Lilian Monteiro Ferrari Viterbo

Lilian Monteiro Ferrari Viterbo
Fernando Pessoa University | UFP · FP-ENAS - UFP Energy, Environment and Health Research Unit

PhD in Ecology and Environmental Health | MS Health Technologies | BSc Nursing


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PhD in Ecology and Environmental Health at University Fernando Pessoa, Porto, Portugal. She holds a degree in Nursing and a Master in Health Technologies in Brazil. She is a specialist in Occupational Nursin, MBA in Health Management and in Ergonomics. She has been active in the area of Occupational Health at Petrobras since 2006, especially in Occupational Health Management, developing health promotion and protection programs. Since 2017 is researcher at FP-ENAS.
Additional affiliations
June 2017 - June 2021
Fernando Pessoa University
  • PhD Student
February 2009 - present
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.
  • Professor
June 2017 - February 2021
Fernando Pessoa University
Field of study
  • Ecology and Environmental Health
February 2015 - February 2017
Bahian School of Medicine and Public Health
Field of study
  • Health Technologies
February 1997 - December 2000
Catholic University of Salvador
Field of study
  • Nursing


Publications (99)
Conference Paper
Background The study aims to present the strategies used in person-centred care, through measures to promote and prevent COVID-19 pandemic in an oil industry in Brazil. The corporate focus is on managing the crisis, converging economic interests, operational security, health and protection of individuals. Methods In March 2020, a ‘Crisis Room’ was...
Conference Paper
Background Within the oil industry work process, risk, technology, confinement and changes in sociability are implied, variables for mental health actions, complexed in the psychosocial coping of the COVID-19 pandemic, involving workers and their families. Attempts or death by suicide, challenge mental health actions, require specialized practices...
Conference Paper
Background The study aims to analyse the impact of the use of advanced telemedicine resources in the management of medical emergencies on offshore oil platforms of a major Brazilian operator during the period 2018–2019. Methods 38 maritime platforms were analysed, totalling a sample of 5992 workers. Exploratory data analysis, adherence test to nor...
Conference Paper
Background The study describes the development of the Occupational Health Resource Classification Instrument (OHRCI) aiming to classify the levels of occupational health care in the oil industry, Brazil, considering the aspects of prevention and health promotion. Methods OHRCI was developed by 6 recognized experts in occupational health management...
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The present study aimed to present and validate the Worker´s Healthcare Assistance Model (WHAM), which includes an interdisciplinary approach to health risk management in search of integral and integrated health, considering economic sustainability. Through the integration of distinct methodological strategies, WHAM was developed in the period from...
Introduction: The study describes the development of the Occupational Health Resource Classification Instrument (OHRCI) aiming to classify the levels of occupational health care in the oil industry, Brazil, considering the aspects of prevention and health promotion. Methodology: OHRCI was developed by 6 recognized experts in occupational health man...
Introduction: The study aims to present the strategies used in person-centred care, through measures to promote and prevent COVID-19 pandemic in an oil industry in Brazil. The corporate focus is on managing the crisis, converging economic interests, operational security, health and protection of individuals. Methodology: In March 2020, a “Crisis Ro...
Introduction: Within its work process, the oil industry implies risk, use of technology, confinement, and changes in sociability, variables for mental health actions, complexed in the psychosocial coping of the COVID-19 pandemic, involving workers and their families. Attempts or death by suicide, challenge mental health actions, requiring specializ...
Introduction: The study aims to analyse the impact of the use of advanced telemedicine resources in the management of medical emergencies on offshore oil platforms of a major Brazilian operator during the period 2018-2019. Methodology: 38 maritime platforms were analysed, totalling a sample of 5,992 workers. Exploratory data analysis, adherence tes...
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The crescent population concentration in cities is recognized as one of the main contemporary challenges. It is in cities that social and environmental challenges are increasing, which implies a look at the sustainable urban planning. Urban green spaces play an important role in responding to such challenges, specifically through ecosystem services...
