Lemonnier Pierre

Lemonnier Pierre
French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur l'Océanie [CREDO, AMU, Marseille]

Docteur 3ème cycle, Paris V, 1975


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Publications (64)
The anthropology of objects and techniques has recently stopped talking about techniques and materiality from afar and turned to exploring in detail the specificities of what materiality actually ‘does’ in human societies and culture. This led to the demonstration of the highly specific role of materials, artefacts and physical actions in people’s...
The Caterpillar D3 that came to a standstill right on the side of the future airstrip it was supposed to complete is a paradoxical object. Its airlifting to the Ankave territory and its history are embedded in a network of actors, chances and motivations that all relate to the Ankave people’s will to access items of modernity such as health, educat...
Response to Hau Book Symposium on Lemonnier, Pierre. 2012. Mundane objects: Materiality and non-verbal communication . Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
The first part of the paper retraces the attempts in the 1970s and 1980s by Marxist anthropology and “technologie culturelle” to understand how techniques are “articulated” with other domains of social life by stressing the “mental” dimension of productive forces. Unfortunately, this was done without fully taking the materiality of techniques into...
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Tumulus de Tumiac a Arzon (Morbihan), milieu du Ve millenaire av. J.-C. Parmi les biens exotiques enterres avec un personnage de haut rang, trois haches polies en jadeitite ont ete importees depuis les Alpes italiennes, soit un transfert sur pres de 900 km a vol d’oiseau © P. Petrequin L’examen des processus sociaux qui conferent a quelques objets...
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Starting from some archaeologists’ pungent critique of his previous interpretation of the variability of Anga techniques (in Papua New Guinea), the author returns to the distribution maps he published long ago. He puts forward some arguments showing that the approaches in terms of style, identity, or power cannot cope with the lack of historical ba...
Recent breakthroughs in the anthropology of objects and techniques has put forward the key-role of artefacts in nonverbal communication. Contemporary studies paying attention to material actions bridge former research in Marxist economic anthropology (and "technologie culturelle") with current topics in material culture studies. Materiality is at l...
Organized by men under the supervision of initiations masters, the male rituals of the Anga of Papua New Guinea classically stage a symbolic death followed by a rebirth of the initiates. The vegetal theatres at hand and the gestures observed look roughly similar, but the detail and meanings attributed to ritual actions vary according to a structura...
Comparer deux esprits dissemblables, qui se sont intéressés à des champs différents, peut sembler un exercice d’école. Cependant, l’œuvre de ces deux savants a marqué de façon si forte la réflexion contemporaine sur les origines de l’art qu’elle nous paraît ouvrir un chapitre singulier de l’histoire des sciences humaines en France. Car, malgré la d...
Chez les Ankave-Anga, des agriculteurs forestiers de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée, les initiations masculines et les cérémonies de secondes funérailles restent des temps forts de la vie collective. L'étude ethnographique de tels rites contemporains d'une société «non-moderne» conduit à nuancer certaines propositions théoriques des abondants travaux ré...
History of the First Contacts among the Ankave-Anga (Papua New Guinea) and anthropological analysis of their consequences on the relationships between people inhabiting the three valleys of their group territory
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Certes, ainsi que le rappellent d'emblée les éditeurs du volume, une sépulture, c'est généralement d'abord des fragments modifiés d'un ou plusieurs corps humains . Et, assurément, l'anthropologue du lointain rencontre bien assez de corps sans vie pour confirmer que l'article de Hertz (1907) reste le pilier de la description et de l'analyse sociolog...
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L'auteur réfute une partie des idées de Pierre Clastres en abordant la dimension inintentionnelle et paradoxale des logiques sociales qui accompagnent la recherche de l’équité, à travers l’exemple de sociétés mélanésiennes. En effet, bien que nombre de ces dernières cherchent vigoureusement à défendre la parité des personnes et des échanges, elles...
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This paper stresses the striking similarity of Hertz’s and Freud’s explanation of the management of mourning by the bereaved, i.e. by reorganizing relationships with the deceased: ambiguity of feelings towards the dead person, willingness to share his fate and look like her/him, un-compressibility of time, gift of some part of one’s self. The ethno...
Male initiations and secondary funerals remain key episodes in the collective life of the Ankave-Anga, a people of forest agriculturalists living in Papua New Guinea. The ethnography of such contemporary rituals leads us to shade particular theoretical propositions found in the many attempts (cognitivist or other) at defining the specificity of rit...
