quantum materials, optical lattices, and metamaterials. These efforts are motivated by potential realization of strongly correlated phenomena enabled by frustration-induced flat band dispersions; identification of candidate platforms plays an important role in these efforts. Here, we de...
The introduction of localized electronic states into a metal can alter its physical properties, for example enabling exotic metal physics including heavy fermion and strange metal behaviour. A common source of localized states in such systems are partially filled 4f and 5f shells because of the inherently compact nature of those orbitals. The inter...
In the electromagnetic multipole expansion, magnetic octupoles are the subsequent order of magnetic multipoles allowed in centrosymmetric systems, following the more commonly observed magnetic dipoles. As order parameters in condensed matter systems, magnetic octupoles have been experimentally elusive. In particular, the lack of simple external fie...
Adiabatic decompression of para-quadrupolar materials has significant potential as a cryogenic cooling technology. We focus on TmVO$_4$, an archetypal material that undergoes a continuous phase transition to a ferroquadrupole-ordered state at 2.15 K. Above the phase transition, each Tm ion contributes an entropy of $k_B \ln{2}$ due to the degenerac...
The material class of kagome metals has rapidly grown and has been established as a field to explore the interplay between electronic topology and magnetism. In this work, we report a combined theoretical and experimental study of the anomalous Hall effect of the ferromagnetic kagome metal Fe3Sn. The compound orders magnetically at 725 K and presen...
The material class of kagome metals has rapidly grown and has been established as a field to explore the interplay between electronic topology and magnetism. In this work, we report a combined theoretical and experimental study of the anomalous Hall effect of the ferromagnetic kagome metal Fe$_3$Sn. The compound orders magnetically at 725 K and pre...
The adiabatic elastocaloric effect measures the temperature change of a given system with strain and provides a thermodynamic probe of the entropic landscape in the temperature-strain space. Here, we demonstrate that the DC bias strain-dependence of AC elastocaloric effect allows decomposition of the latter into symmetric (rotation-symmetry-preserv...
Wavepackets of magnetization in magnetically ordered materials have emerged as a potential means to shuttle quantum information over large distances. A particularly promising platform is quasi-two-dimensional magnets in which the spins within each atomic plane are parallel but interplane order can be ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic....
Flat band systems are currently under intense investigation in quantum materials, optical lattices, and metamaterials. These efforts are motivated by potential realization of strongly correlated phenomena enabled by frustration-induced flat band dispersions; identification of candidate platforms plays an important role in these efforts. Here, we de...
The propagation of spin waves in magnetically ordered systems has emerged as a potential means to shuttle quantum information over large distances. Conventionally, the arrival time of a spin wavepacket at a distance, $d$, is assumed to be determined by its group velocity, $v_g$. He we report time-resolved optical measurements of wavepacket propagat...
Nonequilibrium hidden states provide a unique window into thermally inaccessible regimes of strong coupling between microscopic degrees of freedom in quantum materials. Understanding the origin of these states allows the exploration of far-from-equilibrium thermodynamics and the development of optoelectronic devices with on-demand photoresponses. H...
We report a study of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in high quality single crystals of ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$. The Fermi surfaces resolved in our experiments are three-dimensional and reflect an underlying trigonal crystallographic symmetry. Combined with density functional theoretical calculations, we identify that the majo...
The two-dimensional kagome lattice hosts Dirac fermions at its Brillouin zone corners K and K′, analogous to the honeycomb lattice. In the density functional theory electronic structure of ferromagnetic kagome metal Fe3Sn2, without spin-orbit coupling, we identify two energetically split helical nodal lines winding along z in the vicinity of K and...
Nonequilibrium hidden states, both transient and long-lived, provide a unique window into thermally inaccessible regimes of strong coupling between microscopic degrees of freedom in quantum materials. Understanding the physical origin of these states is of both fundamental and practical significance, allowing the exploration of far-from-equilibrium...