Cities must be pleasant and healthy spaces able to contribute to ecosystems regeneration and to bring closer Humans and Nature. Contemporary social and environmental issues present big challenges to promoting sustainable and resilient cities. The potential of ecosystem services of the urban green spaces is visible in the regeneration of the urban e...
The complex interaction of ecological and social systems has shaped the cities through the time. This fosters the need to develop interdisciplinary approaches to urban issues by combining natural and social sciences. Cities, as the predominant mode of social organization, are vulnerable to social and environmental challenges which urban green space...
Conference Paper
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A Sistematização da Assistência em Saúde do Trabalhador (SAST) tem como principal objetivo a sistematização articulada, intersetorial e interdisciplinar na saúde do trabalhador a partir de uma metodologia adequada à produção do cuidado integral e integrado. A SAST pressupõe a organização das condições necessárias à realização do processo de cuidado...
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Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the worker's health (WH) risk, focused on sustainable development in a work context and based on the development and application of the Worker's Health Risk Index (WHRI) in the oil extraction and production industry in Bahia, Brazil. Design/methodology/approach: The sample, obtained by quota sampli...
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The field of workers' health (WH) aims to analyze and intervene in the relationships between work, health and the environment, based on the labor process, incorporating the theoretical knowledge of professionals in the field to the practical knowledge of workers. The actions must be linked to the daily life experienced by individuals, considering t...
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This study aimed to develop and validate an instrument for nursing triage in occupational health services (ICEST). Exploratory factor-analysis techniques were used to remove redundant or non-endorsed items and identify the factor structure of the ICEST. Validation of the items, content, construct and reliability were also performed. The final ICEST...
This study aimed to assess the application of the Brazilian version of the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) to 603 oil industry workers in Bahia, Brazil, as well as to investigate the association of findings with psychiatric disorders and work-related absenteeism. This descriptive, retrospective research was conducted during the occupational h...
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OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of nursing diagnostics and to analyse differences between the groups according to the indicator created from the diagnoses and intervention of the CIPE® relating to job satisfaction. METHOD: 869 workers attending the occupational health assessments of an oil industry with nurse practitioners, using a data col...
The grid is available and its application is free, provided that due credits are made to the authors through the necessary citation of the article: Combining an evaluation grid application to assess ecosystem services of urban green spaces and a socioeconomic spatial analysis
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Introdução: A Organização Mundial de Saúde apresenta uma estratégia de intervenção para a obesidade infantil alicerçada em três domínios: atuação sobre os cuidados primários de saúde; as mediações junto das famílias; e as ingerências desenvolvidas pelas escolas. Objetivos: Caraterizar os hábitos alimentares e analisar a relação com o excesso de pes...
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Introdução: : O uso de instrumentos de avaliação é um importante recurso na área da saúde, possibilitando medir os efeitos do processo de ensino e aprendizagem e possíveis mudanças de comportamentos. Objetivos: Analisar a relação entre o nível de conhecimento e comportamento alimentar. Métodos: Durante a avaliação nutricional anual em 2018, numa am...
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In line with the need for risk stratification and with the intention of covering a lack of availability of health and sustainability indicators within the work context, this study proposes the Worker’s Health Risk Index (WHRI), which aims to assess the worker’s health (WH) risk, focusing on sustainable development in the workplace.
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This paper describes the process of developing an objective tool for classifying levels of medical emergency response services in the oil industry, Bahia, Brazil, based on the steps that make up a complete cycle of medical emergency care: emergency detection, specifically requested resources, first aid on site, specialized care, assisted removal to...
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This work presents the implementation of a Workers Oral Health Program, based on the principles of health promotion and prevention, aiming at reducing oral illness and, consequently, improving the quality of life, at the industry context.
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This study aims to describe the evolution of divergences about environmental risks between workers and experts in an oil company in Bahia, Brazil.
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Oil industry workers are particularly vulnerable to risks related to their especial working conditions like exposure to hazardous chemicals, explosions and fires, working in confined spaces and often in remote areas or in offshore platforms. Dedicated work health surveillance plans that take into consideration environmental risks are of the utmost...
