Lígia Castro

Lígia Castro
Faculty of Sciences and Technology / New University of Lisbon (FCT/UNL) · Department of Earth Sciences

Professor; PhD Geology (Stratigraphy and Paleobiology)


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Publications (72)
Conference Paper
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The promontory of Nazaré is a key section to study the Upper Cretaceous series of the West Portuguese Margin of Iberia. Special emphasis goes to the Cenomanian-Turonian West Portuguese Carbonate Platform, whose fossil rich facies outcrop extensively in the coastal cliffs. Nazaré is also one the few sections were studies on Cenomanian dinocysts were...
Conference Paper
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A study of 19 Early Cretaceous samples from the Utsira High oilfield in the North Sea (Norway) was carried out. The dominant Formation - Åsgard Formation, was analyzed using palynostratigraphy to identify the main palynomorphs (mainly dinoflagellate cysts), which provided information on paleoenvironmental reconstitution and biostratigraphic charact...
Conference Paper
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The Sintra Municipality created the Virtual Natural Space associated to the UNESCO’s classification of the Cultural Landscape of Sintra where the most relevant geological and geomorphological occurrences were selected. These areas/outcrops are described using a large number of media tools including virtual reality, for Science outreach and pedag...
Conference Paper
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This study evaluated the application of deep learning methods to automatic detection of dinoflagellate cysts, using the species Batioladinium longicornutum as an example. A dataset of 1453 images was collected to train three independent models using the Tensorflow library, in Python. The models, based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) archite...
Conference Paper
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The recent expansion of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques has facilitated their widespread adoption by most of scientific areas, in particular petroleum and natural gas companies, enabling geoscientists to utilize these technologies with greater ease. This study evaluates the application of machine learning and deep learning m...
Conference Paper
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Gomphotheriidae is an extinct family of Prosbocideans that first appeared during the Miocene in Africa. They were characterized by the presence of 4 tusks: 2 curved upper tusks and 2 progressively spatulate-shaped lower tusks. They were a cosmopolitan family, able to occupy a high variety of habitats. During the Miocene they were widespread in Nort...
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The post-rift Upper Cretaceous stratigraphic succession of Portugal contains the Western Portuguese Carbonate Platform which stands out as an extensive marine succession. This Carbonate platform is middle Albian to early Turonian in age, contemporary of eustatic highstands and widespread flooding of the European and North African continental margin...
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Dinoflagellates are microorganisms, essentially single-celled, which together with other phytoplankton produce food for larger organisms and occupy most aquatic environments, from freshwater habitats and brackish to marine plankton. They present a great variety of vital strategies, being sensitive to temperature and salinity, oxygenation, luminosit...
Conference Paper
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The present study provides the palynological and stratigraphic analysis of marls and marly limestones sections of the middle Cenomanian on the Nazaré promontory. The palynological content recorded 24 taxa of dinocysts, pollen, spores, microforaminiferal linings, green-algae, and acritarchs, on a total of 12 samples. In the recovered palynomorphs de...
The detailed palynostratigraphic study of four boreholes in theMuarádzi sub-basin,Moatize-Minjova Coal Basin (MMCB) southeast of Moatize, allowed the assignment of relative ages to the stratigraphic units. Three assemblageswere studied in detail and are assigned to the Lopingian. Assemblage L1 is characterized by the rich occurrence of Guttulapolle...
Conference Paper
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The present study provides the palynological and stratigraphic analysis of marls and marly limestones sections of the middle Cenomanian on the Nazaré promontory. The palynological content recorded 24 taxa of dinocysts, pollen, spores, microforaminiferal linings, green-algae, and acritarchs, on a total of 12 samples. In the recovered palynomorphs de...
Conference Paper
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The promontory of Nazaré and its characteristic steep silhouette, with an incisive and rough outline emerging through the sandy beach landscapes of the west central coast of Portugal, has become world-wide known for the tourist circuits, due to the proximity of outstanding hydrodynamic conditions for radical sport practices. Achieved over the last...
