Leonard CurchinUniversity of Waterloo | UWaterloo · Department of Classical Studies
Leonard Curchin
Ph.D. Etudes anciennes - Université d'Ottawa
retired / jubilado
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Leonard (“Len”) Curchin is a specialist in the romanization, social history and epigraphy of Rome’s Hispanic provinces. From 1985 to 2010 he was a faculty member in Classical Studies at the University of Waterloo, teaching courses in Latin language, Roman history and ancient religion. He is best known for his books The Local Magistrates of Roman Spain (1990, with Supplement 2015), Roman Spain: Conquest and Assimilation (1991; also published as España romana: Conquista y asimilación, 1996) and The Romanization of Central Spain (2004).
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September 1985 - December 2010
September 1976 - June 1981
Publications (89)
The Latin tomb inscriptions of Christian children show surprising variety in the phrases and epithets used to describe the deceased. While some are conventional attributes expressing the innocence or piety of the child, others are more imaginative, original and even unique. The inscriptions record qualities such as smallness of the child; modesty;...
While the pre-Roman towns of Mauretania Tingitana were governed by sufetes, the colonies of Tingi and Babba in the period c. 38-19 BC had coin-issuing magistrates with Roman titles. Inscriptions of the imperial age provide prosopographical information on the magistrates and decurions of Banasa, Tingi, Sala and Volubilis. In addition to quaestores,...
Funerary commemorations from Mauretania Tingitana are an important source of information on family relations in a Roman province. As in other provinces, nuclear relationships (93% of the total) predominate over those of the extended family (7%). Among nuclear family commemorations, 44% are dedicated by parents, 11% by children of the deceased, 30%...
This article examines children's cognomina in the inscriptions of Roman Hispania that are derived from the name of the mother. Seven naming patterns are identified and documented with epigraphic examples. These include names that are formed from the mother's cognomen, with or without a suffix, names formed from the mother's nomen gentilicium, and c...
One of the many achievements of Romani-zation was the adoption of a univeral system of metrology to replace the bewildering variety of regional weights and measures. Unfortunately, very little attention has been devoted to the pre-Roman metrology of Celtiberia, or to its Romanization. This article is an attempt to do both. The region chosen for thi...
Se presenta un análisis de las inscripciones lusitanas que mencionan los esclavos, limitado necesariamente a personas identificadas de manera explícita como servi o similares. Una proporción bastante más alta de esclavos masculinos refleja tanto un énfasis en el labor físico como una posible exposición de vernae femeninas. Según las edades atestigu...
Although years in the Latin West were usually named after the Roman consuls, some Italian and provincial cities dated years by reference to eponymous local magistrates. This article assembles examples of this practice and discusses the reasons why years were sometimes dated by local magistrates instead of, or in addition to, consular dating. There...
La abreviatura epigráfica
, cuando se refiere a los líderes políticos de
y de comunidades no privilegiadas, ha sido interpretada de manera inconsecuente como
) por varios autores. Un estudio del uso y de la significación de los términos
concluye que los responsables de
Previous studies of the status of local magistrates in the Late Empire are unsatisfying and fail to explain when and why local magistracies ended. With the aid of legal, epigraphic, papyrological and literary sources, the author re-examines the functions and chronology of both regular and quasi-magistrates, among them the curator , defensor and pat...
RESUMEN: La historia del asentamiento antiguo en la Cataluña se refleja en su toponi-mia. Mientras que muchos de los nombres son ibéricos, hay también gran cantidad de nombres indoeuropeos (ni griegos ni latinos), que sugieren un asentamiento importante de habladores de una lengua indoeuropea, presumiblemente anterior a la dominación ibérica. Más s...
En este analisis de los antiguos toponimos de Contestania y Edetania se busca establecer sus raices linguisticas correctas. Como resultado podemos obtener conclusiones importantes sobre los distintos sustratos del perfil linguistico de esta region costera. Hay cantidades importantes de nombres ibericos, griegos y latinos, que representan la sucesio...
