Lazaro Benedito da Silva

Lazaro Benedito da Silva
Universidade Federal da Bahia · Botânica


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Publications (29)
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Background Plant functions all have an anatomical basis, but there are still major knowledge gaps in functional wood anatomy, especially of tropical trees. Aims To examine the relationships between the functional anatomy of woody tissue in poorly studied rainforest trees, focussing on anatomical traits including vessel element lengths, pit apertur...
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A obra apresenta uma descrição da anatomia da madeira e a densidade de 27 espécies madeireiras, todas nativas da Mata Atlântica brasileira, principalmente na região Nordeste do Brasil. O livro fornece a base para o desenvolvimento de investigações científicas mais amplas, bem como a identificação e, consequentemente, a fiscalização da exploração il...
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We reconstruct the evolutionary changes in different anatomical markers in order to understand the evolution and functional aspects of growth rings during the diversification of seed plants (spermatophytes), one of the largest and most diverse lineages of the tree of life. We carried out a wide revision of the anatomy of secondary xylem in spermato...
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Abstract The objective of this study was to survey species of Ombrophilous Dense Forest (Atlantic Forest) in the Serra da Jiboia (Bahia), Brazil, which have growth rings, to characterize their growth zones anatomically, and on the basis of these data and others already published, to provide an answer to some questions which are relevant to understa...
Biodiversidade nas dunas do Abaeté : patrimônio ambiental urbano [recurso eletrônico]. O livro pode ser baixado gratuitamente no site da Editora UFS, após um cadastro rápido. Link:
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The concept of growth rings is little discussed in the literature and their treatment remains somewhat confusing in terms of the diversity of structures described. This situation has a major impact on the study of growth rings in tropical species, in which variations and complexity are greater and accuracy of identification less good. The rigid con...
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Arecaceae é uma das mais antigas famílias dentre as monocotiledôneas, com espécies disseminadas por quase todos os continentes (exceção das regiões polares). No Brasil, a família está bem representada, ocorrendo em todas as regiões. Na Bahia, as espécies de Attalea, dentre outras em diferentes gêneros, se mostram importantes como fonte geradora de...
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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial dos resíduos provenientes do extrativismo vegetal de Attalea pindobassu Bondar (Arecaceae), espécie endêmica da Bahia, a fim de co-nhecer seu potencial energético, fornecer subsídios para uso como matéria-prima alternativa na indústria, e preservação da espécie dada a sua im...
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As palmeiras oleaginosas constituem importante alternativa de renda para os agricultores, figurando-se com um fator contribuinte para a fixação do homem no campo e consequente diminuição do êxodo rural. Sua produção é notória em diversos municípios da Bahia apresentando variadas formas de utilidades, podendo ser aproveitada todas as partes da plant...
Com linguagem acessível, o livro apresenta conhecimento científico atualizado sobre a biodiversidade florística e faunística, interações ecológicas e os impactos da supressão de hábitats na restinga da Área de Proteção Ambiental das Lagoas e Dunas do Abaeté, Salvador, BA.
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The aim of this study is to classify the native species of the Atlantic Forest in terms of potential for power generation and/or paper production, based on values derived from fiber measurements and bulk density. We collected three to ten samples of 25 species in the Serra da Jiboia, Elísio Medrado municipality, Bahia, Brazil. The portion between 1...
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The objective of this study was to survey species of Ombrophilous Dense Forest (Atlantic Forest) in the Serra da Jiboia (Bahia), Brazil, which have growth rings, to characterize their growth zones anatomically, and on the basis of these data and others already published, to provide an answer to some questions which are relevant to understanding why...
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The basis of differentiation between sun and shade leaves is related to different light intensities. In order to understand the adaptability of the leaves of Rhizophora mangle L., associated with different lighting conditions, leaves were collected from the upper peripheral six individuals (sun leaves) and the lower region of the same internal (sha...
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The wood anatomy of Huberia consimilis, Miconia amoena, M. mirabilis, M. rimalis and Tibouchina francavillana (Melastomataceae) is described and compared with other species from the same genera. All taxa share vestured pits, absent or inconspicuous growth rings, septate fibres, parenchyma-like tangential bands, and fibres shorter than 900 µm which...
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RESUMO Influência da altitude na plasticidade foliar de Clusia obdeltifolia Bittrich (Clusiaceae). A capacidade dos indivíduos de ajustar seu desempenho e sua estrutura em resposta às variações das condições ambientais é um atributo que ocorre em espécies que apresentam plasticidade, sendo essa característica de grande importância para a sobrevivên...
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Prosthechea is a neotropical genus, belonging to the family Orchidaceae. The Brazil recorded 32 species of the genus of which nine occur in the state of Bahia, including P. silvana and P. moojenii. The first, P. silvana is epiphytic, endemic Atlantic Forest areas of South and Southeast of the Bahia and morphologically similar to P. moojenii, rupico...
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Parodiolyra is a member of Olyreae, a tribe of herbaceous bamboo species within the Poaceae. The genus has five species, four of which were previously regarded as belonging to Olyra L. Parodiolyra has a Neotropical distribution and only two species occur on forests in Eastern Brazil: P. micrantha (Kunth) Zuloaga & Davidse and P. ramosissima (Trin.)...
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Due to the economic importance of the wood of Mimosa L. species in Northeastern Brazil's caatinga and to the fact that Mimosa ophtalmocentra Mart. ex Benth. ("jurema-de-imbira") is confused with Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. ("jurema-preta") and vice versa, this research aimed to present new data related to the anatomy and basic density of the w...
(Comparative study of Mimosa ophthalmocentra Mart. ex Benth and Mimosa tenuiflora (Wild.) Poir. (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae) wood in the caatinga of Northeast Brazil). Due to the economic importance of the wood of Mimosa L. species in Northeastern Brazil's caatinga and to the fact that Mimosa ophtalmocentra Mart. ex Benth. ("jurema-de-imbira") is confuse...
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This work aimed to study the anatomy and basic density of Caesalpinia pyramidalis wood, used by local populations in the municipalities of Serra Talhada and Sertânia (Pernambuco), to assess the percentage of wood elements in the trunk and branches in both localities, and in the tree itself, in order to establish total wood potential for energy prod...
This work aimed to study the anatomy and basic density of Caesalpinia pyramidalis wood, used by local populations in the municipalities of Serra Talhada and Sertânia (Pernambuco), to assess the percentage of wood elements in the trunk and branches in both localities, and in the tree itself, in order to establish total wood potential for energy prod...
As dunas do Abaeté localizam-se no limite dos municípios de Salvador e Lauro de Freitas, a ca. 12º56' S e 38º21’W. O ecossistema das dunas apresenta problemas para a sobrevivência das plantas, devido à escassez de nutrientes e a vários fatores que influem negativamente no balanço hídrico, como a baixa capacidade de retenção de água do solo, forte a...
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Following studies of the vegetation from the dunes of Abaeté, Salvador, Bahia, the Rubiaceae Borreria cymosa and Chiococca brachiata are described. Free hand histological were made with razor blades, following routine procedures. The epidermis, mesophyll, central nerve, margin and petiole were studied. Stomata per area of leaf were counted. Dorsive...


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