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Publications (29)
There has been an increase in the frequency of hazards associated with meteorological and hydrological phenomena. One of them is flash floods occurring episodically in areas of concentrated runoff—valleys without permanent drainage. In the opinion of residents and local authorities, these are potentially safe areas—they are not threatened by floods...
The study is part of the trend of searching for research methods to demonstrate changes in forest cover at the level of basic units of public administration with greater precision and accuracy. The purpose of the article is to present, for the first time, changes in forest cover of municipalities in Poland from 1990 to 2018 using CORINE Land Cover...
This study focuses on contemporary geomorphic changes in the proglacial valley floor of the Scott River catchment (northwest of Wedel Jarlsberg Land, southwestern Spitsbergen). The similarity and variability of landforms along the entire 3.3 km length of the unglaciated valley floor was assessed using precision terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) meas...
Soil erosion in loess landscapes results in soil organic carbon (SOC) redistribution and storage in SOC pools. Understanding the SOC dynamics is important because changes in the SOC stocks may have impacts on global climate change. However, the topographic‐related patterns controlling SOC storage are not well understood. Closed depressions are natu...
The application of the automated analysis of remote sensing data processed into high-resolution digital terrain models (DTMs) using geographic information systems (GIS) tools provides a geomorphometric characterization of the diversity of the relief of loess patches over large areas. Herein, a quantitative classification of 79 loess patches with a...
The geodiversity of loess areas is reflected in the characteristic dataset of loess landforms, with the dominance of several types of valley forms (mainly gullies). The availability of satellite elevation data and high-resolution aerial topography scanning data provides an opportunity for quantitative assessment of geomorphodiversity. This is done...
Sunken lanes are roads or tracks, 2 m or more wide, that are incised at least 0.5 m, but often by several meters, below the general level of the surrounding land surface. They are formed by the passage of people, animals, vehicles and erosion by water and gravity. Although these anthropogenic landforms are quite common worldwide they received limit...
Soil erosion is an important problem in the loess landscapes of Europe, resulting in a lowering of soil quality and landscape changes. As a result of soil erosion, SOC is redistributed and stored in SOC pools within the landscape. Understanding the SOC dynamics is important because changes in the SOC stocks may have large impacts on global climate...
The progressive degradation of the cryosphere of High-Arctic areas causes an increase in the dynamics of geomorphic processes that shape the valleys of rapidly retreating glaciers. Those especially sensitive to global environmental changes are the small, land-ending valley glaciers that are in the phase of strong retreat. Under these conditions, th...
Soil erosion is a particularly important problem in the loess areas of Central Europe. Numerous studies of past and present soil erosion based on colluvial sediments have so far been conducted. The main problem is the fact that colluvia usually do not represent the complete sedimentation record. Closed depressions (CDs) collect all colluvial sedime...
Land cover changes result mainly from anthropogenic determinants (historical and socio-economic processes), but natural factors may also play an important role. The processes of deforestation and reforestation are important elements of present-day landscape changes in Central Europe. In this study, the relation of forest cover changes to environmen...
Guidelines for delineation of aeras with exceeded soil quality standards ISBN 83-7217-228-5
The European network of geoparks currently consists of 64 parks, but a limited number are located in loess areas. Three national geoparks have been created in Poland, while designs for new ones are being prepared, including a geopark encompassing the area of the Małopolska Vistula River Gap, within which some of the thickest loess covers in Poland...
Gully erosion is one of the greatest natural hazards in the loess areas of E. (Eastern) Poland. At the same time, permanent gullies are a major tourist attraction and can provide a basis for the development of geotourism. The study objective was to assess the possibilities of using the loess gullies for educational purposes. Detailed studies were c...
Compared to other regions in Poland, the Lublin Upland and Roztocze
Hills are distinguished by the density and size of gully systems. In
this area, morphometric analyses using GIS tools were performed based on
digital data processed from 1:10 000 topographic maps and the Digital
terrain Model. The results obtained allowed distinguishing of 17 "gull...
The characteristic group of loess relief in the western part of the Lublin Upland makes up a unique and varied landscape that is particularly attractive for tourists. Gullies, whose density exceeds 11 km/km2 in the Kazimierz Dolny area, are the best known element of the loess landscape. Along the gullies, tourist and interpretive trails have been e...
The paper presents spatial distribution of road gullies on the Lublin
Upland and Roztocze. An analysis of conditions affecting the development
of road gullies was made. Most important factors determining their
development are: types of deposits, levelling, slope, terrain usage and
small agriculture parcels. Basing on digitized topographic maps (1:1...
The results of geological, geomorphic and hydrogeological research indicate spatially variable neotectonic activity of the Ukrainian part of the Roztocze region. This activity is confirmed by analysis of some geometric and morphometric coefficients (especially drainage basin elongation ratio, drainage basin circulatory ratio, drainage basin shape a...
The Lublin voivodeship has the rich multiethnic and multi-denominational heritage. It can constitute an attractive tourist product of the region and a regional brand. However, the tourist potential of the region based on material and spiritual relics of the past is not wholly used off. This article presents a spatial position of the most important...
Lubelszczyzna jest obszarem o bogatych zasobach kulturowych, wynikajacych z wielonarodowosciowej i wielowyznaniowej historii tego regionu. W niniejszym opracowaniu pojecie Lubelszczyzna odnosi sie do obszaru calego województwa lubelskiego, które swoim zasiegiem obejmuje kilka krain historycznych: Malopolske z wchodzaca w jej sklad dawna Lubelszczyz...
The article presents an analysis of dependence between relief of the Lublin area and organization of urban space, understood (following Liszewski (1997) as a manner of arranging the urban area from the point of view of common needs of inhabitants. On the basis of software (ArcView, ArcInfo) there have been prepeared the digital maps representing hy...
Investigations of geomorphological effects of rainfalls in small dry catchments are carried with traditional geomorphological mapping. It gives possibility to estimate the role of morphological factors and to describe qualitative effects of processes. Quantitative data (volume of newly developed forms and material discharged out of catchment) usual...
A heavy rainfall causes important morphological consequences and changes of relief in a certain area. It is conditioned by bedrock lithology, relief type, vegetation cover, land management and cultivation structure. The aim of this paper is to present a transformation of relief in the loessy areas (Sokal Plateau-ridge) when studying the forms origi...
A heavy rainfall causes important morphological consequences and changes of relief in a certain area. It is conditioned by bedrock lithology, relief type, vegetation cover, land management and cultivation structure. The aim of this paper is to present a transformation of relief in the loessy areas (Sokal Plateau-ridge) when studying the forms origi...
Wojsławka Basin has 275.5 km2 and consists of two different parties. It contains the north part of Działy Grabowieckie and small south part of Pagóry Chełmskie. Main relief elements of this area depend on direction of run and dip of rock layers and lithological character of bedrocks that are visible on surface. Below Quaternary deposits are upper M...
Information system for agriculture was developed for decision support in the management and restructuring of agricultural land and rural areas. The basic function of this system is to provide tools needed to support development of strategies for agriculture on a country and regional level as well as for spatial planning. The main functions of the s...