Leonardo Novelli

Leonardo Novelli
National University of Entre Rios | UNER · Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra

Ing. Agr. Dr.


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August 2017 - October 2017
National University of Entre Rios
  • Researcher


Publications (35)
Phosphorus (P) imbalances in agricultural systems are a global problem because they have environmental and economic impacts, like eutrophication when there is a soil P surplus and low crop productivity in P deficient soils. Fertilisers are used to increase soil available P, but some fractions become less available P forms and reduce P use efficienc...
Context: Cropping systems based on a single crop per year, such as soybean monoculture, result in an inefficient use of available resources and low productivity, and are usually related with a negative environmental impact. The intensification of soybean-based cropping sequences can increase resource productivity, enhancing the sustainability of th...
Nitrogen (N) is the primary driver of increased global food supply, but has environmental consequences from both under- and over-fertilisation. While over-fertilisation and reactive nitrogen release onto the environment is widespread in North America and Europe, under-fertilisation and soil mining prevail in South American croplands, calling for no...
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RESUMEN Los suelos de la provincia de Entre Ríos presentan como principal limitante la degradación actual y su susceptibilidad a la erosión hídrica causada por la topografía ondulada, suelos de baja capacidad de infiltración por contar con horizontes sub superficiales de textura arcillosa y, períodos de lluvias de alta intensidad y gran potencial e...
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RESUMEN El óxido nitroso (N2O), un potente Gas de Efecto Invernadero (GEI) del cual la agricultura es responsable del 25% de las emisiones, es mediada por la actividad de los microorganismos del suelo. Diversos factores del ambiente y del manejo agronómico modulan su magnitud y vía de producción, entre ellos el contenido de nitratos del suelo y la...
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Prov. de Entre Ríos. gregorutti.viviana@inta.gob.ar. RESUMEN (Máximo 500 palabras) Existe una creciente necesidad de desarrollar secuencias agrícolas que mantengan y/o mejoren la productividad, con un uso más eficiente de los recursos y un menor impacto sobre la salud del suelo (e.g. favoreciendo su diversidad biológica) y el ambiente (e.g. reducie...
Technical Report
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¿Qué aprendimos a partir de esta experiencia?  La incertidumbre climática para el cultivo de maíz, es de media a alta, con 6 de cada 10 años, con lluvias menores a las normales para el mes donde transcurre el periodo crítico de maíces tempranos (diciembre), lo que anticipa el riesgo del cultivo a sufrir estrés hídrico y disminución de rendimiento...
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Increasing cropping intensity may affect phosphorus (P) recycling through crop residue inputs, which may differ in soils with different productivity, P adsorption capacity, and P fertilization level. In three crop sequences: Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) monoculture (S–S), Maize (Zea mays L.) monoculture (M-M), and Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)/Soy...
Long-term improvements in soil quality through cover crops (CC) and fertilizer management may provide resilience for temporal water stresses in cropping sequences based on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. The objectives of this work were: i) to evaluate the combined effects of CC and fertilizer use on soil properties and ii) to relate soil propert...
Crop residue addition to the soil promotes an increase in microbial activity and, as a consequence, may improve soil aggregate stability. However, this effect may be different in soils with contrasting aggregation agents. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in an incubation experiment, the role of microbial activity on soil aggregate stability a...
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La degradación de los suelos por erosión hídrica afecta su potencial productivo. En el área agrícola argentina este problema está magnificado por la presencia de paisajes ondulados, lluvias intensas y elevada frecuencia de soja. Para estudiar este fenómeno se han desarrollado modelos como la Ecuación Universal de Pérdida de Suelo (USLE) y Water Ero...
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Soil degradation due to water erosion affects the productive potential of arable lands. This problem is magnified by undulated landscapes, intense rains, and high frequency of soybean crops in Argentinean agricultural fields. A number of models were developed to study this phenomenon, including the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and the Water...
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En el presente Manual quedan plasmados los avances logrados a través de las últimas dos carteras de proyectos de INTA, enmarcados en el anterior Programa Nacional Ecorregiones y el actual Programa Nacional Suelo. El aporte de los grupos de investigación activos de INTA de diferentes puntos del territorio, en articulación con investigadores de recon...
The current agricultural production is mainly focused in increase crops yield by optimizing soil resource use, in which climate has an important role. Therefore, it is necessary to consider models that simulate adequately climate patterns that affect not only crops growing but also soil erosive process. The climate generator CLIGEN generates storm...
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The current agricultural production is mainly focused in increase crops yield by optimizing soil resource use, in which climate has an important role. Therefore, it is necessary to consider models that simulate adequately climate patterns that affect not only crops growing but also soil erosive process. The climate generator CLIGEN generates storm...
Core Ideas The contribution of P indices that include organic P to predict soybean P fertilization response was evaluated. Bioavailable P and MA‐P indices correlated with soybean relative yield. MA‐P index correlated with labile organic P fractions. MA‐P index improved the accuracy to predict soybean yield response to applied P. The use of organic...
Conference Paper
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In late-planted corn (Zea mays L.), December to early January instead of September-October, favorable environmental conditions allow the development of foliar diseases, especially eyespot (ES), caused by Kabatiella zeae, and northern leaf blight (NLB), produced by Setosphaeria turcica (anamorph Exserohilum turcicum). The aim of this study was to ch...
Nitrogen fertilization often increases maize (Zea mays L.) grain yield but reduces the C/N ratio of stover returned to the soil, which may affect the soil organic carbon (SOC) balance. This study evaluated the long-term effect of N fertilization on maize grain yield, stover quality in terms of its C/N ratio, and its effect on SOC. In addition, a si...
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Los diagnósticos de fertilidad nitrogenada usualmente utilizados no contemplan el aporte de la fracción orgánica del suelo. El nitrógeno (N) incubado en anaerobiosis (Nan), al igual que otras fracciones lábiles del N puede utilizarse para predecir la fracción mineralizable del N del suelo y mejorar los diagnósticos de fertilidad, aunque pueden ser...
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Diagnosis of soil nitrogen fertility does not usually include the contribution of soil organic pools. Mineralisable nitrogen under anaerobiosis (Nan) and other labile N fractions may be useful to predict the mineralized soil nitrogen pool and to improve the diagnosis of soil nitrogen fertility, although management practices may affect these pools....
The relevant change in land use due mainly to the rapid expansion of soybean cropping towards areas traditionally occupied for livestock purposes or with native grasslands of South America may have negative consequences on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage and aggregate stability, although the effect may be different between soils with contrasting...
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In several areas of South America, the extensive cropping systems in traditional agricultural lands have increase the area cropped with soybean, mainly as a single annual crop. Also nowadays agriculture has a progressive expansion toward more environmentally fragile areas that were traditionally occupied by livestock or native forests. This change...
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Las semillas de los cultivares de alfalfa son morfológicamente similares, por ello, el análisis de proteínas en semillas y plántulas podría resultar adecuado para diferenciar los cultivares. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar cultivares de alfalfa, provenientes de dos cosechas, a nivel de proteínas de las semillas a través de SDS PAGE y A...
The high cropping frequency of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.), mainly as a single annual crop, in the extensive agricultural systems of South America may adversely affect the soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, which may be different between soils depending on aggregation agents. The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of the soybean cropp...


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