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OHCS is based on the “Person Centred Healthcare” approach, using the “Plan, do, check and act” management tool, the “Systematization of Nursing Care” model, the “Interdisciplinary Workers Health Approach Instrument”, the “Worker’s Health Risk Index”, and health taxonomies, as theoretical references.
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Light technologies (LT) refer to relationships of attachment, reception and management of work processes. This work intends to analyse the impact of the use of LT in the monitoring of workers with chronic conditions (CC), aiming to improve the health risk factors after periodic annual occupational health assessments in a Brazilian oil industry.
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Healthy workers have a direct and quantifiable positive impact on productivity. Risk stratification of health system users is a central element of the health management of a population. Risk Pyramid Model (RPM) operationalizes the risk stratification of non-acute chronic conditions, defining intervention strategies for self-care and professional ca...
Introduction Contemporary cities face multiple socioenvironmental and health challenges that undermine the efforts to promote healthy environments. The 11th goal – Sustainable cities and communities – of United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development states that the presence of nature in cities plays a vital role for its sustainability thro...
Conference Paper
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OHCS is based on the “Person Centred Healthcare” approach, using the “Plan, do, check and act” management tool, the “Systematization of Nursing Care” model, the “Interdisciplinary Workers Health Approach Instrument”, the “Worker’s Health Risk Index”, and health taxonomies, as theoretical references.
Conference Paper
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Healthy workers have a direct and quantifiable positive impact on productivity. Risk stratification of health system users is a central element of the health management of a population. Risk Pyramid Model (RPM) operationalizes the risk stratification of non-acute chronic conditions, defining intervention strategies for self-care and professional ca...
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The present study aimed to present and validate the Worker´s Healthcare Assistance Model (WHAM), which includes an interdisciplinary approach to health risk management in search of integral and integrated health, considering economic sustainability. Through the integration of distinct methodological strategies, WHAM was developed in the period from...
This document presents the main guidelines to implement WHAM model at workplaces. The full article is available here:
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Resumo O estudo visou desenvolver um Instrumento Quantitativo para Inspeção Sanitária (IQIS) em serviços de alimentação e nutrição de grande porte no Brasil. Utilizou-se a tecnologia de inspeção, no Modelo de Avaliação do Risco Potencial (MARP) e legislação sanitária brasileira. Estruturaram-se 12 dimensões, 41 módulos, 57 indicadores de controle d...
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Quality surgical practice is a fundamental subject in health institutions, and it is important to understand the structural and organizational conditions of the operating room (OR). The present exploratory study sought to understand the motivations that underlie the choice of surgeons for the best healthcare unit to perform surgery, as well as the...
Conference Paper
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The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of social relations, leisure and drug use on the mental health of workers in the oil industry of Bahia, Brazil. It is a descriptive, retrospective research, developed in 2018, involving 622 workers from an occupational health service, to whom the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20) and...
The objective of this study was to assess the worker’s health (WH) risk, focused on sustainable development in a work context and based on the development and application of the Worker’s Health Risk Index (WHRI) in the oil extraction and production industry in Bahia, Brazil. The sample, obtained by quota sampling, comprised 965 participants. The de...
The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of an oral health program among Brazilian oil workers, Bahia. The program consists in an annual consultation, with and an occupational dentist and oral health technicians, performing oral examination, in addition to having access to plaque and gingival indices obtained in t...
Conflicts between workers and health experts and their multiple rationalities must always be considered in the risk communication process. Disagreements are frequent in understanding occupational exposure to environmental agents among stakeholders. The present study aimed to describe the evolution of differences between experts and oil industry wor...
The area of medical urgency and emergency is an important component of health care. Oil and Gas companies exist in a variety of locations in Brazil. The quality of medical infrastructure and specialties differs, and it is important to ensure optimal workers medical care. This paper describes the development of an objective tool for classifying leve...
Oil industry workers are particularly vulnerable to risks related to their especial working conditions like exposure to hazardous chemicals, explosions and fires, working in confined spaces and often in remote areas or in offshore platforms. Dedicated work health surveillance plans that take into consideration environmental risks are of the utmost...
