Lia Tirabeni

Lia Tirabeni
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | UNIMIB · Department of Sociology and Social Research



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September 2018 - September 2020
University of Turin
  • Lecturer
  • I taught Business Organization within the bachelor's degree of Business Administration.
November 2019 - present
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
  • Professor (Assistant)
  • I do research in the organization studies field; I teach Organizational Analysis within the bachelor's degree of Organization Science.
February 2015 - February 2019
University of Turin
  • Professor (Associate)
  • I taught Smart Factory and Organizational Dynamics in the master's degree in Work and Organizational Psychology.
September 2011 - March 2014
University of Turin
Field of study
  • Sociology of organization


Publications (59)
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In this article, we examine the kinds of control practices that emerge with the introduction of digital technologies, and how these technologies are employed to shape power within workplaces. We present a comparative conceptual review of work practices by contrasting remote work and the use of workplace wearables. We trace forms of power and contro...
Il volume introduce allo studio delle organizzazioni attraverso la definizione e l’analisi dei concetti fondamentali e dei principali temi organizzativi. I contenuti teorici sono illustrati da numerosi casi studio ed esercizi che invitano il lettore a misurarsi e a familiarizzare con le teorie esposte. Il fenomeno organizzativo è inquadrato nella p...
This article seeks to advance the understanding of how human and material agency enmesh in human-robotic workplaces. By means of a qualitative study, the practical use of robots is investigated within two organisations for medical rehabilitation. The theoretical framework combines Andrew Pickering’s ‘dance of agency’ with a process-oriented view of...
This article examines the relationship between workers’ well-being and digitalisation at work. It is based on the findings of a qualitative study carried out in a manufacturing company, and it focuses on the development of a wearable device for well-being. Using the analytical concepts of ‘translation’ and ‘inscription’ taken from Actor-Network The...
This chapter delineates opportunities and constraints in the development of a wearable technology for enhancing employee well-being as part of a corporate initiative. It elucidates the complexities involved in the concurrent design of a well-being device and its integration within a real-world organizational framework. Subsequently, the discussion...
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AI and digitalization are reshaping organizational structures, processes, and work practices, promising enhanced efficiency, innovation, and productivity, while also raising significant challenges in social and economic terms. Although AI's advancements are remarkable, they are not always aligned (or alignable) with the situated practices and proce...
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CALL FOR PAPERS FOR THE JOURNAL "STUDI ORGANIZZATIVI" - This call for papers invites critical rethinking and centering of time-space perspectives in analyzing and (re)designing work processes (and their articulation with non-work), new organizational models (and their relations wit...
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La cultura organizzativa è oggetto di un rinnovato dibattito animato da diverse discipline e tradizioni epistemologiche che hanno condotto nel tempo a numerose definizioni. A prescindere dai diversi posizionamenti teorici, la cultura organizzativa è tipicamente descritta come pervasiva e inevitabile nell'azione organizzativa, statica e dinamica all...
This chapter provides a theoretical contribution regarding the implications of adopting algorithms for monitoring workers’ health and well-being as a different form of control of their employers. Through a literature review and adopting an anti-deterministic view of the phenomenon within a theoretical framework informed by the STS approach, the cha...
The paper selectively overviews extant research on coworking in order to illustrate: i) the role assigned to technology in coworking settings; and ii) how a more comprehensive account of technology could provide a richer interpretation of the future of work. Drawing on the framework originally proposed by Orlikowski and Iacono (2001), the article i...
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Contemporary organizations are increasingly adopting an ‘algorithmic’ logic for realizing artefacts, services and, more generally, different kinds of output [Giardullo and Miele 2020]. Algorithms take the form of procedures that support the elaboration of large amounts of data, and these processes affect a growing number of organizations’ stakehold...
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Possiamo definire le organizzazioni contemporanee come sempre più "algoritmiche" (Giardullo e Miele 2020), contraddistinte cioè dall'uso di procedure finalizzate alla processazione di una grande mole di dati (gli algoritmi) e che producono output riguardanti diversi aspetti della vita lavorativa, e non solo, dei loro membri. Questo processo di prog...