Conference Paper
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The middle Albian-lower Turonian Western Continental Margin of the Iberia stands out in the post-rift record of the Western Iberian Continental Margin by its marine character and abundance in fossils. In this study the stratigraphy and palynology of the basal sequences recorded in Nazaré, one of its main outcrops, are focused with emphasis on the t...
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Neste trabalho foram estudadas 12 amostras, obtidas de duas sondagens, ETA 15 e ETA 71 (com cerca de 30 m de profundidade total), realizadas na Bacia de Moatize-Minjova (Província de Tete, Moçambique). Nesta bacia encontram-se as formações do Supergrupo Karoo (SGK), que têm vindo a ser estudadas sobretudo pelas suas reservas de carvão. A idade dos...
Conference Paper
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The Karoo Supergroup (KSG) is a geological unit of great importance in Southern Africa, consisting of sedimentary and igneous rocks. The deposits of the Karoo, which are well represented in Tete Province (Central West of Mozambique), have been studied mainly to due its coal deposits. In this work 12 samples were studied from ETA 15 and ETA 71 boreh...
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Biostratigraphic studies of several sections and a borehole (Belverde) of the Lower Tagus Basin, based on Miocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, have allowed a detailed stratigraphic investigation to be conducted. Assemblages are very diverse and abundant and can be used as important biostratigraphic guides. Recently, a palynostratigraphic study...
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Foram identificados 36260 palinomorfos ao microscópio óptico (dos quais 67 taxa de quistos de dinoflagelados) em 111 amostras do Miocénico da parte distal da Bacia do Baixo Tejo, recolhidas em nove perfis geológicos e uma sondagem. Os dados obtidos da evolução das associações, principalmente, de quistos de dinoflagelados marinhos de parede orgânica...
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The International Congress on Stratigraphy – STRATI 2013 follows the decision to internationalize the STRATI conferences previously organized by the French Committee of Stratigraphy, the last one of which was held in Paris in 2010. Thus, the Congress possesses both the momentum gained from an established conference event and the excitement of being...
Conference Paper
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The “Granja dos Serrões” karren field, in process of re-classification as ”Natural Monument” due to its scientific, aesthetic and educational importance, is susceptible to multidisciplinary approaches, and also to pedagogical and geotourism programs, among others. In this context, ICNB co-operate since 2007 with FCT/UNL in the initiative “Summer Ge...
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The aim of this work is to provide a first approach to the evolution of Iberia's vegetation during the Cenozoic (with the exclusion of the Quaternary). The Palaeogene was floristically defined by Palaeotropical elements forming tropical/subtropical rainforests, mangrove swamps, edaphically-mediated laurophyllous forests and leguminous-sclerophyllou...
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A short description of the Tortonian deposits from the Lower Tagus basin [Lisbon region (Setúbal peninsula - Belverde, Foz do Rego Norte, Foz do Rego Sul, Penedo Norte e Ribeira das Lages) is presented in order to give a contribution to palynological studies. A total of 26 samples were collected for the characterization of palynomorphs associations...
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A combined Light Microscope and Scanning Electronic Microscope (LM-SEM) technique for observation and study of the samepalynomorph is presented. Usually, the simple observation of the palynomorphs at LM or SEM, currently, is not enough for the positive identification of the different species. The correct identification of the different forms allows...
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A combined Light Microscope and Scanning Electronic Microscope (LM-SEM) technique for observation and study of the same palynomorph is presented. Usually, the simple observation of the palynomorphs at LM or SEM, currently, is not enough for the positive identification of the different species. The correct identification of the different forms allow...