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As populações a residirem nas cidades enfrentam grandes desafios sociais que colocam em causa o seu bem-estar, afetando a sua saúde mental. A presença da natureza nas cidades é fundamental, nomeadamente através da promoção de espaços verdes de acesso público em quantidade mas, sobretudo, com qualidade. Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal real...
Conference Paper
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Os espaços verdes urbanos (EVU) podem ser entendidos como o elo de ligação entre o meio urbano e a natureza, desempenhando um papel fundamental na saúde e bem-estar das populações citadinas e, especificamente, na saúde mental dos seus utilizadores diretos ou passivos. Procura-se neste trabalho reunir e analisar a literatura mais significativa publi...
The broadness and ambition of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for commitment and effort from all society sectors. Either at national or local level, where the action of communities and governance is of the utmost importance for the implementation and operationalization of such an interconnected and transformative agenda, adequa...
Las perturbaciones mentales en el mundo afectan a millones de personas y, si no tratadas, cobran un enorme precio en términos de sufrimiento, invalidez y pérdida económica (OMS, 2008). En vista de las denuncias de salud mental identificadas en los consultorías del servicio de salud del trabajador, el foco de la presente investigación, se entendía q...
Conference Paper
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Smoking is a risk factor in the development of chronic diseases, leading the preventable causes of death in the world.Workplaces have advantages for the implementation of health programs, including those for control and cessation of tobacco use in relation to non-work environments.
Conference Paper
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Person Centred Healthcare: International Congress Proceedings - approved abstracts
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Anchored in the person-centred approach, the present work intends to analyse the impact of the use of health technologies classified as light technologies in the monitoring of workers with chronic conditions, aiming to improve the health risk factors after periodic annual occupational health assessments in an oil industry, Bahia, Brazil.
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The Systematization of Occupational Health Care (SOHC) is based on the approach of “Person Centered Healthcare”, using the management tool of “Plan, do, check and act”, the model “Systematization of Nursing Care”, the “Interdisciplinary Worker's Health Approach Instrument”, the “Worker’s Health Risk Index”, and health taxonomies, as theoretical ref...
Conference Paper
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Las perturbaciones mentales en el mundo afectan a millones de personas y, si no tratadas, cobran un enorme precio en términos de sufrimiento, invalidez y pérdida económica (OMS, 2008). En vista de las denuncias de salud mental identificadas en los consultorías del servicio de salud del trabajador, el foco de la presente investigación, se entendía q...
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The present study aimed to develop and validate an Interdisciplinary Worker's Health Approach Instrument (IWHAI). The development stage comprised a group of 10 professionals, including physicians, nurses, nutritionists, dentists and physical educators, as well as a judges' committee, composed by 19 recognized experts in the area of worker's health...
The IWHAI is available and its application is free, provided that due credits are made to the IWHAI authors through the necessary citation of the article: Development and Validation of an Interdisciplinary Worker’s Health Approach Instrument (IWHAI)
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Several technologies have been developed as alternatives in the control of Aedes aegypti, using different mechanisms of action and techniques, such as social measures, selective infestation monitoring, insecticide dispersion, new chemical and biological control agents and molecular procedures for mosquito population control. Risk mapping stands out...
Conference Paper
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Objectives: Environmental health demands multidisciplinary actions. This study relates environmental inspections to control Aedes Aegypti, the main vector for dengue, proliferation in the work environment of an oil industry in Bahia, Brazil, during 2018. Methods: Inspection technology was used to identify environmental and occupational risk factors...
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A saúde do trabalhador traz um grande potencial de integração disciplinar no sentido de tentar organizar de maneira mais compreensiva fatores dificilmente alcançados pelas disciplinas isoladamente. O processo de trabalho interdisciplinar em equipes de saúde, emergente e cada vez mais urgente, vem sendo apoiado por políticas, práticas e modelos assi...