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Purpose The purpose of this contribution is twofold: at the empirical level, it is shown how in the relationship that subjects are encouraged to construct with their bodies major implications for workers' well-being can be found; at a theoretical level, attention is drawn to the importance of framing the different practices workers may display towa...
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This contribution stems from the thematic track "Digital technologies and power relations in work and organizations. Theoretical and empirical perspectives", held during the VIII STS Italia conference. Referring to the contributions and the discussions we had during the track sessions, we present two main themes that emerged as crucial issues: 1) t...
This chapter presents the preliminary results of an ongoing research that empirically investigates the role of alternative food networks (AFNs) in supporting the development of the organic farming sector; moreover, it contributes in fostering sustainability approaches by small farmers. Specifically, the authors focus on how AFNs can boost sustainab...
Co-working is an exemplary case for exploring the organisation and significance of work. Two main thrusts prompt co-working arrangements: the idea of exploiting information and communication technology (ICT) to share experiences and knowledge, and the idea of joining forces to survive economically. Drawing upon a scoping review, this qualitative pa...
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Deadline abstract submission: 28 febbraio 2022 Obiettivo di questa sessione è di analizzare il dark side dell’organizzazione, con particolare riferimento sia alle nuove tecnologie, sia alla fase di cambiamento e transizione. Gli studi organizzativi e del lavoro hanno privilegiato, tranne alcune eccezioni, lo studio delle organizzazioni legali e de...
The relationship between power, technology and organizing is a longstanding theme in organization studies, typically articulated along two polarized positions: a pessimistic and an optimistic one. Both positions assume a deterministic view in which technology "impacts" society and organizations, thus missing the intricate and often ambiguous dynami...
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NEW DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION: 15/01/2021 Le misure di contrasto alla diffusione del Covid-19 e, in particolare, il lockdown di numerose attività produttive, hanno portato molte organizzazioni a ridisegnare i propri processi e confini organizzativi per adempiere alle esigenze di distanziamento sociale imposte dall'emergenza sanitaria. La pr...
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The paper focuses on the relationships between power and technology in the field of organization studies, shedding light on the conceptual juxtapositions arousing from the debate. It discusses the many concepts of power and the relationship between digital technologies and power. Then it focuses on the role of digital technologies with respect to a...
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Call for abstracts - Deadline 18-12-2020 In the last years practitioners and scholars have been paying close attention to technology's capability of affecting power and control dynamics within organizational processes (Orlikowski, 1992; Zuboff, 2019). This is today particularly relevant since digital technologies are widespread and ubiquitous in...
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How are digital technologies changing work and professions? Will digital technologies – especially Artificial Intelligence – substitute even knowledge workers? “The Globotics Upheaval” by Richard Baldwin deals with those problems. In order to depict current changes generated by globalization and automation, Baldwin proposes a process composed by fo...
Nella Quarta Rivoluzione Industriale il profondo processo di digitalizzazione che interessa le attività produttive si riflette anche sul corpo, che diviene il campo di applicazione di tecnologie orientate a misurare e parametrizzare le attività fisiche, così da migliorare il benessere e le performance dei lavoratori. Sulla scorta di un approccio ch...
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Digital technologies are widespread and ubiquitous in contemporary organizations and workplaces, often associated to new organizational forms (as for self-regulated teams, network organizations, platform-based organizations) and new etiquettes (as for ‘Industry 4.0’). Their diffusion and presence triggers issues related to various aspects of organi...
Attraverso una ricognizione concettuale della letteratura, il lavoro discute la relazione potere-tecnologia-organizzazione considerando due pratiche abilitate da tecnologie digitali: il lavoro da remoto e il monitoraggio sul lavoro. I due casi di pratiche lavorative tecnologicamente supportate permettono di ritornare a tematiche classiche del dibat...
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The spread of wearable technologies is paving the way for the mass-scale adoption of self-tracking instruments, which are progressively integrating into different social practices. Among these, sport seems to be a promising domain in which Personal Informatics tools can support individuals in performing their activities and in achieving their situa...
