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July 2011 - present
Publications (57)
The Turpan basin is one of the most arid and water-insecure regions in China. Turpan Basin has a continental desert climate as it is located in central Eurasia and surrounded by mountains on all sides, with the lowest elevation of 154.5 m below sea level. Its rivers and water availability are mainly supplied by mountain snowmelt through surface str...
The annual precipitation in North China and South China shows a dipole pattern with a clear inter-decadal transition around the
late 1970s. However, the relative contribution of internal variability and external forcing to this inter-decadal transition is still unclear. Here, we separate internal variability from the externally forced climate respo...
Heavy precipitation and associated flood hazards can cause enormous socioeconomic losses. The advances in atmospheric modeling enable great promise in accurately predicting precipitation. However, the representation of land‐atmosphere exchange processes in atmospheric models and its impacts on precipitation evolution remain high uncertainties. This...
Vegetation ecosystems are sensitive to large-scale climate variability in climate transition zones. As a representative transitional climate zone in Northwest China, Gansu is characterized by a sharp climate and vegetation gradient. In this study, the spatiotemporal variations of vegetation over Gansu are characterized using the satellite-based Nor...
Land–atmosphere energy and moisture exchange can strongly influence local and regional climates. However, high uncertainty exists in the representation of land–atmosphere interactions in numerical models. Parameterization of surface exchange processes is greatly affected by parameter Czil, which, however, is typically defined as a domain-wide const...
Emerging drought stress on vegetation over western Eurasia is linked to varying teleconnection patterns. The North-Sea Caspian pattern (NCP) is a relatively less studied Eurasian teleconnection pattern which has a role on drought conditions and the consequence of changing conditions on vegetation. Between 1981 and 2015, we found that the Standardiz...
Water resources are one of the critical areas of concern for the Haihe River Basin (HRB) in North China. With continuous improvements in observation and remote sensing techniques since 2000, multi-source information has allowed the comprehensive investigation of the evolution of water resources. Datasets were synthesized from a range of sources, su...
Drought is a complicated climatic phenomenon occurring in the phase of water scarcity and can have devastating ecological and social impacts. Reliable drought forecasting can benefit various sectors by allowing adequate lead times for drought mitigation efforts. However, drought forecasting, especially on a short-term lead timescale (within two wee...
An online-coupled regional atmospheric chemistry/aerosol-climate model RIEMS-Chem was utilized to investigate the aerosol radiative feedback effect during winter hazes over the North China Plain. Three severe winter haze events (8–January 15, 2013, 20–February 26, 2014, and 15–December 22, 2016) were studied. Model comparison against observations s...
A crucial step in the application of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to regional climate research is the selection of the proper combinations of physical parameterizations. In this study, we examined the performance of various parametrization schemes in the WRF model in terms of precipitation and temperature over the Haihe river ba...
Drought conditions of Southeast China are associated with the sea surface temperature warm pool in the tropical Western Pacific, which is related to low-frequency hydroclimatic patterns and their teleconnections. Empirically, the moisture influx to the region is linked to the interannual and decadal teleconnections, including the Pacific Decadal Os...
Disentangling the effects of climate and land use changes on regional hydrological conditions is critical for local water and food security. The water variability over climate transition regions at the midlatitudes is sensitive to changes in regional climate and land use. Gansu, located in northwest China, is a midlatitude climate transition region...
To contribute a more ambitious target of Paris Agreement, that is, limiting global warming to 1.5°C instead of 2.0°C above preindustrial levels, it is essential to quantitatively reveal regional impacts of an additional 0.5°C warming to inform climate policymaking. Based on bias‐corrected simulations of four models from the half a degree additional...
Land–atmosphere energy and moisture exchange can strongly influence local and regional climate. However, high uncertainty exits in the representation of land–atmosphere interactions in numerical models. The parameterization of surface exchange process is greatly affected by varying the parameter Czil which, however, is typically set to a domain-wid...
The parameterization of surface exchange coefficients (Ch) representing land–atmosphere coupling strength plays a key role in land surface modelling. Previous studies have found that land–atmosphere coupling in land surface models (LSMs) is largely overestimated, which affects the predictability of weather and climate evolution. To improve the repr...
The winter temperature in East Asia from 1958 to 2001 has shown an obvious warming trend superposed with a large amplitude of decadal oscillations. To separate the relative contributions of external forcing and internal variability to the decadal change in winter temperature, we propose a method which combines reanalysis data, global atmosphere‐oce...
Reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is one of the most important factors influencing hydrologic and climatic quantities, and increases in ETo are often considered as a primary cause for drying under global warming scenarios. Based on bias‐corrected data from the Half a degree Additional Warming, Prognosis and Projected Impacts (HAPPI) experiment, we...
It is reported that surface warming over the Tibetan Plateau (TP) has been faster than the global average, but exactly how much faster remains controversial. This study investigates the time dependency of warming amplification over the TP using CRU_TS4.01 grid dataset during 1961–2016 with a consideration of its consistency with the global average....
The Aral Sea in Central Asia plays an essential role in the socioeconomic development of the region. During the last six decades, there has been remarkable changes observed in the water level and areal extent of the Aral Sea Basin; however, the causes behind these changes are unclear. This study quantifies the impacts of climatic and anthropogenic...
Climate change poses great risks to western Canada's ecosystem and socioeconomical development. To assess these hydroclimatic risks under high-end emission scenario RCP8.5, this study used the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model at a convection-permitting (CP) 4 km resolution to dynamically downscale the mean projection of a 19-member CMIP5 en...
Uncertainties in representing land–atmosphere interactions can substantially influence regional climate simulations. Among these uncertainties, the surface exchange coefficient Ch is a critical parameter, controlling the total energy transported from the land surface to the atmosphere. Although it directly impacts the coupling strength between the...
The accurate estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) is essential for understanding the land surface–atmosphere interaction; however, current ET products have large uncertainties, and irrigation effects on ET are not well represented. In this study, the monthly ET was reconstructed (ET recon ) from GLDAS land surface models (LSMs) over the Yellow Riv...
Tree‐ring density has been suggested to be a useful proxy for revealing long‐term late summer or growing season temperature variability on the Tibetan Plateau (TP). However, the current chronology length of tree‐ring density records on the TP is obviously shorter than both tree‐ring width and tree‐ring isotope records. This phenomenon implies the p...
It has been widely reported that anthropogenic warming is detectable with high confidence after the 1950s. However, current palaeoclimate records suggest an earlier onset of industrial-era warming. Here, we combine observational data, multiproxy palaeo records and climate model simulations for a formal detection and attribution study. Instead of th...
To assess the hydroclimatic risks posed by climate change in western Canada, this study conducted a retrospective simulation (CTL) and a pseudo-global warming (PGW) dynamical downscaling of future warming projection under RCP8.5 from an ensemble of CMIP5 climate model projections using a convection-permitting 4-km Weather Research Forecasting (WRF)...
Weakening of annual temperature cycle (ATC) on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) in the last decades has been identified, and there is a subsequent change in the frequency of the ATC magnitude extremes. These changes in the climate have a potential influence on biological and ecological systems. However, the frequency of occurrences of the ATC magnitude ext...
Comparable estimates of the heat-related work productivity loss (WPL) in different countries over the world are difficult partly due to the lack of exact measures and comparable data for different counties. In this study, we analysed 4363 responses to a global online survey on the WPL during heat waves in 2016. The participants were from both devel...
Climate changes over China from the present (1996–2005) to the future (2046–2055) under Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5 (RCP4.5) and Representative Concentration Pathways 8.5 (RCP8.5) scenarios are projected using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, version 3.7.1. The WRF model was driven by the Global 6-Hourly Bias-correcte...
The regional climate effects of vegetation change in arid and semi-arid regions of China, which has experienced serious grassland degradation, are investigated in this study using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) regional climate model. Two long-term simulation experiments (from January 1, 1980 to March 1, 2010), one with the land cover d...
Reliable land cover data are important for improving numerical simulation by regional climate model, because the land surface properties directly affect climate simulation by partitioning of energy, water and momentum fluxes and by determining temperature and moisture at the interface between the land surface and atmosphere. China has experienced s...
Orographic precipitation and snowpack provide a vital water resource for the western U.S., while convective precipitation accounts for a significant part of annual precipitation in the eastern U.S. As a result, water managers are keenly interested in their fate under climate change. However, previous studies of water cycle changes in the U.S. have...
One of the fundamental challenges in climate science is the scale mismatch between climate information provided by Earth System Models (ESMs) and the needs of impact researchers who often desire high resolution outputs at finer scales than simulated by ESMs. This demand is especially evident for assessing the occurrence of weather and climate extre...
A devastating flood-producing rainstorm occurred over southern Alberta, Canada from 19-22 June 2013. The long-lived heavy rainfall event was a result of complex interplays between topographic, synoptic and convective processes which rendered an accurate simulation of this event a challenging task. In this study the Weather Research and Forecasting...