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Saúde Ocupacional é um segmento da Saúde Pública que tem como objetivo a segurança e higiene do ambiente do trabalho, bem como a saúde do trabalhador. Tem como finalidade a gestão dos riscos profissionais, a vigilância e a promoção da saúde dos trabalhadores. A Vigilância em Saúde do Trabalhador enquanto campo de atuação distingue-se da vigilância...
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O controle do Aedes Aegypti se tornou um importante desafio para a Saúde Pública. Aspectos relacionados a problemas de infraestrutura, são fatores que comprometem a efetividade dos métodos tradicionais de controle¹. Apesar dos esforços para a estruturação do combate ao vetor, a ineficiente atuação multissetorial é considerada um dos fatores mais si...
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The etiology of diseases is multifactorial, involving genetic, environmental and lifestyle-related behaviors. Considering the pathway that involves behavioral processes, a huge body of empirical evidence has shown that some healthy behaviors such as non-smoking, any or moderate alcohol consumption, healthy diet, e.g., fruit and vegetable intake, an...
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Due to the high rate of absenteeism and difficulties in the performance of activities, drug use has negative effects on the health of individuals and affects productivity in companies. The present study aimed to analyze the association between alcohol and tobacco consumption and specific dimensions of oil workers' mental health.
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The World Health Organization estimates that by 2020, mental disorders will account for about 15% of all diseases. Since mental health is conditioned by the family and social context, the present study aimed to analyse the influence of the family environment, leisure and social environments on workers' mental health.
Conference Paper
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The World Health Organization estimates that by 2020, mental disorders will account for about 15% of all diseases. Since mental health is conditioned by the family and social context, the present study aimed to analyse the influence of the family environment, leisure and social environments on workers' mental health.
Conference Paper
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Due to the high rate of absenteeism and difficulties in the performance of activities, drug use has negative effects on the health of individuals and affects productivity in companies.The present study aimed to analyze the association between alcohol and tobacco consumption and specific dimensions of oil workers’ mental health.
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This study intends to analyse the behaviour of epidemiological variables of workers in an oil industry of Bahia, Brazil, before and after implementation of interdisciplinary practices in occupational health assessments between 2006 and 2015. This is a retrospective longitudinal study carried out in two time periods. Data were collected from the wor...
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Smoking is a risk factor in the development of chronic diseases, leading the preventable causes of death in the world (WHO, 2009; 2011). Workplaces have advantages for the implementation of health programs, including those for control and cessation of tobacco use in relation to non-work environments (TFCPS, 2010). This study aims to evaluate the fi...
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The broadness and ambition of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for commitment and effort from all society sectors. Either at national or local level, where the action of communities and governance is of the utmost importance for the implementation and operationalization of such na interconnected and transformative agenda, adequa...
The field of worker’s health aims to study and intervene in the work-health relationships from the work process, and incorporate the theoretical knowledge of technicians into the practical knowledge of workers. It is characterized by non-routine methods and techniques to the service organization model of health systems, where intervention and regul...
Conference Paper
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A construção de ações e serviços que beneficiem a coletividade, exige dos profissionais de saúde a convivência com distintos saberes e poderes peculiares às relações interprofissionais que ampliem a visão sobre o outro. Assim, qualquer busca pela integralidade, deve implicar, tanto numa recusa ao reducionismo quanto na disponibilidade para o diálog...
A construção de ações e serviços que beneficiem a coletividade, exige dos profissionais de saúde a convivência com distintos saberes e poderes peculiares às relações interprofissionais que ampliem a visão sobre o outro. Assim, qualquer busca pela integralidade, deve implicar, tanto numa recusa ao reducionismo quanto na disponibilidade para o diálog...
Conference Paper
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The study aimed to describe the behavior of epidemiological variables of a population of workers before and after implementation of interdisciplinary practices in the occupational health assessments of an oil industry company in Bahia, Brazil. In the period from 2006 to 2010, workers annually attended the Health Service to assist professionals in t...