Conference Paper
In this paper we outline a research proposal aimed at exploring human-robot interaction (HRI) in organizational settings where collaborative robots are adopted. We focus collaboration from an organizational perspective, we outline a preliminary review of the literature for human-robot interaction and collaboration and present a research design, nam...
Ubiquitous technologies may offer interesting opportunities for both employers and employees to exert power within organizations with implications for workers performance improvement and assessment. However, along with these opportunities there are many hidden risks. Through a meta analysis concerning the adoption of wearable technologies at work,...
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This essay focuses on the risk of solitude of smart workers, i.e. those people who perform mobile, remotely and digitally intensive relations of work. Reduction in face-to-face interactions with organizational members can have negative effects on either their professional identity and sense of community, or their extra-work life. On the other side,...
Conference Paper
In this contribution we argue that a fluid mosaic organizing is in the need when it comes to develop innovation in a smart environment. Indeed we propose the fluid mosaic organization as a way of smart organizing. Our research focuses on three project-based organizations in order to answer this research question: how research and industry coordinat...
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The concept of Industry 4.0 has been mainly addressed by the current literature from a technological perspective, overlooking the organisational and even ethical challenges related to this recent paradigm. In order to become '4.0 compliant', an enterprise must adapt its organisation and business approaches, and these changes may lead to a significa...
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Call for papers interna al IV Convegno SISEC 2020 (Torino, 30 gennaio - 1 Febbraio 2020) Deadline abstract submission: 31 Ottobre 2019. Abstract richiesto: 2.000/5.000 battute Titolo Sessione 31: Tecnologie, lavoro e organizzazione ai tempi dell'industria 4.0: fra controllo dei lavoratori e dinamiche di rinegoziazione L’affermarsi dell’ondata t...
Conference Paper
Despite its popularity, the Industry 4.0 phenomenon is still foggy and its understanding is mostly limited to the implementation of technological innovation. Nonetheless, in order to become ‘4.0 compliant’, an enterprise must also adapt its organization and business approaches, and these changes may lead to a significant social impact. Through a re...
This paper presents a literature review of human–computer interaction works on wearable systems for sports. We selected a corpus of 57 papers and analyzed them through the grounded theory for literature review approach. We identified five themes across the papers: the different research perspectives, the type of sports and sportspeople, the roles o...
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Human-Computer Interaction researchers are increasingly designing technologies aimed at supporting “behavior change.” The model of change, which most of these works embrace, focuses on the idea that change occurs on the behavioral level and that it is externalistic, monistic, mechanistic, fragmented, and episodic. We think that a different take, fo...
Conference Paper
Recently, digitalization and digital technologies have transformed the nature of entrepreneurial processes and the way scholars deal with innate uncertainties associated with entrepreneurship. The emergence of digital technologies therefore raises questions regarding PhD students’ likelihood to engage in entrepreneurship and the institutional logic...
L'articolo analizza lo stato dell’arte del pensiero accademico su lavoro e organizzazione nell’Industria 4.0. A partire dall'analisi ci si chiede se e in che modo il modello emergente si avvicini o, al contrario, si discosti dall’organizzazione democratica originariamente delineata da Luciano Gallino. I risultati mostrano come l'organizzazione emer...
Conference Paper
This paper sheds light on the disclosure of Knowledge Transfer (KT) and how disclosure impacts and is impacted by the stakeholders of a public university and its anchored legitimacy. This is a qualitative case study that focuses on an Italian university. A mixed-method approach is adopted, triangulated from different sources. The methodologies used...
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A smart organization is knowledge-driven, networked, and dynamically adaptive to new organizational forms and practices, as well as ready to create and exploit the opportunities offered by the digital age (Matheson & Matheson, 2001). However, smart organizations likely involve more than the capability of setting up and exploiting a digital infrastr...
