Leopoldo C. Baratto

Leopoldo C. Baratto
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | UFRJ · Faculty of Pharmacy

PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Professor and Researcher at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ, Faculty of Pharmacy.


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Professor and Researcher at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Faculty of Pharmacy. Current Vice-President of the Brazilian Society of Pharmacognosy (SBFgnosia) for the term 2023-2025. Research interests include Pharmacognosy, Natural History, Historical Ethnobotany, and Evidence-based Phytotherapy. Coordination of a Science Communication project on plants in social media called PlantaCiência (@plantaciencia).
Additional affiliations
December 2015 - present
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
  • Professor (Associate)
August 2014 - December 2015
Federal University of Western Pará
  • Professor (Associate)
April 2010 - October 2013
Federal University of Paraná
  • PhD Student


Publications (62)
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With the growing demand in the cosmetic industry for plant-based ingredients, this article presents a novel approach to developing a lip balm from butter extracted from bacuri seeds (Platonia insignis Mart.). The physical-chemical characterization of the bacuri seed butter was conducted, including determining the melting point and fatty acid (AG) c...
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Background The German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt conducted an expedition through the American continent, alongside Aimé Bonpland, from 1799 to 1804. Before finally returning to Europe, they decided to take a side trip to the USA between May 20 and July 7, 1804. Humboldt’s most detailed account of his time in the USA consists of a manuscript...
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) are social impact disorders that lead to intense pain, deformities, and inability to perform daily and work-related activities. In Brazil, despite the National Policies for Integrative and Complementary Practices (PNPIC) and Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapies (PNPMF) that have expanded access to Ph...
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Background Frederico José de Santa-Anna Nery (1848–1901) was a Brazilian Baron who referred to himself as a "volunteer propagandist" for Brazil in Europe, serving as an immigration agent to publicize the living conditions in the Amazon region, advocating for its development and modernization at the end of the nineteenth century. Santa-Anna Nery’s m...
Secretory structures in plants play a crucial role in producing bioactive compounds. Despite the potential of the Swartzia genus, comprehensive studies in this context are still scarce. Swartzia is a legume tree (Fabaceae) that occurs in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, a biodiversity hotspot, and includes species such as Swartzia flaemingii. Therefo...
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Já que não está em nosso poder viver por muito tempo, deixemos uma obra para atestar que vivemos". Era sempre com esta citação de Plínio, o jovem, que o Prof. Carlos Stellfeld abria um novo número da revista Tribuna Farmacêutica. Prof. Stellfeld era um apaixonado pela Farmácia e pela história da Farmácia, quer seja pelas suas causas ou seus anseios...
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Background This work reunites many women naturalists who registered knowledge about native flora in scientific expeditions around the globe between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. Since male naturalists are more recognized in this period of time, we aimed to list female naturalists that published plant descriptions and observations, focus...
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Background Natural products are an important source of bioproducts with pharmacological properties. Here we investigate the components of leaves from M. tomentosa Benth. (Fritsch) (Chrysobalanaceae) and its effects on bacterial cell growth, biofilm production and macrophage activity. Methods The effect of the different leaf extracts against bacter...
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[Portuguese only] The traditional folk knowledge and its transmission through generations have been ensuring information about the use of herbal remedies and the healing benefits of medicinal plants in Brazil, especially in the Amazon, with its many traditional communities. Therefore, the Amazon Herbal Manual provides access to content about medici...
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Capítulo 1: O conhecimento tradicional associado à biodiversidade amazônica e o potencial bioeconômico da floresta
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A fitoterapia é uma prática que vem sendo reproduzida desde os primórdios da humanidade, na era paleolítica, quando os seres humanos primitivos eram nômades coletores e ainda não haviam desenvolvido o cultivo dos vegetais, explorando os recursos da natureza para os seus tratamentos de saúde. Esse conhecimento tradicional foi sendo construído e tran...