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Introdução: As ações de saúde do trabalhador devem estar conectadas à realidade vivida pelas pessoas, servindo como ferramenta imprescindível para traçar as intervenções de saúde, que visualizem as diversas manifestações de risco, incluindo os riscos ambientais, resultantes das atividades humanas sobre o ambiente, como também os riscos ocupacionais...
Conference Paper
O campo da saúde do trabalhador é formado por uma diversidade de saberes, que possibilitam intervenções coletivas, interdisciplinares e intersetoriais. O enfermeiro do trabalho atua como importante articulador entre as partes envolvidas, contribuindo na implantação de ações para transformação do trabalho, no sentido da prevenção e promoção integral...
Conference Paper
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A Vigilância em Saúde do Trabalhador (VISAT) é um componente do Sistema Nacional de Vigilância em Saúde, como definido na Portaria GM/MS nº 1.378, de 9 de julho de 20131, que visa à promoção da saúde e à redução da morbimortalidade da população trabalhadora, por meio da integração de ações que intervenham nos agravos e seus determinantes decorrente...
Conference Paper
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A Saúde do Trabalhador é composta por diversas áreas complementares, inter-relacionadas, que se destinam, através das ações de vigilância epidemiológica e vigilância sanitária, à promoção, proteção, recuperação e reabilitação da saúde dos trabalhadores submetidos aos riscos e agravos advindos das condições de trabalho. Está inserido também, nesse c...
Introdução: Compreendendo o ambiente como determinante do processo saúde-doença, os enfermeiros devem integrar essa dimensão em sua prática profissional, planejando intervenções com este enfoque. Para sistematização da assistência em enfermagem torna-se fundamental utilizar, associado à consulta, sistemas de classificação em enfermagem, os quais sã...
Introdução: Desde o século XX, ocorreram significativas mudanças nos hábitos de vida da sociedade moderna, marcadas pela diminuição da atividade física e consequente redução da aptidão cardiorrespiratória. A prática regular de atividade física eleva o condicionamento cardiorrespiratório e promove o controle dos níveis de gordura corpórea, atuando c...
Introdução: O campo da alimentação do trabalhador é rico de possibilidades temáticas tanto na área da saúde quanto na das ciências sociais e humanas. Considerar essas peculiaridades no planejamento da atuação dos nutricionistas nas empresas, é mais um desafio que se apresenta, incrementado pela complexidade do mundo do trabalho1. Entretanto, é prec...
Introdução: As intervenções de autocuidado apoiado não dispensam a relação entre os profissionais de saúde e os usuários. O foco principal está em apoiar as pessoas para que, por meio do autocuidado, tornem-se agentes produtores sociais de sua saúde. Objetivo: Relatar a experiência de implantação do Programa de Gestão de Doentes Crônicos em empresa...
Introdução: A fisioterapia do trabalho atua na prevenção, reabilitação e manutenção da saúde do trabalhador, contribuindo para o aumento da sua qualidade de vida, bem-estar, desempenho e produtividade. Objetivo: Descrever a experiência da atuação do fisioterapeuta do trabalho no serviço de saúde, durante o ano de 2016, em uma indústria do Petróleo,...
Introdução: O campo da saúde do trabalhador é formado por uma diversidade de saberes, oriundos de diversas áreas do conhecimento, que o constituem como campo interdisciplinar e nesse sentido aproxima-se do enfoque da promoção da saúde. Objetivo: Descrever o comportamento de indicadores de saúde antes e após implantação de serviço de atendimento int...
Introdução: O absenteísmo médico é definido como a falta ao trabalho por motivo de doença. A amplitude dos movimentos articulares é definida como flexibilidade e estudos sugerem que pessoas com boa flexibilidade tendem a sofrer menos problemas de dores e lesões musculoesqueléticas. Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre a flexibilidade e o absenteísmo m...
Introdução: A Teoria do Autocuidado de Orem proporciona suporte para prestação da assistência de enfermagem apoiada no autocuidado, servindo como base para implementação da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem (SAE). O incentivo ao autocuidado possibilita participação efetiva, manutenção dos cuidados e auto responsabilidade por parte dos tra...