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Industry 4.0 is a paradigm based on the Cyber-Physical Systems concept – a fusion of the physical and virtual worlds - the Internet of Things and the Internet of Services, which will have a disruptive impact on every aspect of manufacturing companies (Almada-Lobo, 2015). Accordingly, enterprises are now facing the challenge and the opportunity prov...
Le tecnologie wearable sono artefatti tecnologici indossabili caratterizzati da sensori capaci di raccogliere e comunicare una grande mole di dati in formato digitale proveniente dal corpo umano e dall’ambiente circostante. Queste tecnologie, inizialmente utilizzate solo nel tempo libero recentemente sono state introdotte dalle aziende nell’ambito...
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This research identifies employment engagement practices applied in leading innovation-driven companies in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector. It specifically focusses on practices designed in order to enhance employees’ role in developing innovation in an open innovation (OI) context, leveraging digital communication and c...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyse a sustainable business model (SBM) implemented by an Alternative Food Network (AFN), namely the Italian Food Assembly, with the goal of exploring its drivers of success and explaining how it can contribute to enhance sustainable and anti-consumption behaviours. This research aims at combining princip...
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Technological advances in wearable computing are changing the sports domain. A variety of Personal Informatics (PI) tools are starting to provide support and improve athletes’ performance in many sports. In this article, we interviewed 20 amateur and elite athletes of different disciplines, using an array of PI devices, to explore how sports, as we...
This chapter presents the preliminary results of an ongoing research that empirically investigates the role of alternative food networks (AFNs) in supporting the development of the organic farming sector; moreover, it contributes in fostering sustainability approaches by small farmers. Specifically, the authors focus on how AFNs can boost sustainab...
Potrebbe essere vantaggioso coinvolgere più risorse umane nello sviluppo di innovazione, ma la maggior parte di queste non vi prende parte. Generare idee, testare e sviluppare innovazione sono compiti tipici della R&S. L’articolo esplora come un modo nuovo di interpretare la relazione fra dipendenti e innovazione potrebbe incrementare lo sviluppo d...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the effects of social media usage on four knowledge creation processes, namely socialisation, externalisation, combination and internalisation, and innovation in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Design/methodology/approach A sample of 96 SMEs has been used to gather data through a standardised qu...
In the beginning, remote working was enthusiastically presented as a means for transforming traditional ways of working thanks to the possibility of separating working activities from the physical constraints imposed by offices and factories. The assumption behind such enthusiasm – from both managers’ and employees’ perspectives - was that being ph...
Purpose of the paper: The aim of this research is to investigate the role of telecommunication firms as technology partners in smart factory deployment and the potential impact on their own business model. Methodology: We adopted a qualitative methodology based on multiple-case study analysis with the purpose of theory-building. Results: i) Ident...
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We identify employment engagement practices applied in companies in order to enhance employees' role in perpetuating innovation in an Open Innovation (OI) context. Even if the operational integration between internal resources-like employees-and external resources-like suppliers, customers and other organizations-has been identified as an important...
Il ricambio generazionale è uno dei cambiamenti più significativi che un’impresa famigliare si trova a vivere: occupa, infatti, un posto di particolare rilievo per la tenuta nel tempo dell’azienda intrecciandosi, inevitabilmente, con i suoi assetti strategici, organizzativi, proprietari e di governo. Può essere definito come un processo di cambiame...
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We explore how innovative processes engaging employees can play an important role in business model innovation. A company's business model represents the hub around which the organization revolves. Hence, innovation in the business model itself is often necessary in order to truly rejuvenate organization, processes and products. Business model inno...
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Objectives: The smart factory paradigm offers both manufacturing and service companies opportunities for their growth. A relevant role may be taken on by Telecommunication firms (Telcos) which could seize this opportunity and defend a new value proposition against their competitors by exploiting an innovative business model. Methodology: Practical...
Conference Paper
Although it could be profitable for innovation outcomes to engage a wide range of human resources in innovation processes, most employees are usually not involved. Generating ideas, testing and developing innovations are normally executed by R&D professionals only. We have investigated how new ways of conceiving the relationship between employees a...


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