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O canabidiol (CBD) é uma molécula encontrada na espécie Cannabis sativa L., com uso medicinal datado desde o século VI a.C. Atualmente, tem ganhado destaque no tratamento de disfunções do sistema nervoso central (SNC) e no manejo da dor. Outros constituintes desta espécie vegetal podem promover efeitos entorpecentes, como é o caso do tetra-hidrocan...
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O farmacêutico Oswaldo de Almeida Costa nasceu no Rio de Janeiro em 15 de fevereiro de 1898, filho de Manoel de Almeida Costa e Francisca Caldeira de Alvarenga Costa. Almeida Costa ingressou no curso de Farmácia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Brasil, atual Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), em 1915, concluindo a formação em...
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[Portuguese only] This booklet is a product generated within the "SBPC goes to School 2021" initiative, promoted by the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) to encourage scientific activities in public schools. Students from the second year of the high school Colégio Estadual Cortume Carioca in Guapimirim, RJ, conducted part of the...
"Um povo sem memória é um povo sem história”. Essa frase é de autoria de Emília Viotti da Costa (1928-2017), umas das maiores historiadoras brasileiras, e expressa que sem o registro e a análise dos acontecimentos históricos não é possível compreender o presente nem projetar o futuro. Assim, o objetivo maior deste livro é registrar os fatos histór...
Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland departed from Europe on a journey to the American continent. The naturalists explored America’s biodiversity, collecting approximately 6,000 plant species between 1799 and 1804 and registering the customs and habits of local people. To date, the medicinal and useful plants reported by Humboldt and Bonpland d...
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[Portuguese only] There are approximately 500 thousand known natural substances isolated from plants, animals, microorganisms, and also marine sources, such as algae, sponges, corals, bacteria, and marine fungi, worldwide. Brazil, in particular, holds enormous potential for the discovery of new molecules of natural origin. Considering updated numbe...
You can read the chapter at this link: https://books.google.com.br/books?id=WFxVEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT7&lpg=PT7&dq=Importance+of+Historical+Records+for+the+Development+of+Herbal+Medicines++Chapter+Importance+of+Historical+Records+for+the+Development+of+Herbal+Medicines+The+Example+of+COVID-19+m%C3%BCgge+baratto&source=bl&ots=xkduiIMQlj&sig=ACfU3U2VvxUb0r...
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Copaifera reticulata Ducke is a popularly known species known as copaíba that is widely spread throughout the Amazon region. The tree yields an oleoresin which is extensively used in local traditional medicine mainly as an anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive agent. The aim of the present study was to assess the anti-inflammatory potential of this...
The rapid annotation and identification by mass spectrometry techniques of flavonoids remains a challenge, due to their structural diversity and the limited availability of reference standards. This study applies a workflow to characterize two isoflavonoids, the orobol‐ C ‐glycosides analogs, using high‐energy collisional dissociation (HCD)‐ and co...
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Não é exagero afirmar que Rodolpho Albino Dias da Silva foi o maior farmacêutico brasileiro de todos os tempos. Tal magnitude de seu nome se expressa no Dia Nacional da Farmácia, em 5 de agosto, dia de seu aniversário. Além do mais, podemos considerá-lo um dos mais proeminentes farmacognostas que já existiu no país, pelo seu pioneirismo em enaltece...
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Cyperus articulatus L. (Priprioca) is a plant of the Cyperaceae family traditionally used in traditional medicine in the Amazon region. Studies of the essential oil of this species have identified many terpene compounds. However, little is known about the possible uses of solid waste generated by the extraction of essential oils. This study aimed t...
Technical Report
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Esta publicação técnica foi elaborada e coordenada, por parte da equipe associada à Coleção Temática de Plantas Medicinais do JBRJ, para a 18º Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia. Tem como objetivos: buscar e informações e reflexões sobre espécies medicinais que vêm sendo relacionadas em estudos etnobotânicos e/ou na área de farmácia, especialm...
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Em setembro de 1940, desembarcou no Brasil o professor austríaco Richard Wasicky, antigo diretor do Instituto de Farmacognosia da Universidade de Viena. Prof. Wasicky foi um opositor ao regime nazista e, por isso, foi perseguido após a anexação da Áustria à Alemanha por Adolf Hitler, vendo-se obrigado a deixar sua terra natal em 1939. Após estadia...