The kagome lattice has long been regarded as a theoretical framework that connects lattice geometry to unusual singularities in electronic structure. Transition metal kagome compounds have been recently identified as a promising material platform to investigate the long-sought electronic flat band. Here we report the signature of a two-dimensional...
The notion of an electronic flat band refers to a collectively degenerate set of quantum mechanical eigenstates in periodic solids. The vanishing kinetic energy of flat bands relative to the electron-electron interaction is expected to result in a variety of many-body quantum phases of matter. Despite intense theoretical interest, systematic design...
The two-dimensional kagome lattice hosts Dirac fermions at its Brillouin zone corners K and K', analogous to the honeycomb lattice. In the density functional theory electronic structure of ferromagnetic kagome metal Fe$_3$Sn$_2$, without spin-orbit coupling we identify two energetically split helical nodal lines winding along $z$ in the vicinity of...
Electronic flat bands in momentum space, arising from strong localization of electrons in real space, are an ideal stage to realize strongly-correlated phenomena. Theoretically, the flat bands can naturally arise in certain geometrically frustrated lattices, often with nontrivial topology if combined with spin-orbit coupling. Here, we report the ob...
The notion of spontaneous symmetry breaking has been used to describe phase transitions in a variety of physical systems. In crystalline solids, the breaking of certain symmetries, such as mirror symmetry, is difficult to detect unambiguously. Using 1T−TaS2, we demonstrate here that rotational-anisotropy second harmonic generation (RA-SHG) is not o...
Electronic flat bands in momentum space, arising from strong localization of electrons in real space, are an ideal stage to realize strong correlation phenomena. In certain lattices with built-in geometrical frustration, electronic confinement and flat bands can naturally arise from the destructive interference of electronic hopping pathways. Such...
A kagome lattice of 3d transition metal ions is a versatile platform for correlated topological phases hosting symmetry-protected electronic excitations and magnetic ground states. However, the paradigmatic states of the idealized two-dimensional kagome lattice—Dirac fermions and flat bands—have not been simultaneously observed. Here, we use angle-...
As they do not rely on the presence of any crystal symmetry, Weyl nodes are robust topological features of an electronic structure that can occur at any momentum and energy. Acting as sinks and sources of Berry curvature, Weyl nodes have been predicted to strongly affect the transverse electronic response, like in the anomalous Hall or Nernst effec...
Primarily considered a medium of geometric frustration, there has been a growing recognition of the kagome network as a harbor of lattice-borne topological electronic phases. In this study we report the observation of magnetoquantum de Haas-van Alphen oscillations of the ferromagnetic kagome lattice metal Fe3Sn2. We observe a pair of quasi-two-dime...
The notion of spontaneous symmetry breaking has been used to describe phase transitions in a variety of physical systems. In crystalline solids, the breaking of certain symmetries, such as mirror symmetry, is difficult to detect unambiguously. Using 1$T$-TaS$_2$, we demonstrate here that rotational-anisotropy second harmonic generation (RA-SHG) is...
FeSn is a room-temperature antiferromagnet expected to host Dirac fermions in its electronic structure. The interplay of the magnetic degree of freedom and the Dirac fermions makes FeSn an attractive platform for spintronics and electronic devices. While stabilization of thin film FeSn is needed for the development of such devices, there exist no p...
The kagome lattice based on 3d transition metals is a versatile platform for novel topological phases hosting symmetry-protected electronic excitations and exotic magnetic ground states. However, the paradigmatic states of the idealized two-dimensional (2D) kagome lattice - Dirac fermions and topological flat bands - have not been simultaneously ob...
FeSn is a room-temperature antiferromagnet expected to host Dirac fermions in its electronic structure. The interplay of magnetic degree of freedom and the Dirac fermions makes FeSn an attractive platform for spintronics and electronic devices. While stabilization of thin film FeSn is needed for the development of such devices, there exist no previ...
