Lázaro LagóstenaUniversidad de Cádiz | UCA · Department of History, Geography and Philosophy
Lázaro Lagóstena
Doctor en Historia
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November 1994 - December 2016
Publications (48)
Reseña de: Barahona Oviedo, Marisa, Presas romanas y altomedievales de la cuenca media del río Tajo, análisis constructivo y funcional, Anejos de AESPA, XCVII, CSIC, Madrid 2023, 335 pp. ISBN: 978-84-00-11238-7.
In this paper, we analyse the spatial distribution of the well-known amphoric production workshops in the territoria of the colonia Hasta Regia and the municipium of Gades. One of the most relevant perspectives addressed in the contribution is the analysis of networks and connectivity applied to the figlinae, based on the topographic conditions of...
La antigua población de Sabora, mencionada por Plinio, es conocida también a través de un documento epigráfico, remitido a los Saborenses por el emperador Vespasiano (CIL II 1423), que constata la autorización para el traslado de la ciudad, desde su emplazamiento prerromano en altura hacia una ubicación en llanura, más adecuada al desarrollo de las...
This session intends to bring together scholars, researchers and working archaeologists to publicise and discuss landscape archaeology topics and research that affect the broad vision of space-site interaction adapted to coastal, intertidal and riverine contexts from novel methodological or theoretical approaches. Examining questions about the huma...
Bringing together a wide array of modern scientific techniques and interdisciplinary approaches, this book provides an accessible guide to the methods that form the current bedrock of research into Roman, and more broadly ancient, wine. Chapters are arranged into thematic sections, covering biomolecular archaeology and chemical analysis, archaeobot...
Um dos problemas que se coloca na investigação das cidades romanas provinciais é a determinação do seu perímetro a partir do registo de superfície. Com efeito, nem sempre é fácil a partir de dados de prospeção distinguir o pomerium da cidade, das construções que se edificaram na sua envolvente como acontece com o municipium flávio de Balsa. A cidad...
El presente libro, titulado Torregarcía: purpura y agua. Aplicación histórica de metodología no invasiva en una officina purpuraria en el litoral almeriense (España), presenta una parte de los resultados del proyecto Estudio de yacimientos de ribera desde la Prehistoria a la Edad Media en la provincia de Almería mediante técnicas de prospección no...
This contribution aims to advance a suitable methodology to develop rigorous historical-urbanistic cartography, with a high-value use for research using the results of multichannel GPR exploration over a large area (Goodman and Piro 2013). Although the process of geophysical exploration with multichannel equipment uses interpolation as a mechanism...
Since 2016 our team has been developing non-invasive research methodologies applied to the study of large archaeological areas corresponding to ancient cities in Roman Hispania. The Roman colonies of Hasta Regia (Mesas de Asta, Jerez de la Frontera), Ilici (La Alcudia, Elche) and Libisosa (Lezuza, Albacete), and the Latin municipalities of Balsa (L...
This article observes the main trends in GPR research through a bibliometric analysis of a large corpus of contributions published between 1996 and 2021. This review aims to identify the scope of a flourishing methodology that has changed with technological advances and improvements. GPR research is at a similar development stage to other geophysic...
Along the Southeast coast of the Iberian Peninsula are numerous remains linked to the ancient purple exploitation destined for elaborating dyes. Our study focused on analysing the Torregarcía’s site (Almeria, Spain), which is set in the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park, a protected coastal space of huge ecological interest. Torregarcía was excavated...
In 2015 it was published a study that presented an outstanding example of land reclamation or so-called agris siccandi practices dated in the Early Empire, located in a lacustrine area situated in the territory of the Roman city of Gades (current Cádiz), in the region of the conventus Gaditanus, Hispania Ulterior Baetica. The previous hypothesis wa...
We present the results of non-invasive research and three-dimensional documentation of the vestiges of the city of Arva developed since 2019. We distinguish in the analysis its urban and suburbial area, and characterize different constituent elements of a Flavian municipium that responds to the conceptual model of the so-called Small Towns.
The site of Sierra Aznar is identified as Calduba, the town which is described by Ptolomeo in the 2nd century, the arguments which support this identification are the same as those that define it as a Small Town. If the site of Sierra Aznar is Calduba, in this small community, the water is the main cultural agent and in this sense the application o...