In this study, the authors developed a new irrigation scheme based on the Noah land surface model, and then coupled it with the Weather Research and Forecasting regional climate model. Two simulations (with and without irrigation) were conducted over the Yellow River basin for the period April to October 2000–10. The results indicated that the WRF...
Lack of accurate estimates of precipitation (P) and temperature (T) are an important limitation for hydrological and earth systems modelling in Canada. Ground-based measurements are inevitably limited, given the large land area and small population density, fail to capture the effects of mountain topography in important runoff-producing areas and s...
Uncertainties in representing land-atmosphere interactions can substantially influence regional climate simulations. Among these uncertainties, the surface exchange coefficient, Ch, is a critical parameter controlling the total energy transported from the land surface to the atmosphere and directly impacts the land-atmospheric coupling strength. Ye...
A thick top layer of organic matter is a dominant feature in boreal forests
and can impact land–atmosphere interactions. In this study, the
multi-parameterization version of the Noah land surface model (Noah-MP) was
used to investigate the impact of incorporating a forest-floor organic soil
layer on the simulated surface energy and water cycle comp...
Uncertainties in energy fluxes in land surface models (LSMs) arise from the chosen of schemes used to represent land surface and boundary layer processes as well as from the meteorological inputs. Uncertainties in the LE and H continue to remain high, so model evaluation is need to improve that. These uncertainties can strongly influence the simula...
Simulation of historical and projected climate change in arid and semiarid areas by CMIP5 models
Liang Chen Y. Li F. Chen- [...]
B. Wan
In this study, the multi-parameterization version of the Noah land-surface model (Noah-MP) was used to investigate the impact of adding a forest-floor organic soil layer on the simulated surface energy and water cycle components at a boreal aspen forest. The test site selected is BERMS Old Aspen Flux (OAS) field station in central Saskatchewan, Can...
The Noah with multi-parameterization options (Noah-MP) LSM is a new-generation community land model, which uses multiple options for many key land-atmosphere interaction processes to represent seasonal and annual cycle of snow, hydrology, and vegetation. Despite continuous evaluation and improvements in Noah-MP, it has not been evaluated in boreal...
Based on Climatic Research Unit Time Series 3.1 temperature and Global Precipitation Climatology Center full data reanalysis version 6 precipitation data, the abilities of climate models from the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project to simulate climate changes over arid and semiarid areas were assessed. Simulations of future cli...
Two land surface models, Community Land Model (CLM3.5) and NOAH model, have been coupled to the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and been used to simulate the precipitation, temperature, and circulation fields, respectively, over eastern China in a typical flood year (1998). The purpose of this study is to reveal the effects of land sur...
Characteristics of the relationship between precipitation variation trends (PVT) and altitude were analyzed using monthly mean precipitation data from 526 observation stations in China from 1961 to 2008. With respect to elevation, China was divided into three subregions, below 200 m, 2007–1500 m, and above 1500 m. The results showed that the correl...
Most of the global modeling outputs, including the IPCC projections, global reanalyses such as the European 40-year reanalysis and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis project, are at very coarse resolution (>100 km) for the purpose of a global coverage within the existing computational capability. However, most of natural and ecological resource management activi...
Climate downscaling has been an active research and application area in the past several decades focusing on regional climate studies. Dynamical downscaling, in addition to statistical methods, has been widely used in downscaling as the advanced modern numerical weather and regional climate models emerge. The utilization of numerical models enables...
Abundance and species diversity of bacteria were investigated respectively by epifluorescence microscope, the culture method and the analysis of 16S rDNA genes, with snow and runoff samples from Qiyi Glacier in the Qilian Mts. According to the results, the total microbial cells and bacterial CFU range from 10(3) to 10(5) cells x mL(-1) and 0-600 cf...
Although the mechanisms of arsenic release into groundwater remain poorly characterized, microbial reduction of As (V) adsorbed on the surface of iron oxides and the reductive dissolution of iron oxides are generally considered to play a key role in the mobilization of arsenic. We investigated the impact of bacterial reduction of adsorbed As (V) on...
Based on the data observed at two sites (site H 1 , 4,473 m a.s.l., and site H 2 , 4,696 m a.s.l.) on Qiyi Glacier in Qilian Mountains, China, by automatic weather station and spectral pyranometer during the period of June 9 through September 27, 2006, we investigated the temporal and spatial variations in surface albedo and spectral reflectance on...