Lidia Danik

Lidia Danik
SGH Warsaw School of Economics | SGH · Department of International Marketing



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Publications (51)
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The goal of this monograph with regard to theory is to broaden knowledge about entrepreneurship as a factor of the competitiveness of economies and to identify the directions of research on competitiveness, which emerged in the literature in response to new challenges of the twenty-first century, including the climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic,...
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Celem monografii na gruncie teoretycznym jest rozszerzenie wiedzy na temat przedsiębiorczości jako czynnika konkurencyjności gospodarek oraz zidentyfikowanie kierunków badań nad konkurencyjnością, które w pojawiły się literaturze przedmiotu w odpowiedzi na nowe wyzwania XXI w., związane z kryzysem klimatycznym, pandemią COVID-19 czy zmianami...
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The host country environment is an important source of knowledge for multinational enterprises (MNEs). The resources and competencies of MNEs’ foreign subsidiaries (FS) as well as internal and external relationships are perceived to be critically important for their performance. This study intends to fill a cognitive gap in the understanding of fac...
Purpose The entrepreneurial marketing orientation (EMO) has been studied primarily in developed countries. The past research has focused on entrepreneurial marketing dimensions and their relationship with selected small- and medium-sized firm (SME) activities, strategic orientations or performance. Scholars have not paid enough attention to the EMO...
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Paper’s objectives The paper aims to identify differences in the perceived benefits of cooperation in domestic and foreign networks achieved by Polish small and medium enterprise (SME) exporters and non-exporters. Methods applied A quantitative study was conducted using computer-assisted telephone interviewing and computer-assisted web interviewin...
Recently there have been several reports concerning the SMEs’ decision-making in the foreign markets, including the discussion comparing the so-called “effectual” decision-making style with the causative one. The study aims to investigate the nature of the decision making of SME-exporters and to analyze the relationship of the decision-making style...
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The paper presents the results of a quantitative study of 240 Polish SMEs from the manufacturing sector, surveyed in 2019. It aims at determining whether and to what extent their learning is linked to entrepreneurial marketing orientation. As learning is a key element of both traditional and rapid internationalisation models, the second aim of the...
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The study aims to analyze the relationship of the decision-making style of SME-exporters with their entrepreneurial orientation, and to characterize their decision-making mechanisms. A mixed mode CAWI/CATI method was applied on 300 Polish firms from the manufacturing sector in Spring of 2018. To assess their decision making we applied the scale ada...
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The study examines specialized marketing capabilities’ role in the early internationalization of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Emphasis is on sales and communication capabilities and on contrasting international new ventures (INV) from the mature economy of Italy and the posttransformation economy of Poland. Individual expert intervie...
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This paper contributes to the growing stream of research on knowledge gathering in the internationalization process of international new ventures (INVs), as well as their networking activities. It identifies two dimensions describing the network knowledge-gathering approaches: 1) relationship approach (well-wishing or opportunistic) and 2) intentio...
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The chapter includes a comparison of the results presented in the monograph with outcomes of other studies, referring especially to transition markets. The insights regarding using entrepreneurial marketing EMICO framework in the context of Central and Eastern European markets concern the crucial entrepreneurial features, like networking, sales sup...
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An EMICO (entrepreneurial, market, innovation and customer orientation) framework has recently been used to study and describe entrepreneurial marketing. This chapter presents the results of the qualitative study of Polish, Italian and Finnish international new ventures, providing an in-depth understanding of EMICO constructs, their interrelationsh...
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In recent decades, there has been a rise of such principles as formal accountability, commercialization, and competition in research policies. A symptom of this change is the increasing reliance on performance-based assessment systems, not only with the aim to inform research funding agencies, but also to direct research activity towards goals conn...
Conference Paper
The strengthening position of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in global economy, their competence-creating capabilities stimulate studies on various aspects of MNE phenomenon. Research emphasizes the influence of FS external and internal embeddedness on innovation performance, and subsequent FS positioning within MNE network. This study intends to...
Purpose – One of the approaches to study entrepreneurial marketing (EM) is the EMICO framework. The extant studies have not yet explored the application of this framework by international new ventures (INVs). To address this research gap, four Polish INVs from medium-tech sector have been studied to check whether this tool can be applied to investi...