FeSn is a room-temperature antiferromagnet expected to host Dirac fermions in its electronic structure. The interplay of magnetic degree of freedom and the Dirac fermions makes FeSn an attractive platform for spintronics and electronic devices. While stabilization of thin film FeSn is needed for the development of such devices, there exist no previ...
As they do not rely on the presence of any crystal symmetry, Weyl nodes are robust topological features of an electronic structure that can occur at any momentum and energy. Acting as sinks and sources of Berry curvature, Weyl nodes have been predicted to strongly affect the transverse electronic response, like in the anomalous Hall or Nernst effec...
Domain walls (DWs) are singularities in an ordered medium that often host exotic phenomena such as charge ordering, insulator-metal transition, or superconductivity. The ability to locally write and erase DWs is highly desirable, as it allows one to design material functionality by patterning DWs in specific configurations. We demonstrate such capa...
Domain walls (DWs) are singularities in an ordered medium that often host exotic phenomena such as charge ordering, insulator-metal transition, or superconductivity. The ability to locally write and erase DWs is highly desirable, as it allows one to design material functionality by patterning DWs in specific configurations. We demonstrate such capa...
The field of topological electronic materials has seen rapid growth in recent years, in particular with the increasing number of weakly interacting systems predicted and observed to host topologically non-trivial bands. Given the broad appearance of topology in such systems, it is expected that correlated electronic systems should also be capable o...
The kagome lattice is a two-dimensional network of corner-sharing triangles known as a platform for exotic quantum magnetic states. Theoretical work has predicted that the kagome lattice may also host Dirac electronic states that could lead to topological and Chern insulating phases, but these have evaded experimental detection to date. Here we stu...
The kagome lattice is a two-dimensional network of corner-sharing triangles known as a platform for exotic quantum magnetic states. Theoretical work has predicted that the kagome lattice may also host Dirac electronic states that could lead to topological and Chern insulating phases, but these have evaded experimental detection to date. Here we stu...
The acute sensitivity of the electrical resistance of certain systems to magnetic fields known as extreme magnetoresistance (XMR) has recently been explored in a new materials context with topological semimetals. Exemplified by WTe$_{2}$ and rare earth monopnictide La(Sb,Bi), these systems tend to be non-magnetic, nearly compensated semimetals and...
The acute sensitivity of the electrical resistance of certain systems to magnetic fields known as extreme magnetoresistance (XMR) has recently been explored in a new materials context with topological semimetals. Exemplified by WTe$_{2}$ and rare earth monopnictide La(Sb,Bi), these systems tend to be non-magnetic, nearly compensated semimetals and...
We report a magnetotransport study of the Ising-type rare earth tetraborides $R$B$_{4}$. This system is a realization of the frustrated Shastry-Sutherland lattice (SSL) and is known to possess rational magnetization plateaus. For $R=$ Er the simplest set of plateaus with reduced magnetization $M/M_{S}=$ 0, 1/2, and 1 are found; we explore this as a...
In the presence of a magnetic field frustrated spin systems may exhibit plateaus at fractional values of saturation magnetization. Such plateau states are stabilized by classical and quantum mechanisms including order-by-disorder, triplon crystallization, and various competing order effects. In the case of electrically conducting systems, free elec...
We have investigated thermoelectric properties of a three-dimensional Rashba system BiTeI. Magnetic-field dependences of the Seebeck effect and Nernst effect show qualitative changes with the Fermi level passing through the bulk Dirac point, indicating that thermoelectric effects can be a good experimental probe for the Fermi surface topology. The...
We report a quantum magnetotransport signature of a change in Fermi surface
topology in the Rashba semiconductor BiTeI with systematic tuning of the Fermi
level $E_F$. Beyond the quantum limit, we observe a marked increase/decrease in
electrical resistivity when $E_F$ is above/below the Dirac node that we show
originates from the Fermi surface topo...