Leandro Rabello MonteiroState University of Norte Fluminense · Laboratory of Environmental Sciences– LCA
Leandro Rabello Monteiro
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Publications (88)
Uroderma magnirostrum Davis, 1968, the Brown Tent-making Bat, is a medium-sized frugivorous phyllostomid. It is characterized by poorly defined facial and dorsal stripes, large bifid upper inner incisors, and a laterally expanded mesethmoid bone. Uroderma magnirostrum is widely distributed between western Mexico and southeastern Brazil, and across...
Developmental instability (DI) is a phenomenon whereby organisms are unable to buffer developmental disturbances, resulting in asymmetric variation of paired traits. Previous research has demonstrated a negative relationship between DI, measured as forearm asymmetry, and survival in the bat Carollia perspicillata. This study aims to test the hypoth...
Anomalias dentárias são comuns em mamíferos, especialmente morcegos, mas continuam sendo um fenômeno mal compreendido. Uma vez que a taxonomia de mamíferos recorrentemente se vale de fórmulas dentárias, anormalidades dentárias inadvertidas podem levar à identificação incorreta das espécies. Aqui, descrevemos o primeiro caso de hipodontia (i.e., a a...
Mammal populations are declining due to habitat fragmentation and loss, but protected areas can maintain these populations at viable numbers and reduce their risk of extinction. This study assessed the mammal community composition, diversity profiles, seasonal variation, and habitat use in a protected area in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. With an...
We describe the first known case of disproportionate dwarfism in bats. The specimen is an adult male Seba’s short-tailed bat, Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758), captured in a ground-level mist net during a survey in a lowland Atlantic Forest area in southeastern Brazil. Examination of the specimen skull showed craniofacial anomalies, includin...
Studies on functional performance are important to understand the processes responsible for the evolution of diversity. Morphological trait variation within species influences the energetic cost of locomotion and impacts life history traits, with ecological and evolutionary consequences. This study examined wing morphology correlates of flight perf...
Passion fruit grows practically all over Brazilian territory; its production is largely destined to juice industry and expanding to overseas markets. The suitability of four protein extraction protocols for plant proteome was investigated to determine the best choice for studies concerning passion fruit leaf proteins. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/ace...
Birdsong is commonly associated with sexual selection. It can influence mate choice through honestly signaling the emitter's quality. Such quality may be reflected, among other factors, in body condition and bite force. The Green-winged Saltator (Saltator similis) is a good model species to assess such relationships because males defend their terri...
Abstract: Sturnira tildae de la Torre, 1959, Tilda’s yellow-shouldered bat, is a phyllostomid with wide geographic distribution across South America. It inhabits preferably lowland mature rainforests, but also has been captured in modified vegetation and tropical savannas, where it is less abundant. Globally, it is listed as “Least Concern” (LC) by...
The Mammal Collection of UENF was created in 2013 to document the biodiversity of northern Rio de Janeiro, and house voucher specimens collected during field research held by professors from the university and collaborating institutions. The collection currently holds 440 physical vouchers, mostly bats, and includes noteworthy records, such as the...
Penaeus brasiliensis and P. paulensis are shrimp species which overlap their distribution only in the Southwest Atlantic. In addition, they are fishery resources intensively exploited. The interactions between these two sympatric species, especially sharing of food resources, are still unknown. We have investigated the niche breadth of juvenile pin...
The individual identification of animals is essential for long-term population ecology studies. Injuries and tag loss can negatively impact animal welfare and parameter estimates. We used time-to-failure curves and multistate mark-recapture models to estimate injury rates, body condition decline, tag loss and survival probabilities associated with...
Os processos evolutivos, como deri- va genética e seleção natural, emer- gem como modificações nas fre- quências gênicas em populações e espécies, a partir da interação entre organismos individuais e o ambien- te. O senso comum, no entanto, ca- racteriza a evolução como um pro- cesso sequencial com causas diretas, levando a dificuldades cognitivas...
