Letizia Caso

Letizia Caso
Maria SS. Assunta University of Rome | Lumsa · Department of Human Sciences


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Publications (52)
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The incel community—which is characterized by an anti-feminist misogynistic ideology and has been linked with terrorist attacks—has become an increasing focus of attention among social scientists, policy makers, and professionals involved in preventing radicalization and extremism. In this systematic review we provide an up-to-date account of scien...
Mind-mindedness has been defined as the caregiver’s ability to consider the children’s mental states and refer to them in commenting behavior. The present study embedded mind-mindedness in the discourse about the quality of teacher-pupil relationship in primary school alongside other instruments that investigated the educational style in terms of a...
Conference Paper
With this work we propose an overview of the studies that led to the operationalization and validation of Adultcentrism (AD) and Black Pedagogy (BP) scales (Florio et al., 2020a, 2020b, 2022a, 2023, 2024), which involved samples of university students, primary school teachers, children, and parents. Moreover, we outline the international research c...
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The question that the authors of this article are collectively concerned with is as follows: how is it possible to protect children without disempowering them? To this end, the authors work to change adultcentric scholarly and social norms that justify rationales that marginalize children. The article begins with a theoretical overview of childism,...
Studies on the collection of information (intelligence) show the effectiveness of the Scharff technique and the principle of reciprocity. These two aspects have never been considered at the same time. In the present experiment, we compared the effect of two different forms of reciprocity (intrinsic vs. instrumental) and their combination on the eli...
We present the final phase of the validation of the operationalization of Adultcentrism (AD) and Black Pedagogy (BP) constructs, in order to explore in various contexts their usefulness as crucial concepts of reflection to promote children’s well-being and quality in adult-child relationships (Florio et al., 2020b, 2020a, 2022). Parents of primary...
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Objective The aim of the present study was to explore whether there was an interaction effect between such personal aspects and veracity on realism, clarity, and reconstructability of the story. Methods A total of 158 participants took part in the experiment and were asked to tell a truth and a lie during an interview (veracity condition). They fi...
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This large, international dataset contains survey responses from N = 12,570 students from 100 universities in 35 countries, collected in 21 languages. We measured anxieties (statistics, mathematics, test, trait, social interaction, performance, creativity, intolerance of uncertainty, and fear of negative evaluation), self-efficacy, persistence, and...
The incel phenomenon (i.e. involuntary celibacy) has recently gained worldwide scholars’ attention after a few self-identified incels committed terroristic-like acts to start the «incel rebellion». Still, empirical knowledge of the phenomenon is lacking. The current study tries to provide the first empirical study based on the Italian context, wher...
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Deception research has shown that analysing verbal content can be effective to distinguish between truths and lies. However, most verbal cues are cues to truthfulness (truth tellers report the cue more than lie tellers), whereas cues to deception (lie tellers report the cue more than truth tellers) are largely absent. The complication approach, mea...
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Parental monitoring (PM) is a key construct in research on children's well‐being and healthy development referring to the attention parents pay to their children's activities and whereabouts. However, existing literature suggests that the psychometric properties of its measurement tools are still perfect. For this study, a revised Italian parental...
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Purpose The present study examined the longitudinal trajectories, through hierarchical modeling, of quality of life among patients with head and neck cancer, specifically symptoms burden, during radiotherapy, and in the follow-up period (1, 3, 6, and 12 months after completion of radiotherapy), through the M.D. Anderson Symptom Inventory Head and N...
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This large, international dataset contains survey responses from N = 12,570 students from 100 universities in 35 countries, collected in 21 languages. We measured anxieties (statistics, mathematics, test, trait, social interaction, performance, creativity, intolerance of uncertainty, and fear of negative evaluation), self-efficacy, persistence, and...
This large, international dataset contains survey responses from N = 12,570 students from 100 universities in 35 countries, collected in 21 languages. We measured anxieties (statistics, mathematics, test, trait, social interaction, performance, creativity, intolerance of uncertainty, and fear of negative evaluation), self-efficacy, persistence, and...
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Past research explored the relationship between personality, moral disengagement, and deception and found a general trend showing that the lower people score on the big five personality factors, but the higher they score on moral disengagement and Machiavellianism, the higher their lying tendency. However, a limitation of past research is that it h...