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The wound healing potential of a topical herbal formulation containing “buriti” oil (Mauritia flexuosa L.f., Arecaceae) in a liquid crystalline phase consisting of “murumuru” (Astrocaryum murumuru Mart., Arecaceae) butter was evaluated. The fatty acid composition of “buriti” oil and murumuru butter was determined by gas chromatography coupled with...
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A imigração japonesa no Brasil começou oficialmente em 1908 com a chegada do navio Kasato Maru, no porto de Santos, no dia 18 de junho. Ao longo das primeiras quatro décadas, os japoneses enfrentaram diversos problemas e consquistas, cujos filhos e netos destes primeiros imigrantes, já enraizados, decidiram permanecer definitivamente por aqui.Foi n...
The Swartzia species are commonly known as bloodwood due to the red exudate released from the stem after injury. This exudate has aroused great interest, and an integrative study is essential to describe it in detail. Thus, this work aimed to identify the red exudate’s secreting-site in S. flaemingii and S. langsdorffii, and determine if it is a la...
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Uma das plantas medicinais mais conhecidas e usadas pelos brasileiros é a espinheira-santa. A espécie é um arbusto nativo do Brasil, encontrada nas regiões Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul, conhecida também por outros nomes populares (cangorosa, cancorosa, congorça, erva cancerosa, espinho-de-Deus, salva-vidas, sombra de touro etc.). As folhas são muito...
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O professor Fernando de Oliveira, sem dúvidas, é um dos nomes mais memoráveis da Farmacognosia no Brasil. Sua trajetória acadêmica começou em 1958, quando ele ingressou na Faculdade de Farmácia e Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo. Durante a graduação e até mesmo após a conclusão do curso de Farmácia, em 1961, ele trabalhou na Caixa de Benefi...
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Em 11 de março de 2020 a Organização Mundial da Saúde declarou que a Covid-19 tornara-se uma pandemia. As medidas de isolamento social fizeram com que escolas e universidades interrompessem suas atividades presenciais. Após nove meses do início da pandemia, observa-se uma retomada gradual nas atividades econômicas, embora o retorno às aulas ainda s...
From the active dichloromethane-soluble extract of Lippia rubella (Moldenke) T.R.S. Silva & Salimena, Verbenaceae (MIC = 78 μg/ml against Cryptococcus neoformans), two diastereomers of limonene-1,2-diol were isolated by countercurrent chromatography. An extensive NMR exploration to address the problem of distinguishing and evaluating the stereochem...
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Cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the main active principles in the Cannabis extracts. Rich-CBD extracts are indicated to control seizures in epileptic patients, THC is indicated as antiemetic to patients in chemotherapy treatment and extracts with THC and CBD in proportions of approximately 1:1 are indicated to control spasticit...
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With the upcoming medical Cannabis regulation, quality control methods on raw material will be required. Besides testing for contaminants and potency, there are also pharmaceutical and forensic interests in the determination of the terpene profile in different strains of Cannabis as complementary identification methods. A simple non-destructive HS-...
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Malaria is a disease of global tropical distribution, being endemic in more than 90 countries and responsible for about 212 million cases worldwide in 2016. To date, the strategies used to eradicate this disease have been ineffective, without specific preventive measures such as vaccines. Currently, the existing therapeutic arsenal is limited and h...
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Resumo. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar o potencial inseticida e a ação repelente sobre o pulgão-da-couve [Brevicoryne brassicae (L.)] de extratos de cinco espécies de plantas ocorrentes e cultivadas na Amazônia Central: Crescentia cujete L., Himatanthus articulatus (Vahl) Woodson, Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry, Schnella sp. e P...
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A região amazônica contempla uma enorme diversidade de espécies de plantas que contribuem para uma vasta riqueza natural. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial antioxidante, anti-Helicobacter pylori e atividade inibitória da enzima urease in vitro de extratos de espécies de plantas medicinais usadas popularmente na regiã...