The toponyms of Central Spain tell us a great deal about the linguistic influence of the Celts and Romans in the interior of the Peninsula. Philological and statistical analysis of the origin of ancient town names in this region reveals a strong predominance of Celtic toponyms among the Celtiberi and Turmogi, while the Arevaci, Pelendones and Vacca...
The study of place-names is important to the reconstruction of the linguistic layers that comprised ancient Galicia. In this paper we re-examine the etymology of the names of towns, rivers and other physical features preserved in sources of the Roman period. Conclusions are reached as to the relative importance of Celtic, Indoeuropean (non- Celtic)...
«La divine proportion ne peut cependant pas être exprimée en nombres de façn exacte; néanmoins elle peut être exprimée de telle façon que, à travers un processus infini, nous pouvons en rapprocher de plus en plus et en délimitant le carré nous ne sommes jamais à plus d'une unité.» [Kepler, 1608]
This study seeks to establish the linguistic roots (Iberian, Celtic, non-Celtic Indoeuropean, Latin) of the ancient place-names of the upper and middle Ebro valley. The etymology of the names of mountains, rivers and towns attested in sources of the Roman period is re-examined, resulting in important conclusions on the different layers that make up...
Curchin explores how, why and to what extent the peoples of Central Spain were integrated into the Roman Empire during the period from the second century BC to the second century AD. He approaches the question from a variety of angles, including the social, economic, religious and material experiences of the inhabitants as they adjusted to change,...
La pérdida del IE /p/ puede explicar ciertas formas celtibéricas, por ej., las palabras risatioka y erna, los topónimos Lacobriga, Laxta, Clunia, y algunos nombres personales (Lataius, Elanus, Letondu, y otros).
American Journal of Philology 119.1 (1998) 143-145
The Roman province of Baetica has not received a comprehensive treatment since R. Thouvenot's Essai sur la province romaine de Bétique (Paris 1940; 2d ed. 1973). Since then, important epigraphic finds such as the Tabula Irnitana (AE 1986, 333) and archaeological excavations have greatly modified ou...
Le role des vici et des pagi n'etait point le meme dans des diverses provinces romaines. Pour la premiere fois on examine ici la signification de ces deux concepts dans la Peninsule Iberique, en analysant les temoins epigraphiques hispaniques par comparaison critique aux sens theoriques de vicus et pagus chez les autorites litteraires. Plusieurs pr...
One of the more intriguing topics in the still largely untrodden field of Sumerian social history is the significance and social impact of old age. The present paper is an attempt to clarify the meaning of longevity within the Sumerian context, Sumerian attitudes toward old age, and the role of the elderly in Sumerian society.
Resumen Un estudio de la evolución del arte en el centro de Hispania en época romana (del fin de la República hasta el Alto Imperio) ofrece una perspectiva reveladora del intercambio de culturas romana y indígena. El arte celtibérico daba énfasis a técnicas tradicionales y valores sociales que se diferenciaban de los del conquistador. Por tanto los...
Fecha de aceptación de la versión definitiva: 31-10-2001 BIBLID [0514-7336 (2000-2001) 53-54; 535-550] RESUMEN: La epigrafía se ha convertido en una herramienta metodológica de suma importancia en los estudios recientes sobre los aspectos funcionales y estructurales de la familia romana. La perspectiva tradi-cional de la familia multigeneracional s...
Se propone etimologías célticas para explicar los antiguos topónimos Attacum, Bravum, Centobriga, Ocelodurum y Sentica
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Ottawa, 1981. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 421-446).
Epigraphy has become an important methodological tool in the recent dialogue over the structural and functional aspects of the Roman family. The traditional view of the multigenerational family has been eclipsed by the model of the nuclear family, as represented in funerary inscriptions. Such inscriptions also show that husbands were, on average, a...