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Living neither as Stone Age men nor as colonised subjects, the Ankave-Anga (Papua New Guinea) are sufficiently isolated for journalists to have seen them as a 'lost tribe', even though their 'contact' with the outside world dated from the 1950s. Nonetheless, decades of interactions with the state, church and market have not deeply altered their soc...
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Mythical operational sequencesIn order to explain the origin of the hour-glass drum they beat for nights on end to chase away the spirits of the recent dead, the Ankave-Anga tell a series of myths that detail the making of these artifacts befitting a « technologist’s » operational sequence (chaîne operatoire). In addition to the general question of...
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Physiquement, un avion est un objet qui se meut dans les airs en emportant (generalement), outre la charge qu’il deplace, celui ou celle qui en dirige les evolutions. C’est aussi un sujet d’etude de choix pour qui se propose de rendre compte de la diversite des cultures et des societes en choisissant l’entree « action sur la matiere », car on peut...
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Each year, towards mid-October, a quarter of the Baruya population heads up into the forest with their pigs, dogs and children, well above the highest cultivated gardens, to collect, watch over and preserve the fruits of « semi-domesticated » forest trees, the Pandanus jiulianettii and P. brosimos. There, in their solidly constructed hamlets, men a...
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The quest for the authentic: Stone-age history out of contextLiving neither as cavemen nor as colonized subjects, the Ankave-Anga (Papua-New Guinea) are sufficiently isolated for journalists to have seen them as a «lost tribe», even though their «contact» with the outside world dated from the 1950s. Nonetheless, decades of interactions with the sta...
Land and Exchanges among the Anga (Papua New Guinea) The lineage model worked out by africanists does not account for the definition of local groups or, more generally, for the nature of social bonds in New Guinea. The ways the environment is worked and land is appropriated (bush country for hunting and fields for farming) in two Anga groups (Anka...
… even the simplest techniques of any primitive society take on the character of a system that can be analyzed, in terms of a more general system. The techniques can be seen as a group of significant choices which each society—or each period within a society's development—has been forced to make, whether they are compatible or incompatible with oth...
Christian Bromberger - Universite de ProvenceAndre Leroi-Gourhan definissait l'anthropologie comme l'« etude des modalites du comportement de l'homme sans restriction d'epoque ou de niveau culturel » ; un tel programme, ajoutait-il, « contraint la recherche a se placer en face de la totalite des faits humains, dans la nature anthropologique de leur...
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Comparison of technical aspects of vegetal salt production among Anga groups underlines the originality of Baruya salt, whose manufacture and use as money has recently been studied by M. Godelier. Production techniques and chemical composition (KG content) — a result of the exclusive use of Coïx gigantea — clearly distinguish Baruya salt from other...
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La technologie culturelle est la branche de l’ethnologie qui traite des systemes techniques. Qu’est-ce a dire ? Plus que par des definitions aussitot contestables ou un programme de travail impossible a tenir, c’est en relation avec une recherche concrete qu’une reponse est ici proposee a cette question. Pourquoi systeme technique ? D’abord en conf...
L'étude des conditions techniques et sociales de mise en culture des jardins dans 6 tribus anga fait apparaître une diversité de cas que ne laisserait pas supposer l'identité des écosystèmes exploités et des espèces cultivées. Après une rapide description des techniques mises en œuvre, on envisage des corrélations possibles entre procédures techniq...
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L'étude porte sur plus de 150 échanges-types entre une dizaine de groupes anga et leurs voisins. On a fait apparaître quand c'était possible, les quantités de travail échangées à l'occasion de chaque transaction. Outre la nature et le sens de circulation des biens échangés, trois résultats se dégagent : — le sel baruya perd son rôle de monnaie — d'...
The Guérande Marshes : An Ecosystem as a Means of Production. Salt production used to be the primary economical activity of communities living on the border of Guérande's marshes. Land tenure formation of salt producing units and social organization of work in the marsh were factors which contributed to the establishment of the social structure of...
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The food supply and health of the people in some inland locations in Gulf Province were very severely affected by the drought in 1997. In February 1998, I visited the 1100 Ankave-Anga horticulturalists. My aim was to supplement the emergency food supplies they were receiving, especially in the Ikundi Valley. The government estimates that 105 people...
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Au nombre d'un millier, les Ankave sont l'un des douze groupes linguis-tiques et culturels Anga. Leur territoire d'environ 700 km 2 (25x28km) est situé dans la province du Gulf, au centre-est de l'État indépendant de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée (PNG). Ces agriculteurs forestiers éleveurs de porcs occupent trois vallées encaissées entièrement couverte...


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