Questo lavoro presenta un questionario sviluppato per raccogliere ed esplorare le rappresentazioni e gli atteggiamenti degli insegnanti rispetto al recente e considerevole aumento di diagnosi di Disturbi Specifici dell'Apprendimento (DSA) nelle scuole italiane. Il questionario Rappresentazione e Atteggiamenti rispetto ai DSA (RADSA) è stato elabora...
Nel corso delle indagini preliminari, il lavoro di raccolta delle informazioni attraverso l'interrogatorio viene spesso lasciato al buon senso e all'esperienza maturata dall'investigatore. Altrettanto spesso la psicologia offre un aiuto per la raccolta delle prove, ma non sempre con un metodo interdisciplinare. Questo volume propone un nuovo approc...
This work presents a questionnaire developed to gather and explore teachers’ attitudes and representations in respect to the recent considerable increase of Specific Learning Disability (SLD) diagnoses in Italian schools. The RADSA questionnaire (acronym including the Italian equivalent of SLD: “DSA”) has been constructed on the basis of the refere...
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In a complex and systemic view of human development, the educational relationship is conceived as the keystone of development (Pianta, 1999; Pianta, 2001). However, harsh discipline practices may still be culturally rooted, thus affecting children’s well-being. Two constructs that may provide useful insights on this topic are Adultcentrism (AD) and...
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In the past, deception detection research has explored whether there were specific personal characteristics that were related to lying and found that factors such as personality and morality are indeed related to lying. However, past research has usually focused on a variable-centered approach. Yet, a person-centered might be more suitable here as...
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Practitioners frequently inform us that variable ‘total details' is not suitable for lie detection purposes in real life interviews. Practitioners cannot count the number of details in real time and the threshold of details required to classify someone as a truth teller or a lie teller is unknown. The authors started to address these issues by exam...
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In the context of externalising behaviour problems, risk factor research (RFR) focuses on risk and protective factors of juvenile delinquency, which can pertain to individual, system, and societal levels. Several instruments aiming at measuring these factors have been developed, but a comprehensive research tool is missing. The aim of the present s...
L’Adultocentrismo (AD) è concettualizzato come un paradigma di pensiero che porta l’adulto a interpretare erroneamente, anche se in buona fede, i bisogni dei bambini (Florio, Caso, & Castelli, 2020; Furioso, 2000). Per Pedagogia Nera (PN) si intendono le pratiche educative diffuse e accettate in passato, ma definibili come maltrattamento fisico e p...
The Verifiability Approach (VA) is a verbal veracity tool that assumes that truth tellers provide more details that can be verified and obtain a higher ratio of such details (verifiable details/total details) than liars. A VA meta-analysis was conducted. Results showed that truth tellers reported more verifiable details than liars (k = 20, N = 1532...
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General Audience Summary The current article presents a meta-analysis examining the efficacy of the Verifiability Approach (VA) for lie detection purposes. This approach predicts that truth tellers report more details that can be verified than liars. It also predicts that the ratio of verifiable details (verifiable details/total details) is higher...
Training programmes, checklists, and interviewing techniques are being developed to help lie detection. In this experiment, we combined the baseline technique (either comparable truth- where the baseline section is comparable to the section of the interview dealing with the event under investigation, the target section- or small talk- where the bas...
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The present contribute focuses on the concept of “Black Pedagogy” (Rutschky, 1977. ISBN: 3548356702), meant as a set of educational practices assimilable into those that nowadays are included in the frame of physical and psychological maltreatment (e.g., corporal punishment, frightening children, etc.). The purpose of this work is to present our op...
The term “adultcentrism” refers to a paradigm of thought that leads adults to provide inadequate or distorted responses to children’s needs (Furioso, 2000), despite the belief of acting in children’s best interest. Our un- derstanding of adult-child relationship could be subjected to such adultcentric bias, thus preventing the acknowledgement of th...
Riassunto. Il presente esperimento ha esplorato l’uso combinato di due approcci utilizzati negli interrogatori: la Comparable Truth Baseline (CTB) e i dettagli verificabili. Trentasette studenti universitari hanno eseguito due set di compiti che rispecchiavano una missione sotto copertura. Tutti hanno detto la verità per quanto riguardava il primo...
L’ Adultocentrismo e la Pedagogia Nera sono due costrutti inerenti al modo in cui l’adulto si pone nella relazione col bambino. In questo lavoro si vuole presentare la definizione di tali concetti, ritenuti utili in termini di potenziale esplicativo, per migliorare la qualità della relazione educativa sia nel contesto familiare che in quello scolas...
