Lilian Yamamoto

Lilian Yamamoto
University of São Paulo | USP · Faculdade de Filosofia , Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH)

PhD in international law


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Assistant professor of the Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences (FFLCH) of the University of São Paulo. Phd in international law at Kanagawa University, Japan. She is the co-author of the book “Atoll Island States and International Law-climate change displacement and sovereignty”and co-editor of the book "Death penalty in law and literature".


Publications (74)
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Atoll Island States exist on top of what is perceived to be one of the planet's most vulnerable ecosystems: atolls. It has been predicted that an increase in the pace of sea level rise brought about by increasing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere will cause them to disappear, forcing their inhabitants to migrate. The present book rep...
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Sea level rise could bring about an event that has not previously been seen in modern history, that of the physical disappearance of some low-lying Island States. The objective of this paper is to examine what are the likely scenarios for some of these islands in the course of the next century, and analyse for each scenario if these Island States c...
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DOCUMENTO DE REFERENCIA - buenas prácticas y desafíos para la región suramericana
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Adopting a policy of migration can be one possible adaptation strategy against climate change. It has been forecasted that if the worst predictions regarding climate change and sea level rise become reality atolls around the world could become submerged in the future. This would render them uninhabitable and could lead to questions about whether At...
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Purpose This paper aims to assess to what extent South American countries have integrated recommendations of the international agenda to address human mobility in the context of disasters and climate change in their national laws and policies. Design/methodology/approach This research sought to find the level of discussions around human mobility i...
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A obra "Chuva Negra" de Masuji Ibuse é uma das obras mais representativas da literatura da bomba atômica (genbaku bungaku) e narra o retorno à vida cotidiana de um núcleo familiar que sofreu as consequências da radiação nuclear da bomba lançada em Hiroshima. Este ensaio pretende discorrer sobre a representação dos impactos da radiação na vida da pe...
Technical Report
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This study analyses national data sources and databases of 10 South American countries that provide information or may contribute to generating evidence of human mobility in the context of climate change, disasters and other forms of environmental degradation. To systematize data assessment and facilitate comparison among countries, results were or...
Technical Report
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O presente estudo analisa as fontes e bases de dados nacionais de dez países da América do Sul que fornecem informações ou que poderiam contribuir para a geração de evidências sobre a mobilidade humana no contexto da mudança do clima, desastres e outras formas de degradação ambiental. Para sistematizar a avaliação dos dados e permitir a comparação...
Technical Report
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El presente estudio analiza las fuentes y bases de datos nacionales de diez países de América del Sur que brindan información o que podrían contribuir a generar evidencia sobre la movilidad humana en el contexto del cambio climático, los desastres y otras formas de degradación ambiental. Para sistematizar la evaluación de los datos y viabilizar la...
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Introdução O Japão é um país insular constituído por 4 ilhas principais (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu e Hokkaido e outras ilhas que sofre com uma grande incidência de desastres, por estar localizado no círculo de fogo do Pacífico, o que provoca uma série de terremotos, maremotos, tsunamis e erupções vulcânicas, além da ocorrência de extremos climáticos...
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Hiroshima e Nagasáqui foram destruídas pelas bombas nucleares em 6 e 9 de agosto de 1945, respectivamente. Ambas as cidades e as suas vítimas sofreram com o trauma físico e emocional retratados em obras literárias, da chamada literatura hibakusha (vítimas das bombas atômicas). Este artigo pretende analisar a obra de Ibuse Masuji e suas característi...
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O gênero literário épico é muito bem representado no Ocidente pelas obras de Homero, porém, poucos trabalhos focam obras congêneres de sociedades orientais como China, Coreia e Japão; os estudos comparativos entre épicos ocidentais e orientais também são infrequentes. Este artigo propõe uma comparação entre a obra japonesa Heike Monogatari e a Ilía...
Pacific Small Island Countries (PSICs) could have been heavily affected by COVID-19 in terms of human security due to their healthcare limited capacity, reliance on food imports, and tourism industry, but because of their rapid response, the spread of the virus in their territories was prevented. The chapter will make a review of the region respons...