Conference Paper
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Abstract Book "International Conference on Geological Collections and Museums: Mission and Management"
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Quistos de dinoflagelados marinhos de parede orgânica têm sido estudados no Miocénico do sector distal da Bacia do Baixo-Tejo (Portugal). Seleccionaram-se cortes/sondagem que estivessem datados por outros grupos fossilíferos. Através de dados litológicos, biostratigráficos e cronológicos obtidos na bibliografia consultada foi possível posicionar cr...
Conference Paper
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The palynological study of the lower levels of Carnide Formation is presented. Till now, nine samples were collected for palynological studies in the lower levels of the Carnide Formation. The palynomorphs are well represented and preserved. Dinoflagellate cysts predominate and are more abundant to the top of the fossiliferous levels. The dinoflage...
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The palynological study presented in this thesis is based on dinoflagellate cysts, complemented by acritarchs cysts, spores and pollen. Sampling was performed on representative locations of the distal region of the Lower Tagus Basin (Lisbon region and Setúbal Peninsula). This basin has an almost complete Miocene sequence, pointed as one of the best...
Conference Paper
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A short description of the Early Miocene deposits from the Lower Tagus basin [Lisbon region (Carcavelos) and Setúbal Península (Trafaria, Belverde, Penedo Norte, Penedo Sul and Foz da Fonte)] is presented in order to give a contribution to the palynologycal studies. A total of 56 samples were collected for the caracterization of palynomorphs (spore...
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Preliminary data on litho stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Belverde borehole (http://www. dct.Jct.unl.pt/ SondagemISondagem/colunalindex_col.html) is presented. The borehole attained 619,77 m of depth, crossing 130 m of Plio-Pleistocene and 460 m of Miocene dep osits. Main lithologies are fine sands , marl s and biocalcarenites. A coral reef...
Preliminary data on lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Belverde borehole (http://www.dct.fct.unl.pt/Sondagem/Sondagem/coluna/index_col.html) is presented. The borehole attained 619,77 m of depth, crossing 130 m of Plio-Pleistocene and 460 m of Miocene deposits. Main lithologies are fine sands, marls and biocalcarenites. A coral reef was r...
Preliminary data concerning the Belverde borehole (coordenates: 38º35’34.1’’/9º8’24.7’’) are presented. The borehole reached 619,77 m. It crossed 130,31m of Pleisto-Pliocene continental deposits, 460 m of Miocene (mainly marine deposits; some marsh ones also occur). At the lower part, a coral reef with 50m thick was recognised. It overlays red cont...
Conference Paper
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Palavras-chave: palinologia; quistos de dinoflagelados; Miocénico; sondagem; Belverde; Bacia do Baixo Tejo; península de Setúbal, Portugal. Apresentam-se resultados do estudo palinológico do Miocénico da sondagem de Belverde (Península de Setúbal, 38º35'34,1''N / 9º8'24,7''W). A sondagem atingiu 619,77m de profundidade; atravessou 130,31m de Plio...
Conference Paper
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Keywords: borehole; Lower Tagus Basin; Neogene; stratigraphy; Belverde; Setúbal Peninsula; Portugal. Preliminary data concerning the Belverde borehole (coordenates: 38º35’34.1’’/9º8’24.7’’) are presented. The borehole reached 619,77 m. It crossed 130,31m of Pleisto-Pliocene continental deposits, 460 m of Miocene (mainly marine deposits; some marsh...
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Apresentam-se resultados do estudo palinológico do Miocénico da sondagem de Belverde (Península de Setúbal, 38º35’34,1’’N / 9º8’24,7’’W). A sondagem atingiu 619,77m de profundidade; atravessou 130,31m de Plio-plistocénico e 460m de Miocénico marinho com alguns episódios salobros. As litologias são: areias finas, margas e biocalcarenitos. Na parte i...
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Preliminary data concerning the Belverde borehole (coordenates: 38º35’34.1’’/9º8’24.7’’) are presented. The borehole reached 619,77 m. It crossed 130,31m of Pleisto-Pliocene continental deposits, 460 m of Miocene (mainly marine deposits; some marsh ones also occur). At the lower part, a coral reef with 50m thick was recognised. It overlays red cont...