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The Amazon region has an enormous diversity of plant species, which contributes to its known vast natural wealth. In this context, the aim of this work was to evaluate the antioxidant, anti-Helicobacter pylori and anti-urease potentials of medicinal plant extracts popularly used in the western Pará, northern Brazil. Antimicrobial assays were carrie...
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Derivatives of steviol, isosteviol and betulinic acid were prepared and tested in vitro against Plasmodium falciparum W2 (chloroquine-resistant) and Trypanosoma cruzi. The best results against P. falciparum were found for the betulinic acid derivatives 3-[(2,4-dinitrophenyl)hydrazono]lup- 20(29)-en-28-oic acid and 3-hydroxy-20-[(2,4-dinitrophenyl)h...
Both betulinic acid 1 and cisplatin are promising antitumor agents, which induce apoptotic cell death of cancer cells. In the present investigation a new series of betulinic acid-cisplatin conjugates were synthesized and cytotoxicity and selectivity were assessed against five different tumor cell lines. The aim was to combine two structural units,...
Several novel 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone betulinic acid derivatives have been prepared by chemical and biotransformation methods using fungi and carrot cells. Some compounds showed significant cytotoxicity and selectivity against some tumor cell lines. The most active, 3-[(2,4-dinitrophenyl)hydrazono]lup-(20R)-29-oxolupan-28-oic acid, showed IC50 v...
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This study describes a simple, fast and reproducible method using RP-HPLC-UV, in a gradient system, for quantification of reserpine in Rauvolfia sellowii stem bark. The analysis were carried out on a C18 column; mobile phase was water and acetonitrile, and separations were carried out in 10 min, flow rate of 1.0 mL min-1, 25 ºC and 268 nm. The vali...
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Himatanthus lancifolius (Müll. Arg.) Woodson is a Brazilian native shrub, laticiferous, popularly known as "agoniada" and it is mainly used for uterine disorders. The present work aimed to study the leaf, stem and stem bark morpho-anatomy of this medicinal plant, in order to contribute to its quality control and identification. The plant material w...
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Rauvolfia sellowii Müll. Arg. (Apocynaceae), a Brazilian native tree rich in indole alkaloids, is known as "pau-pra-tudo" and popularly used as hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic and antihypertensive. The aim of this work was to study the anatomy of the young stems and stem barks of this medicinal plant, in order to contribute to the identification...
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The ethanolic extract of “guaco” (Mikania laevigata) traditionally cultivated in the soil or in a hydroponic system were tested for allelopathic and antimicrobial activities. Allelopathic activity was evaluated by the inhibition of germination assay using lettuce seeds, and antimicrobial activity by the disc diffusion assay. A notable allelopathic...
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The ethanolic extract of "guaco" (Mikania laevigata) traditionally cultivated in the soil or in a hydroponic system were tested for allelopathic and antimicrobial activities. Allelopathic activity was evaluated by the inhibition of germination assay using lettuce seeds, and antimicrobial activity by the disc diffusion assay. A notable allelopathic...
The present article evaluates the compliance to lithium carbonate by bipolar patients participating of group therapy at MAIHNA - Complementary Studies Center of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. The evaluation was done based on reported and validated questionnaires, which were adapted for th...
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Capsules of a product called “Indiano Talun” are being commercialized in Brazil with the description: “C. Da Ídia Talun is a plant used to treat back pain, arthritis, osteoarthritis ...”. The production and commercialization of “Indiano Talun” was forbidden by the Brazilian Agency of Health Vigilance (ANVISA) in June 2006. After some time, other pr...
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RESUMO. O presente artigo avalia a adesão ao tratamento com carbonato de lítio por pacientes bipolares que freqüentavam sessões de terapia em grupo no MAIHNA - Núcleo de Estudos Complementares do Hospital Universitário da UFSC, Florianópolis, Brasil. A avaliação foi realizada por meio de questionários reportados e validados na literatura, os quais...


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