Intraspecific variation in phenotype and ecology within a population is an important component of eco-evolutionary dynamics, that influence species longevity, community structure and ecosystem function. We studied nitrogen enrichment variability in a population of the dwarf little fruit bat Rhinophylla pumilio in association to its variation in sku...
Physical principles and laws determine the set of possible organismal phenotypes. Constraints arising from development, the environment, and evolutionary history then yield workable, integrated phenotypes. We propose a theoretical and practical framework that considers the role of changing environments. This 'ecomechanical approach' integrates func...
The study analysed the niche breadth of nesting green turtles, Chelonia mydas, on Rocas Atoll, Brazil, through stable isotopes (δ15N and δ13C), comparing samplings of egg yolk and carapace collected from two nesting groups (2017 and 2019). The mean δ15N values in egg yolk and carapace were 7.1‰ (2017) and 6.8‰ (2019), and 7.8‰ (2017) and 7.3‰ (2019...
In this study, multi-tissue (yolk and carapace) stable isotope analysis was used to assess individual
isotopic niche trajectories of nesting green turtles on Rocas Atoll, off northeastern Brazil, and to reveal a diet
shift in the temporal dimension. The diet trajectories of individual green turtles were highly directional, with a
stronger component...
The penaeid shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri is the second most important species of crustacean in Brazilian fisheries. Stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen are chemical proxies to provide quantitative information about the consumer isotopic niche, which is associated with its feeding ecology and ecological niche in the environment. This study evaluat...
In May, in the midst of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, Brazil’s Ministry of Environment issued a series of new acts dismissing and relocating the heads of Nation-al Parks administrated by the Federal Agency for Conservation of Biodiversity. The new management model will relocate highly-qualified and experienced analysts of all Na...
The measurement of fitness in wild populations is a challenging task, and a number of proxies have been proposed with different degrees of success. Developmental instability/stability (DI) is an organismal property associated with variance in bilateral asymmetry (fluctuating asymmetry – FA), and a correlated effect on fitness. This study provides e...
Phyllostomids are locally abundant, ecologically diverse, and form rich assemblages. They also provide essential ecosystem services, which may change along the year in response to changes in bat abundances. Here we report on a phyllostomid assemblage studied at Reserva Biológica União (RBU), an Atlantic Forest area with outstanding diversity in sou...
The isotopic niche of Bagre bagre and Genidens barbus target of commercial fisheries in a marine coastal area from northern Rio de Janeiro State (~21ºS), south-eastern Brazil was compared to evaluate the feeding assimilation and the trophic relationship. The mean isotopic values of the catfishes and their food items in the δ13C-δ15N space were cohe...
Patterns of univariate trait variation across metacommunities are widely explored, as are searches for their underlying causes. Surprisingly, patterns of multivariate shape remain unknown, and the search for drivers of functional traits of communities often neglect the biogeographical distribution of phylogenetic clades. Our aim was to investigate...
The aim of this study was to analyse the morphology and allometry of larvae belonging to five potamodromous species. Five breeding species belonging to the order Characiformes [ Salminus brasiliensis (Cuvier, 1816), Leporinus steindachneri , Eigenmann, 1907, Prochilodus lineatus (Valenciennes, 1837), Prochilodus vimboides (Kner,1859) and Brycon ins...
Conjoined twinning is an embryological anomaly rarely reported in wild mammals and with only two previous records in Chiroptera. Here, we report a case of dicephalic parapagus conjoined twins in the Neotropical phyllostomid genus Artibeus. These twins are males and present separated heads and necks, but a conjoined trunk with an expanded upper thor...
Bite force measurements are relevant to the functional performance and provide insights about ecology and evolution of vertebrates. Bats are a good model system for ecomorphological studies of bite force because communities are species rich and the animals are easy to capture and handle. Investigators are careful with standardization within studies...