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Resumo: Hiroshima e Nagasáqui foram destruídas pelas bombas nucleares em 6 e 9 de agosto de 1945, respectivamente. Ambas as cidades e as suas vítimas sofreram com o trauma físico e emocional retratados em obras literárias, da chamada literatura hibakusha (vítimas das bombas atômicas). Este artigo pretende analisar a obra de Ibuse Masuji e suas cara...
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O Brasil inclui duas formas de proteção aos estrangeiros que são forçados a saírem de seus países: o asilo político e o refúgio. O surgimento dessas formas de proteção provém de contextos históricos distintos e protege indivíduos de categorias sociais muito diferen-tes. Enquanto o asilo na região latino-americana pretendia proteger indivíduos que f...
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Human mobility in the context of disasters has been steering the international community to develop initiatives and consensus with regards to the protection of the affected people. Small Island Developing States (SIDS) have been heavily involved in this discussion. This article will examine how SIDS governments in the Pacific and Caribbean have bee...
Technical Report
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Em 2021, com a continuidade da pandemia em escala mundial e de seus reflexos no cerne da agenda de pesquisa do Grupo (i.e. direitos humanos e vulnerabilidades) este se lançou na proposta do presente estudo: retomar a pesquisa na temática dos relatórios produzidos em 2020, a partir da avaliação e análise das implicações e consequências da pandemia p...
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Este estudo tem como escopo analisar os conceitos de colisão de direitos humanos no caso de proteção do direito das mulheres no Japão.
Technical Report
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La movilidad humana asociada a, o derivada de los desastres y efectos adversos del cambio climático viene recibiendo un interés importante en los últimos años en Centroamérica. Este informe contribuye a un mayor conocimiento de la evidencia sobre la vinculación entre movilidad humana, medio ambiente, desastres y cambio climático mediante un mapeo r...
Technical Report
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Con el objetivo de generar evidencias y datos científicos que nos ayuden a conocer en profundidad a las poblaciones afectadas en la región latinoamericana, especialmente a las personas en movilidad, en riesgo de desplazamiento, así como también las circunstancias que provocan situaciones de inmovilidad en estos contextos, a lo largo de este trabajo...
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A pesquisa bibliográfica dedutiva deste capítulo tem como fontes de pesquisa os relatórios de organizações internacionais, artigos científicos de publicações estrangeiras e nacionais e pretende demonstrar qual é a abordagem sobre a diminuição da desigualdade social (ODS 10) na governança tributária. Serão analisadas as propostas para prevenção de e...
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Este artigo analisa o status atual dos direitos dos idosos no Japão, na perspectiva do direito internacional dos direitos humanos. Discute o status dos idosos enquanto um grupo que precisa de proteções específicas e avalia seus direitos no sistema internacional dos Direi-tos Humanos. Ademais, faz uma revisão do desenvolvimento do direito dos idosos...
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O objetivo deste capítulo é demonstrar como a estrutura colonial, no direito internacional, ainda influencia a inércia da proteção dos migrantes ambientais na forma de um tratado internacional.
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This article intends to demonstrate how cultural ties with the land in the Pacific Islands affect relocation processes and how the right to culture can be used as a plea to demand responsibility from the international community. This is illustrated by the complaint brought by the Torres Strait Islanders before the United Nations Human Rights Commit...
Technical Report
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This technical report is a study on the impacts of COVID-19 on human rights.
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Current climate change discourses have expressed fear that many coastal communities would be forced to relocate in the face of rising water levels. However, despite the frequency and intensity with which such messages are being broadcasted throughout the world's media, there is little actual evidence of any relocation actually taking place, even th...
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The article focuses on the impact of climate change and extreme events on human mobility in Latin America, verifying to what extent and by what means climate national law and policy strategies have incorporated (or not) the human mobility dimension, contributing to the reduction, prevention and better management of the risks and impacts of climate...
