Lilit PogosyanInstitute of Ecology INECOL | INECOL
Lilit Pogosyan
PhD Earth Sciences
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Publications (13)
Knowledge of the global distribution and character of soils is fundamental to our ability to effectively manage land resources and to interpret them as proxy archives in the evolution of landscapes. Such knowledge is obtained through systematic study of the spatiotemporal relationships of soils across the landscape and the mechanisms or processes r...
Imaging techniques of analysis in undisturbed soil samples are powerful tools for understanding soil properties and functioning. Although micromorphological analysis has always been applied for studying soil genesis, the modern 3D X‐ray Computed Tomography (CT) approach is mostly used in soil physical studies related to soil functioning...
Lithic industries during the Upper Pleistocene in Equatorial Guinea may be broadly included in the Central African Middle Stone Age (MSA) Lupemban tradition. However, these industries present certain particularities related to their raw materials, and stone-knapping sequences. In the case of bifacial tools, bifacial points are commonly found with a...
Key evidence of human occupation in Africa during the Middle Palaeolithic (Middle Stone Age [MSA]) is available from the south and east of the continent, where semi-arid climate prevails. Rare evidence of MSA human occupation in the humid tropical region was recently reported from Equatorial Guinea. To identify if paleolithic human occupation occur...
Paleosols interbedded with pyroclastic deposits have been proven to be an important paleoenvironmental proxy for the late Quaternary in Central Mexico. We studied a key upland section and several profiles on the slopes and lowlands of the Tlaxcala Block, assuming that the topographic variability of the soil-sedimentary mantle contains the complete...
This research provided a model of genesis of soils in NorthWest Siberia connecting the stages of their development to the main environmental changes over the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene. The "soil memory" showed that the studied soils had a complex polygenetic origin. A gleyed paleosol with signs of solifluction found at a depth of 2 m was mo...
Tepetates are indurated subsoil horizons developed in tephra-derived materials in various parts of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. The term ‘tepetate’ includes fragipans, duripans, pedosediments and saprolites, derived from vitric rhyolitic tuff, Pleistocene volcanic ashes or pyroclastic flows. All soils with tepetates are at high risk of erosion...
A fragipan is a diagnostic subsurface soil, not a cemented horizon, which is characterised by high density, and so restricts root penetration and water percolation. Although fragic horizons are considered to be pedogenic, the exact genesis of this phenomenon is not well understood. Quantitative study of pore space characteristics in a profile with...
Fragipan is a compacted but non-cemented subsurface horizon, considered as a pedogenic horizon, but the mechanism of its formation is not well understood. The main hydro-consolidation hypothesis involves a collapse of soil structure when it is loaded and wet, resulting a reorganisation of pore space. Soils with fragipan never have been marked in Ru...
Ground ice and sedimentary records of a pingo exposure reveal insights into Holocene permafrost, landscape and climate dynamics. Early to mid‐Holocene thermokarst lake deposits contain rich floral and faunal paleoassemblages, which indicate lake shrinkage and decreasing summer temperatures (chironomid‐based TJuly) from 10.5 to 3.5 cal kyr BP with t...
Origin of tepetate – the indurated subsoil horizons developed in tephrous materials in various parts of Transmexican Volcanic Belt– after decades of research is still under discussion. Their properties correspond in most cases to fragipans, they consist of sand-and silt-size volcanic minerals and clay made up of halloysite with admixtures of kaolin...
The aim of the study was to fill the gap in the knowledge on soils of montane cloud forest: until recently the soils formed in base-rich parent material under this forest type were insufficiently studied. We provided pedogenetic analysis of soils of two localities under montane cloud forest ecosystems in Sierra Gorda Mountains, Quirétaro state, Mex...
Multiple alternations of the periods of optimal landscape development when predominantly soil formation took place and the episodes of instability comprise a prominent feature of the natural history of Central Mexico in the late Pleistocene and the Holocene. The rates of geomorphic and sedimentary processes during these episodes were extremely high...