Evolutionary radiations on continents are less well understood and appreciated than those occurring on islands. The extent of ecological influence on species divergence can be evaluated to determine whether a radiation was ultimately the outcome of divergent natural selection or else arose mainly by non-ecological divergence. Here, we used phylogen...
In the present study, the herbivory level and the niche breadth of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) was investigated through stable isotope metrics in three geographically close foraging grounds (Búzios, Cabo Frio and Arraial do Cabo) located in a tropical coastal area at Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil (~23°S; 042°W). The green tu...
For many vertebrate species, bite force plays an important functional role. Ecological characteristics of a species' niche, such as diet, are often associated with bite force. Previous evidence suggests a biomechanical trade-off between rodents specialized for gnawing, which feed mainly on seeds, and those specialized for chewing, which feed mainly...
The objective of this study was to characterize the early development and allometric growth of the grumatã (
Prochilodus vimboides
). We describe a sample of 266 eggs and larvae obtained through induced spawning. The eggs were spherical (mean 3.7 mm diameter), exhibited a yellow yolk and were non-adhesive and pelagic after fertilization and hydrati...
Niche differentiation is the process by which species evolve different forms of resource use, and is used to explain the co-occurrence in a variety of habitats. The Bayesian framework of isotopic niche through quantitative niche metrics was applied to estimate and compare the niche breadth of two sympatric coastal dolphins
Pontoporia blainvillei
We associated the density of ichthyoplankton with abiotic environmental variables using predictive models in the Paraíba do Sul River (RPS) and its tributaries, a river system that runs through one of the most industrialized regions of Brazil. About 80 fish species occur in the system, of which migratory species are main fishery targets. Samples we...
Main conclusion:
Multiplicity of protease inhibitors induced by predators may increase the understanding of a plant's intelligent behavior toward environmental challenges. Information about defense mechanisms of non-genomic model plant passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims) in response to predator attack is still limited. Here, via biochemical app...
Studies of evolutionary divergence using quantitative genetic methods are centered on the additive genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) of correlated traits. However, estimating G properly requires large samples and complicated experimental designs. Multivariate tests for neutral evolution commonly replace average G by the pooled phenotypic withi...
Phylogenetic comparative methods are one of the most important parts of the morphometric toolkit for studies of morphological evolution. The assessment of repeated independent events of evolution of phenotypic and associated ecological-functional traits is still a starting point for the study of adaptation, but modern comparative approaches go beyo...
We performed a common garden experiment to assess the existence of genetic differences on growth and body size between two populations of Poecilia vivipara inhabiting extremes of an environmental gradient caused by water salinity in lagoons of Northern Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil: the Campelo lagoon (freshwater) and Açu lagoon (brackish/saltwater)...
Animation showing the principal component ordination of shape. File in gif format (animated gif) showing a rotating shape principal component ordination with species names.
Table of sample sizes, diet and shape variables per species. File in pdf format with sample sizes, dietary preferences, cranial size and shape principal component scores for each species.
The phyllostomid bats present the most extensive ecological and phenotypic radiation known among mammal families. This group is an important model system for studies of cranial ecomorphology and functional optimisation because of the constraints imposed by the requirements of flight. A number of studies supporting phyllostomid adaptation have focus...
Geometric morphometrics is helpful for understanding how body size and body shape influence the strength of inter-specific competitive interactions in a community. Dung beetles, characterized by their use of decomposing organic material, provide a useful model for understanding the structuring of ecological communities and the role of competition b...
Recently, Gonza ´lez-Jose ´ et al. (2008) proposed that phylogeny
estimation using principal components (PCs) from shape analyses
of cranial ‘modules’ (modular cladistic approach: MCL) is an
advance that could provide a benchmark for future studies of
evolutionary relationships. Unfortunately, MCL ignores serious
practical and theoret...
The evolutionary integration of complex morphological structures is a macroevolutionary pattern in which morphogenetic components evolve in a coordinated fashion, which can result from the interplay among processes of developmental, genetic integration, and different types of selection. We tested hypotheses of ecological versus developmental factor...