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Disaster Risk Reduction is one of the most important topics in sustainability science, seeking to examine the vulnerability and resilience of human life and society to natural hazards through the reduction and management of risks. However, disasters are caused by many different types of natural hazard events that take place in exposed and vulnerabl...
The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) involves the states which signed the Trans-Pacific Partneship (TPP) in February 2016, except from the United States. In addition to free trade, this agreement establishes environmental and labor regulations, a tendency in the Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) in the la...
Como uma coleção de folhas de papel, este livro reúne, em cadernos, diferentes olhares, experiências e estudos sobre a pena de morte, sob a perspectiva do Direito e da Literatura. Assim, esses textos são resultados do entrelaçamento de pensamentos e de inquietações de autores-colaboradores, em diferentes espaços e realidades, com o propósito de con...
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In the past two decades there have been fears that many low-lying atoll islands around the world could disappear as a consequence of climate change and sea level rise, leading to mass migration and threatening the existence of several island nations. Here we show how sea level rise does not inevitably lead to coastal areas becoming uninhabitable, a...
Desde 1949, a Itália faz parte do Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos Humanos (CEDU), organização internacional criada para proteger os direitos humanos na Europa. Atualmente, verifica-se um elevado número de decisões não cumpridas, sendo a Itália o país com taxa mais alta. Por outro lado, o atual governo italiano tem tomado medidas contra a imigração no...
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Este trabalho pretende examinar, primeiramente, o histórico da recepção de solicitantes de refúgio, o estatuto legal que permite a recepção de refugiados, a participação de ONGs no auxílio aos solicitantes de refúgio e, por fim, busca revelar os possíveis motivos pelos quais o governo japonês promove uma política restritiva de recepção de refugiado...
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O presente artigo tem a finalidade de discutir quais são as questões jurídicas relevantes ao possível desaparecimento dos PEIs, no âmbito das suas condições de Estado e no que se refere à proteção internacional das populações deslocadas. Num primeiro momento, serão apresentadas as características dos PEIs, seguida da abordagem da questão da soberan...
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RESUMO: A relação entre migração, meio ambiente e povos indígenas é ainda pouco tratada em instrumentos internacionais, apesar desse agrupamento ser um dos mais vulneráveis às mudanças climáticas. Este artigo pretende abordar as migrações ambientais indígenas no contexto de desastres e mudanças climáticas na América do Sul. Pretende-se apresentar c...
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O discurso de ódio ganha força por meio das manifestações de representantes de partidos de extrema-direita na Europa, coincidente com o maior fluxo migratório na região desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Este capítulo pretende fazer a análise dos partidos políticos nos movimentos sociais de ultradireita; instrumentos normativos internacionais e region...
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Efforts towards a regional agreement on migration in South America should be extended to recognise and protect those displaced for environmental reasons.
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Brazil must strengthen its reception and integration of fleeing Venezuelans
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China’s construction of artificial islands during last few years has raised concerns about militarisation of the South China Sea threatening stability and security for littoral countries. China claims over 80 per cent of the South China Sea and it is building landing and garrison facilities over geographical features classified as rocks and coral r...
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Apesar de o Japão da década de 1960 ter passado por uma fase de crescimento econômico acelerado, ainda restavam rincões de pobreza em várias regiões do país. Condenado à morte, Norio Nagayama, de origem humilde, é exemplo de criminoso influenciado por tal contexto. Nagayama foi autodidata no seu período de cárcere e logrou êxito na sua carreira lit...
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Resumo In the 1960s, Japan was in a fast economic growth and there was poverty in every corner of the country. Norio Nagayama, a sentenced to death defendant was born in a poor and dysfunctional family and is an example of a criminal who was influenced by such context. Spite of the lack of his poor schooling, Nagayama was a self-learner in the pri...
Conference Paper
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A obra do condenado à morte Norio Nagayama, Lágrimas da Ignorância, é o seu primeiro livro que reúne os cadernos de anotações escritos nos seus primeiros anos no cárcere. O presente artigo pretende analisar como o período do autor dentro do cárcere influencia na sua percepção da passagem do tempo na sua obra. O estudo argumenta que a condenação à m...