This paper aims to present the documentation and analysis methodology carried out on a lead trap from the ancient period, which belongs to the collection of traps in the Museum of Cádiz (Andalusia, Spain). The anchor stock had some interesting characteristics for this research. On the one hand, from the point of view of conservation and restoration...
We present a case study through the combined application of non‑invasive research techniques on the Roman rural site of Miramundo (Puerto Real, Cádiz). The results of the geophysical prospection with multichannel georadar are offered for the definition of the archaeological structure discovered, together with the results of a surface micro‑prospect...
The aims of the present work is to inform in two GPR geophysical surveys carried out in the subsoil of two Andalusian Renaissance churches with a bifrequency georradar GPR equipment, which have allowed to determine the existence of events possibly associated to the Christian burial world and modern/contemporary modifications. The detection in both...
The present paper deals with the historical evolution of the northern Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain) between the last eustatic maximum (6.5 ka BP) and the present day, by means of a series of independent proxies. The zone is constituted by the tidal estuary of the Guadalete River, filled with saltmarsh sediments during the late Holocene, due to the shelte...
Dark Landscapes: Research Strategies in Remote Sensing and Modelling
The Roman sites were closely related to their sourrounding areas and resources. The study of the physical structures used for the territorial or urbanistic management and the economic factors that generated the aforementioned interconnections are still a chall...
El territorium de la colonia romana Hasta Regia se extiende entre la divisoria de aguas de la cuenca del Guadalquivir y las orillas del antiguo Lacus Ligustinus en la provincia de Baetica. Este territorio, caracterizado por su feraz campiña, su condición ribereña, y surcado por numerosos esteros, como describía Estrabón, conoció una intensa explota...
Edició de les actes del congrés FIGLINAE HISPANIAE. Nuevas aportaciones al estudio de los talleres cerámicos de la Hispania romana (Tarragona, 19-20 de septiembre de 2018), que va tenir lloc, a Tarragona, del 19 al 20 de setembre de 2018. La publicació presenta dotze articles (en català, castellà i portuguès) de tallers ceràmics de Portugal, el sud...
Riparia as environmental concept is applied to human's relationship with the riverbanks and shorelines spaces from historic times. The environmental characteristics of these transitional spaces generate a certain socio-natural systems. Wetlands are representative of Riparia, and are subject to different perceptions, ranging from the occupation and...
From a review of the political geography of Hispania Vlterior Baetica, we present some methodological principles to propose the geographical demarcation of provincial boundaries. Once the different historical proposals had been mapped, we proposed a buffer as an analysis tool. From the resulting proposal we have developed several study cases relati...
El análisis de ciertos registros epigráficos conservados sobre ánforas béticas de salazones, procedentes del depósito documentado por Dressel en los fosos de los Castra Praetoria, nos permite plantear algunas reflexiones relativas a la composición y función de determinados sectores de la sociedad del litoral bético en la primera mitad del siglo I d...
El análisis de ciertos registros epigráficos conservados sobre ánforas béticas de salazones, procedentes del depósito documentado por Dressel en los fosos de los Castra Praetoria, nos permite plantear algunas reflexiones relativas a la composición y función de determinados sectores de la sociedad del litoral bético en la primera mitad del siglo 1 d...
• Les aspects chronologiques et l'organisation de la conserverie gaditane, étudiés à travers des vestiges de nature diverse, permettent de reconsidérer l'évolution économique de la cité pendant l'époque romaine, offrant ainsi des éléments pour une comparaison avec d'autres enclaves péninsulaires et pour la restitution du "pouls" économique du litto...
Se analizan los episodios de arranque de la flecha litoral de Valdelagrana en estuario del Guadalete (Cádiz) a partir del registro geoarqueológico.
RESUMEN: La sistematización de los variados vestigios arqueológicos, relacionados con la elaboración y distri-bución de salsas y salazones de pescado del litoral sur de Hispania, que ha sido realizada en los últimos lustros, ha proporcionado una sólida base documental para el estudio de este sector de la economía antigua peninsular. Sin embargo es...
Se presenta una tésera con inscripción y figura pisciforme. La pieza puede ser fechada entre el s. I y II d. C.