Networking is argued to be critical for the internationalization of International New Ventures (INVs). However, detailed studies on the role of domestic and foreign partners are still missing. The paper addresses this research gap and compares the perceived importance and benefits of the domestic and foreign partners in the internationalization pro...
Conference Paper
The strengthening position of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in global economy, their competence-creating capabilities stimulate studies on various aspects of MNE phenomenon. Research emphasizes the influence of foreign subsidiaries’ internal embeddedness on their innovation performance. In the last years the role of foreign subsidiaries has been...
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Marketing capabilities are argued to be one of the critical capabilities of International New Ventures (INVs) facilitating their early internationalization. Although companies from post-transformation Central and Eastern Europe Countries are active and successful participants of the global market, their marketing capabilities were not subject to th...
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The studies on FS innovation performance in transition economies, that cover the issue of FS innovation cooperation, are being undertaken only recently. There is still a cognitive gap in the knowledge on the relations between factors affecting FS performance and subsequent position within the MNE network from the perspective of FS established in tr...
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Termin „różnorodność” odnosi się do wszelkich atrybutów, które sprawiają, że inni ludzie są postrzegani jako odmienni [O'Railly i in., 1998]. Jednym z atrybutów jest tożsamość kulturowa, która wiąże się z podzielaniem pewnych norm, wartości, priorytetów bądź spuścizny socjokulturowej [Cox, 1993]. Stopień w jakim dana osoba identyfikuje się z własną...
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The term diversity refers to any attributes that make other people perceived as different [O'Railly et al., 1998]. Cultural identity is one of the attributes that is associated with sharing certain norms, values, priorities or socio-cultural heritage [Cox, 1993]. The degree to which a person identifies with his/her own cultural group differs both i...
Celem rozdziału jest znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytania: Czy przedsiębiorstwa zachowują się racjonalnie w procesie poszukiwania partnera zagranicznego? Co wpływa na ich zachowania? Gdzie szukają informacji o potencjalnych partnerach? Powyższa analiza posłużyć ma zidentyfikowaniu zachowań sprzyjających nawiązaniu współpracy międzynarodowej z wybranym...
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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been facing numerous challenges connected with internationalization. Management and marketing are among the most critical topics for SMEs to deal with. However, the increasing digitalization on different areas of SMEs activity can help in overcoming these issues. The new communication channels and ICT...
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W ostatnich dekadach współpraca przedsiębiorstw nasiliła się, przybierając niejednokrotnie formę współpracy międzynarodowej. Wynika to ze specyfiki współczesnej gospodarki w coraz większym stopniu opartej na wiedzy wymagającej transferu, a także z procesów liberalizacji handlu i globalizacji, przyspieszających dzięki rozwojowi technologii informacy...
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Poland: Report on Competitiveness 2018. The Role of Cities in Creating Competitive Advantages is the latest edition of a long-standing series of comparative research on the main trends in the development of Polish economy, which has been conducted in the World Economy Research Institute of Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) since the mid-1980 s. The...
Purpose: The study’s aim is to develop the international entrepreneurship theory, by examining the entrepreneurial characteristics of International New Ventures (INV) originating in Poland. Furthermore, it is assessed in the study whether these characteristics relate to the performance of INVs, considering the role of the age of the company. Desig...
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Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badania kryteriów wyboru partnera zagranicznego stosowanych przez polskie przedsiębiorstwa współpracujące z partnerami z Niemiec i z Chin. Analiza została przeprowadzona na próbie 278 polskich eksporterów i importerów współpracujących z partnerami z Chin lub z Niemiec. Badanie wykazało, że czynnikiem, który w największym...
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Objective: The study goal was the investigation of relationships between accelerated internationalisation descriptors and antecedent firm-and entrepreneur-related factors in Polish and Czech SMEs. Research Design & Methods: In order to compare Polish and Czech companies, the data collected in two independent studies were used. The study of 233 Pol...
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The goal of this paper is to compare the characteristics of Polish and Czech companies which follow the Born Global internationalization model. More concretely, the analysis aims to discover the differences or similarities in terms of the internationalization paths of Polish and Czech SMEs in the characteristics of their managers in terms of the so...
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The studies on early internationalisation of SME's have been conducted much less frequently in the CEE countries than in the rest of the world. To fill this gap our study aims at analysing the founding processes and motives of undertaking international activity by the Polish born global companies. The data was collected via semi-structured individu...
