Lina Stergiou

Lina Stergiou

Doctor of Philosophy


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Dr. Lina Stergiou is architect engineer licenced in EU, a spatial and cultural researcher, curator and educator, exploring spatial politics on the intersection of architecture and urban, critical, and cultural theory and studies crossbreeding scholarship with design and activism, a Princeton University research fellow and recipient of several research grants and awards, her publications included Against All Odds: Ethics/Aesthetics (Benaki Museum), and Revelation (Cultural Olympiad 2001-2004).


Publications (12)
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From the early twentieth century, the avant-garde forms an important cultural and interdisciplinary subsystem with a strong impact on architecture. However, it is mainly in the sixties that the term 'avant-garde' starts describing architects, groups, and material and immaterial productions of the latter-simultaneously associated with and distant fr...
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In the context of 'The Idea of the Avant Garde - And What It Means Today' of the edited volume, this essay considers the role that professionals play or could play to a polycentric rearrangement of values and power positions. To these ends, it discusses the question of autonomy understood in political and professional terms and elaborates the open...
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Taking into account scientific research and facts up to the date this essay was written (20 March 2020), the terms 'SARS-CoV-2,' 'Covit-19,' 'Virus,' and 'Computer Virus' are here examined, their properties, and the bodily and global effects of the first two, for suggesting that Covit-19 phenomenon is enacted by a cut-together apart between in/huma...
Conference Paper
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Crisis: Late Middle English denoting the turning point of a disease; medical Latin from Greek krisis ‘decision’, from krinein ‘decide’; the general sense ‘decisive point’ dates from the early 17th century - Oxford Dictionary........ This paper proposes and discusses an architectural ‘avant-garde’ agency model causing, deriving from, thus entangled...
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This conference paper discusses activism and collaborative spatial practices within the framework of professional ethics and the notion of autonomy (International Conference 1 'Ethics/Aesthetics,' Athens School of Fine Arts, 19-20 January, 2011)
Conference Paper
This paper elaborates a key issue within the interdisciplinary discursive field of the avant-garde, namely, progress, through the way it unfolds, and the forms it takes in conceptions and avant-garde theories in culture, and in architectural culture. With the chronological unfolding of selected avant-garde theoretical postulates of the two fields,...
Conference Paper
Architecture competitions can, as experimental processes, be seen as epistemic spaces for the production of disciplinary knowledge. Building on the model developed by philosopher of science Bruno Latour, highlighting the transfers of power between the scientific laboratory and the world, architecture competitions can be used as political levers ena...
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Οι περισσότερες θεωρίες κοινωνικής ψυχολογίας επικεντρώνονταν ως πρόσφατα στον εξατομικευμένο αυτοπροσδιορισμό, την αυτοσύλληψη με βάση την ατομική ταυτότητα. Πιο σύγχρονες διαπολιτισμικές αντιλήψεις έφεραν στο προσκήνιο την ιδέα ότι το συνδέομαι και το ανήκω δεν δημιουργούν μόνο συσχετισμούς μεταξύ εαυτού και άλλων, αλλά αποτελούν σημαντικές πηγές...
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Σύμφωνα με τον J. Tomlinson (1991, 1999), η παραγωγή εθνικών πολιτιστικών ταυτοτήτων υπήρξε από τον 18ο αιώνα ο πιο επιτυχημένος τρόπος ενορχήστρωσης του ανήκω. Σήμερα αποτελεί μια μορφή πολιτιστικής ισχύος και εργαλείο αντίστασης στις ομογενοποιητικές δυνάμεις της παγκοσμιοποίησης, ενώ σταδιακά εξελίσσεται σε μια ιδιαίτερα σύνθετη διαδικασία στην...
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Aiming at expanding architecture’s role within society through reshaping its social and ecological contributions to the cityscape and its social fabric, the two-year interdisciplinary project AAO: Ethics/Aesthetics includes urban and performance actions, conferences, experimental academic workshops and exhibitions. The book documents some of the ab...
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This paper develops the notions of the Real and the Ideal and their spatial manifestations, especially in the urban space of Athens during the 19th century and during the post-war period until today, by exploring, first, the urban, architectural and sociopolitical phenomena of the period and, second, the public opinion about the city and its buildi...
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ATHENS D.O.E.S. competition Ephemeral Structures in the City of Athens, organized by the Hellenic Culture Organization S.A. in the context of the Cultural Olympiad 2001-2004, indicates a current political speculation on the city. For no less than four decades a lack of investment, research and discussion on the built environment had as a cause and...