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Tensions have been escalating quickly in South China Sea due to the construction of artificial islands by China that, the US fear, might become military stations in the near future. Although Chinese officials argue that these islands will be used mainly for rescue missions and scientific research, evidence has demonstrated that military equipment h...
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The Mekong delta in Vietnam and the Ganges/Brahmaputra River delta in Bangladesh are likely to be two of the deltas worst affected by climate change in the course of the 21st century. Due to sea level rise, and if significant adaptation measures are not taken, large areas of these low-lying coastlines could eventually become submerged. This paper w...
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Climate change is expected to lead to increases in sea levels which could threaten the stability of rubble mound breakwaters in the future, as greater water depth will allow larger heights to reach the structures. Although this phenomenon is widely understood, the authors in the present chapter argue that an acceleration in the pace of sea level ri...
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A pena de morte esteve presente na maior parte da história do Japão. Na contramão da maioria dos países desenvolvidos não há perspectivas para que ela seja abolida em curto ou em médio prazo do sistema penal japonês. Esse artigo pretende investigar quais as razões para a predominância do posicionamento favorável a sua retenção, em especial, a opini...
The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement is a legally nonbinding instrument which was prepared to fill the protection gaps for internally displaced persons. It is a result of a study led by Francis M. Deng, the former representative of the Secretary General on internally displaced persons. The first draft of this document had its origins in...
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Anthropogenic climate change could have disastrous consequences for the survival of atolls around the planet. Although atolls have survived past increases in sea levels through the upward growth of corals, future increases in coral mortality due to raising sea temperatures and ocean acidification will probably mean that coral islands will suffer in...
The major challenge facing the inhabitants of Atoll Island States is that there is no legal instrument that encompasses displacement caused by sea level rise. Discussions on the possibilities for protection are based on an extended application of the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, complementary protection or a creation of a Conventi...
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Atoll Island States are a particular type of country consisting of islands that exist on top of an atoll ecosystem, which is formed by the coral colonies and other organisms that survive around them. Corals colonies naturally expand and grow both horizontally and upwards, a characteristic that can explain why atolls have survived past changes in se...
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Atoll Island States could face the future challenge of attempting to preserve their statehood after completely losing their current territory and population. Discussions on how this problem could be solved often focus on attempts to preserve the elements of statehood required by the 1933 Montevideo Convention. Typically the solutions that have been...
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It is a difficult task to predict what will actually happen to Atoll Island States in the future, though a number of scenarios and adaptation counter-measures can be envisaged, which will be discussed in terms of how each will affect the delimitation of maritime zones. It is important to note that the viability of these measures will depend on the...
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Atoll Island States form part of the Alliance of Small Island States, a coalition of States within the United Nations that share a growing concern about the environment and the effects that climate change can have on the fragile ecosystems of islands. Their first political manifestation was at a 1989 conference held in Malé, and since then they hav...
Conference Paper
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The present paper would focus on lessons that have been learnt through field trips carried out in southern Vietnam and numerical analysis that will show how the lack of knowledge to understand either future environmental impacts or strong regulations are leading to increased risk in many coastal areas. The authors attempted to analyse the potential...
Conference Paper
Greater concentrations of greenhouse gases could bring about an increase in the pace of sea level rise and typhoon intensity in the future. The present paper attempts to provide some insights into the economic losses that this can bring to the Vietnamese economy by using a stochastic typhoon model to simulate the direct and indirect damage that the...
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Climate change has been recognized as one of the main challenges of the twenty-first century, and the threat that it poses to our civilization has only recently started to be understood. In particular, climate change will probably have a disproportionate effect on coastal regions, as due to the acceleration in sea level rise caused by increasing of...
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Climate change could have devastating effects on lowlying island states, which could disappear altogether in the course of this century with disastrous consequences for their inhabitants and their legal status. At present, the survival of these islands hinges on the ability of the local ecosystem of coral reefs to adapt to the consequences of a war...
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