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Research has shown that a comparable truth baseline (CTB) approach elicits more cues to deception and results in higher accuracy rates than a small talk baseline. Past research focused on laypeople’s accuracy rates. We examined whether the CTB also has a positive effect on law enforcement personnel accuracy. In this study, 95 police officers judged...
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We examined the effects of cognitive load on the strategy selection in the Forced Choice Test (FCT) when used to detect hidden crime knowledge. Examinees (N = 120) with and without concealed knowledge from a mock crime were subjected to a FCT either under standard circumstances or cognitive load. Cognitive load was implemented through time pressure...
Research has shown that the comparable truth baseline technique outperforms the small talk with respect to the elicitation of cues to deception. However, their impact on observers’ accuracy has not been evaluated yet. In this experiment, participants (N=74) watched ten interviews where senders either lied or told the truth about a set of tasks. Hal...
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Most of deception research has focused on past events that were either completely truthful or a complete fabrication. However, people often tell a mixture of truths and lies. This could enable investigators to make within-subjects comparisons between different themes discussed in one interview, which we examined in the current experiment. Seventy-t...
The present experiment examined how the interaction between senders’ communicative competence, veracity and the medium through which judgments were made affected observers’ accuracy. Stimuli were obtained from a previous study. Observers (N = 220) judged the truthfulness of statements provided by a good truth teller, a good liar, a bad truth teller...
Conference Paper
Il presente lavoro rientra nell’ambito degli studi di psicologia sociale-giuridica e ha come obiettivo la sistematizzazione del concetto di “Pedagogia Nera” (Rutschky, 1977; tr. it., 2015)
Per "adultocentrismo" si intende la tendenza degli adulti a vedere i bambini e i loro problemi da una prospettiva adulta e parziale, creando così delle barriere a una pratica efficace con i bambini (Goode, 1986; Petr, 1992)
Credibility assessment is a central theme in juridical settings, whose study needs synergies with other disciplines, in particular with psychological sciences. Indeed, several techniques, which have been developed through the collaboration between the criminal and the psychological settings, are available in the literature, especially in the intern...
The present experiment investigates similarities in participants' nonverbal and verbal behaviours when responding to baseline and investigative questions, comparing two different types of baselines. Police literature suggests to obtain a baseline through small talk, whereas academic literature underlines the importance of baseline and investigative...
Research showed that a small talk baseline is ineffective for veracity assessments. On the contrary, it has been suggested that a comparable truth may be. In this experiment, we tested its efficacy. Thirty-seven participants took part in the experiment. Mean age was of M = 27.06 years and SD = 8.14. All participants performed a set of actions about...
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The impact of age (6-8 years to 9-11 years old children), and authoritativeness (absent/present) on Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale (GSS2) scores was examined. The GSS2 has been administered to 147 children aged between 6 and 12. The subjects were divided into 2 age groups and were randomly assigned to two conditions of interview: the first one fol...
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The impact of Veracity, Suspicion (weak or strong) and Strategy (making up a story or using past experiences) on Reality Monitoring (RM) scores was examined. A total of 158 undergraduate students were interviewed twice about the possession of an object. In one interview they were asked to lie, and in the other to tell the truth (Veracity factor). I...
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The present experiment examined the relationship between different types of discourse linked hand movements and deception. Hand gestures were experimentally studied during truth telling and deception, and in situations with either weak or strong suspicion. Participants (128 Italian psychology students) were interviewed twice about the possession of...
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Objectives. This experiment investigates the impact of informing participants about verbal and non‐verbal cues to deception on their verbal and non‐verbal responses. Based on the fact that people are more practised in their verbal behaviour than in their non‐verbal behaviour, we predicted that giving participants information about verbal cues would...
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This article reports two worldwide studies of stereotypes about liars. These studies are carried out in 75 different countries and 43 different languages. In Study 1, participants respond to the open-ended question “How can you tell when people are lying?” In Study 2, participants complete a questionnaire about lying. These two studies reveal a dom...
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This article reports two worldwide studies of stereotypes about liars. These studies are carried out in 75 different countries and 43 different languages. In Study 1, participants respond to the open-ended question “How can you tell when people are lying?” In Study 2, participants complete a questionnaire about lying. These two studies reveal a dom...
The aim of the present experiment was to examine to what extent participants experience attempted control, cognitive load and arousal when they lie and tell the truth under lower-stakes and higher-stakes conditions. We expected both differences and similarities between truth tellers and liars. We expected that participants would experience these pr...


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