Leonor Irarrázaval

Leonor Irarrázaval
Leonor verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Leonor verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Metropolitan University of Technology · Psicología

Dr. phil. in Psychology, Heidelberg University


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Clinical psychologist. Accredited specialist in Psychotherapy and Training Supervisor of Clinical Psychologists. Dr. phil. (in Psychology), Heidelberg University (in cooperation with Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad de Chile). I am interested in developing interdisciplinary research bridging philosophical phenomenology and clinical practice in psychiatry and psychology.


Publications (21)
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This article provides a critical review of the main general theories regarding empathy in philosophical psychology active across disciplines. It introduces analyses of empathy carried out in early phenomenology into the current philosophical debate in the fields of analytic philosophy of psychology and social cognition. The article's concluding arg...
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This article seeks to clarify the way in which phenomenology is conceptualized and applied in empirical research in psychiatry and psychology, emphasizing the suitability of qualitative research. It will address the “What,” “Why,” and “How” of phenomenological interviews, providing not only preliminary answers but also a critical analysis and point...
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Going beyond the scope of psychiatric diagnoses, this study introduces the concept of human vulnerability as a means of linking the phenomenological approach-focusing on the patient's experience-with psychotherapeutic treatment. To this end, it applies Karl Jaspers' concept of 'limit situation" to the existential vulnerability in the manifestation...
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In this article we will present a phenomenological approach to empathy and its relationship with emotions in the context of psychotherapy, highlighting the importance of empathy as a key element of the therapist-client relationship and therapeutic process, regardless of the therapist’s approach. We will use a consensus definition of empathy taken f...
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A critical commentary on the article “The Epistemic Harms of Empathy in Phenomenological Psychopathology” by Lucienne Spencer and Matthew Broome (2023) is presented. The authors committed the “fallacy of ambiguous or vague definition” by incorrectly interpreting Karl Jaspers’ conceptualizations, resulting in difficulties following logical arguments...
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En el contexto de la salud, la angustia moral (AM) se refiere a las emociones negativas que surgen cuando una persona conoce el curso de acción correcto en una situación determinada pero no es capaz de seguirlo debido a impedimentos personales, jerárquicos o institucionales. La AM se ha relacionado con diversos problemas profesionales, tales como d...
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La respuesta al comentario "Conciencia fenoménica y mismidad" se refiere brevemente a tres aspectos: Primero, afirmar que el EASE es inseparable de la teoría fenomenológica en la cual se fundamenta, y es dentro de este marco filosófico donde debe comprenderse su terminología. Segundo, distinguir entre el análisis de los aspectos formales estructura...
Metacognition refers to the activities which allow for the availability of a sense of oneself and others in the moment. Research mostly in North America with English-speaking samples has suggested that metacognitive deficits are present in schizophrenia and are closely tied to negative symptoms. Thus, replication is needed in other cultures and gro...
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Vulnerability, or simply put "the possibility of being hurt", is not only considered a constituent aspect of human experience, illuminating essential aspects of who we are as individuals interacting with others, but it is also crucial in the manifestation of mental illness. In this paper, the specific vulnerability of patients with schizophrenia in...
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This paper proposes a phenomenological approach to the diagnosis of depression, with the aim of overcoming the broadness and nonspecificity of the concept of major depressive disorder (MDD) in current systems of diagnostic classification of mental disorders. Firstly, we outline the methodological limitations of the current classification systems fo...
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Contra argumento al comentario publicado en la Revista Gaceta de Psiquiatría Universitaria, volumen 10, número 3 de 2014.
Early formulations of schizophrenia suggested that the disorder involves a loss of ability to form integrated ideas about oneself, others, and the world, resulting in reductions in complex goal-directed behaviors. Exploring this position, the current review describes evidence that persons with schizophrenia experience decrements in their ability to...
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This paper provides the results of a phenomenological study of patients with schizophrenia during their first psychiatric hospitalization. The study aims at clarify aspects related to the diagnosis of schizophrenia and to reach a greater understanding of the illness, with a view to contribute to prevention and psychotherapeutic intervention models....
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The processes involved in schizophrenia are approached from a viewpoint of understanding, revealing those social elements susceptible to integration for psychotherapeutic purposes, as a complement to the predominant medical-psychiatric focus. Firstly, the paper describes the patients’ disturbances of self-experience and body alienations manifested...
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The ways terms are defined have a significant impact on psychotherapeutic theory, research, and practice. This paper will provide the definitions of and conceptual distinctions among terms that have emerged from embodied and embedded approaches to the self and its disorders. First, it will offer the distinctions regarding conceptual definitions of...
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En Chile, a mediados del siglo XIX, dos instituciones pugnaban por el reconocimiento y la dignificación pública. La iglesia católica, en un momento de decadencia y pérdida de poder, y la ciencia médica, luchando por mejorar la preparación técnica, las condiciones económicas, y el prestigio social de sus miembros. En estas circunstancias ocurre la c...
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Tres temas principales serán considerados en este artículo: 1) el diagnóstico de la esquizofrenia, 2) las metodologías para el estudio de la esquizofrenia, y 3) la psicoterapia de la esquizofrenia. En primer lugar, con respecto a los futuros sistemas de diagnóstico, la inclusión de la subjetividad y la intersubjetividad son ciertamente imprescindib...
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Desde hace algunos años la comunidad científica occidental viene manifestando un creciente interés por las prácticas de meditación que remontan sus orígenes en la cultura oriental, particularmente en la tradición budista. Lo que se conoce hoy como psicología budista es la expresión del conocimiento acumulado durante miles de años por la práctica de...
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La evolución teórica de las ciencias sociales y de salud mental no siempre se acompaña de un avance paralelo en la aplicación práctica de las mismas. Los discursos de los profesionales de la salud mental habitualmente manifiestan la intención de avance pero en la práctica clínica no son pocos los que aún se encuentran atrapados aplicando esquemas y...
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Este artículo presenta un resumen del tratamiento psicológico de un caso de psicosis maníaca, desarrollado en el marco de la concepción teórica y aplicación terapéutica, propuestas por Vittorio Guidano.
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Este artículo presenta un resumen del tratamiento psicológico de un caso de psicosis maníaca, desarrollado en el marco de la concepción teórica y aplicación terapéutica propuestas por Vittorio Guidano. Palabras clave: postracionalismo, psicosis, organización de significado personal, psicoterapia


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