Bite force is an important performance measure for vertebrate and is related to a variety of ecological challenges. Phyllostomid bats present highly diversified feeding habits associated with extensive cranial shape divergence. Biomechanical models predict that the cranial shape changes are linked to dietary variation through bite force. However, t...
The goal of this study was to analyze the shape differences and the allometric relationships in sagitta otoliths of Paralonchurus brasiliensis in order to assess the geographic variation among fish groups along the coast of Rio de Janeiro State. The specimens were collected in three contiguous areas with singular environmental characteristics. Ataf...
The causes of craniofacial variation among human populations have been the subject of controversy. In this work, we studied aboriginal populations from southern South America, the last continental region peopled by humans and with a wide range of ecological conditions. Because of these characteristics, southern South America provides a unique oppor...
The structure of body size and shape divergence among populations of Poecilia vivipara inhabiting quaternary lagoons in South-eastern Brazil was studied. This species is abundant throughout an environmental gradient formed by water salinity differences. The salinity gradient influences the habitat structure (presence of macrophytes) and the fish co...
The description of patterns of variation in any character system within well-defined species is fundamental for understanding lineage diversification and the identification of geographic units that represent opportunities for sustained evolutionary divergence. In this paper, we analyze intraspecific variation in cranial shape in the Pumpkin Toadlet...
The reproductive variables [female size (geometric centroid size), fecundity and offspring size (longest diameter of the embryo)] of the livebearer Poecilia vivipara in the quaternary lagoons of northern Rio de Janeiro State varied significantly among sites and were partially associated within and among sites. Mean female size was directly related...
We report on an additional evidence of bat predation by Chrotopterus auritus. Our record was obtained during a single net session, when a female C. auritus was captured with a partially eaten Carollia perspicillata. Preliminary data suggest that this latter species is very abundant in the region (a lowland Atlantic Forest area in northern Rio de Ja...
The development and evolution of the rodent mandible have been studied in depth in recent years. The mandible is a complex structure because it consists of six morphogenetic components formed by different condensations of mesenchymal cells. Using recent techniques for the geometric analysis of shape, we have combined developmental information with...
Holymenia clavigera (Herbst) and Anisoscelis foliacea marginella (Dallas) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) are distributed in southern Brazil and belong to the poorly studied tribe Anisoscelini. Preliminary observations indicate an ample coexistence of these species in terms of host-plant use. There is also a strong similarity regarding egg and nymph morpholo...
The rodent mandible has become a paradigm for studies on the development and evolution of complex morphological structures. We use a combination of geometric and multivariate morphometric methods in order to assess the correspondence between integration patterns and a priori biological models in the context of evolutionary shape divergence in the m...
The sagitta otoliths are sound transducers that play an important role in the hearing of fishes. The shape of these structures is known to be affected by a number of genetic and environmental factors, such as depth, water temperature and substrate type. Ontogenetic allometry has also been considered an important factor in otolith shape determinatio...
Recent data have shown that owing to their seed-predator capacity Chiroderma doriae and Chiroderma villosum trophically depart from all previously studied species within the canopy fruit-bat ensemble. In this paper, the hypothesis that morphological adaptations related to granivory have evolved in these bats is investigated and discussed. A canonic...
Abstract In this study, we used a combination of geometric morphometric and evolutionary genetics methods for the inference of possible mechanisms,of evolutionary divergence. A sensitivity analysis for the constant-heritability rate test results regarding variation in genetic and demographic parameters was performed, in order to assess the relative...
Congruence between patterns of localized, hierarchical variation in cranial shape and topological, molecular phylogenetic structure was investigated in a monophyletic lineage of Neotropical spiny rats of the genus Trinomys. Levels of organizational complexity in shape were assessed from two-dimensional coordinates of anatomical landmarks for dorsal...