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Key-words: Neogene; Stratigraphy; Algarve; Portugal. A synthesis about the Neogene and Quaternary of Algarve (Southern Portugal) is presented. New isotopic 87Sr/866Sr ages as wellas biostratigraphic data about the Miocene deposits allow to present a new stratigraphic frame for the previously characterized units. The Lagos-Portimão Formation corresp...
Conference Paper
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Palynomorphs from "Ribeira da Lage" were studied. The section is Lower Tortonian (N15, 87Sr/86Sr dating 11.3-12.2 Ma) in age, and correspond to the local depositional sequence T1. Pollen indicate open forests with mediterranean taxa. Peridinioid dinoflagellates predominate in the lower part of the section indicating the proximity of the literal and...
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Dinoflagellates are planktonic unicellular microorganisms, that under certain conditions may produce cysts prone to fossilization. These cysts are abundant in the sedimentary record since the Palaeozoic, supplying important biostratigraphical and palaeoecological infonnation. ln Portugal, the study of dinoflagellates is still in its beginnings. Con...
Conference Paper
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The Setúbal Peninsula cliffs may be understood as a Natural Monument. A short description of the most interesting Miocene outcrops of these cliffs (concerning their scientific, pedagogic and cultural value) is presented, in order to give a contribution to the inventory of the Portuguese Geological Heritage.
Conference Paper
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Due to its great paleontological wealth, the totality of the miocene cliffs of the western coast of Setúbal Peninsula should be included in the Portuguese Paleontological Heritage, according to scientific, pedagogic and cultural criteria previously defined. The reasons accounting for this inclusion are presented in this work, for some selected loca...
Conference Paper
Palynomorphs from "Ribeira da Lage" were studied. The section is Lower Tortonian (N15, 87Sr/86Sr dating 11.3-12.2 Ma) in age, and correspond to the local depositional sequence T1. Pollen indicate open forests with mediterranean taxa. Peridinioid dinoflagellates predominate in the lower part of the section indicating the proximity of the litoral and...
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Foraminifera and palynomorphs from the Miocene of Carcavelos were studied, and Sr isotopic ages obtained from mollusks. The deposits are correlated with units II, III, IVa (lower part) and with depositional sequences BO and B1. Forams indicate the N5-N6 biozones (Lower Burdigalian) and isotopic ages give 20 to I9.4Ma. Foraminifera and palynomorphs...
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Foraminifera and palinomorphs from the Miocene of Carcavelos were studied, and Sr isotopic ages obtained from molluscs. The deposits are correlated with units II, III, IVa (lower part) and with depositional sequences BO and B1. Forams indicate the N5-N6 biozones (Early Burdigalian) and isotopic ages give 20 to 19.4Ma. Foraminifera and palinomorphs...
Foraminifera and palinomorphs from the Miocene of Carcavelos were studied, and Sr isotopic ages obtained from moluscs. The deposits are correlated with units II, III, IVa (lower part) and with depositional sequences BO and B1. Forams indicate the N5-N6 biozones (Lower Burdigalian) and isotopic ages give 20 to I9.4Ma. Foraminifera and palinomorphs a...
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Sixty-six samples for palynologic study were collected in Upper Oxfordian -Tithonian beds from the Lusitanian Basin. The scarce and the poorly preserved palynomorphs (spores, pollen and dinoflagellates, and/or acritarchs) were ascribed to morphological groups. For each sample, the relative abundance of the morphological groups was calculated. Their...
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Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da aplicação de alguns parâmetros morfológicos em icnofósseis de dinossáurios do Cretácico superior (topo do Cenomaniano médio) de Carenque (Belas), jazida situada na região de Lisboa e correspondente a ambiente lagunar confinado. A aplicação deste parâmetros permite a obtenção de alguns aspectos interpretativo...


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