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International business scholars still do not pay much attention to international cooperation barriers and their consequences. Although the problem of cooperation barriers is being discussed in the cooperation, open innovation and international cooperation studies, an in-depth analyses of barriers which influence the cooperation are missing. This st...
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The aim of the paper is to analyze the relationship between the perception of the barriers in establishing an international cooperation and information sources applied while looking for foreign partners. The paper presents the results of the study on 278 Polish exporters and importers cooperating with partners from China and Germany. The companies...
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The objective of this exploratory study is to determine whether and (if so) how perceived cultural differences influence relationship quality. To make this determination this study analyzed the cooperation of 278 Polish exporters and importers with their German and Chinese partners. Indicators of perceived cultural differences by cooperating compan...
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The paper presents a review of literature concerning the success factors and development barriers of the born global companies, followed by results of two empirical studies conducted in Poland in 2012 and 2013. The first was performed with use of the individual interview technique, followed by content analysis of the conversation transcripts. The s...
The paper presents a review of literature concerning the success factors and development barriers of the born global companies, followed by results of two empirical studies conducted in Poland in 2012 and 2013. The first was performed with use of the individual interview technique, followed by content analysis of the conversation transcripts. The s...
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Różnice kulturowe a międzynarodowa współpraca przedsiębiorstw Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest analiza wybranych aspektów międzynarodowej współpracy przedsiębiorstw funkcjonujących w różnych kręgach kulturowych. Analizę przeprowadzono na przykładzie polskich przedsiębiorstw współpracujących z partnerami z Chin i Niemiec. W artykule dokonano przegl...
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Trust is a basic coordination mechanism in interÞ rm relations while lack of trust is perceived as a cooperation barrier. However, building trust across cultural or national borders can be difÞ cult because of cultural differences between partners. This study presents the results of the research on 278 Polish exporters and importers cooperating wit...
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Artykuł jest poświęcony aspektom kulturowym współpracy polskich przedsiębiorstw z kontrahentami z Chin i z Niemiec. W opracowaniu przeanalizowano różnice w sposobie postrzegania partnerów z tych krajów przez polskie przedsiębiorstwa oraz dokonano analizy zachowań polskich eksporterów i importerów względem chińskich i niemieckich partnerów. Zaprezen...
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Artykuł przedstawia charakterystykę polskich innowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw branży spożywczej. Analiza jest prowadzona na pełnej próbie 1216 średnich i dużych polskich przedsiębiorstw branży spożywczej biorących udział w badaniu GUS PNT-02 (polska wersja kwestionariusza CIS) za lata 2008–2010, z której wyodrębniono firmy deklarujące wprowadzenie inn...
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Since the 1990s a dynamic stream of research in the field of born global companies (in short: BG) could be observed. Initially the main subject of this research were the establishing premises and foreign market strategies of BG, whereas at present the focus has shifted to the later stages of the born globals’ development. The aim of this paper is t...
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Polish firms need to improve their performance in order to be more competitive internationally. As theoretical concepts of firm international competitiveness underline the importance of external sources of competitive advantage, empirical studies on firms cooperation may bring significant insight into this field. This paper presents theoretical fou...
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Artykuł porusza kwestie czynników sukcesu kooperacji w innowacjach polskich przedsiębiorstw. W pierwszej części prezentowany jest przegląd literatury, z uwzględnieniem definiowania terminologii innowacji i kooperacji. Zwraca się także uwagę na występowanie zagadnienia w literaturze krajowej oraz zagranicznej. Druga cześć artykułu prezentuje wyniki...
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Artykuł ma na celu dokonanie oceny niedogodności wynikających z kooperacji podmiotów na rynku B2B w ramach innowacji. W pierwszej kolejności dokonano próby oceny wpływu poszczególnych typów innowacji - produktowych, procesowych, organizacyjnych i marketingowych - na postrzegane niedogodności. Analizie zostały poddane niedogodności wynikające ze wsp...
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Słowa kluczowe: innowacje W Polsce poziom uogólnionego zaufania do ludzi należy do najniższych Europie. Tymczasem zaufanie ma bardzo duży wpływ na relacje między partnerami biznesowymi. W literaturze przedmiotu pisze się o nim z jednej strony jako o cesze relacji długookresowych, zaś z drugiej strony - jako o determinancie warunkującej związek part...


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