Geometric shape analyses were used to study body shape and size variation among populations of the livebearing fish Poecilia vivipara inhabiting the recently formed coastal lagoons of Grussaí and Iquipari in Northern Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The largest components of morphological variation among females were between different habitats in the...
The pattern of correlations between geographic–environmental variables and geometric shape descriptors for the skull and mandible of Thrichomys apereoides was studied by recently developed combinations of geometry and multivariate statistical techniques. Environmental variables were obtained for each locality: altitude, mean temperature, rainfall,...
Geometric descriptors were used to describe variation in cranial shape within and among populations of the echimyid rodent
Thrichomys apereoides from localities in northeastern, central, and southeastern Brazil. Variation in shape based on dorsal, ventral, and lateral
views of the skull, as inferred from contribution of uniform components and parti...
Geographic variation in cranial shape was examined in 20 samples of the echimyid rodent Thrichomys apereoides from northeastern, central, and southeastern Brazil. Canonical variate analysis and a dendrogram based on geometric shape
descriptors revealed 2 groups of populations diagnosable by features of cranial shape and geographic continuity. The o...
The recently developed geometric morphometrics methods represent an important contribution of statistics and geometry to the study of biological shapes. We propose simple protocols using shape distances that incorporate geometric techniques into linear quantitative genetic models that should provide insights into the contribution of genetics to sha...
The recently developed geometric morphometrics methods represent an important contribution of statistics and geometry to the study of biological shapes. We propose simple protocols using shape distances that incorporate geometric techniques into linear quantitative genetic models that should provide insights into the contribution of genetics to sha...
A study of cranial shape in dolphins of genus Sotalia was done using 104 specimens (92 from localities along the Brazilian coast and 12 from the Amazon River basin). Twenty-two cranial landmarks, assumed to be homologous, were selected for analysis. The first 2 principal components of aligned coordinates explained 40.6% of the total variation in cr...
The variation in degrees of interdigitation (complexity) in cranial sutures among species of Caiman in different skull regions was studied by fractal analysis. Our findings show that there is a small species effect in the fractal dimension of cranial sutures, but most variation is accounted for by regional differentiation within the skull. There is...
The model of development and evolution of complex morphological structures conceived by Atchley and Hall in 1991 (Biol. Rev. 66:101-157), which establishes that changes at the macroscopic, morphogenetic level can be statistically detected as variation in skeletal units at distinct scales, was applied in combination with the formalism of geometric m...
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Abstract The ontogenetic development of the scapula of Euphractus sexcinctus and Dasypus novemcinctus was studied using geometric morphometrics techniques. The relative importance of uniform, large, and small scale shape changes on ontogenetic development was assessed both by multivariate regression of shape on size and by relative warps analysis....
The mammalian scapula is a complex morphological structure, composed of two ossification plates that fuse into a single structure. Most studies on morphological differentiation in the scapula have considered it to be a simple, spatially integrated structure, primarily influenced by the important locomotor function presented by this element. We used...
Mauro José Cavalcanti, Leandro Rabello Monteiro and Paulo Roberto Duarte Lopes (1999) Landmark-based morphometric analysis in selected species of serranid fishes (Perciformes: Teleostei). Zoological Studies 38(3): 287-294. Morphological differences among 6 species of marine fishes belonging to 2 subfamilies of the family Serranidae (Serraninae: Dul...
The pattern of change in shape during postnatal development in skulls of punare (Thrichomys apereoides) skulls, was studied by geometric morphometric techniques. Skull shape observed in T. apereoides varied both with size and age, but variation in size explains most of the overall change in shape. Differences in shape observed among the eight age c...
Ontogenetic shape changes in the skull of three species of the genus Caiman (C. latirostris, C. sclerops, and C. yacare) are compared by geometric morphometrics for three-dimensional configurations (the least-squares analysis). The technique for obtaining the landmark coordinates is a simplification of the algorithm for multidimensional scaling. Th...