Lijo Mannil

Lijo Mannil
Teaching hospital St Vinzenz University of Cologne · Plastic and Aesthetic surgery



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January 2016 - May 2018
University Hospital Zürich
  • Attending Plastic & Burn surgeon


Publications (22)
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The deep inferior epigastric artery perforator (DIEP) flap is an excellent option for microsurgical breast reconstruction. In selected cases, e.g. in case of previous abdominoplasty, other autologous options like transverse upper gracilis (TUG) or superior gluteal artery perforator (sGAP) flaps can be considered. The anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap...
Background Severely burned patients suffer from both coagulopathy and hypothermia, with a lack of international consensus and appropriate treatment guidelines. This study examines recent developments and trends in coagulation and temperature management in European burn centers. Methods A survey was sent to burn centers in Switzerland, Austria and...
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Background:. This study examines the effects of breast augmentation on women who underwent surgery in Germany regarding their quality of life (QOL) and scar quality using patient-reported surveys. The purpose of this study was to determine if there is an increase in women’s QOL after surgery compared with preoperative, and to evaluate their postope...
Zusammenfassung Die plastische Rekonstruktion onkologischer, anorektaler Defekte ist aufgrund der erheblichen bakteriellen Kontamination, einer neoadjuvanten Radio-Chemotherapie sowie den anatomisch sehr schwierigen Bedingungen häufig kompliziert und führt zu einer prolongierten Hospitalisation der Patienten. Einen Goldstandard für die plastische R...
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Objectives: Bromelain-based enzymatic debridement has emerged as an alternative to surgical eschar removal. Indications include partial thickness, mixed pattern, and full-thickness burns. Enzymatic debridement has been approved by the European Medicines Agency for treating burn wounds affecting <15% total body surface area (TBSA). Data and evidenc...
Abstract Background Unintentional and intentional burn injuries vary across age groups, gender, income, and global region. In high-income countries, the trend over the last several years has been a reduction in burn incidence, burn severity, length of hospital stay, and mortality rate. However, there is a lack of data on predictors of the health-re...
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Introduction: Combined burn trauma is rather uncommon and frequently difficult to manage. Historically, combined burn trauma contributed to high mortality rates in severely injured patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence, mechanisms and impact of non-thermal injuries in patients with severe burns. Methods: The charts of...
Introduction: Thermal injuries are frequent and can be associated with relevant morbidity and mortality in severe cases. Excisional debridement followed by autografting is the standard of care for deep burns, but is associated with serious potential complications. Clinical results of a novel enzymatic debridement based on Bromelain raw material ex...
INTRODUCTION Thermal injuries are frequent and can be associated with relevant morbidity and mortality in severe cases. Excisional debridement followed by autografting is the standard of care for deep burns, but is associated with serious potential complications. Clinical results of a novel enzymatic debridement based on Bromelain raw material extr...
Primary reconstruction of peripheral nerve injury is not always possible for different reasons. However, quick reinnervation of target organs should be intended. The critical time period of motor nerve reconstruction is 18 months and up to 3 years for peripheral nerves. After 12 weeks without evidence of clinical or neurophysiological reinnervation...
The purpose of this study was to assess sensory and functional nerve recovery after digital nerve injury in patients with an end-to-end suture (S) or with implantation of a collagen conduit (C) to bridge a nerve gap. Fifteen S and 11 C with a follow-up of 6-36 months and 28 healthy control participants were enrolled. Methods of assessments were qua...
Die distale Radiusfraktur gehort zu den am haufigsten diagnostizierten Frakturen des Menschen, dementsprechend haufig wird auch die nativradiologische Untersuchung des Handgelenks durchgefuhrt. Die Rontgenaufnahme des Handgelenks in Pronation und Supination bildet die Ulna jedoch nur in einer Ebene ab und fuhrt daher zu einer verminderten Aussagekr...
Die Behandlung der Mittelhandfrakturen unterliegt keinen Richtlinien und muss daher individuell und streng abgewogen werden. Aufgrund der guten Heilungstendenz ist eine konservative Behandlung in der deutlichen Mehrzahl ausreichend. Die Implantatwahl zur operativen Stabilisierung nach Reposition ist eine häufige Fehlerquelle in der Behandlung der M...
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Objective: Ruptures of ulnar-sided triangular fibrocartilaginous complex (TFCC) often occur in cases of trauma. Golden standard for diagnosis is the arthroscopy of the wrist. TFCC lesions are classified according to their location if traumatic in origin or if degenerative according to their severity. Materials and methods: Recent literature has...
Wir berichten über eine intraossäre Gichtmanifestation im Mittelglied des linken Zeigefingers eines 54-jährigen Patienten. We report on an intraosseous gout manifestation in the middle phalanx of the left index finger of a 54-year-old patient.
Die Makroreplantation der oberen Extremität ist definiert als Replantation einer Amputationsverletzung proximal des Radiokarpalgelenks (. Abb. 22.1) und die der unteren Extremität als Replantation proximal des oberen Sprunggelenks. Diese eher selten auftretenden Amputationsverletzungen stellen höchste Anforderungen an ein Replantationszentrum dar u...
We report on an intraosseous gout manifestation in the middle phalanx of the left index finger of a 54-year-old patient. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.
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Frakturen der Handwurzel haben in der Regel den gleichen Entstehungsmechanismus wie die deutlich häufigere distale Radiusfraktur. Obschon viel seltener als diese, ist die Handwurzelfraktur keine Rarität. Von den Handwurzelknochen ist in 90 % der Fälle das Skaphoid betroffen. Die Einteilung der Skaphoidfrakturen anhand CT-morphologischer (CT: Comput...
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Background Accidents at home and work can result in not only fractures and tendon ruptures of the wrist but also carpal ligamentous instabilities often occur. Diagnosis Very careful examination is necessary to properly evaluate the extent of ligamentous pathologies. Therapy Depending on the cause of trauma, the appropriate therapy can be started. T...


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